Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO: Sixty-Second Series of Meetings
October 4 to 8, 2021
The Sixty-Second Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO took place at the WIPO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. In compliance with health and safety measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Assemblies were held in a hybrid format.
Address of the Director General | 2021 - List of Decisions | Press release | Video on demand | List of participants
| Photos on Flickr

DG's Report
DownloadOpening of the Sessions
1. Opening of the Sessions (A/62/INF/1 Rev.)
2. Adoption of the Agenda (A/62/1) (A/62/2)
3. Election of Officers (A/62/INF/2)
4. Report of the Director General to the Assemblies of WIPO
5. General Statements
Governing Bodies and Institutional Issues
6. Admission of Observers (A/62/3 Rev.) (A/62/4 Rev.)
7. Approval of Agreements (WO/CC/80/1)
8. Composition of the WIPO Coordination Committee, and of the Executive Committees of the Paris and Berne Unions (A/62/5) (A/62/10) (A/62/11)
9. Composition of the Program and Budget Committee (WO/GA/54/1)
Program, Budget and Oversight Matters
10. Reports on Audit and Oversight
- Report by the Independent Advisory Oversight Committee (IAOC) (WO/GA/54/2) (A/62/7)
- Report by the External Auditor (A/62/6) (A/62/7)
- Report by the Director of the Internal Oversight Division (IOD) (WO/GA/54/3) (A/62/7)
11. Report on the Program and Budget Committee (PBC) (A/62/7)
12. Records of WIPO Meetings (A/62/9)
WIPO Committees and International Normative Framework
13. Report on the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) (WO/GA/54/4)
14. Report on the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) (WO/GA/54/5)
15. Report on the Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT) (WO/GA/54/7)
16. Matters Concerning the Convening of a Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Design Law Treaty (DLT) (WO/GA/54/8)
17. Report on the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) and Review of the Implementation of the Development Agenda Recommendations (WO/GA/54/9)
18. Report on the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC) (WO/GA/54/10)
19. Report on the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) and Related Issues (WO/GA/54/11) (WO/GA/54/14)
20. Report on the Advisory Committee on Enforcement (ACE) (WO/GA/54/12)
Global Intellectual Property Services
21. PCT System (PCT/A/53/1) (PCT/A/53/2) (PCT/A/53/3)
22. Madrid System (MM/A/55/1)
23. Hague System (H/A/41/1)
24. Lisbon System (LI/A/38/1) (LI/A/38/2)
25. WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, including Domain Names (WO/GA/54/13)
Other Assemblies and Treaties
26. Patent Law Treaty (PLT) (WO/GA/54/6)
27. Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks (STLT) (STLT/A/14/1)
28. Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled (MVT) (MVT/A/6/1 Rev.)
29. Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances (BTAP) (BTAP/A/2/1 Rev.)
Staff matters
30. Reports on Staff Matters
- Report on Human Resources (WO/CC/80/INF/1) (WO/CC/80/2) (WO/CC/80/4)
- Report by the Ethics Office (WO/CC/80/INF/2)
31. Amendments to Staff Regulations and Rules (WO/CC/80/3)
Closing of the Sessions
32. Adoption of the Report (A/62/13) (WO/GA/54/15) (WO/CF/42/1) (WO/CC/80/5) (P/A/57/1) (P/EC/61/1) (B/A/51/1) (B/EC/67/1) (MM/A/55/2) (H/A/41/2) (N/A/41/1) (LI/A/38/3) (LO/A/41/1) (IPC/A/42/1) (PCT/A/53/4) (BP/A/38/1) (VA/A/34/1) (WCT/A/21/1) (WPPT/A/21/1) (PLT/A/20/1) (STLT/A/14/2) (MVT/A/6/2) (BTAP/A/2/2)
33. Closing of the Sessions
Other related documents
- Report on the Accessible Books Consortium (MVT/A/6/INF/1)
Status of Membership of Certain Treaties Administered by WIPO, and Constitutional Reform Matters (A/62/INF/3)
- Status of the Payment of Contributions as at August 31, 2021 (A/62/INF/4)
In-person participation
Access to WIPO and Current COVID-19 Pandemic Health and Safety Measures
- Pedestrian entrance to the WIPO campus will be through the WIPO Access Center at 34 Chemin des Colombettes (north side of the WIPO AB Building).
