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Laws Treaties Judgments Browse By Jurisdiction

IP Treaties Collection

Contracting Parties Paris Convention Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

Dates Signature: March 20, 1883 Ratification: June 6, 1884 Entry into force: July 7, 1884

Territorial Information

Accession to the Paris Convention (1883) for Suriname and Curaçao: February 1890; Entry into force: July 1, 1890. (see La Propriété Industrielle 1890, No.3, p.36)

Accession to the Paris Convention (1883) for the Dutch East Indies: July 1888; Entry into force: October 1, 1888. (see La Propriété Industrielle 1888, No.8, p.93)


Act(s) Article(s) Signature Instrument Entry into Force
Stockholm Act (1967) July 14, 1967 Ratification : October 9, 1974 January 10, 1975
Lisbon Act (1958) October 31, 1958
London Act (1934) June 2, 1934 Accession : June 12, 1948 August 5, 1948
The Hague Act (1925) November 6, 1925 Ratification : May 1, 1928 June 1, 1928
Washington Act (1911) June 2, 1911 Ratification : April 1, 1913 May 1, 1913
Brussels Act (1900) December 14, 1900 Ratification : June 10, 1902 September 14, 1902

Declarations, Reservations

Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 11, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)

Territorial Information

Stockholm Act (1967): Ratification for the Kingdom in Europe, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. The Netherlands Antilles ceased to exist on October 10, 2010. As from that date, the Stockholm Act continues to apply to Curaçao and Sint Maarten. The Stockholm Act also continues to apply to the islands of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba which, with effect from October 10, 2010, have become part of the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Europe. (see Paris Notification No. 116)

Accession to the London Act (1934) included the Dutch East Indies, Suriname and Curaçao. (see La Propriété Industrielle 1948, No.7, p.125)

Ratification of the Hague Act (1925) included the Dutch East Indies, Suriname and Curaçao. (see La Propriété Industrielle 1929, No.1, p.2)

Ratification of the Washington Act (1911) included the Dutch East Indies, Suriname and Curaçao. (see La Propriété Industrielle 1914, No.1, p.1)

Ratification of the Brussels Act (1900) included the Dutch East Indies, Suriname and Curaçao. (see La Propriété Industrielle 1903, No.1, p.1)