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Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (consolidated as of March 12, 2014), Australia

Latest Version in WIPO Lex
Details Details Year of Version 2015 Dates Adopted: December 12, 2012 Type of Text IP-related Laws Subject Matter Trademarks, Enforcement of IP and Related Laws

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Main Text(s) Related Text(s)
Main text(s) Main text(s) English Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (consolidated as of March 12, 2014)        
 Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (consolidated as of March 12, 2014)

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy

Protection) Act 2012

No. 197, 2012

Compilation No. 1

Compilation date: 12 March 2014

Includes amendments up to: Act No. 5, 2015

Registered: 6 March 2015

Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy

Protection) Act 2012 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on

12 March 2014 (the compilation date).

This compilation was prepared on 6 March 2015.

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information

about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled


Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the

compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible

on ComLaw (www.comlaw.gov.au). The details of amendments made up to, but

not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For

more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the series page on

ComLaw for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and


If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by

an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this

compilation, details are included in the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as

modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly,

this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For

more information on any modifications, see the series page on ComLaw for the

compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a

provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053

Contents 1 Short title ...........................................................................................1

2 Commencement.................................................................................1

3 Schedule(s) ........................................................................................2

Schedule 1—Australian Privacy Principles 3

Privacy Act 1988 3

Schedule 2—Credit reporting 47

Privacy Act 1988 47

Schedule 3—Privacy codes 143

Privacy Act 1988 143

Schedule 4—Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988 162

Schedule 5—Amendment of other Acts 210

Part 1—Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy

Principles 210

Acts Interpretation Act 1901 210

Aged Care Act 1997 210

A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 211

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 211

AusCheck Act 2007 211

Australian Citizenship Act 2007 212

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Act 2008 212

Australian Passports Act 2005 212

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998 213

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 213

Crimes Act 1914 213

Dairy Produce Act 1986 214

Defence Act 1903 214

Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) Act 1990 214

Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme Act 2008 214

Defence Service Homes Act 1918 214

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 215

Extradition Act 1988 215

Fair Work (Building Industry) Act 2012 215

Freedom of Information Act 1982 215

Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010 215

Higher Education Support Act 2003 216

Horse Disease Response Levy Collection Act 2011 217

Inspector of Transport Security Act 2006 217

Migration Act 1958 218

Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 218

Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1987 219

National Health Act 1953 219

National Health Reform Act 2011 219

National Health Security Act 2007 220

National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 220

Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987 220

Ombudsman Act 1976 220

Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 220

Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records Act 2012 221

Private Health Insurance Act 2007 221

Product Stewardship Act 2011 221

Quarantine Act 1908 221

Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997 222

Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 222

Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Act 2012 222

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 222

Supported Accommodation Assistance Act 1994 222

Telecommunications Act 1997 223

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards)

Act 1999 224

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 224

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Trade Marks Act 1995 225

Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 225

Part 2—Amendments relating to credit reporting 226

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 226

Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 229

Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006 229

National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 230

Taxation Administration Act 1953 230

Part 3—Amendments relating to codes 231

Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010 231

Telecommunications Act 1997 231

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards)

Act 1999 232

Part 4—Other amendments 233

Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 233

Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010 233

Crimes Act 1914 234

Data-matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act 1990 234

Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010 235

National Health Act 1953 235

Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997 237

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 237

Schedule 6—Application, transitional and savings provisions 238

Part 1—Definitions 238

Part 2—Provisions relating to Schedule 1 to this Act 239

Part 3—Provisions relating to Schedule 2 to this Act 240

Part 4—Provisions relating to Schedule 3 to this Act 241

Part 5—Provisions relating to Schedule 4 to this Act 242

Part 6—Provisions relating to Schedule 5 to this Act 245

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


246Part 7—Provisions relating to other matters

Endnotes 248

Endnote 1—About the endnotes 248

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key 249

Endnote 3—Legislation history 250

Endnote 4—Amendment history 251

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


An Act to amend the law relating to privacy, and

for other purposes

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing

Privacy Protection) Act 2012.

2 Commencement

(1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table

commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with

column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect

according to its terms.

Commencement information

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Provision(s) Commencement Date/Details

1. Sections 1 to 3

and anything in

this Act not

The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 12 December


elsewhere covered

by this table

2. Schedules 1 to


The day after the end of the period of 15

months beginning on the day this Act

receives the Royal Assent.

12 March 2014

3. Schedule 5,

items 1 to 155

The day after the end of the period of 15

months beginning on the day this Act

receives the Royal Assent.

12 March 2014

10. Schedule 5,

item 156

The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 12 December


11. Schedule 5,

items 157 to 161

The day after the end of the period of 15

months beginning on the day this Act

receives the Royal Assent.

12 March 2014

12. Schedule 5,

item 162

The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 12 December


13. Schedule 5, The day after the end of the period of 15 12 March 2014

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Commencement information

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3


items 163 to 180


months beginning on the day this Act

receives the Royal Assent.


16. Schedule 6,

Part 1

The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 12 December


17. Schedule 6,

Parts 2 and 3

The day after the end of the period of 15

months beginning on the day this Act

receives the Royal Assent.

12 March 2014

18. Schedule 6,

Part 4

The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 12 December


19. Schedule 6,

Parts 5 to 7

The day after the end of the period of 15

months beginning on the day this Act

receives the Royal Assent.

12 March 2014

Note: This table relates only to the provisions of this Act as originally

enacted. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of

this Act.

(2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this Act.

Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it

may be edited, in any published version of this Act.

3 Schedule(s)

Each Act that is specified in a Schedule to this Act is amended or

repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule

concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this Act has effect

according to its terms.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

Schedule 1—Australian Privacy Principles

Privacy Act 1988

1 Section 3

Omit “, disclosure or transfer”, substitute “or disclosure”.

2 Section 3 (note)

Omit “National”, substitute “Australian”.

3 Section 5

Repeal the section.

4 Subsection 6(1) (paragraph (i) of the definition of agency)

Repeal the paragraph.

5 Subsection 6(1)


APP complaint means a complaint about an act or practice that, if

established, would be an interference with the privacy of an

individual because it breached an Australian Privacy Principle.

6 Subsection 6(1)


APP entity means an agency or organisation.

7 Subsection 6(1)


APP privacy policy has the meaning given by Australian Privacy

Principle 1.3.

8 Subsection 6(1)


Australian law means:

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

(a) an Act of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory; or

(b) regulations, or any other instrument, made under such an Act;


(c) a Norfolk Island enactment; or

(d) a rule of common law or equity.

9 Subsection 6(1)


Australian Privacy Principle has the meaning given by section 14.

10 Subsection 6(1)


collects: an entity collects personal information only if the entity

collects the personal information for inclusion in a record or

generally available publication.

11 Subsection 6(1)


Commonwealth record has the same meaning as in the Archives

Act 1983.

12 Subsection 6(1)


court/tribunal order means an order, direction or other instrument

made by:

(a) a court; or

(b) a tribunal; or

(c) a judge (including a judge acting in a personal capacity) or a

person acting as a judge; or

(d) a magistrate (including a magistrate acting in a personal

capacity) or a person acting as a magistrate; or

(e) a member or an officer of a tribunal;

and includes an order, direction or other instrument that is of an

interim or interlocutory nature.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

13 Subsection 6(1)


de facto partner of an individual has the meaning given by the Acts

Interpretation Act 1901.

14 Subsection 6(1)


de-identified: personal information is de-identified if the

information is no longer about an identifiable individual or an

individual who is reasonably identifiable.

15 Subsection 6(1) (definition of eligible case manager)

Repeal the definition.

16 Subsection 6(1) (after paragraph (b) of the definition of enforcement body)


(ba) the CrimTrac Agency; or

17 Subsection 6(1) (after paragraph (c) of the definition of enforcement body)


(ca) the Immigration Department; or

18 Subsection 6(1) (after paragraph (e) of the definition of enforcement body)


(ea) the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, or a similar

body established under a law of a State or Territory; or

19 Subsection 6(1) (after paragraph (l) of the definition of enforcement body)


(la) the Corruption and Crime Commission of Western Australia;


Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

20 Subsection 6(1)


enforcement related activity means:

(a) the prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution or

punishment of:

(i) criminal offences; or

(ii) breaches of a law imposing a penalty or sanction; or

(b) the conduct of surveillance activities, intelligence gathering

activities or monitoring activities; or

(c) the conduct of protective or custodial activities; or

(d) the enforcement of laws relating to the confiscation of the

proceeds of crime; or

(e) the protection of the public revenue; or

(f) the prevention, detection, investigation or remedying of

misconduct of a serious nature, or other conduct prescribed

by the regulations; or

(g) the preparation for, or conduct of, proceedings before any

court or tribunal, or the implementation of court/tribunal


21 Subsection 6(1)


entity means:

(a) an agency; or

(b) an organisation; or

(c) a small business operator.

22 Subsection 6(1) (definition of generally available publication)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

generally available publication means a magazine, book, article,

newspaper or other publication that is, or will be, generally

available to members of the public:

(a) whether or not it is published in print, electronically or in any

other form; and

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

(b) whether or not it is available on the payment of a fee.

23 Subsection 6(1)


government related identifier of an individual means an identifier

of the individual that has been assigned by:

(a) an agency; or

(b) a State or Territory authority; or

(c) an agent of an agency, or a State or Territory authority, acting

in its capacity as agent; or

(d) a contracted service provider for a Commonwealth contract,

or a State contract, acting in its capacity as contracted service

provider for that contract.

24 Subsection 6(1)


holds: an entity holds personal information if the entity has

possession or control of a record that contains the personal


Note: See section 10 for when an agency is taken to hold a record.

25 Subsection 6(1)


identifier of an individual means a number, letter or symbol, or a

combination of any or all of those things, that is used to identify

the individual or to verify the identity of the individual, but does

not include:

(a) the individual’s name; or

(b) the individual’s ABN (within the meaning of the A New Tax

System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999); or

(c) anything else prescribed by the regulations.

26 Subsection 6(1)


Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

Immigration Department means the Department administered by

the Minister administering the Migration Act 1958.

27 Subsection 6(1) (definition of Information Privacy Principle)

Repeal the definition.

28 Subsection 6(1) (definition of IPP complaint)

Repeal the definition.

29 Subsection 6(1)


misconduct includes fraud, negligence, default, breach of trust,

breach of duty, breach of discipline or any other misconduct in the

course of duty.

30 Subsection 6(1) (definition of National Privacy Principle)

Repeal the definition.

31 Subsection 6(1)


non-profit organisation means an organisation:

(a) that is a non-profit organisation; and

(b) that engages in activities for cultural, recreational, political,

religious, philosophical, professional, trade or trade union


32 Subsection 6(1) (definition of NPP complaint)

Repeal the definition.

33 Subsection 6(1)


overseas recipient, in relation to personal information, has the

meaning given by Australian Privacy Principle 8.1.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

34 Subsection 6(1)


permitted general situation has the meaning given by section 16A.

35 Subsection 6(1)


permitted health situation has the meaning given by section 16B.

36 Subsection 6(1) (definition of personal information)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

personal information means information or an opinion about an

identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably


(a) whether the information or opinion is true or not; and

(b) whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material

form or not.

37 Subsection 6(1) (definition of record)

Omit “means”, substitute “includes”.

38 Subsection 6(1) (paragraphs (b) and (c) of the definition of record)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

(b) an electronic or other device;

39 Subsection 6(1) (at the end of the definition of record)


Note: For document, see section 2B of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

40 Subsection 6(1)


responsible person has the meaning given by section 6AA.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

41 Subsection 6(1) (subparagraph (a)(viii) of the definition of sensitive information)

Omit “preferences”, substitute “orientation”.

42 Subsection 6(1) (at the end of the definition of sensitive information)


; or (d) biometric information that is to be used for the purpose of

automated biometric verification or biometric identification;


(e) biometric templates.

43 Subsection 6(1) (definition of solicit)

Repeal the definition.

44 Subsection 6(1)


solicits: an entity solicits personal information if the entity requests

another entity to provide the personal information, or to provide a

kind of information in which that personal information is included.

45 Subsection 6(1) (definition of use)

Repeal the definition.

46 Subsection 6(2)

Repeal the subsection.

47 Paragraph 6(7)(a)

Omit “IPP”, substitute “APP”.

48 Paragraph 6(7)(d)

Repeal the paragraph.

49 Paragraph 6(7)(f)

Omit “NPP”, substitute “APP”.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

50 Subsection 6(10)

Omit “and 16E”, substitute “and 16”.

51 Paragraph 6(10)(a)

Omit “(within the meaning of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901)”.

52 After section 6


6AA Meaning of responsible person

(1) A responsible person for an individual is:

(a) a parent of the individual; or

(b) a child or sibling of the individual if the child or sibling is at

least 18 years old; or

(c) a spouse or de facto partner of the individual; or

(d) a relative of the individual if the relative is:

(i) at least 18 years old; and

(ii) a member of the individual’s household; or

(e) a guardian of the individual; or

(f) a person exercising an enduring power of attorney granted by

the individual that is exercisable in relation to decisions about

the individual’s health; or

(g) a person who has an intimate personal relationship with the

individual; or

(h) a person nominated by the individual to be contacted in case

of emergency.

(2) In this section:

child: without limiting who is a child of an individual for the

purposes of subsection (1), each of the following is a child of an


(a) an adopted child, stepchild, exnuptial child or foster child of

the individual;

(b) someone who is a child of the individual within the meaning

of the Family Law Act 1975.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

parent: without limiting who is a parent of an individual for the

purposes of subsection (1), someone is a parent of an individual if

the individual is his or her child because of the definition of child

in this subsection.

relative of an individual (the first individual) means a grandparent,

grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew or niece of the first individual and

for this purpose, relationships to the first individual may also be

traced to or through another individual who is:

(a) a de facto partner of the first individual; or

(b) the child of the first individual because of the definition of

child in this subsection.

sibling of an individual includes:

(a) a half-brother, half-sister, adoptive brother, adoptive sister,

step-brother, step-sister, foster-brother and foster-sister of the

individual; and

(b) another individual if a relationship referred to in

paragraph (a) can be traced through a parent of either or both

of the individuals.

stepchild: without limiting who is a stepchild of an individual,

someone is a stepchild of an individual if he or she would be the

individual’s stepchild except that the individual is not legally

married to the individual’s de facto partner.