- For entrance by vehicle, see refer to the “Parking” section.
- Access to and presence on the WIPO campus will be restricted to badge-holders and also to a maximum of two delegates per delegation in the WCH at any time. Delegates will be subject to badge control at the entry points and, as access will be strictly controlled during the Assemblies, badges should be worn in plain sight at all times.
- Access for persons with reduced mobility is available throughout the WIPO premises. Guide dogs for the visually impaired are allowed. The WIPO Conference Hall is wheelchair accessible and equipped with audio-induction loop technology.
- Requests for information or assistance may be submitted to: or Tel: +41 22 338 7107.
- At least two seats per delegation (pending final confirmation of the number of delegates attending in person) will be allocated in the WIPO Conference Hall.
- Change in the composition of the delegation is only possible during lunch breaks and from one day to the next.
- A maximum of two tickets will be made available in advance to each delegation per morning session and two per afternoon session. These tickets may be collected from the registration desk in the WIPO Access Center and will be required to enter WIPO premises, in addition to the personal ID badge.
- Following recommendations from the UN Medical Directors network, all delegates and WIPO staff present on the WIPO campus will have to wear masks at all times, except when seated at the cafeterias and when taking the floor. Masks will be made available to delegates if needed.
- In view of the stringent restrictions on travel to Switzerland, it is preferable that the delegates attending in-person be based in Geneva.
Conference Badges
- Geneva-based permanent mission delegates who already have valid UN photo badges may use them, together with the Assemblies conference badges.
- Delegates other than Geneva-based ones will be provided with Assemblies conference badges, which will incorporate the delegates’ photos. Such delegates should send to, JPEG‑format photos (size: 2 x 2 inches [51 x 51 mm], square digital image of at least 600 x 600 pixels, or scanned at a resolution of 300 pixels per inch). The photos should be taken in full-face view directly facing the camera with a white/off-white background. Photos taken using smartphones are acceptable. When sending photos, the names and/or registration confirmation numbers of registered participants in advance should also be provided, in order to accelerate on-site badge retrieval, particularly on the opening morning of the meeting.
- Collection of Assemblies conference badges is scheduled on:
- Wednesday, September 29, 2021, from 1.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.;
- Thursday, September 30, 2021, from 1.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.;
- Friday, October 1, 2021, from 1.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.; and
- Monday, October 4, 2021, from 7.45 a.m. onwards.
- Contact: +41 22 338 9949 and +41 22 338 9591. E-mail:
Remote Participation
- Delegates not attending in person may follow the live transmission of the Assemblies proceedings online, either through the live webcasting or through the online remote participation platform (“online platform”).
- Interprefy User-guide
WIPO Virtual and Hybrid Meetings webpage
- Delegates who may need to take the floor remotely should connect via the online platform. Registered remote delegates will be individually contacted concerning technical arrangements. It is strongly suggested to familiarize yourselves with the platform before using it.
- For any delegate who does not plan to take the floor, webcasting is the simplest way to follow the proceedings, since it is easy to access and does not require any pre-meeting authentication, training or connectivity testing processes. Webcasting is available in all UN languages.
Registration of delegates and credentials
- As indicated in the invitation circular C. N 4062 sent on April 21, 2021, to Members and Observers accredited to WIPO, all delegates are requested to register online by September 17, 2021, including those based in Geneva.
- Completing the online registration form is required, whether participating in person or remotely via the online platform. As usual, delegates planning to follow the proceedings via webcasting only do not need to register. Delegates may indicate whether they will be participating in person and/or remotely via the online platform; and whether they expect to have a speaking role.
- The submission of credentials is a pre-requisite for the completion of the online registration form. The credential document should be a dated and signed/stamped note verbale, official letter or document, originating from a competent authority of a Member State or Observer Organization accredited to WIPO, nominating the delegate to attend the Assemblies on behalf of said Member State or Observer Organization.
- The secure code for online registration, provided in circular C. N 4062 of April 21, 2021, may be obtained in exceptional cases only from
- Once registered online, each delegate receives by e-mail a registration number confirming their registration for the Assemblies. All registrations are subsequently verified by the Secretariat, which may individually contact a registered participant, if required (for instance, in case of questions regarding the credential document). Delegates who have indicated that they will be participating remotely will also receive additional guidance, joining instructions and an invitation to a pre-meeting mini-coaching and connectivity test session with a technical assistance expert.
