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Regulation on Special Charges and Charges for Information Services Provided by the State Intellectual Property Office (OG No. 86/2000, Croatia

Repealed Text 
Details Details Year of Version 2000 Dates Entry into force: September 14, 2000 Published: September 6, 2000 Issued: August 31, 2000 Type of Text Implementing Rules/Regulations Subject Matter Patents (Inventions), Industrial Designs, Trademarks, Geographical Indications, Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits, Competition, Copyright and Related Rights (Neighboring Rights), IP Regulatory Body, Industrial Property Notes The notification by Croatia to the WTO under Article 63.2 of TRIPS states:
'The Regulation (Ordinance) provides for the provisions and tariffs concerning compensation fees for special expenses for offering information services by the Intellectual Property Office.'

Available Materials

Main Text(s) Related Text(s)
Main text(s) Main text(s) English Regulation on Special Charges and Charges for Information Services Provided by the State Intellectual Property Office (OG No. 86/2000        
 HR019: Fees (information services), Law, 2000

Regulation on Special Charges and Charges for Information Services Provided by the State Intellectual Property Office 1

State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia September 2000



Article 1

This Regulation shall regulate the payment of special charges to the State Intellectual Property Office (hereinafter: the Office) resulting from the procedures for the grant and maintenance of industrial property rights under the Patent Law, Trademark Law, Law on the Protection of Geographical Indications of Products and Services and the Law on the Protection of Lay-Out Designs of Integrated Circuits, and charges resulting from the procedures concerning the issue of authorisations for the administration of copyright and related rights under the Copyright Law, and the provision of information services under the present Regulation. The charges referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be paid in the amount specified under the Tariff of Special Charges and Charges for the Provision of Information Services (hereinafter: the Tariff) which forms part of this Regulation.

Article 2

Information services under this Regulation shall comprise the provision of information concerning the acquisition and exercise of intellectual property rights, publishing of the Office official and professional periodicals, publications in the Office official gazette, searching of domestic and international data bases and production of copies.

Article 3

The charges under this Regulation shall be paid by a natural or a legal person (hereinafter: the party) on whose behalf the action prescribed by the Law referred to in Article 1 of this Regulation is performed, or by the person filing a request for the provision of the information service charged in the amount specified in the Tariff of Charges.

Article 4

The charges shall be paid at the time of filing a request or any other submission on the basis of which the Office performs an action or provides an information service charged in the amount specified in the Tariff, or shall be paid within a time limit specified in the Office invitation.

Where the charges are paid to the Office bank account, the evidence as to payment thereof shall be furnished to the Office.

Where the charges are not paid in compliance with the provision of paragraph 1 of this Article, a request or a submission requiring the performance of an action or the provision of information service respectively shall be rejected.

Article 5

Exempted from payment of the charges under this Regulation shall be: 1. The Republic of Croatia and State authorities, 2. Local self-government units, and local administration and self-government units, and

their bodies. Entitled to partial exemption from payment of the charges under this Regulation shall be: 1. Pre-school facilities, institutions in the field of education, culture, protection of natural

heritage, health and social care and humanitarian organisations in carrying out their activities,

Regulation on Special Charges and Charges for Information Services Provided by the State Intellectual Property Office2

2. Handicapped persons and such organisations in carrying out their activities, 3. Citizens of the Republic of Croatia whose income, including the income of their

spouses do not exceed the amount of a non-taxable income in the year the charges become due, and in the year a request is dealt with, and who possess no other considerable property (real estate, savings, motor vehicles and vessels) the total amount of which does not exceed HRK 30.000, to be declared in a written statement,

4. Croatian war of independence invalids and organisations thereof in carrying out their activities,

5. The second World War disabled veterans and civilian invalids, 6. Spouses and children of the fallen, detained or missing defenders in the Croatian war of

independence, as well as their parents provided that a spouse of the fallen, detained or missing defender in the Croatian war of independence had not previously exploited such right,

7. Exiled, refugees and returnees, 8. Immigrants in the territory under special national welfare, 9. Retired persons, 10. Unemployed persons.

The persons referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall pay the charges specified under this Regulation in the amount of 25% of the charges prescribed by the Tariff.

The procedure concerning a partial exemption from the payment of particular charges referred to in this Regulation shall be instituted at the party’s request.

The request referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article shall be filed with the Office at the time of filing a request or any other submission on the basis of which the Office shall perform an action or provide information service, subject to payment of the charges in the amounts as specified in the Tariff, or at the time of effecting the payment upon the Office invitation.

Where the party is exempted from the payment on the ground of the Office decision, the submission shall indicate the number and date of the Office decision exempting the party from payment of the charges.

Article 6

A party that has paid the charges not to be paid by that party, or that has paid the charges in the amount exceeding the prescribed amount, shall be entitled to refund the charges paid or the part thereof exceeding the prescribed amount respectively.