53 Section 6A (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

6A Breach of an Australian Privacy Principle

54 Subsection 6A(1) (heading)

Repeal the heading.

55 Subsection 6A(1)

Omit “a National”, substitute “an Australian”.

56 Subsection 6A(1)

Omit “that National Privacy Principle”, substitute “that principle”.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

57 Subsection 6A(2)

Omit “a National”, substitute “an Australian”.

58 Paragraph 6A(2)(b)

Omit “the Principle”, substitute “the principle”.

59 Subsections 6A(3) and (4)

Omit “a National”, substitute “an Australian”.

60 Subparagraphs 6C(4)(b)(ii) and (iii)

Omit “, disclosure and transfer”, substitute “and disclosure”.

61 Subsection 6EA(1)

Omit “(except section 16D)”.

62 Paragraph 6F(3)(b)

Omit “, disclosure and transfer”, substitute “and disclosure”.

63 Paragraph 7(1)(a)

Omit “an eligible case manager or”.

64 Paragraph 7(1)(cb)

Repeal the paragraph.

65 Paragraphs 7(1)(d) and (e)

Omit “, an eligible hearing service provider or an eligible case

manager”, substitute “or an eligible hearing service provider”.

66 Paragraphs 7(1)(ea) and (eb)

Repeal the paragraphs.

67 Subsection 7(2)

Omit “Information Privacy Principles, the National”, substitute


68 Subsection 7B(1) (note)

Omit “section 16E”, substitute “section 16”.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

69 Subsections 7B(1) and (2) (notes)

Omit “National”, substitute “Australian”.

70 Paragraph 8(2)(b)

Omit “is not the record-keeper in relation to”, substitute “does not


71 Subsection 8(2)

Omit “of the record-keeper in relation to”, substitute “of the agency that


72 Section 9

Repeal the section.

73 Section 10 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

10 Agencies that are taken to hold a record

74 Subsections 10(1) to (3)

Repeal the subsections.

75 Subsections 10(4) and (5)

Omit “as the record-keeper in relation to”, substitute “to be the agency

that holds”.

76 Section 12

Repeal the section.

77 Subsection 13B(1) (note)

Omit “National” (wherever occurring), substitute “Australian”.

78 Subsection 13B(1) (note)

Omit “Principle 2”, substitute “Principle 6”.

79 Subsection 13B(1A) (note)

Omit “National”, substitute “Australian”.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

80 Subsection 13C(1) (note)

Omit “National” (wherever occurring), substitute “Australian”.

81 Subsection 13C(1) (note)

Omit “Principle 2”, substitute “Principle 6”.

82 Divisions 2 and 3 of Part III

Repeal the Divisions, substitute:

Division 2—Australian Privacy Principles

14 Australian Privacy Principles

(1) The Australian Privacy Principles are set out in the clauses of

Schedule 1.

(2) A reference in any Act to an Australian Privacy Principle by a

number is a reference to the Australian Privacy Principle with that


15 APP entities must comply with Australian Privacy Principles

An APP entity must not do an act, or engage in a practice, that

breaches an Australian Privacy Principle.

16 Personal, family or household affairs

Nothing in the Australian Privacy Principles applies to:

(a) the collection, holding, use or disclosure of personal

information by an individual; or

(b) personal information held by an individual;

only for the purposes of, or in connection with, his or her personal,

family or household affairs.

16A Permitted general situations in relation to the collection, use or

disclosure of personal information

(1) A permitted general situation exists in relation to the collection,

use or disclosure by an APP entity of personal information about

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

an individual, or of a government related identifier of an

individual, if:

(a) the entity is an entity of a kind specified in an item in column

1 of the table; and

(b) the item in column 2 of the table applies to the information or

identifier; and

(c) such conditions as are specified in the item in column 3 of

the table are satisfied.

Permitted general situations

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Kind of entity Item applies to Condition(s)

1 APP entity (a) personal (a) it is unreasonable or impracticable

information; to obtain the individual’s consent to

or the collection, use or disclosure;

(b) a and

government (b) the entity reasonably believes that

related the collection, use or disclosure is

identifier. necessary to lessen or prevent a

serious threat to the life, health or

safety of any individual, or to

public health or safety.

2 APP entity (a) personal (a) the entity has reason to suspect that

information; unlawful activity, or misconduct of

or a serious nature, that relates to the

(b) a



entity’s functions or activities has

been, is being or may be engaged

in; and

identifier. (b) the entity reasonably believes that

the collection, use or disclosure is

necessary in order for the entity to

take appropriate action in relation to

the matter.

3 APP entity Personal (a) the entity reasonably believes that

information the collection, use or disclosure is

reasonably necessary to assist any

APP entity, body or person to

locate a person who has been

reported as missing; and

(b) the collection, use or disclosure

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

Permitted general situations

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Kind of entity Item applies to Condition(s)

complies with the rules made under

subsection (2).

4 APP entity Personal


The collection, use or disclosure is

reasonably necessary for the

establishment, exercise or defence of a

legal or equitable claim.

5 APP entity Personal


The collection, use or disclosure is

reasonably necessary for the purposes

of a confidential alternative dispute

resolution process.

6 Agency Personal


The entity reasonably believes that the

collection, use or disclosure is

necessary for the entity’s diplomatic or

consular functions or activities.

7 Defence Force Personal


The entity reasonably believes that the

collection, use or disclosure is

necessary for any of the following

occurring outside Australia and the

external Territories:

(a) war or warlike operations;

(b) peacekeeping or peace


(c) civil aid, humanitarian assistance,

medical or civil emergency or

disaster relief.

(2) The Commissioner may, by legislative instrument, make rules

relating to the collection, use or disclosure of personal information

that apply for the purposes of item 3 of the table in subsection (1).

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

16B Permitted health situations in relation to the collection, use or

disclosure of health information

Collection—provision of a health service

(1) A permitted health situation exists in relation to the collection by

an organisation of health information about an individual if:

(a) the information is necessary to provide a health service to the

individual; and

(b) either:

(i) the collection is required or authorised by or under an

Australian law (other than this Act); or

(ii) the information is collected in accordance with rules

established by competent health or medical bodies that

deal with obligations of professional confidentiality

which bind the organisation.

Collection—research etc.

(2) A permitted health situation exists in relation to the collection by

an organisation of health information about an individual if:

(a) the collection is necessary for any of the following purposes:

(i) research relevant to public health or public safety;

(ii) the compilation or analysis of statistics relevant to

public health or public safety;

(iii) the management, funding or monitoring of a health

service; and

(b) that purpose cannot be served by the collection of

information about the individual that is de-identified

information; and

(c) it is impracticable for the organisation to obtain the

individual’s consent to the collection; and

(d) any of the following apply:

(i) the collection is required by or under an Australian law

(other than this Act);

(ii) the information is collected in accordance with rules

established by competent health or medical bodies that

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

deal with obligations of professional confidentiality

which bind the organisation;

(iii) the information is collected in accordance with

guidelines approved under section 95A for the purposes

of this subparagraph.

Use or disclosure—research etc.

(3) A permitted health situation exists in relation to the use or

disclosure by an organisation of health information about an

individual if:

(a) the use or disclosure is necessary for research, or the

compilation or analysis of statistics, relevant to public health

or public safety; and

(b) it is impracticable for the organisation to obtain the

individual’s consent to the use or disclosure; and

(c) the use or disclosure is conducted in accordance with

guidelines approved under section 95A for the purposes of

this paragraph; and

(d) in the case of disclosure—the organisation reasonably

believes that the recipient of the information will not disclose

the information, or personal information derived from that


Use or disclosure—genetic information

(4) A permitted health situation exists in relation to the use or

disclosure by an organisation of genetic information about an

individual (the first individual) if:

(a) the organisation has obtained the information in the course of

providing a health service to the first individual; and

(b) the organisation reasonably believes that the use or disclosure

is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to the life,

health or safety of another individual who is a genetic

relative of the first individual; and

(c) the use or disclosure is conducted in accordance with

guidelines approved under section 95AA; and

(d) in the case of disclosure—the recipient of the information is a

genetic relative of the first individual.

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

Disclosure—responsible person for an individual

(5) A permitted health situation exists in relation to the disclosure by

an organisation of health information about an individual if:

(a) the organisation provides a health service to the individual;


(b) the recipient of the information is a responsible person for the

individual; and

(c) the individual:

(i) is physically or legally incapable of giving consent to

the disclosure; or

(ii) physically cannot communicate consent to the

disclosure; and

(d) another individual (the carer) providing the health service for

the organisation is satisfied that either:

(i) the disclosure is necessary to provide appropriate care

or treatment of the individual; or

(ii) the disclosure is made for compassionate reasons; and

(e) the disclosure is not contrary to any wish:

(i) expressed by the individual before the individual

became unable to give or communicate consent; and

(ii) of which the carer is aware, or of which the carer could

reasonably be expected to be aware; and

(f) the disclosure is limited to the extent reasonable and

necessary for a purpose mentioned in paragraph (d).

16C Acts and practices of overseas recipients of personal


(1) This section applies if:

(a) an APP entity discloses personal information about an

individual to an overseas recipient; and

(b) Australian Privacy Principle 8.1 applies to the disclosure of

the information; and

(c) the Australian Privacy Principles do not apply, under this

Act, to an act done, or a practice engaged in, by the overseas

recipient in relation to the information; and

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

(d) the overseas recipient does an act, or engages in a practice, in

relation to the information that would be a breach of the

Australian Privacy Principles (other than Australian Privacy

Principle 1) if those Australian Privacy Principles so applied

to that act or practice.

(2) The act done, or the practice engaged in, by the overseas recipient

is taken, for the purposes of this Act:

(a) to have been done, or engaged in, by the APP entity; and

(b) to be a breach of those Australian Privacy Principles by the

APP entity.

83 Section 37 (table items 6 and 7)

Repeal the items.

84 Subsections 54(2) and 57(2) (definition of agency)

Omit “, an eligible hearing service provider or an eligible case

manager”, substitute “or an eligible hearing service provider”.

85 Paragraph 80H(2)(e)

Omit “people who are responsible (within the meaning of subclause 2.5

of Schedule 3)”, substitute “responsible persons”.

86 Subparagraph 80P(1)(c)(v)

Repeal the subparagraph, substitute:

(v) a responsible person for the individual; and

87 Paragraph 80Q(1)(c)

Omit “responsible for the individual (within the meaning of subclause

2.5 of Schedule 3)”, substitute “a responsible person for the individual”.

88 Subsection 95(1)

After “privacy”, insert “by agencies”.

89 Subsections 95(2) and (4)

Omit “Information” (wherever occurring), substitute “Australian”.

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

90 Section 95A (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

95A Guidelines for Australian Privacy Principles about health


91 Subsection 95A(1)

Omit “National Privacy Principles (the NPPs)”, substitute “Australian

Privacy Principles”.

92 Subsection 95A(2)

Omit “subparagraph 2.1(d)(ii) of the NPPs”, substitute “paragraph


93 Subsection 95A(3)

Omit “NPPs (other than paragraph 2.1(d))”, substitute “Australian

Privacy Principles (disregarding subsection 16B(3))”.

94 Subsection 95A(4)

Omit “subparagraph 10.3(d)(iii) of the NPPs”, substitute “subparagraph


95 Subsection 95A(5)

Omit “NPPs (other than paragraph 10.3(d))”, substitute “Australian

Privacy Principles (disregarding subsection 16B(2))”.

96 Section 95AA (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

95AA Guidelines for Australian Privacy Principles about genetic


97 Subsection 95AA(1)

Omit “National Privacy Principles (the NPPs)”, substitute “Australian

Privacy Principles”.

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

98 Subsection 95AA(2)

Omit “subparagraph 2.1(ea)(ii) of the NPPs”, substitute “paragraph


99 Subsection 95AA(2)

Omit “(whether or not the threat is imminent)”.

100 Subsection 95B(1)

Omit “Information”, substitute “Australian”.

101 Section 95C

Omit “a National”, substitute “an Australian”.

102 Subsections 100(2) to (4)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:

(2) Before the Governor-General makes regulations for the purposes of

Australian Privacy Principle 9.3 prescribing a government related

identifier, an organisation or a class of organisations, and

circumstances, the Minister must be satisfied that:

(a) the relevant agency or State or Territory authority or, if the

relevant agency or State or Territory authority has a principal

executive, the principal executive:

(i) has agreed that the adoption, use or disclosure of the

identifier by the organisation, or the class of

organisations, in the circumstances is appropriate; and

(ii) has consulted the Commissioner about that adoption,

use or disclosure; and

(b) the adoption, use or disclosure of the identifier by the

organisation, or the class of organisations, in the

circumstances can only be for the benefit of the individual to

whom the identifier relates.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to the making of regulations for the

purposes of Australian Privacy Principle 9.3 that relate to the use

or disclosure of a government related identifier by an organisation,

or a class of organisations, in particular circumstances if:

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

(a) the identifier is a kind commonly used in the processing of

pay, or deductions from pay, of Commonwealth officers, or a

class of Commonwealth officers; and

(b) the circumstances of the use or disclosure of the identifier

relate to the provision by:

(i) the organisation; or

(ii) the class of organisations;

of superannuation services (including the management,

processing, allocation and transfer of superannuation

contributions) for the benefit of Commonwealth officers or

the class of Commonwealth officers; and

(c) before the regulations are made, the Minister consults the

Commissioner about the proposed regulations.