- Any questions or comments on the online registration procedure may be addressed to
- Organizations must enjoy observer status at WIPO before any individual(s) representing them can register for this meeting. Procedures for organizations to request observer status are available on the WIPO website.
Conduct of Sessions and Method of Work
Time of sessions: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Member delegates will be able to attend the Assemblies in person or online. Representatives of accredited observer organizations may participate online only.
General Statements
Delegations wishing to take the floor under Agenda Item 5 “General Statements” are encouraged to send their requests by September 27, 2021, to The list of speakers will be drawn-up on a “first-come-first-served basis”, which will be determined by the date of submission of requests received by the Secretariat (
It is kindly recalled that requests for the floor should specify whether the oral statement of a group/delegation will be delivered:
- by a delegate on-site,
- live via the online platform, or
- as a pre-recorded statement (to be sent in advance).
The rules which apply to General Statements and pre-recorded statements are the following:
- General Statements delivered orally should be made within three minutes if delivered by Ministers on behalf of their Member States and Group Coordinators on behalf of their members (approximately 390 to 480 words, read at a speed that allows for accurate interpretation); within two minutes if delivered by individual Member States (approximately 260 to 320 words); and within one minute (approximately 130 to 160 words) if delivered by Observers. The time limit will be strictly applied and a display system will assist delegates to adhere to it.
- In the interests of efficiency, delegates wishing to take the floor are invited to reduce courtesies to a minimum, so as to convey the substantive elements of their statement without delay. Furthermore, as group statements represent the position of all group members, we encourage individual Member States not to refer to them or restate positions already stated by the Group Coordinator.
- If a statement cannot be delivered at a speed that allows for accurate interpretation within the prescribed time limit, it should be summarized orally and the full version submitted in writing to In the interests of time, delegations may also choose to submit their entire General Statement in writing and not take the floor.
- Each General Statement submitted in writing or in the form of a pre-recorded video to the Secretariat will also be posted on a dedicated page of the WIPO website. All statements, including those not delivered orally, will be reproduced in their entirety in the report.
- Pre-recorded statements should be sent in a widescreen format (16:9) (not a vertical “selfie portrait”) using MOV or MP4 files with at least 720p, or better 1080p, quality. The speaker should face and address the camera lens when speaking. The audio level should reach at least -6 dB and not go above 0 dB. The recorded files may be transferred to and via together with a written copy of the statement in the original UN language and, if available, in English. Technical questions concerning pre-recorded statements may be addressed to
Report of the Meeting
In order to facilitate the drafting of the report of the meeting with the fullest and most accurate record of all interventions, delegations are requested to submit a written version of all their prepared statements as soon as possible after delivery, preferably on the same day. Statements can be submitted by e-mail to
During the plenary meetings, simultaneous interpretation will be available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish, as well as from Portuguese into the other six languages.
Written text of any oral statement (even in draft form) should reach Ms. Christina Fertis, Chief Interpreter ( ahead of delivery. This is particularly important for long statements, interventions that are read or made remotely via the WIPO online platform. To ensure better sound quality of interventions to be interpreted, delegates are advised to use wired headsets with an incorporated microphone. The written texts of oral statements will be made available to interpreters prior to delivery, in order to assist them in faithfully transmitting the messages of delegates. Any material for interpretation will be kept confidentially in the booths and will be checked against delivery.
If written texts of oral statements can be posted on the WIPO website after delivery, they should be sent to (the text should indicate “Check Against Delivery”).
Room Bookings
- Regional group coordinators should contact to book a meeting room and will be advised of the room assignments in advance.
- Regional group coordinators are kindly requested to inform in advance the meetings team of the anticipated schedule of their group meetings (+41 22 338 7107;
- Interpretation requirements should be received as soon as possible and no later than 10.30 a.m. for afternoon meetings and 4 p.m. for meetings on the following morning ( Confirmed group meetings will be announced on the WIPO electronic display panels.
