For a summary of all fees for managing international trademark registrations, check the Schedule of Fees.

All WIPO fees are paid in just one currency – Swiss francs (CHF).

You can manage most aspects of your international trademark registration online through eMadrid. When you use eMadrid, you can pay fees directly through your Current Account at WIPO or by credit card.

For the few instances where you currently still need to use downloadable Madrid System forms, you have two payment options: Current Account at WIPO or bank transfer.

Estimate your fees!

Use the fee calculator under eMadrid to estimate the cost of renewing your international trademark registration, requesting subsequent designation, and more.

Find out more

You can appoint, change, or update the name or contact details of, a representative using “Manage your Representative” under eMadrid. Simply provide the (updated) name and contact details (including email address) of the chosen person or company.

Note: there are no specific requirements concerning the professional qualifications, nationality, residence or domicile of appointed representatives but you can only have one representative at a time. If you appoint a new representative, we will cancel any existing representative!

You – or your existing representative – can also use “Manage your Representative” to request a cancellation, providing the corresponding international trademark application or registration number(s). In general, cancellation takes effect from the date on which we receive your request.

Tip! To appoint a local representative in a designated Madrid System member, you should liaise directly with the relevant intellectual property (IP) office. You can find IP Office contact details in our Madrid System Member Profiles under eMadrid.

How much does it cost?

This service is free-of-charge.

Madrid System forms

You can also manage your representative using Madrid System Forms MM10 and MM12. However, we strongly recommend that you do this online through eMadrid.

Find out more