103 Part X

Repeal the Part.

104 Schedules 1 and 3

Repeal the Schedules, substitute:

Schedule 1—Australian Privacy Principles Note: See section 14.

Overview of the Australian Privacy Principles


This Schedule sets out the Australian Privacy Principles.

Part 1 sets out principles that require APP entities to consider the

privacy of personal information, including ensuring that APP

entities manage personal information in an open and transparent


Part 2 sets out principles that deal with the collection of personal

information including unsolicited personal information.

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

Part 3 sets out principles about how APP entities deal with

personal information and government related identifiers. The Part

includes principles about the use and disclosure of personal

information and those identifiers.

Part 4 sets out principles about the integrity of personal

information. The Part includes principles about the quality and

security of personal information.

Part 5 sets out principles that deal with requests for access to, and

the correction of, personal information.

Australian Privacy Principles

The Australian Privacy Principles are:

Australian Privacy Principle 1—open and transparent

management of personal information

Australian Privacy Principle 2—anonymity and pseudonymity

Australian Privacy Principle 3—collection of solicited

personal information

Australian Privacy Principle 4—dealing with unsolicited

personal information

Australian Privacy Principle 5—notification of the collection

of personal information

Australian Privacy Principle 6—use or disclosure of personal


Australian Privacy Principle 7—direct marketing

Australian Privacy Principle 8—cross-border disclosure of

personal information

Australian Privacy Principle 9—adoption, use or disclosure of

government related identifiers

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

Australian Privacy Principle 10—quality of personal


Australian Privacy Principle 11—security of personal


Australian Privacy Principle 12—access to personal


Australian Privacy Principle 13—correction of personal


Part 1—Consideration of personal information


1 Australian Privacy Principle 1—open and transparent

management of personal information

1.1 The object of this principle is to ensure that APP entities manage

personal information in an open and transparent way.

Compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles etc.

1.2 An APP entity must take such steps as are reasonable in the

circumstances to implement practices, procedures and systems

relating to the entity’s functions or activities that:

(a) will ensure that the entity complies with the Australian

Privacy Principles and a registered APP code (if any) that

binds the entity; and

(b) will enable the entity to deal with inquiries or complaints

from individuals about the entity’s compliance with the

Australian Privacy Principles or such a code.

APP Privacy policy

1.3 An APP entity must have a clearly expressed and up-to-date policy

(the APP privacy policy) about the management of personal

information by the entity.

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

1.4 Without limiting subclause 1.3, the APP privacy policy of the APP

entity must contain the following information:

(a) the kinds of personal information that the entity collects and


(b) how the entity collects and holds personal information;

(c) the purposes for which the entity collects, holds, uses and

discloses personal information;

(d) how an individual may access personal information about the

individual that is held by the entity and seek the correction of

such information;

(e) how an individual may complain about a breach of the

Australian Privacy Principles, or a registered APP code (if

any) that binds the entity, and how the entity will deal with

such a complaint;

(f) whether the entity is likely to disclose personal information

to overseas recipients;

(g) if the entity is likely to disclose personal information to

overseas recipients—the countries in which such recipients

are likely to be located if it is practicable to specify those

countries in the policy.

Availability of APP privacy policy etc.

1.5 An APP entity must take such steps as are reasonable in the

circumstances to make its APP privacy policy available:

(a) free of charge; and

(b) in such form as is appropriate.

Note: An APP entity will usually make its APP privacy policy available on

the entity’s website.

1.6 If a person or body requests a copy of the APP privacy policy of an

APP entity in a particular form, the entity must take such steps as

are reasonable in the circumstances to give the person or body a

copy in that form.

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

2 Australian Privacy Principle 2—anonymity and pseudonymity

2.1 Individuals must have the option of not identifying themselves, or

of using a pseudonym, when dealing with an APP entity in relation

to a particular matter.

2.2 Subclause 2.1 does not apply if, in relation to that matter:

(a) the APP entity is required or authorised by or under an

Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to deal with

individuals who have identified themselves; or

(b) it is impracticable for the APP entity to deal with individuals

who have not identified themselves or who have used a


Part 2—Collection of personal information

3 Australian Privacy Principle 3—collection of solicited personal


Personal information other than sensitive information

3.1 If an APP entity is an agency, the entity must not collect personal

information (other than sensitive information) unless the

information is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one

or more of the entity’s functions or activities.

3.2 If an APP entity is an organisation, the entity must not collect

personal information (other than sensitive information) unless the

information is reasonably necessary for one or more of the entity’s

functions or activities.

Sensitive information

3.3 An APP entity must not collect sensitive information about an

individual unless:

(a) the individual consents to the collection of the information


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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

(i) if the entity is an agency—the information is reasonably

necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of the

entity’s functions or activities; or

(ii) if the entity is an organisation—the information is

reasonably necessary for one or more of the entity’s

functions or activities; or

(b) subclause 3.4 applies in relation to the information.

3.4 This subclause applies in relation to sensitive information about an

individual if:

(a) the collection of the information is required or authorised by

or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or

(b) a permitted general situation exists in relation to the

collection of the information by the APP entity; or

(c) the APP entity is an organisation and a permitted health

situation exists in relation to the collection of the information

by the entity; or

(d) the APP entity is an enforcement body and the entity

reasonably believes that:

(i) if the entity is the Immigration Department—the

collection of the information is reasonably necessary

for, or directly related to, one or more enforcement

related activities conducted by, or on behalf of, the

entity; or

(ii) otherwise—the collection of the information is

reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one or

more of the entity’s functions or activities; or

(e) the APP entity is a non-profit organisation and both of the

following apply:

(i) the information relates to the activities of the


(ii) the information relates solely to the members of the

organisation, or to individuals who have regular contact

with the organisation in connection with its activities.

Note: For permitted general situation, see section 16A. For permitted

health situation, see section 16B.

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

Means of collection

3.5 An APP entity must collect personal information only by lawful

and fair means.

3.6 An APP entity must collect personal information about an

individual only from the individual unless:

(a) if the entity is an agency:

(i) the individual consents to the collection of the

information from someone other than the individual; or

(ii) the entity is required or authorised by or under an

Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to collect the

information from someone other than the individual; or

(b) it is unreasonable or impracticable to do so.

Solicited personal information

3.7 This principle applies to the collection of personal information that

is solicited by an APP entity.

4 Australian Privacy Principle 4—dealing with unsolicited personal


4.1 If:

(a) an APP entity receives personal information; and

(b) the entity did not solicit the information;

the entity must, within a reasonable period after receiving the

information, determine whether or not the entity could have

collected the information under Australian Privacy Principle 3 if

the entity had solicited the information.

4.2 The APP entity may use or disclose the personal information for

the purposes of making the determination under subclause 4.1.

4.3 If:

(a) the APP entity determines that the entity could not have

collected the personal information; and

(b) the information is not contained in a Commonwealth record;

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

the entity must, as soon as practicable but only if it is lawful and

reasonable to do so, destroy the information or ensure that the

information is de-identified.

4.4 If subclause 4.3 does not apply in relation to the personal

information, Australian Privacy Principles 5 to 13 apply in relation

to the information as if the entity had collected the information

under Australian Privacy Principle 3.

5 Australian Privacy Principle 5—notification of the collection of

personal information

5.1 At or before the time or, if that is not practicable, as soon as

practicable after, an APP entity collects personal information about

an individual, the entity must take such steps (if any) as are

reasonable in the circumstances:

(a) to notify the individual of such matters referred to in

subclause 5.2 as are reasonable in the circumstances; or

(b) to otherwise ensure that the individual is aware of any such


5.2 The matters for the purposes of subclause 5.1 are as follows:

(a) the identity and contact details of the APP entity;

(b) if:

(i) the APP entity collects the personal information from

someone other than the individual; or

(ii) the individual may not be aware that the APP entity has

collected the personal information;

the fact that the entity so collects, or has collected, the

information and the circumstances of that collection;

(c) if the collection of the personal information is required or

authorised by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal

order—the fact that the collection is so required or authorised

(including the name of the Australian law, or details of the

court/tribunal order, that requires or authorises the


(d) the purposes for which the APP entity collects the personal


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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

(e) the main consequences (if any) for the individual if all or

some of the personal information is not collected by the APP


(f) any other APP entity, body or person, or the types of any

other APP entities, bodies or persons, to which the APP

entity usually discloses personal information of the kind

collected by the entity;

(g) that the APP privacy policy of the APP entity contains

information about how the individual may access the

personal information about the individual that is held by the

entity and seek the correction of such information;

(h) that the APP privacy policy of the APP entity contains

information about how the individual may complain about a

breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, or a registered

APP code (if any) that binds the entity, and how the entity

will deal with such a complaint;

(i) whether the APP entity is likely to disclose the personal

information to overseas recipients;

(j) if the APP entity is likely to disclose the personal information

to overseas recipients—the countries in which such recipients

are likely to be located if it is practicable to specify those

countries in the notification or to otherwise make the

individual aware of them.

Part 3—Dealing with personal information

6 Australian Privacy Principle 6—use or disclosure of personal


Use or disclosure

6.1 If an APP entity holds personal information about an individual

that was collected for a particular purpose (the primary purpose),

the entity must not use or disclose the information for another

purpose (the secondary purpose) unless:

(a) the individual has consented to the use or disclosure of the

information; or

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

(b) subclause 6.2 or 6.3 applies in relation to the use or

disclosure of the information.

Note: Australian Privacy Principle 8 sets out requirements for the disclosure

of personal information to a person who is not in Australia or an

external Territory.

6.2 This subclause applies in relation to the use or disclosure of

personal information about an individual if:

(a) the individual would reasonably expect the APP entity to use

or disclose the information for the secondary purpose and the

secondary purpose is:

(i) if the information is sensitive information—directly

related to the primary purpose; or

(ii) if the information is not sensitive information—related

to the primary purpose; or

(b) the use or disclosure of the information is required or

authorised by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal

order; or

(c) a permitted general situation exists in relation to the use or

disclosure of the information by the APP entity; or

(d) the APP entity is an organisation and a permitted health

situation exists in relation to the use or disclosure of the

information by the entity; or

(e) the APP entity reasonably believes that the use or disclosure

of the information is reasonably necessary for one or more

enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of,

an enforcement body.

Note: For permitted general situation, see section 16A. For permitted

health situation, see section 16B.

6.3 This subclause applies in relation to the disclosure of personal

information about an individual by an APP entity that is an agency


(a) the agency is not an enforcement body; and

(b) the information is biometric information or biometric

templates; and

(c) the recipient of the information is an enforcement body; and

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

(d) the disclosure is conducted in accordance with the guidelines

made by the Commissioner for the purposes of this


6.4 If:

(a) the APP entity is an organisation; and

(b) subsection 16B(2) applied in relation to the collection of the

personal information by the entity;

the entity must take such steps as are reasonable in the

circumstances to ensure that the information is de-identified before

the entity discloses it in accordance with subclause 6.1 or 6.2.

Written note of use or disclosure

6.5 If an APP entity uses or discloses personal information in

accordance with paragraph 6.2(e), the entity must make a written

note of the use or disclosure.

Related bodies corporate

6.6 If:

(a) an APP entity is a body corporate; and

(b) the entity collects personal information from a related body


this principle applies as if the entity’s primary purpose for the

collection of the information were the primary purpose for which

the related body corporate collected the information.


6.7 This principle does not apply to the use or disclosure by an

organisation of:

(a) personal information for the purpose of direct marketing; or

(b) government related identifiers.

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

7 Australian Privacy Principle 7—direct marketing

Direct marketing

7.1 If an organisation holds personal information about an individual,

the organisation must not use or disclose the information for the

purpose of direct marketing.

Note: An act or practice of an agency may be treated as an act or practice of

an organisation, see section 7A.

Exceptions—personal information other than sensitive information

7.2 Despite subclause 7.1, an organisation may use or disclose

personal information (other than sensitive information) about an

individual for the purpose of direct marketing if:

(a) the organisation collected the information from the

individual; and

(b) the individual would reasonably expect the organisation to

use or disclose the information for that purpose; and

(c) the organisation provides a simple means by which the

individual may easily request not to receive direct marketing

communications from the organisation; and

(d) the individual has not made such a request to the


7.3 Despite subclause 7.1, an organisation may use or disclose

personal information (other than sensitive information) about an

individual for the purpose of direct marketing if:

(a) the organisation collected the information from:

(i) the individual and the individual would not reasonably

expect the organisation to use or disclose the

information for that purpose; or

(ii) someone other than the individual; and

(b) either:

(i) the individual has consented to the use or disclosure of

the information for that purpose; or

(ii) it is impracticable to obtain that consent; and

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

(c) the organisation provides a simple means by which the

individual may easily request not to receive direct marketing

communications from the organisation; and

(d) in each direct marketing communication with the individual:

(i) the organisation includes a prominent statement that the

individual may make such a request; or

(ii) the organisation otherwise draws the individual’s

attention to the fact that the individual may make such a

request; and

(e) the individual has not made such a request to the


Exception—sensitive information

7.4 Despite subclause 7.1, an organisation may use or disclose

sensitive information about an individual for the purpose of direct

marketing if the individual has consented to the use or disclosure

of the information for that purpose.

Exception—contracted service providers

7.5 Despite subclause 7.1, an organisation may use or disclose

personal information for the purpose of direct marketing if:

(a) the organisation is a contracted service provider for a

Commonwealth contract; and

(b) the organisation collected the information for the purpose of

meeting (directly or indirectly) an obligation under the

contract; and

(c) the use or disclosure is necessary to meet (directly or

indirectly) such an obligation.