Information and documentation on the Assemblies are available online as follows:
- Information on the Assemblies
- Agenda of the Assemblies and links to the documents of each agenda item
Assemblies’ documents are posted on the WIPO website for downloading. All documents are available on the WIPO website in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish, and in accessible format for those delegates with print disabilities.
In line with COVID-19 health and safety measures, the document distribution counter will be closed, and there will be no distribution of documents in meeting rooms. Delegates are requested to bring pre‑printed copies and/or to use portable computers/devices.
List of Participants
- A provisional list of participants will be posted on the first day of the Assemblies. It will include the online registrations received by 5 p.m. on Friday, September 17, 2021.
- Online registrations submitted after that deadline may not be reflected in the first provisional list of participants.
Delegates Corner
Contact Details
- Registration of delegates:
Tel: +41 22 338 9862
Tel: +41 22 338 9949
Tel: +41 22 338 9591
- Funding of PCT/Madrid delegates:
Tel: +41 22 338 7237
- Documentation:
Tel: +41 22 338 9593
Tel: +41 22 338 9862
- Premises and meeting rooms:
Tel: +41 22 338 7107
Tel: +41 22 338 9196
- Internet and IT matters:
Tel: +41 22 338 8574
- Other questions
Tel: +41 22 338 9862
Tel: +41 22 338 8718
- WIPO car park located at 34 Chemin des Colombettes is accessible for pre-accredited vehicles from permanent missions with a magnetic WIPO access badge.
- Delegates can park their cars on a first-come-first-served basis in the delegates parking area (Parking D, yellow ground on levels −2 and −3).
- Delegates will be asked to produce the relevant morning or afternoon ticket prior to accessing the WIPO car park.
- Vehicles which are not pre-accredited may park at the public car park “Parking des Nations” very close to WIPO.
Cafeterias, Coffee Bar and Lunch Facilities
- Tea and coffee will be available free of charge to delegates each day during the morning and afternoon sessions in the Conference Hall foyer.
- Vending machines are located on the 13th floor and on the first basement floor (−1) of the WIPO AB Building.
- Drinking water dispensers are available at different locations in the WIPO buildings, rooms and corridors.
- The WIPO cafeteria service will be open and lunch will be served, with a variety of meal options, including vegetarian dishes and take-out options. Opening hours: 8 to 9.30 a.m. and noon to 2.30 p.m.
- For tracing purposes, delegates will use the badge reader at the entrance of the NB cafeteria.
Website and Webcasting
The sessions will be publicly webcasted in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish. After the Assemblies, the webcasting will remain available as video on demand (VOD) for a maximum of 12 months, after which the content will be archived.
Wireless Internet (Wi-Fi)
A free wireless Internet connection. The access code will be provided to delegates at the WIPO registration desk. In the plenary room, all delegates’ desks have two electrical plugs.
Mobile phones should be switched to silent mode during meetings.
Delegates are discouraged from bringing their luggage to WIPO and to secure their personal property at all times. All inquiries concerning lost and found items should be addressed to the WIPO Access Center (Tel: +41 22 338 9338 or +41 22 338 7219 – 24/7).
WIPO Contact Center
It provides responses to general queries and facilitates meetings with WIPO staff members from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Tel: +41 22 338 9111
WIPO Knowledge Center (WKC)
- With its holdings of monographs and journals in paper and electronic format, the WKC collection, located in the New Building (NB Building), covers all aspects of intellectual property. A knowledge repository lists the titles available in the collection. A virtual exhibition will be available to visit online.
WIPO Photographer
As in previous years, WIPO’s official photographer will be present during the Assemblies to take photographs of delegates and make them available on WIPO’s Flickr site under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO. Delegates can let the photographer know if they do not wish to be photographed during the Assemblies. Photos can also be withdrawn from the Flickr site by sending an e‑mail to
All delegates are covered by WIPO’s insurance schemes for accidents and for urgent medical care following an illness during the Assemblies.
Medical Facilities
- WIPO Medical Service
Open: Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Tel: 022 338 8000
Location: GBI Building, ground floor (right side of the lobby of the WIPO AB Building)
Emergency assistance required at WIPO’s headquarters outside of the WIPO Medical Unit opening hours: Tel: 022 338 9999 from a mobile phone (available 24/7).