In the case referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the Office shall notify the party in writing accordingly, and the procedure concerning the refund of the charges referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be instituted at the party’s request.

A request for the refund of the charges shall be decided by the Office.

Article 7

Entitlement to the refund of the charges referred to in Article 10 of this Regulation shall be subject to the statute of limitations upon the expiration of one-year period counting from the date on which the party receives the Office notice.

Article 8

The special charges and charges for the provision of information services paid under this Regulation shall be the income of the budget and shall be paid to the Office bank account, or in cash at the Office cash desk.

Regulation on Special Charges and Charges for Information Services Provided by the State Intellectual Property Office 3

State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia September 2000

Article 9

The procedural charges and the charges for information services due and not paid up to the date of entry into force of this Regulation, shall be paid under the Decision on the Special Procedural Charges and Charges for Information Services Provided by State Patent Office (“Official Gazette” No. 63/96) .

Article 10

On the date of entry into force of this Regulation, the Decision on the Special Procedural Charges and Charges for Information Services Provided by State Patent Office (“Official Gazette” No. 63/96) shall cease to have effect.

Article 11

This Regulation shall enter into force on the eight day following its publication in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia”.



Tariff No. 1.1.

Examination of a patent application up to its publication: 1. Basic charge........................................................................... 400,00 2. For every page of the application exceeding 30 pages .................. 5,00 3. For every claim exceeding 10 claims ......................................... 10,00

Note: 1. Where an identical text of the patent application has been furnished in

electronic form (for example on a diskette) the charges under this tariff number shall be paid in the amounts reduced by 50%.

2. Where the publication of a patent application is requested prior to the expiration of 18 months following the filing date of the application, the charges under this tariff number shall be doubled.

Tariff No. 1.2.

Publication of a patent application ..................................................... 120,00

Tariff No.1.3.

Examination of conditions for the grant of a patent: 1. On the basis of the substantial examination procedure

(Art.34. of the Law) .............................................................3.900,00 2. On the basis of the filed substantial examination results

(Art. 34 of the Law)..............................................................2.000,00 3. Without substantial examination procedure

(consensual patent-Art.37 of the Law)...................................1.000,00 4. On the basis of the substantial examination procedure

following the opposition to the grant of a consensual patent ...2.600,00

Tariff No. 1.4.

Publication of a request for the grant of a consensual patent ................ 120,00

Regulation on Special Charges and Charges for Information Services Provided by the State Intellectual Property Office4

Tariff No. 1.5.

Publication of a patent ........................................................................ 160,00 Tariff No. 1.6.

Issue of a patent file – per page............................................................. 25,00 Tariff No. 1.7.

Maintenance of a patent or a consensual patent: 1. I. year .................................................................................... 240,00 2. II. year .................................................................................. 280,00 3. III. year ................................................................................. 320,00 4. IV.year .................................................................................. 360,00 5. V. year .................................................................................. 420,00 6. VI. year ................................................................................. 500,00 7. VII. year ................................................................................ 620,00 8. VIII.year ............................................................................... 740,00 9. IX. year ................................................................................. 920,00 10. X. year ................................................................................1.200,00 11. XI.year ................................................................................1.700,00 12. XII.year ...............................................................................1.800,00 13. XIII. year ............................................................................2.000,00 14. XIV. year ............................................................................2.100,00 15. XV. year .............................................................................2.300,00 16. XVI. year. .............................................................................. 900,00 17. XVII. year ...........................................................................3.500,00 18. XVIII. year ..........................................................................4.600,00 19. XIX. year ............................................................................5.800,00 20. XX:year ..............................................................................6.900,00

Note: Where the charges under this tariff number are paid within an additional six-month period, the prescribed amounts shall be doubled.

Tariff No. 1.8.

Procedure concerning the opposition to the published request for the grant of a consensual patent ........................................................1.300,00

Tariff No. 1.9.

Declaration of the decision on the grant of a patent null and void ......4.000,00

Tariff No. 1.10.

Revocation of a decision on the grant of a patent ...............................2.000,00

Tariff No. 1.11.

Transmittal of an international patent application ................................ 200,00 Note:

The applicant who is an inventor shall pay the charges under the tariff numbers from 1.1. to 1.7. in the amounts reduced by 75%.

Regulation on Special Charges and Charges for Information Services Provided by the State Intellectual Property Office 5

State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia September 2000


HRK Tariff No. 2.1.

Examination of a trademark application up to its publication: 1. Up to three classes of products or services............................... 500,00 2. Each subsequent class of products or services

exceeding three classes............................................................ 150,00 Note:

The charges under this tariff number for the collective or certification mark shall be paid in double amounts.

Tariff No. 2.2.