Individual may request not to receive direct marketing

communications etc.

7.6 If an organisation (the first organisation) uses or discloses

personal information about an individual:

(a) for the purpose of direct marketing by the first organisation;


(b) for the purpose of facilitating direct marketing by other


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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

the individual may:

(c) if paragraph (a) applies—request not to receive direct

marketing communications from the first organisation; and

(d) if paragraph (b) applies—request the organisation not to use

or disclose the information for the purpose referred to in that

paragraph; and

(e) request the first organisation to provide its source of the


7.7 If an individual makes a request under subclause 7.6, the first

organisation must not charge the individual for the making of, or to

give effect to, the request and:

(a) if the request is of a kind referred to in paragraph 7.6(c) or

(d)—the first organisation must give effect to the request

within a reasonable period after the request is made; and

(b) if the request is of a kind referred to in paragraph 7.6(e)—the

organisation must, within a reasonable period after the

request is made, notify the individual of its source unless it is

impracticable or unreasonable to do so.

Interaction with other legislation

7.8 This principle does not apply to the extent that any of the following


(a) the Do Not Call Register Act 2006;

(b) the Spam Act 2003;

(c) any other Act of the Commonwealth, or a Norfolk Island

enactment, prescribed by the regulations.

8 Australian Privacy Principle 8—cross-border disclosure of

personal information

8.1 Before an APP entity discloses personal information about an

individual to a person (the overseas recipient):

(a) who is not in Australia or an external Territory; and

(b) who is not the entity or the individual;

the entity must take such steps as are reasonable in the

circumstances to ensure that the overseas recipient does not breach

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

the Australian Privacy Principles (other than Australian Privacy

Principle 1) in relation to the information.

Note: In certain circumstances, an act done, or a practice engaged in, by the

overseas recipient is taken, under section 16C, to have been done, or

engaged in, by the APP entity and to be a breach of the Australian

Privacy Principles.

8.2 Subclause 8.1 does not apply to the disclosure of personal

information about an individual by an APP entity to the overseas

recipient if:

(a) the entity reasonably believes that:

(i) the recipient of the information is subject to a law, or

binding scheme, that has the effect of protecting the

information in a way that, overall, is at least

substantially similar to the way in which the Australian

Privacy Principles protect the information; and

(ii) there are mechanisms that the individual can access to

take action to enforce that protection of the law or

binding scheme; or

(b) both of the following apply:

(i) the entity expressly informs the individual that if he or

she consents to the disclosure of the information,

subclause 8.1 will not apply to the disclosure;

(ii) after being so informed, the individual consents to the

disclosure; or

(c) the disclosure of the information is required or authorised by

or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or

(d) a permitted general situation (other than the situation referred

to in item 4 or 5 of the table in subsection 16A(1)) exists in

relation to the disclosure of the information by the APP

entity; or

(e) the entity is an agency and the disclosure of the information

is required or authorised by or under an international

agreement relating to information sharing to which Australia

is a party; or

(f) the entity is an agency and both of the following apply:

(i) the entity reasonably believes that the disclosure of the

information is reasonably necessary for one or more

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

enforcement related activities conducted by, or on

behalf of, an enforcement body;

(ii) the recipient is a body that performs functions, or

exercises powers, that are similar to those performed or

exercised by an enforcement body.

Note: For permitted general situation, see section 16A.

9 Australian Privacy Principle 9—adoption, use or disclosure of

government related identifiers

Adoption of government related identifiers

9.1 An organisation must not adopt a government related identifier of

an individual as its own identifier of the individual unless:

(a) the adoption of the government related identifier is required

or authorised by or under an Australian law or a

court/tribunal order; or

(b) subclause 9.3 applies in relation to the adoption.

Note: An act or practice of an agency may be treated as an act or practice of

an organisation, see section 7A.

Use or disclosure of government related identifiers

9.2 An organisation must not use or disclose a government related

identifier of an individual unless:

(a) the use or disclosure of the identifier is reasonably necessary

for the organisation to verify the identity of the individual for

the purposes of the organisation’s activities or functions; or

(b) the use or disclosure of the identifier is reasonably necessary

for the organisation to fulfil its obligations to an agency or a

State or Territory authority; or

(c) the use or disclosure of the identifier is required or authorised

by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or

(d) a permitted general situation (other than the situation referred

to in item 4 or 5 of the table in subsection 16A(1)) exists in

relation to the use or disclosure of the identifier; or

(e) the organisation reasonably believes that the use or disclosure

of the identifier is reasonably necessary for one or more

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enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of,

an enforcement body; or

(f) subclause 9.3 applies in relation to the use or disclosure.

Note 1: An act or practice of an agency may be treated as an act or practice of

an organisation, see section 7A.

Note 2: For permitted general situation, see section 16A.

Regulations about adoption, use or disclosure

9.3 This subclause applies in relation to the adoption, use or disclosure

by an organisation of a government related identifier of an

individual if:

(a) the identifier is prescribed by the regulations; and

(b) the organisation is prescribed by the regulations, or is

included in a class of organisations prescribed by the

regulations; and

(c) the adoption, use or disclosure occurs in the circumstances

prescribed by the regulations.

Note: There are prerequisites that must be satisfied before the matters

mentioned in this subclause are prescribed, see subsections 100(2) and


Part 4—Integrity of personal information

10 Australian Privacy Principle 10—quality of personal information

10.1 An APP entity must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in

the circumstances to ensure that the personal information that the

entity collects is accurate, up-to-date and complete.

10.2 An APP entity must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in

the circumstances to ensure that the personal information that the

entity uses or discloses is, having regard to the purpose of the use

or disclosure, accurate, up-to-date, complete and relevant.

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11 Australian Privacy Principle 11—security of personal


11.1 If an APP entity holds personal information, the entity must take

such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to protect the


(a) from misuse, interference and loss; and

(b) from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

11.2 If:

(a) an APP entity holds personal information about an

individual; and

(b) the entity no longer needs the information for any purpose for

which the information may be used or disclosed by the entity

under this Schedule; and

(c) the information is not contained in a Commonwealth record;


(d) the entity is not required by or under an Australian law, or a

court/tribunal order, to retain the information;

the entity must take such steps as are reasonable in the

circumstances to destroy the information or to ensure that the

information is de-identified.

Part 5—Access to, and correction of, personal


12 Australian Privacy Principle 12—access to personal information


12.1 If an APP entity holds personal information about an individual,

the entity must, on request by the individual, give the individual

access to the information.

Exception to access—agency

12.2 If:

(a) the APP entity is an agency; and

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

(b) the entity is required or authorised to refuse to give the

individual access to the personal information by or under:

(i) the Freedom of Information Act; or

(ii) any other Act of the Commonwealth, or a Norfolk

Island enactment, that provides for access by persons to


then, despite subclause 12.1, the entity is not required to give

access to the extent that the entity is required or authorised to

refuse to give access.

Exception to access—organisation

12.3 If the APP entity is an organisation then, despite subclause 12.1,

the entity is not required to give the individual access to the

personal information to the extent that:

(a) the entity reasonably believes that giving access would pose a

serious threat to the life, health or safety of any individual, or

to public health or public safety; or

(b) giving access would have an unreasonable impact on the

privacy of other individuals; or

(c) the request for access is frivolous or vexatious; or

(d) the information relates to existing or anticipated legal

proceedings between the entity and the individual, and would

not be accessible by the process of discovery in those

proceedings; or

(e) giving access would reveal the intentions of the entity in

relation to negotiations with the individual in such a way as

to prejudice those negotiations; or

(f) giving access would be unlawful; or

(g) denying access is required or authorised by or under an

Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or

(h) both of the following apply:

(i) the entity has reason to suspect that unlawful activity, or

misconduct of a serious nature, that relates to the

entity’s functions or activities has been, is being or may

be engaged in;

(ii) giving access would be likely to prejudice the taking of

appropriate action in relation to the matter; or

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(i) giving access would be likely to prejudice one or more

enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of,

an enforcement body; or

(j) giving access would reveal evaluative information generated

within the entity in connection with a commercially sensitive

decision-making process.

Dealing with requests for access

12.4 The APP entity must:

(a) respond to the request for access to the personal information:

(i) if the entity is an agency—within 30 days after the

request is made; or

(ii) if the entity is an organisation—within a reasonable

period after the request is made; and

(b) give access to the information in the manner requested by the

individual, if it is reasonable and practicable to do so.

Other means of access

12.5 If the APP entity refuses:

(a) to give access to the personal information because of

subclause 12.2 or 12.3; or

(b) to give access in the manner requested by the individual;

the entity must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the

circumstances to give access in a way that meets the needs of the

entity and the individual.

12.6 Without limiting subclause 12.5, access may be given through the

use of a mutually agreed intermediary.

Access charges

12.7 If the APP entity is an agency, the entity must not charge the

individual for the making of the request or for giving access to the

personal information.

12.8 If:

(a) the APP entity is an organisation; and

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

(b) the entity charges the individual for giving access to the

personal information;

the charge must not be excessive and must not apply to the making

of the request.

Refusal to give access

12.9 If the APP entity refuses to give access to the personal information

because of subclause 12.2 or 12.3, or to give access in the manner

requested by the individual, the entity must give the individual a

written notice that sets out:

(a) the reasons for the refusal except to the extent that, having

regard to the grounds for the refusal, it would be

unreasonable to do so; and

(b) the mechanisms available to complain about the refusal; and

(c) any other matter prescribed by the regulations.

12.10 If the APP entity refuses to give access to the personal information

because of paragraph 12.3(j), the reasons for the refusal may

include an explanation for the commercially sensitive decision.

13 Australian Privacy Principle 13—correction of personal



13.1 If:

(a) an APP entity holds personal information about an

individual; and

(b) either:

(i) the entity is satisfied that, having regard to a purpose for

which the information is held, the information is

inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or

misleading; or

(ii) the individual requests the entity to correct the


the entity must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the

circumstances to correct that information to ensure that, having

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

regard to the purpose for which it is held, the information is

accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading.

Notification of correction to third parties

13.2 If:

(a) the APP entity corrects personal information about an

individual that the entity previously disclosed to another APP

entity; and

(b) the individual requests the entity to notify the other APP

entity of the correction;

the entity must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the

circumstances to give that notification unless it is impracticable or

unlawful to do so.

Refusal to correct information

13.3 If the APP entity refuses to correct the personal information as

requested by the individual, the entity must give the individual a

written notice that sets out:

(a) the reasons for the refusal except to the extent that it would

be unreasonable to do so; and

(b) the mechanisms available to complain about the refusal; and

(c) any other matter prescribed by the regulations.

Request to associate a statement

13.4 If:

(a) the APP entity refuses to correct the personal information as

requested by the individual; and

(b) the individual requests the entity to associate with the

information a statement that the information is inaccurate,

out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading;

the entity must take such steps as are reasonable in the

circumstances to associate the statement in such a way that will

make the statement apparent to users of the information.

Dealing with requests

13.5 If a request is made under subclause 13.1 or 13.4, the APP entity:

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(a) must respond to the request:

(i) if the entity is an agency—within 30 days after the

request is made; or

(ii) if the entity is an organisation—within a reasonable

period after the request is made; and

(b) must not charge the individual for the making of the request,

for correcting the personal information or for associating the

statement with the personal information (as the case may be).

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

Schedule 2—Credit reporting

Privacy Act 1988

1 Before section 6


Division 1—General definitions

2 Subsection 6(1)


access seeker has the meaning given by subsection 6L(1).

3 Subsection 6(1)


affected information recipient means:

(a) a mortgage insurer; or

(b) a trade insurer; or

(c) a body corporate referred to in paragraph 21G(3)(b); or

(d) a person referred to in paragraph 21G(3)(c); or

(e) an entity or adviser referred to in paragraph 21N(2)(a).

4 Subsection 6(1)


amount of credit has the meaning given by subsection 6M(2).

5 Subsection 6(1)


Bankruptcy Act means the Bankruptcy Act 1966.

6 Subsection 6(1)


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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

ban period has the meaning given by subsection 20K(3).

7 Subsection 6(1) (definition of commercial credit)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

commercial credit means credit (other than consumer credit) that is

applied for by, or provided to, a person.

8 Subsection 6(1)


commercial credit related purpose of a credit provider in relation

to a person means the purpose of:

(a) assessing an application for commercial credit made by the

person to the provider; or

(b) collecting payments that are overdue in relation to

commercial credit provided by the provider to the person.

9 Subsection 6(1)


consumer credit means credit:

(a) for which an application has been made by an individual to a

credit provider, or that has been provided to an individual by

a credit provider, in the course of the provider carrying on a

business or undertaking as a credit provider; and

(b) that is intended to be used wholly or primarily:

(i) for personal, family or household purposes; or

(ii) to acquire, maintain, renovate or improve residential

property for investment purposes; or

(iii) to refinance consumer credit that has been provided

wholly or primarily to acquire, maintain, renovate or

improve residential property for investment purposes.

10 Subsection 6(1)


consumer credit liability information: if a credit provider provides

consumer credit to an individual, the following information about

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

the consumer credit is consumer credit liability information about

the individual:

(a) the name of the provider;

(b) whether the provider is a licensee;

(c) the type of consumer credit;

(d) the day on which the consumer credit is entered into;

(e) the terms or conditions of the consumer credit:

(i) that relate to the repayment of the amount of credit; and

(ii) that are prescribed by the regulations;

(f) the maximum amount of credit available under the consumer


(g) the day on which the consumer credit is terminated or

otherwise ceases to be in force.

11 Subsection 6(1)


consumer credit related purpose of a credit provider in relation to

an individual means the purpose of:

(a) assessing an application for consumer credit made by the

individual to the provider; or

(b) collecting payments that are overdue in relation to consumer

credit provided by the provider to the individual.

