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Madrid Yearly Review 2019
International Registration of Marks
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international registration of marks.
Publication year: 2019
Intellectual Property Basics: A Q&A for Students
Compiled by the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) with the support of the WIPO China Funds-in-Trust, this book gives students a basic yet comprehensive understanding of IP. Using a question-and-answer format, it covers the general rules of the IP system as well as the essentials of patents, copyright, trademarks and other forms of IP, such as industrial designs, geographical indications and traditional knowledge.
Madrid Yearly Review 2018 - Executive Summary
This document provides the key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Madrid System. This edition provides a summary of the statistics reported in the Madrid Yearly Review 2018.
Publication year: 2018
Madrid Yearly Review 2018
Global Brand Database
The Free Global Search Engine for Brands
This flyer briefly outlines the content, features and options available within WIPO's Global Brand Database.
WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2018
An overview of intellectual property activity based on the latest available year of complete statistics.
Intellectual Property and Folk, Arts and Cultural Festivals
Practical Guide
This Guide provides general information about intellectual property (IP) and cultural interests. It identifies the main IP challenges faced by festival organizers and outlines some practical elements of an effective IP management strategy, following a step-by-step approach.
World Intellectual Property Indicators 2018
This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Covering the filing, registration and maintenance of patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, and plant variety protection, and geographical indications, the 2018 edition also looks at the creative economy for the first time, making it even more comprehensive. The special theme explores how one might statistically capture patent litigation activity and presents selected statistics for the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
Madrid Yearly Review 2019 – Executive Summary
This executive brief identifies key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Madrid System.