Publication of a trademark application ................................................ 150,00

Tariff No. 2.3.

Division of a trademark application..................................................... 200,00

Tariff No. 2.4.

Procedure concerning the opposition to the published trademark application ......................................................................................... 500,00

Tariff No. 2.5.

Maintenance of a trademark for a 10-year period, and publication of the data concerning the trademark being maintained in effect: 1. Up to three classes of products or serevices ...........................1.500,00 2. Each subsequent class of products or services exceeding

three classes ........................................................................... 300,00

Note: 1. The charges under this tariff number for the collective or certification marks

shall be paid in double amounts. 2. Where the charges under this tariff number are paid within the additional six-

month period, the prescribed amounts shall be doubled.

Tariff No. 2.6.

Procedure concerning a request for the termination of a trademark due to non-use, and publication of the data concerning the termination of a trademark ...............................................................1.000,00

Tariff No. 2.7.

Declaration of the decision on the grant of a trademark null and void ...........................................................................................1.500,00

Tariff No. 2.8.

Transmittal of a request for the international registration of a trademark........................................................................................... 300,00

Tariff No. 2.9.

Transmittal of a request for the entry of changes into the international trademark register............................................................................... 200,00

Regulation on Special Charges and Charges for Information Services Provided by the State Intellectual Property Office6


HRK Tariff No. 3.1.

Examination of an industrial design application up to its publication: 1. Basic charge........................................................................... 200,00 2. Additional charges for each design in a multiple application ...... 50,00

Tariff No. 3.2.

Publication of an industrial design application: 1. Up to three presentations......................................................... 100,00 2. Each subsequent presentation.................................................... 50,00 3. Publication of a design description .......................................... 200,00

Tariff No. 3.3

Deferred publication of an industrial design application....................... 300,00

Tariff no. 3.4.

Division of an industrial design application ......................................... 200,00

Tariff No. 3.5.

Procedure concerning the opposition to the published application......... 300,00

Tariff No. 3.6.

Maintenance of an industrial design for a five-year period, and publication of the data to that effect: 1. Single design .......................................................................... 400,00 2. Each subsequent design contained in a multiple application ..... 200,00

Tariff No. 3.7.

Declaration of the decision on the grant of an industrial design null and void .........................................................................1.500,00


HRK Tariff No. 4.1.

Examination of a request for the entry of a geographical indication or a designation of origin into the register ........................................... 300,00

Tariff No. 4.2.

Publication of the application.............................................................. 100,00

Tariff No. 4.3.

Procedure concerning the opposition to the published application......... 500,00

Tariff No. 4.4.

Entry into the registry of the user of a geographical indication ............ 400,00

Regulation on Special Charges and Charges for Information Services Provided by the State Intellectual Property Office 7

State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia September 2000

Note: The charges under this tariff number shall not be paid where the person filing an application is the applicant referred to in the tariff number 4.1.

Tariff No. 4.5.

Examination of a request for the acquisition of the right of use of a designation of origin, and entry into the register .........................4.000,00

Note: The charges under this tariff number shall not be paid where the person filing a request is a person filing a request referred to in the tariff number 4.1.

Tariff No. 4.6.

Maintenance of right of use of a designation of origin for a ten-year period, and the publication of data to that effect ...........................................1.000,00

Tariff No. 4.7.

Maintenance of the right of use of a foreign designation of origin entered into the Office register for a ten-year period and the publication of the data to that effect, unique charge for any user ........................... 400,00

Note: Where the charges under the tariff number are paid in the additional six-month period, the prescribed amounts shall be doubled.

Tariff No. 4.8.

Declaration of the decision on the entry into the register null and void 1.500,00


HRK Tariff No. 5.1.

Examination of applications for lay-out designs of integrated circuits ............................................................................................1.000,00

Tariff No. 5.2.

Publication and maintenance of the granted lay-out designs of integrated circuits (for a ten-year period) ......................................2.500,00

Tariff No. 5.3.

Declaration of the decisions on the grant of the lay-out designs of integrated circuits null and void ...................................................2.000,00

Regulation on Special Charges and Charges for Information Services Provided by the State Intellectual Property Office8


HRK Tariff No. 6.1.

1. Vocational exam for a representative ....................................4.000,00 2. Makeup exam for a representative ........................................2.500,00

Tariff No. 6.2.

Entry into the resister of representatives ............................................5.000,00

Tariff No. 6.3.

Extension of the entry into the register of representatives, annual charge ..................................................................................3.000,00


HRK Tariff No. 7.1.

Issue of the authorisation for the administration of copyright .............5.000,00

Tariff No. 7.2.

Issue of the authorisation for the administration the performers' rights ............................................................................4.000,00

Tariff No. 7.3.

Issue of the authorisation for the administration the rights of the producers of phonograms .......................................................3.000,00


Tariff No. 8.1.