12 Subsection 6(1)


court proceedings information about an individual means

information about a judgement of an Australian court:

(a) that is made, or given, against the individual in proceedings

(other than criminal proceedings); and

(b) that relates to any credit that has been provided to, or applied

for by, the individual.

13 Subsection 6(1)


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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

CP derived information about an individual means any personal

information (other than sensitive information) about the individual:

(a) that is derived from credit reporting information about the

individual that was disclosed to a credit provider by a credit

reporting body under Division 2 of Part IIIA; and

(b) that has any bearing on the individual’s credit worthiness;


(c) that is used, has been used or could be used in establishing

the individual’s eligibility for consumer credit.

14 Subsection 6(1)


CRB derived information about an individual means any personal

information (other than sensitive information) about the individual:

(a) that is derived by a credit reporting body from credit

information about the individual that is held by the body; and

(b) that has any bearing on the individual’s credit worthiness;


(c) that is used, has been used or could be used in establishing

the individual’s eligibility for consumer credit.

15 Subsection 6(1) (definition of credit)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

credit has the meaning given by subsections 6M(1) and (3).

16 Subsection 6(1) (definition of credit card)

Omit “loans” (wherever occurring), substitute “credit”.

17 Subsection 6(1)


credit eligibility information about an individual means:

(a) credit reporting information about the individual that was

disclosed to a credit provider by a credit reporting body

under Division 2 of Part IIIA; or

(b) CP derived information about the individual.

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

18 Subsection 6(1) (definition of credit enhancement)

Omit “a loan”, substitute “credit”.

19 Subsection 6(1) (paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition of credit enhancement)

Omit “the loan”, substitute “the credit”.

20 Subsection 6(1)


credit guarantee purpose of a credit provider in relation to an

individual means the purpose of assessing whether to accept the

individual as a guarantor in relation to:

(a) credit provided by the provider to a person other than the

individual; or

(b) credit for which an application has been made to the provider

by a person other than the individual.

21 Subsection 6(1)


credit information has the meaning given by section 6N.

22 Subsection 6(1) (definition of credit information file)

Repeal the definition.

23 Subsection 6(1) (definition of credit provider)

Omit “section 11B”, substitute “sections 6G to 6K”.

24 Subsection 6(1) (definition of credit report)

Repeal the definition.

25 Subsection 6(1) (definition of credit reporting agency)

Repeal the definition.

26 Subsection 6(1)


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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

credit reporting body means:

(a) an organisation; or

(b) an agency prescribed by the regulations;

that carries on a credit reporting business.

27 Subsection 6(1) (definition of credit reporting business)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

credit reporting business has the meaning given by section 6P.

28 Subsection 6(1)


credit reporting information about an individual means credit

information, or CRB derived information, about the individual.

29 Subsection 6(1)


credit worthiness of an individual means the individual’s:

(a) eligibility to be provided with consumer credit; or

(b) history in relation to consumer credit; or

(c) capacity to repay an amount of credit that relates to consumer


30 Subsection 6(1) (definition of current credit provider)

Repeal the definition.

31 Subsection 6(1)


default information has the meaning given by section 6Q.

32 Subsection 6(1) (definition of eligible communications service)

Repeal the definition.

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

33 Subsection 6(1) (definition of guarantee)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

guarantee includes an indemnity given against the default of a

person in making a payment in relation to credit that has been

applied for by, or provided to, the person.

34 Subsection 6(1)


identification information about an individual means:

(a) the individual’s full name; or

(b) an alias or previous name of the individual; or

(c) the individual’s date of birth; or

(d) the individual’s sex; or

(e) the individual’s current or last known address, and 2 previous

addresses (if any); or

(f) the name of the individual’s current or last known employer;


(g) if the individual holds a driver’s licence—the individual’s

driver’s licence number.

35 Subsection 6(1)


information request has the meaning given by section 6R.

36 Subsection 6(1)


interested party has the meaning given by subsections 20T(3) and


37 Subsection 6(1)


licensee has the meaning given by the National Consumer Credit

Protection Act 2009.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

38 Subsection 6(1) (definition of loan)

Repeal the definition.

39 Subsection 6(1)


managing credit does not include the act of collecting overdue

payments in relation to credit.

40 Subsection 6(1) (definition of mortgage credit)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

mortgage credit means consumer credit:

(a) that is provided in connection with the acquisition,

maintenance, renovation or improvement of real property;


(b) in relation to which the real property is security.

41 Subsection 6(1)


mortgage insurance purpose of a mortgage insurer in relation to

an individual is the purpose of assessing:

(a) whether to provide insurance to, or the risk of providing

insurance to, a credit provider in relation to mortgage credit:

(i) provided by the provider to the individual; or

(ii) for which an application to the provider has been made

by the individual; or

(b) the risk of the individual defaulting on mortgage credit in

relation to which the insurer has provided insurance to a

credit provider; or

(c) the risk of the individual being unable to meet a liability that

might arise under a guarantee provided, or proposed to be

provided, in relation to mortgage credit provided by a credit

provider to another person.

42 Subsection 6(1) (definition of mortgage insurer)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

mortgage insurer means an organisation, or small business

operator, that carries on a business or undertaking that involves

providing insurance to credit providers in relation to mortgage

credit provided by providers to other persons.

43 Subsection 6(1)


National Personal Insolvency Index has the meaning given by the

Bankruptcy Act.

44 Subsection 6(1)


new arrangement information has the meaning given by

section 6S.

45 Subsection 6(1)


payment information has the meaning given by section 6T.

46 Subsection 6(1)


penalty unit has the meaning given by section 4AA of the Crimes

Act 1914.

47 Subsection 6(1)


pending correction request in relation to credit information or

CRB derived information means:

(a) a request made under subsection 20T(1) in relation to the

information if a notice has not been given under subsection

20U(2) or (3) in relation to the request; or

(b) a request made under subsection 21V(1) in relation to the

information if:

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(i) the credit reporting body referred to in subsection

20V(3) has been consulted about the request under

subsection 21V(3); and

(ii) a notice has not been given under subsection 21W(2) or

(3) in relation to the request.

48 Subsection 6(1)


pending dispute in relation to credit information or CRB derived

information means:

(a) a complaint made under section 23A that relates to the

information if a decision about the complaint has not been

made under subsection 23B(4); or

(b) a matter that relates to the information and that is still being

dealt with by a recognised external dispute resolution

scheme; or

(c) a complaint made to the Commissioner under Part V that

relates to the information and that is still being dealt with.

49 Subsection 6(1)


permitted CP disclosure has the meaning given by sections 21J to


50 Subsection 6(1)


permitted CP use has the meaning given by section 21H.

51 Subsection 6(1)


permitted CRB disclosure has the meaning given by section 20F.

52 Subsection 6(1)


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Credit reporting Schedule 2

personal insolvency information has the meaning given by

section 6U.

53 Subsection 6(1)


pre-screening assessment means an assessment made under

paragraph 20G(2)(d).

54 Subsection 6(1)


purchase, in relation to credit, includes the purchase of rights to

receive payments relating to the credit.

55 Subsection 6(1)


regulated information of an affected information recipient means:

(a) if the recipient is a mortgage insurer or trade insurer—

personal information disclosed to the recipient under

Division 2 or 3 of Part IIIA; or

(b) if the recipient is a body corporate referred to in paragraph

21G(3)(b)—credit eligibility information disclosed to the

recipient under that paragraph; or

(c) if the recipient is a person referred to in paragraph

21G(3)(c)—credit eligibility information disclosed to the

recipient under that paragraph; or

(d) if the recipient is an entity or adviser referred to in paragraph

21N(2)(a)—credit eligibility information disclosed to the

recipient under subsection 21N(2).

56 Subsection 6(1)


repayment history information has the meaning given by

subsection 6V(1).

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

57 Subsection 6(1)


residential property has the meaning given by section 204 of the

National Credit Code (within the meaning of the National

Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009).

58 Subsection 6(1)


respondent for a complaint made under section 23A means the

credit reporting body or credit provider to which the complaint is


59 Subsection 6(1)


retention period has the meaning given by sections 20W and 20X.

60 Subsection 6(1) (subparagraphs (a)(i) and (ii) of the definition of securitisation arrangement)

Repeal the subparagraphs, substitute:

(i) credit that has been, or is to be, provided by a credit

provider; or

(ii) the purchase of credit by a credit provider;

61 Subsection 6(1) (paragraph (b) of the definition of securitisation arrangement)

Omit “loans”, substitute “credit”.

62 Subsection 6(1)


securitisation related purpose of a credit provider in relation to an

individual is the purpose of:

(a) assessing the risk in purchasing, by means of a securitisation

arrangement, credit that has been provided to, or applied for


(i) the individual; or

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(ii) a person for whom the individual is, or is proposing to

be, a guarantor; or

(b) assessing the risk in undertaking credit enhancement in

relation to credit:

(i) that is, or is proposed to be, purchased or funded by

means of a securitisation arrangement; and

(ii) that has been provided to, or applied for by, the

individual or a person for whom the individual is, or is

proposing to be, a guarantor.

63 Subsection 6(1) (definition of serious credit infringement)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

serious credit infringement means:

(a) an act done by an individual that involves fraudulently

obtaining consumer credit, or attempting fraudulently to

obtain consumer credit; or

(b) an act done by an individual that involves fraudulently

evading the individual’s obligations in relation to consumer

credit, or attempting fraudulently to evade those obligations;


(c) an act done by an individual if:

(i) a reasonable person would consider that the act

indicates an intention, on the part of the individual, to

no longer comply with the individual’s obligations in

relation to consumer credit provided by a credit

provider; and

(ii) the provider has, after taking such steps as are

reasonable in the circumstances, been unable to contact

the individual about the act; and

(iii) at least 6 months have passed since the provider last had

contact with the individual.

64 Subsection 6(1)


trade insurance purpose of a trade insurer in relation to an

individual is the purpose of assessing:

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(a) whether to provide insurance to, or the risk of providing

insurance to, a credit provider in relation to commercial

credit provided by the provider to the individual or another

person; or

(b) the risk of a person defaulting on commercial credit in

relation to which the insurer has provided insurance to a

credit provider.

65 Subsection 6(1) (definition of trade insurer)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

trade insurer means an organisation, or small business operator,

that carries on a business or undertaking that involves providing

insurance to credit providers in relation to commercial credit

provided by providers to other persons.

66 Subsections 6(5A) to (5D)

Repeal the subsections.

67 Subsection 6(10)

Omit “credit”, substitute “consumer credit”.

68 At the end of subsection 6D(4)


; or (f) is a credit reporting body.

69 After section 6F


Division 2—Key definitions relating to credit reporting

Subdivision A—Credit provider

6G Meaning of credit provider


(1) Each of the following is a credit provider:

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(a) a bank;

(b) an organisation or small business operator if:

(i) the organisation or operator carries on a business or

undertaking; and

(ii) a substantial part of the business or undertaking is the

provision of credit;

(c) an organisation or small business operator:

(i) that carries on a retail business; and

(ii) that, in the course of the business, issues credit cards to

individuals in connection with the sale of goods, or the

supply of services, by the organisation or operator (as

the case may be);

(d) an agency, organisation or small business operator:

(i) that carries on a business or undertaking that involves

providing credit; and

(ii) that is prescribed by the regulations.

Other credit providers

(2) If:

(a) an organisation or small business operator (the supplier)

carries on a business or undertaking in the course of which

the supplier provides credit in connection with the sale of

goods, or the supply of services, by the supplier; and

(b) the repayment, in full or in part, of the amount of credit is

deferred for at least 7 days; and

(c) the supplier is not a credit provider under subsection (1);

then the supplier is a credit provider but only in relation to the


(3) If:

(a) an organisation or small business operator (the lessor) carries

on a business or undertaking in the course of which the lessor

provides credit in connection with the hiring, leasing or

renting of goods; and

(b) the credit is in force for at least 7 days; and

(c) no amount, or an amount less than the value of the goods, is

paid as a deposit for the return of the goods; and

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(d) the lessor is not a credit provider under subsection (1);

then the lessor is a credit provider but only in relation to the credit.

(4) An organisation or small business operator is a credit provider if

subsection 6H(1), 6J(1) or 6K(1) provides that the organisation or

operator is a credit provider.


(5) Despite subsections (1) to (4) of this section, an organisation or

small business operator acting in the capacity of:

(a) a real estate agent; or

(b) a general insurer (within the meaning of the Insurance Act

1973); or

(c) an employer of an individual;

is not a credit provider while acting in that capacity.

(6) Despite subsections (1) to (4) of this section, an organisation or

small business operator is not a credit provider if it is included in a

class of organisations or operators prescribed by the regulations.

6H Agents of credit providers

(1) If an organisation or small business operator (the agent) is acting

as an agent of a credit provider (the principal) in performing, on

behalf of the principal, a task that is reasonably necessary:

(a) in processing an application for credit made to the principal;


(b) in managing credit provided by the principal;

then, while the agent is so acting, the agent is a credit provider.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the principal is an organisation or

small business operator that is a credit provider because of a

previous application of that subsection.

(3) If subsection (1) applies in relation to credit that has been provided

by the principal, the credit is taken, for the purposes of this Act, to

have been provided by both the principal and the agent.

(4) If subsection (1) applies in relation to credit for which an

application has been made to the principal, the application is taken,

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

for the purposes of this Act, to have been made to both the

principal and the agent.

6J Securitisation arrangements etc.

(1) If:

(a) an organisation or small business operator (the securitisation

entity) carries on a business that is involved in either or both

of the following:

(i) a securitisation arrangement;

(ii) managing credit that is the subject of a securitisation

arrangement; and

(b) the securitisation entity performs a task that is reasonably

necessary for:

(i) purchasing, funding or managing, or processing an

application for, credit by means of a securitisation

arrangement; or

(ii) undertaking credit enhancement in relation to credit; and

(c) the credit has been provided by, or is credit for which an

application has been made to, a credit provider (the original

credit provider);

then, while the securitisation entity performs such a task, the

securitisation entity is a credit provider.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the original credit provider is an

organisation or small business operator that is a credit provider

because of a previous application of that subsection.

(3) If subsection (1) applies in relation to credit that has been provided

by the original credit provider, the credit is taken, for the purposes

of this Act, to have been provided by both the original credit

provider and the securitisation entity.

(4) If subsection (1) applies in relation to credit for which an

application has been made to the original credit provider, the

application is taken, for the purposes of this Act, to have been

made to both the original credit provider and the securitisation


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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

6K Acquisition of the rights of a credit provider

(1) If:

(a) an organisation or small business operator (the acquirer)

acquires, whether by assignment, subrogation or any other

means, the rights of a credit provider (the original credit

provider) in relation to the repayment of an amount of credit;


(b) the acquirer is not a credit provider under subsection 6G(1);

then the acquirer is a credit provider but only in relation to the


(2) If subsection (1) of this section applies in relation to credit that has

been provided by the original credit provider, the credit is taken,

for the purposes of this Act, to have been provided by the acquirer.

(3) If subsection (1) of this section applies in relation to credit for

which an application has been made to the original credit provider,

the application is taken, for the purposes of this Act, to have been

made to the acquirer.

Subdivision B—Other definitions

6L Meaning of access seeker

(1) An access seeker in relation to credit reporting information, or

credit eligibility information, about an individual is:

(a) the individual; or

(b) a person:

(i) who is assisting the individual to deal with a credit

reporting body or credit provider; and

(ii) who is authorised, in writing, by the individual to make

a request in relation to the information under subsection

20R(1) or 21T(1).

(2) An individual must not authorise a person under

subparagraph (1)(b)(ii) if the person is:

(a) a credit provider; or

(b) a mortgage insurer; or

(c) a trade insurer; or

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(d) a person who is prevented from being a credit provider by

subsection 6G(5) or (6).

(3) Subparagraph (1)(b)(ii) does not apply to a person who provides

the National Relay Service or a person prescribed by the


6M Meaning of credit and amount of credit

(1) Credit is a contract, arrangement or understanding under which:

(a) payment of a debt owed by one person to another person is

deferred; or

(b) one person incurs a debt to another person and defers the

payment of the debt.

(2) The amount of credit is the amount of the debt that is actually

deferred, or that may be deferred, but does not include any fees or

charges payable in connection with the deferral of the debt.

(3) Without limiting subsection (1), credit includes:

(a) a hire-purchase agreement; and

(b) a contract, arrangement or understanding of a kind referred to

in that subsection that is for the hire, lease or rental of goods,

or for the supply of services, other than a contract,

arrangement or understanding under which:

(i) full payment is made before, or at the same time as, the

goods or services are provided; and

(ii) in the case of goods—an amount greater than, or equal

to, the value of the goods is paid as a deposit for the

return of the goods.

6N Meaning of credit information

Credit information about an individual is personal information

(other than sensitive information) that is:

(a) identification information about the individual; or

(b) consumer credit liability information about the individual; or

(c) repayment history information about the individual; or

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(d) a statement that an information request has been made in

relation to the individual by a credit provider, mortgage

insurer or trade insurer; or

(e) the type of consumer credit or commercial credit, and the

amount of credit, sought in an application:

(i) that has been made by the individual to a credit

provider; and

(ii) in connection with which the provider has made an

information request in relation to the individual; or

(f) default information about the individual; or

(g) payment information about the individual; or

(h) new arrangement information about the individual; or

(i) court proceedings information about the individual; or

(j) personal insolvency information about the individual; or

(k) publicly available information about the individual:

(i) that relates to the individual’s activities in Australia or

the external Territories and the individual’s credit

worthiness; and

(ii) that is not court proceedings information about the

individual or information about the individual that is

entered or recorded on the National Personal Insolvency

Index; or

(l) the opinion of a credit provider that the individual has

committed, in circumstances specified by the provider, a

serious credit infringement in relation to consumer credit

provided by the provider to the individual.

6P Meaning of credit reporting business

(1) A credit reporting business is a business or undertaking that

involves collecting, holding, using or disclosing personal

information about individuals for the purpose of, or for purposes

including the purpose of, providing an entity with information

about the credit worthiness of an individual.

(2) Subsection (1) applies whether or not the information about the

credit worthiness of an individual is:

(a) provided for profit or reward; or

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(b) provided, or intended to be provided, for the purposes of

assessing an application for consumer credit.

(3) In determining whether a business or undertaking carried on by a

credit provider is a credit reporting business, disregard the

provision of information about the credit worthiness of an

individual to a related body corporate by the provider.

(4) Despite subsection (1), a business or undertaking is not a credit

reporting business if the business or undertaking is included in a

class of businesses or undertakings prescribed by the regulations.

6Q Meaning of default information

Consumer credit defaults

(1) Default information about an individual is information about a

payment (including a payment that is wholly or partly a payment of

interest) that the individual is overdue in making in relation to

consumer credit that has been provided by a credit provider to the

individual if:

(a) the individual is at least 60 days overdue in making the

payment; and

(b) the provider has given a written notice to the individual

informing the individual of the overdue payment and

requesting that the individual pay the amount of the overdue

payment; and

(c) the provider is not prevented by a statute of limitations from

recovering the amount of the overdue payment; and

(d) the amount of the overdue payment is equal to or more than:

(i) $150; or

(ii) such higher amount as is prescribed by the regulations.

Guarantor defaults

(2) Default information about an individual is information about a

payment that the individual is overdue in making as a guarantor

under a guarantee given against any default by a person (the

borrower) in repaying all or any of the debt deferred under

consumer credit provided by a credit provider to the borrower if:

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(a) the provider has given the individual written notice of the

borrower’s default that gave rise to the individual’s

obligation to make the overdue payment; and

(b) the notice requests that the individual pay the amount of the

overdue payment; and

(c) at least 60 days have passed since the day on which the

notice was given; and

(d) in addition to giving the notice, the provider has taken other

steps to recover the amount of the overdue payment from the

individual; and

(e) the provider is not prevented by a statute of limitations from

recovering the amount of the overdue payment.

6R Meaning of information request

Credit provider

(1) A credit provider has made an information request in relation to

an individual if the provider has sought information about the

individual from a credit reporting body:

(a) in connection with an application for consumer credit made

by the individual to the provider; or

(b) in connection with an application for commercial credit made

by a person to the provider; or

(c) for a credit guarantee purpose of the provider in relation to

the individual; or

(d) for a securitisation related purpose of the provider in relation

to the individual.

Mortgage insurer

(2) A mortgage insurer has made an information request in relation to

an individual if:

(a) the insurer has sought information about the individual from

a credit reporting body; and

(b) the information was sought in connection with the provision

of insurance to a credit provider in relation to mortgage credit

provided by the provider to:

(i) the individual; or

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(ii) a person for whom the individual is, or is proposing to

be, a guarantor.

Trade insurer

(3) A trade insurer has made an information request in relation to an

individual if:

(a) the insurer has sought information about the individual from

a credit reporting body; and

(b) the information was sought in connection with the provision

of insurance to a credit provider in relation to commercial

credit provided by the provider to the individual or another


6S Meaning of new arrangement information

Consumer credit defaults

(1) If:

(a) a credit provider has disclosed default information about an

individual to a credit reporting body; and

(b) the default information relates to a payment that the

individual is overdue in making in relation to consumer credit

(the original consumer credit) that has been provided by the

provider to the individual; and

(c) because of the individual being so overdue:

(i) the terms or conditions of the original consumer credit

that relate to the repayment of the amount of credit are

varied; or

(ii) the individual is provided with other consumer credit

(the new consumer credit) by a credit provider that

relates, wholly or in part, to that amount of credit;

then new arrangement information about the individual is a

statement that those terms or conditions of the original consumer

credit have been varied, or that the individual has been provided

with the new consumer credit.

Serious credit infringements

(2) If:

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(a) a credit provider is of the opinion that an individual has

committed a serious credit infringement in relation to

consumer credit (the original consumer credit) provided by

the provider to the individual; and

(b) the provider has disclosed the opinion to a credit reporting

body; and

(c) because of the provider having that opinion:

(i) the terms or conditions of the original consumer credit

that relate to the repayment of the amount of credit are

varied; or

(ii) the individual is provided with other consumer credit

(the new consumer credit) by a credit provider that

relates, wholly or in part, to that amount of credit;

then new arrangement information about the individual is a

statement that those terms or conditions of the original consumer

credit have been varied, or that the individual has been provided

with the new consumer credit.

6T Meaning of payment information


(a) a credit provider has disclosed default information about an

individual to a credit reporting body; and

(b) on a day after the default information was disclosed, the

amount of the overdue payment to which the information

relates is paid;

then payment information about the individual is a statement that

the amount of the overdue payment has been paid on that day.

6U Meaning of personal insolvency information

(1) Personal insolvency information about an individual is


(a) that is entered or recorded in the National Personal

Insolvency Index; and

(b) that relates to:

(i) a bankruptcy of the individual; or

(ii) a debt agreement proposal given by the individual; or

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(iii) a debt agreement made by the individual; or

(iv) a personal insolvency agreement executed by the

individual; or

(v) a direction given, or an order made, under section 50 of

the Bankruptcy Act that relates to the property of the

individual; or

(vi) an authority signed under section 188 of that Act that

relates to the property of the individual.

(2) Despite subparagraph (1)(b)(i), personal insolvency information

about an individual must not relate to:

(a) the presentation of a creditor’s petition against the individual;


(b) an administration under Part XI of the Bankruptcy Act of the

individual’s estate.

(3) An expression used in paragraph (1)(b) or (2)(a) that is also used in

the Bankruptcy Act has the same meaning in that paragraph as it

has in that Act.

6V Meaning of repayment history information

(1) If a credit provider provides consumer credit to an individual, the

following information about the consumer credit is repayment

history information about the individual:

(a) whether or not the individual has met an obligation to make a

monthly payment that is due and payable in relation to the

consumer credit;

(b) the day on which the monthly payment is due and payable;

(c) if the individual makes the monthly payment after the day on

which the payment is due and payable—the day on which the

individual makes that payment.

(2) The regulations may make provision in relation to:

(a) whether or not an individual has met an obligation to make a

monthly payment that is due and payable in relation to

consumer credit; and

(b) whether or not a payment is a monthly payment.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

Division 3—Other matters

70 Paragraphs 7(1)(a) and 8(1)(a)

Omit “credit reporting agency” (wherever occurring), substitute “credit

reporting body”.

71 Sections 11A and 11B

Repeal the sections.

72 Part IIIA

Repeal the Part, substitute:

Part IIIA—Credit reporting

Division 1—Introduction

19 Guide to this Part

In general, this Part deals with the privacy of information relating

to credit reporting.

Divisions 2 and 3 contain rules that apply to credit reporting bodies

and credit providers in relation to their handling of information

relating to credit reporting.

Division 4 contains rules that apply to affected information

recipients in relation to their handling of their regulated


Division 5 deals with complaints to credit reporting bodies or

credit providers about acts or practices that may be a breach of

certain provisions of this Part or the registered CR code.

Division 6 deals with entities that obtain credit reporting

information or credit eligibility information by false pretence, or

when they are not authorised to do so under this Part.

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Division 7 provides for compensation orders, and other orders, to

be made by the Federal Court or Federal Magistrates Court.

Division 2—Credit reporting bodies

Subdivision A—Introduction and application of this Division


20 Guide to this Division

This Division sets out rules that apply to credit reporting bodies in

relation to their handling of the following:

(a) credit reporting information;

(b) CP derived information;

(c) credit reporting information that is de-identified;

(d) a pre-screening assessment.

The rules apply in relation to that kind of information or

assessment instead of the Australian Privacy Principles.

20A Application of this Division and the Australian Privacy

Principles to credit reporting bodies

(1) This Division applies to a credit reporting body in relation to the


(a) credit reporting information;

(b) CP derived information;

(c) credit reporting information that is de-identified;

(d) a pre-screening assessment.

(2) The Australian Privacy Principles do not apply to a credit reporting

body in relation to personal information that is:

(a) credit reporting information; or

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(b) CP derived information; or

(c) a pre-screening assessment.

Note: The Australian Privacy Principles apply to the credit reporting body in

relation to other kinds of personal information.

Subdivision B—Consideration of information privacy

20B Open and transparent management of credit reporting


(1) The object of this section is to ensure that credit reporting bodies

manage credit reporting information in an open and transparent


Compliance with this Division etc.

(2) A credit reporting body must take such steps as are reasonable in

the circumstances to implement practices, procedures and systems

relating to the credit reporting business of the body that:

(a) will ensure that the body complies with this Division and the

registered CR code; and

(b) will enable the body to deal with inquiries or complaints

from individuals about the body’s compliance with this

Division or the registered CR code.

Policy about the management of credit reporting information

(3) A credit reporting body must have a clearly expressed and

up-to-date policy about the management of credit reporting

information by the body.

(4) Without limiting subsection (3), the policy of the credit reporting

body must contain the following information:

(a) the kinds of credit information that the body collects and how

the body collects that information;

(b) the kinds of credit reporting information that the body holds

and how the body holds that information;

(c) the kinds of personal information that the body usually

derives from credit information that the body holds;

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(d) the purposes for which the body collects, holds, uses and

discloses credit reporting information;

(e) information about the effect of section 20G (which deals with

direct marketing) and how the individual may make a request

under subsection (5) of that section;

(f) how an individual may access credit reporting information

about the individual that is held by the body and seek the

correction of such information;

(g) information about the effect of section 20T (which deals with

individuals requesting the correction of credit information


(h) how an individual may complain about a failure of the body

to comply with this Division or the registered CR code and

how the body will deal with such a complaint.