Issue of a Priority Certificate: 1. One copy of the Certificate ..................................................... 150,00 2. Each subsequent copy of the Certificate .................................... 50,00

Tariff No. 8.2.

Issue of a certificate of the granted right.............................................. 150,00

Tariff No. 8.3.

Issue of an excerpt from the register.................................................... 100,00

Tariff No. 8.4.

Entry into the registers and publication of the data concerning changes ............................................................................................. 200,00

Tariff No. 8.5.

Correction of errors and publication of the data concerning corrected errors .................................................................................. 100,00

Regulation on Special Charges and Charges for Information Services Provided by the State Intellectual Property Office 9

State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia September 2000

Tariff No. 8.6.

Actions performed by the Office not covered under this Tariff ............. 100,00


Tariff No. 9.1.

Office publications: 1. Office official gazette – annual subscription ........................... 300,00 2. Office official gazette – per copy ............................................. 60,00 3. Office official gazette – on CD-ROM from no. 1/2000

(annual collection) .................................................................. 150,00 4. International Classification of Goods and Services for

the Registration of Marks ...................................................... 200,00 5. International Classification of Goods and Services for

the Registration of Industrial Designs...................................... 200,00 6. International Patent Classification (IPC) 6.1 IPC – Guide 20,00 6.2 IPC – Guide and Survey of Classes and Summary of Main

Groups ..................................................................................... 50,00 6.3 IPC – Section A: Human Necessities....................................... 100,00 6.4 IPC – Section B: Performing Operations; Transporting ........... 200,00 6.5 IPC – Section C: Chemistry; Metallurgy ................................. 150,00 6.6 IPC – Section D: Textiles; Paper............................................... 50,00 6.7 IPC – Section E: Fixed Constructions; Mining Industry............. 50,00 6.8 IPC – Section F: Mechanical Engineering; Lighting;

Heating; Weapons; Blasting.................................................... 125,00 6.9 IPC – Section G: Physics ........................................................ 100,00 6.10 IPC – Section H: Electrical Engineering .................................. 100,00 6.11 IPC – Collection 6.1 – 6.10, printed edition............................. 750,00 6.12 IPC - Collection 6.1 – 6.10, on CD-ROM .............................. 400,00 6.13 IPC – Collection 6.1 – 6.10, on CD-ROM and printed

edition .................................................................................1.000,00

Tariff No. 9.2.

Advertisements in the Office Official Gazette; 1. Inside front/back cover:1/1 colour ........................................1.200,00 2. Inside front/back cover:1/2 colour .......................................... 800,00 3. Inside pages:1/1 black-and-white ............................................ 750,00 4. Inside pages:1/2 black-and-white ............................................ 400,00

Tariff No. 9.3.

Establishing of an appropriate class of a patent under the IPC and a choice of relevant “key-words” on the basis of furnished data for the purposes of searching of the available patent information funds .......... 300,00

Tariff No. 9.4.

Searching of the available patent and information funds, per request.... 100,00

Tariff No. 9.5.

Searching of the available patent and information funds on the basis of a specially designed request ...........depending on real expenditure

Regulation on Special Charges and Charges for Information Services Provided by the State Intellectual Property Office10

Tariff No. 9.6.

Searching of trademarks upon a request not related to the procedure: 1. Signs (registration number, name, class(es) under the

Nice Classification) written identically with the verbal sign concerned – per request ................................................... 100,00

2. Signs (registration number, name, class(es) under the Nice Classification) possibly similar to the verbal sign concerned – per request........................................................... 250,00

3. Signs (registration number, name, class(es) under the Nice Classification) possibly similar to the figurative or combination sign concerned, up to three classes – per request ............................................................... 300,00

4. Signs (registration number, name, class(es) under the Nice Classification) possibly similar to the figurative or ombination sign concerned, exceeding three classes – per request ................................................................. 30,00

5. Trademarks of a particular applicant/holder (registration number, name, class(es) under the Nice Classification) per request.............................................................................. 400,00

6. On the basis of a specially defined request ................................................depending on real expenditure

Tariff No. 9.7.

Print out of bibliographic data per one patent or trademark or industrial design or topography or geographical indication .................... 25,00

Tariff No. 9.8.

Searching of the available industrial design fund: 1. By the name of the product concerned under the International

Classification for Industrial Designs under the Locarno Agreement.................................................................................... 200,00

2. By one of the criteria (applicant, class, sub-class, name, design).... 300,00

Tariff No. 9.9.

Copy of the documents/publications out of the Office collection, per page ................................................................................................. 3,00

Tariff No. 9.10.

In the case of classifications and searches of information funds ahead of schedule within a three-day period, the tariffs referred to in the tariff numbers from 9.3.to 9.6. and 9.8. shall be increased by 50%.

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WIPO Lex No. HR019