Availability of policy etc.

(5) A credit reporting body must take such steps as are reasonable in

the circumstances to make the policy available:

(a) free of charge; and

(b) in such form as is appropriate.

Note: A credit reporting body will usually make the policy available on the

body’s website.

(6) If a person or body requests a copy, in a particular form, of the

policy of a credit reporting body, the credit reporting body must

take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to give the

person or body a copy in that form.

Subdivision C—Collection of credit information

20C Collection of solicited credit information

Prohibition on collection

(1) A credit reporting body must not collect credit information about

an individual.

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting


(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the collection of the credit

information is required or authorised by or under an Australian law

or a court/tribunal order.

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply if:

(a) the credit reporting body collects the credit information about

the individual from a credit provider who is permitted under

section 21D to disclose the information to the body; and

(b) the body collects the information in the course of carrying on

a credit reporting business; and

(c) if the information is identification information about the

individual—the body also collects from the provider, or

already holds, credit information of another kind about the


(4) Subsection (1) does not apply if:

(a) the credit reporting body:

(i) collects the credit information about the individual from

an entity (other than a credit provider) in the course of

carrying on a credit reporting business; and

(ii) knows, or believes on reasonable grounds, that the

individual is at least 18 years old; and

(b) the information does not relate to an act, omission, matter or

thing that occurred or existed before the individual turned 18;


(c) if the information relates to consumer credit or commercial

credit—the credit is or has been provided, or applied for, in

Australia; and

(d) if the information is identification information about the

individual—the body also collects from the entity, or already

holds, credit information of another kind about the

individual; and

(e) if the information is repayment history information about the

individual—the body collects the information from another

credit reporting body that has an Australian link.

(5) Paragraph (4)(b) does not apply to identification information about

the individual.

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(6) Despite paragraph (4)(b), consumer credit liability information

about the individual may relate to consumer credit that was entered

into on a day before the individual turned 18, so long as the

consumer credit was not terminated, or did not otherwise cease to

be in force, on a day before the individual turned 18.

Means of collection

(7) A credit reporting body must collect credit information only by

lawful and fair means.

Solicited credit information

(8) This section applies to the collection of credit information that is

solicited by a credit reporting body.

20D Dealing with unsolicited credit information

(1) If:

(a) a credit reporting body receives credit information about an

individual; and

(b) the body did not solicit the information;

the body must, within a reasonable period after receiving the

information, determine whether or not the body could have

collected the information under section

20C if the body had solicited the information.

(2) The credit reporting body may use or disclose the credit

information for the purposes of making the determination under

subsection (1).

(3) If the credit reporting body determines that it could have collected

the credit information, sections 20E to 20ZA apply in relation to

the information as if the body had collected the information under



(4) If the credit reporting body determines that it could not have

collected the credit information, the body must, as soon as

practicable, destroy the information.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

(5) Subsection (4) does not apply if the credit reporting body is

required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to

retain the credit information.

Subdivision D—Dealing with credit reporting information etc.

20E Use or disclosure of credit reporting information

Prohibition on use or disclosure

(1) If a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information about

an individual, the body must not use or disclose the information.

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

Permitted uses

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use of credit reporting

information about the individual if:

(a) the credit reporting body uses the information in the course

of carrying on the body’s credit reporting business; or

(b) the use is required or authorised by or under an Australian

law or a court/tribunal order; or

(c) the use is a use prescribed by the regulations.

Permitted disclosures

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the disclosure of credit reporting

information about the individual if:

(a) the disclosure is a permitted CRB disclosure in relation to the

individual; or

(b) the disclosure is to another credit reporting body that has an

Australian link; or

(c) both of the following apply:

(i) the disclosure is for the purposes of a recognised

external dispute resolution scheme;

(ii) a credit reporting body or credit provider is a member of

the scheme; or

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(d) both of the following apply:

(i) the disclosure is to an enforcement body;

(ii) the credit reporting body is satisfied that the body, or

another enforcement body, believes on reasonable

grounds that the individual has committed a serious

credit infringement; or

(e) the disclosure is required or authorised by or under an

Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or

(f) the disclosure is a disclosure prescribed by the regulations.

(4) However, if the credit reporting information is, or was derived

from, repayment history information about the individual, the

credit reporting body must not disclose the information under

paragraph (3)(a) or (f) unless the recipient of the information is:

(a) a credit provider who is a licensee or is prescribed by the

regulations; or

(b) a mortgage insurer.

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

(5) If a credit reporting body discloses credit reporting information

under this section, the body must make a written note of that


Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

Note: Other Acts may provide that the note must not be made (see for

example the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 and the Law

Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006).

No use or disclosure for the purposes of direct marketing

(6) This section does not apply to the use or disclosure of credit

reporting information for the purposes of direct marketing.

Note: Section 20G deals with the use or disclosure of credit reporting

information for the purposes of direct marketing.

20F Permitted CRB disclosures in relation to individuals

(1) A disclosure by a credit reporting body of credit reporting

information about an individual is a permitted CRB disclosure in

relation to the individual if:

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(a) the disclosure is to an entity that is specified in an item of the

table and that has an Australian link; and

(b) such conditions as are specified for the item are satisfied.

Permitted CRB disclosures

Item If the disclosure is to ... the condition or conditions are ...

a credit provider the provider requests the information for a

consumer credit related purpose of the provider

in relation to the individual.

a credit provider (a) the provider requests the information for a

commercial credit related purpose of the

provider in relation to a person; and

(b) the individual expressly consents to the

disclosure of the information to the provider

for that purpose.

a credit provider (a) the provider requests the information for a

credit guarantee purpose of the provider in

relation to the individual; and

(b) the individual expressly consents, in writing,

to the disclosure of the information to the

provider for that purpose.

a credit provider the credit reporting body is satisfied that the

provider, or another credit provider, believes on

reasonable grounds that the individual has

committed a serious credit infringement.

a credit provider (a) the credit reporting body holds consumer

credit liability information that relates to

consumer credit provided by the provider to

the individual; and

(b) the consumer credit has not been terminated,

or has not otherwise ceased to be in force.

a credit provider under the provider requests the information for a

subsection 6J(1) securitisation related purpose of the provider in

relation to the individual.

a mortgage insurer the insurer requests the information for a

mortgage insurance purpose of the insurer in

relation to the individual.

a trade insurer (a) the insurer requests the information for a

trade insurance purpose of the insurer in

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

Permitted CRB disclosures

Item If the disclosure is to ... the condition or conditions are ...

relation to the individual; and

(b) the individual expressly consents, in writing,

to the disclosure of the information to the

insurer for that purpose.

(2) The consent of the individual under paragraph (b) of item 2 of the

table in subsection (1) must be given in writing unless:

(a) the credit provider referred to in that item requests the

information for the purpose of assessing an application for

commercial credit made by a person to the provider; and

(b) the application has not been made in writing.

20G Use or disclosure of credit reporting information for the

purposes of direct marketing

Prohibition on direct marketing

(1) If a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information about

an individual, the body must not use or disclose the information for

the purposes of direct marketing.

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

Permitted use for pre-screening

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use by the credit reporting

body of credit information about the individual for the purposes of

direct marketing by, or on behalf of, a credit provider if:

(a) the provider has an Australian link and is a licensee; and

(b) the direct marketing is about consumer credit that the

provider provides in Australia; and

(c) the information is not consumer credit liability information,

or repayment history information, about the individual; and

(d) the body uses the information to assess whether or not the

individual is eligible to receive the direct marketing

communications of the credit provider; and

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(e) the individual has not made a request under subsection (5);


(f) the body complies with any requirements that are set out in

the registered CR code.

(3) In assessing under paragraph (2)(d) whether or not the individual is

eligible to receive the direct marketing communications of the

credit provider, the credit reporting body must have regard to the

eligibility requirements nominated by the provider.

(4) An assessment under paragraph (2)(d) is not credit reporting

information about the individual.

Request not to use information for pre-screening

(5) An individual may request a credit reporting body that holds credit

information about the individual not to use the information under

subsection (2).

(6) If the individual makes a request under subsection (5), the credit

reporting body must not charge the individual for the making of the

request or to give effect to the request.

Written note of use

(7) If a credit reporting body uses credit information under

subsection (2), the body must make a written note of that use.

Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

20H Use or disclosure of pre-screening assessments

Use or disclosure by credit reporting bodies

(1) If a credit reporting body makes a pre-screening assessment in

relation to direct marketing by, or on behalf of, a credit provider,

the body must not use or disclose the assessment.

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if:

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(a) the credit reporting body discloses the pre-screening

assessment for the purposes of the direct marketing by, or on

behalf of, the credit provider; and

(b) the recipient of the assessment is an entity (other than the

provider) that has an Australian link.

(3) If the credit reporting body discloses the pre-screening assessment

under subsection (2), the body must make a written note of that


Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

Use or disclosure by recipients

(4) If the credit reporting body discloses the pre-screening assessment

under subsection (2), the recipient must not use or disclose the


Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

(5) Subsection (4) does not apply if the recipient uses the

pre-screening assessment for the purposes of the direct marketing

by, or on behalf of, the credit provider.

(6) If the recipient uses the pre-screening assessment under

subsection (5), the recipient must make a written note of that use.

Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(7) If the recipient is an APP entity, Australian Privacy Principles 6, 7

and 8 do not apply to the recipient in relation to a pre-screening


20J Destruction of pre-screening assessment

(1) If an entity has possession or control of a pre-screening

assessment, the entity must destroy the assessment if:

(a) the entity no longer needs the assessment for any purpose for

which it may be used or disclosed under section 20H; and

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(b) the entity is not required by or under an Australian law, or a

court/tribunal order, to retain the assessment.

Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

(2) If the entity is an APP entity but not a credit reporting body,

Australian Privacy Principle 11.2 does not apply to the entity in

relation to the pre-screening assessment.

20K No use or disclosure of credit reporting information during a

ban period

(1) If:

(a) a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information

about an individual; and

(b) the individual believes on reasonable grounds that the

individual has been, or is likely to be, a victim of fraud

(including identity fraud); and

(c) the individual requests the body not to use or disclose the

information under this Division;

then, despite any other provision of this Division, the body must

not use or disclose the information during the ban period for the


Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if:

(a) the individual expressly consents, in writing, to the use or

disclosure of the credit reporting information under this

Division; or

(b) the use or disclosure of the credit reporting information is

required by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal


Ban period

(3) The ban period for credit reporting information about an individual

is the period that:

(a) starts when the individual makes a request under

paragraph (1)(c); and

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(b) ends:

(i) 21 days after the day on which the request is made; or

(ii) if the period is extended under subsection (4)—on the

day after the extended period ends.

(4) If:

(a) there is a ban period for credit reporting information about an

individual that is held by a credit reporting body; and

(b) before the ban period ends, the individual requests the body

to extend that period; and

(c) the body believes on reasonable grounds that the individual

has been, or is likely to be, a victim of fraud (including

identity fraud);

the body must:

(d) extend the ban period by such period as the body considers is

reasonable in the circumstances; and

(e) give the individual written notification of the extension.

Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

(5) A ban period for credit reporting information may be extended

more than once under subsection (4).

No charge for request etc.

(6) If an individual makes a request under paragraph (1)(c) or (4)(b), a

credit reporting body must not charge the individual for the making

of the request or to give effect to the request.

20L Adoption of government related identifiers

(1) If:

(a) a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information

about an individual; and

(b) the information is a government related identifier of the


the body must not adopt the government related identifier as its

own identifier of the individual.

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the adoption of the government

related identifier is required or authorised by or under an

Australian law or a court/tribunal order.

20M Use or disclosure of credit reporting information that is


Use or disclosure

(1) If:

(a) a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information;


(b) the information (the de-identified information) is


the body must not use or disclose the de-identified information.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use or disclosure of the

de-identified information if:

(a) the use or disclosure is for the purposes of conducting

research in relation to credit; and

(b) the credit reporting body complies with the rules made under

subsection (3).

Commissioner may make rules

(3) The Commissioner may, by legislative instrument, make rules

relating to the use or disclosure by a credit reporting body of

de-identified information for the purposes of conducting research

in relation to credit.

(4) Without limiting subsection (3), the rules may relate to the

following matters:

(a) the kinds of de-identified information that may or may not be

used or disclosed for the purposes of conducting the research;

(b) whether or not the research is research in relation to credit;

(c) the purposes of conducting the research;

(d) consultation about the research;

(e) how the research is conducted.

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

Subdivision E—Integrity of credit reporting information

20N Quality of credit reporting information

(1) A credit reporting body must take such steps as are reasonable in

the circumstances to ensure that the credit information the body

collects is accurate, up-to-date and complete.

(2) A credit reporting body must take such steps as are reasonable in

the circumstances to ensure that the credit reporting information

the body uses or discloses is, having regard to the purpose of the

use or disclosure, accurate, up-to-date, complete and relevant.

(3) Without limiting subsections (1) and (2), a credit reporting body


(a) enter into agreements with credit providers that require the

providers to ensure that credit information that they disclose

to the body under section 21D is accurate, up-to-date and

complete; and

(b) ensure that regular audits are conducted by an independent

person to determine whether those agreements are being

complied with; and

(c) identify and deal with suspected breaches of those


20P False or misleading credit reporting information


(1) A credit reporting body commits an offence if:

(a) the body uses or discloses credit reporting information under

this Division (other than subsections 20D(2) and 20T(4));


(b) the information is false or misleading in a material particular.

Penalty: 200 penalty units.

Civil penalty

(2) A credit reporting body must not use or disclose credit reporting

information under this Division (other than subsections 20D(2) and

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

20T(4)) if the information is false or misleading in a material


Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

20Q Security of credit reporting information

(1) If a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information, the

body must take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to

protect the information:

(a) from misuse, interference and loss; and

(b) from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a credit reporting body must:

(a) enter into agreements with credit providers that require the

providers to protect credit reporting information that is

disclosed to them under this Division:

(i) from misuse, interference and loss; and

(ii) from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure;


(b) ensure that regular audits are conducted by an independent

person to determine whether those agreements are being

complied with; and

(c) identify and deal with suspected breaches of those


Subdivision F—Access to, and correction of, information

20R Access to credit reporting information


(1) If a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information about

an individual, the body must, on request by an access seeker in

relation to the information, give the access seeker access to the


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Credit reporting Schedule 2

Exceptions to access

(2) Despite subsection (1), the credit reporting body is not required to

give the access seeker access to the credit reporting information to

the extent that:

(a) giving access would be unlawful; or

(b) denying access is required or authorised by or under an

Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or

(c) giving access would be likely to prejudice one or more

enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of,

an enforcement body.

Dealing with requests for access

(3) The credit reporting body must respond to the request within a

reasonable period, but not longer than 10 days, after the request is


Means of access

(4) If the credit reporting body gives access to the credit reporting

information, the access must be given in the manner set out in the

registered CR code.

Access charges

(5) If a request under subsection (1) in relation to the individual has

not been made to the credit reporting body in the previous 12

months, the body must not charge the access seeker for the making

of the request or for giving access to the information.

(6) If subsection (5) does not apply, any charge by the credit reporting

body for giving access to the information must not be excessive

and must not apply to the making of the request.

Refusal to give access

(7) If the credit reporting body refuses to give access to the

information because of subsection (2), the body must give the

access seeker a written notice that:

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(a) sets out the reasons for the refusal except to the extent that,

having regard to the grounds for the refusal, it would be

unreasonable to do so; and

(b) states that, if the access seeker is not satisfied with the

response to the request, the access seeker may:

(i) access a recognised external dispute resolution scheme

of which the body is a member; or

(ii) make a complaint to the Commissioner under Part V.

20S Correction of credit reporting information

(1) If:

(a) a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information

about an individual; and

(b) the body is satisfied that, having regard to a purpose for

which the information is held by the body, the information is

inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading;

the body must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the

circumstances to correct the information to ensure that, having

regard to the purpose for which it is held, the information is

accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading.

(2) If:

(a) the credit reporting body corrects credit reporting information

under subsection (1); and

(b) the body has previously disclosed the information under this

Division (other than subsections 20D(2) and 20T(4));

the body must, within a reasonable period, give each recipient of

the information written notice of the correction.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if:

(a) it is impracticable for the credit reporting body to give the

notice under that subsection; or

(b) the credit reporting body is required by or under an

Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, not to give the

notice under that subsection.

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

20T Individual may request the correction of credit information etc.


(1) An individual may request a credit reporting body to correct

personal information about the individual if:

(a) the personal information is:

(i) credit information about the individual; or

(ii) CRB derived information about the individual; or

(iii) CP derived information about the individual; and

(b) the body holds at least one kind of the personal information

referred to in paragraph (a).


(2) If the credit reporting body is satisfied that the personal

information is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or

misleading, the body must take such steps (if any) as are

reasonable in the circumstances to correct the information within:

(a) the period of 30 days that starts on the day on which the

request is made; or

(b) such longer period as the individual has agreed to in writing.


(3) If the credit reporting body considers that the body cannot be

satisfied of the matter referred to in subsection (2) in relation to the

personal information without consulting either or both of the

following (the interested party):

(a) another credit reporting body that holds or held the

information and that has an Australian link;

(b) a credit provider that holds or held the information and that

has an Australian link;

the body must consult that interested party, or those interested

parties, about the individual’s request.

(4) The use or disclosure of personal information about the individual

for the purposes of the consultation is taken, for the purposes of

this Act, to be a use or disclosure that is authorised by this


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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

No charge

(5) The credit reporting body must not charge the individual for the

making of the request or for correcting the information.

20U Notice of correction etc. must be given

(1) This section applies if an individual requests a credit reporting

body to correct personal information under subsection 20T(1).

Notice of correction etc.

(2) If the credit reporting body corrects the personal information under

subsection 20T(2), the body must, within a reasonable period:

(a) give the individual written notice of the correction; and

(b) if the body consulted an interested party under subsection

20T(3) about the individual’s request—give the party written

notice of the correction; and

(c) if the correction relates to information that the body has

previously disclosed under this Division (other than

subsections 20D(2) and 20T(4))—give each recipient of the

information written notice of the correction.

(3) If the credit reporting body does not correct the personal

information under subsection 20T(2), the body must, within a

reasonable period, give the individual written notice that:

(a) states that the correction has not been made; and

(b) sets out the body’s reasons for not correcting the information

(including evidence substantiating the correctness of the

information); and

(c) states that, if the individual is not satisfied with the response

to the request, the individual may:

(i) access a recognised external dispute resolution scheme

of which the body is a member; or

(ii) make a complaint to the Commissioner under Part V.


(4) Paragraph (2)(c) does not apply if it is impracticable for the credit

reporting body to give the notice under that paragraph.

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(5) Subsection (2) or (3) does not apply if the credit reporting body is

required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order,

not to give the notice under that subsection.

Subdivision G—Dealing with credit reporting information after

the retention period ends etc.

20V Destruction etc. of credit reporting information after the

retention period ends

(1) This section applies if:

(a) a credit reporting body holds credit information about an

individual; and

(b) the retention period for the information ends.

Note: There is no retention period for identification information or credit

information of a kind referred to in paragraph 6N(k).

Destruction etc. of credit information

(2) The credit reporting body must destroy the credit information, or

ensure that the information is de-identified, within 1 month after

the retention period for the information ends.

Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

(3) Despite subsection (2), the credit reporting body must neither

destroy the credit information nor ensure that the information is

de-identified, if immediately before the retention period ends:

(a) there is a pending correction request in relation to the

information; or

(b) there is a pending dispute in relation to the information.

Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

(4) Subsection (2) does not apply if the credit reporting body is

required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to

retain the credit information.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

Destruction etc. of CRB derived information

(5) The credit reporting body must destroy any CRB derived

information about the individual that was derived from the credit

information, or ensure that the CRB derived information is


(a) if:

(i) the CRB derived information was derived from 2 or

more kinds of credit information; and

(ii) the body is required to do a thing referred to in

subsection (2) to one of those kinds of credit


at the same time that the body does that thing to that credit

information; or

(b) otherwise—at the same time that the body is required to do a

thing referred to in subsection (2) to the credit information

from which the CRB derived information was derived.

Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

(6) Despite subsection (5), the credit reporting body must neither

destroy the CRB derived information nor ensure that the

information is de-identified, if immediately before the retention

period ends:

(a) there is a pending correction request in relation to the

information; or

(b) there is a pending dispute in relation to the information.

Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

(7) Subsection (5) does not apply if the credit reporting body is

required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to

retain the CRB derived information.

20W Retention period for credit information—general

The following table sets out the retention period for credit


(a) that is information of a kind referred to in an item of the

table; and

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(b) that is held by a credit reporting body.

Retention period

Item If the credit information is ... the retention period for the information

is ...

1 consumer credit liability


the period of 2 years that starts on the

day on which the consumer credit to

which the information relates is

terminated or otherwise ceases to be in


2 repayment history information the period of 2 years that starts on the

day on which the monthly payment to

which the information relates is due and


3 information of a kind referred to

in paragraph 6N(d) or (e)

the period of 5 years that starts on the

day on which the information request to

which the information relates is made.

4 default information the period of 5 years that starts on the

day on which the credit reporting body

collects the information.

5 payment information the period of 5 years that starts on the

day on which the credit reporting body

collects the default information to which

the payment information relates.

6 new arrangement information

within the meaning of

subsection 6S(1)

the period of 2 years that starts on the

day on which the credit reporting body

collects the default information referred

to in that subsection.

7 new arrangement information

within the meaning of

subsection 6S(2)

the period of 2 years that starts on the

day on which the credit reporting body

collects the information about the

opinion referred to in that subsection.

8 court proceedings information the period of 5 years that starts on the

day on which the judgement to which the

information relates is made or given.

9 information of a kind referred to

in paragraph 6N(l)

the period of 7 years that starts on the

day on which the credit reporting body

collects the information.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

20X Retention period for credit information—personal insolvency


(1) The following table has effect:

Item If personal insolvency

information relates to ...

the retention period for the information

is whichever of the following periods

ends later ...

1 a bankruptcy of an individual (a) the period of 5 years that starts on the

day on which the individual becomes

a bankrupt;

(b) the period of 2 years that starts on the

day the bankruptcy ends.

2 a personal insolvency

agreement to which item 3 of

this table does not apply

(a) the period of 5 years that starts on the

day on which the agreement is


(b) the period of 2 years that starts on the

day the agreement is terminated or set

aside under the Bankruptcy Act.

3 a personal insolvency

agreement in relation to which a

certificate has been signed

under section 232 of the

Bankruptcy Act

(a) the period of 5 years that starts on the

day on which the agreement is


(b) the period that ends on the day on

which the certificate is signed.

4 a debt agreement to which

item 5 of this table does not


(a) the period of 5 years that starts on the

day on which the agreement is made;

(b) the period of 2 years that starts on the


(i) the agreement is terminated

under the Bankruptcy Act; or

(ii) an order declaring that all the

agreement is void is made

under that Act.

5 a debt agreement that ends

under section 185N of the

Bankruptcy Act

(a) the period of 5 years that starts on the

day on which the agreement is made;

(b) the period that ends on the day on

which the agreement ends.

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

Debt agreement proposals

(2) If personal insolvency information relates to a debt agreement

proposal, the retention period for the information is the period that

ends on the day on which:

(a) the proposal is withdrawn; or

(b) the proposal is not accepted under section 185EC of the

Bankruptcy Act; or

(c) the acceptance of the proposal for processing is cancelled

under section 185ED of that Act; or

(d) the proposal lapses under section 185G of that Act.

Control of property

(3) If personal insolvency information relates to a direction given, or

an order made, under section 50 of the Bankruptcy Act, the

retention period for the information is the period that ends on the

day on which the control of the property to which the direction or

order relates ends.

Note: See subsection 50(1B) of the Bankruptcy Act for when the control of

the property ends.

(4) If the personal insolvency information relates to an authority

signed under section 188 of the Bankruptcy Act, the retention

period for the information is the period that ends on the day on

which the property to which the authority relates is no longer

subject to control under Division 2 of Part X of that Act.


(5) An expression used in this section that is also used in the

Bankruptcy Act has the same meaning in this section as it has in

that Act.

20Y Destruction of credit reporting information in cases of fraud

(1) This section applies if:

(a) a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information

about an individual; and

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(b) the information relates to consumer credit that has been

provided by a credit provider to the individual, or a person

purporting to be the individual; and

(c) the body is satisfied that:

(i) the individual has been a victim of fraud (including

identity fraud); and

(ii) the consumer credit was provided as a result of that


Destruction of credit reporting information

(2) The credit reporting body must:

(a) destroy the credit reporting information; and

(b) within a reasonable period after the information is destroyed:

(i) give the individual a written notice that states that the

information has been destroyed and sets out the effect of

subsection (4); and

(ii) give the credit provider a written notice that states that

the information has been destroyed.

Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if the credit reporting body is

required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to

retain the credit reporting information.

Notification of destruction to third parties

(4) If:

(a) a credit reporting body destroys credit reporting information

about an individual under subsection (2); and

(b) the body has previously disclosed the information to one or

more recipients under Subdivision D of this Division;

the body must, within a reasonable period after the destruction,

notify those recipients of the destruction and the matters referred to

in paragraph (1)(c).

Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(5) Subsection (4) does not apply if the credit reporting body is

required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order,

not to give the notification.

20Z Dealing with information if there is a pending correction

request etc.

(1) This section applies if a credit reporting body holds credit reporting

information about an individual and either:

(a) subsection 20V(3) applies in relation to the information; or

(b) subsection 20V(6) applies in relation to the information.

Notification of Commissioner

(2) The credit reporting body must, as soon as practicable, notify in

writing the Commissioner of the matter referred to in

paragraph (1)(a) or (b) of this section.

Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

Use or disclosure

(3) The credit reporting body must not use or disclose the information

under Subdivision D of this Division.

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

(4) However, the credit reporting body may use or disclose the

information under this subsection if:

(a) the use or disclosure is for the purposes of the pending

correction request, or pending dispute, in relation to the

information; or

(b) the use or disclosure of the information is required by or

under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order.

(5) If the credit reporting body uses or discloses the information under

subsection (4), the body must make a written note of the use or


Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

Direction to destroy information etc.

(6) The Commissioner may, by legislative instrument, direct the credit

reporting body to destroy the information, or ensure that the

information is de-identified, by a specified day.

(7) If the Commissioner gives a direction under subsection (6) to the

credit reporting body, the body must comply with the direction.

Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

(8) To avoid doubt, section 20M applies in relation to credit reporting

information that is de-identified as a result of the credit reporting

body complying with the direction.

20ZA Dealing with information if an Australian law etc. requires it

to be retained

(1) This section applies if a credit reporting body is not required:

(a) to do a thing referred to in subsection 20V(2) to credit

information because of subsection 20V(4); or

(b) to do a thing referred to in subsection 20V(5) to CRB derived

information because of subsection 20V(7); or

(c) to destroy credit reporting information under subsection

20Y(2) because of subsection 20Y(3).

Use or disclosure

(2) The credit reporting body must not use or disclose the information

under Subdivision D of this Division.

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

(3) However, the credit reporting body may use or disclose the

information under this subsection if the use or disclosure of the

information is required by or under an Australian law or a

court/tribunal order.

(4) If the credit reporting body uses or discloses the information under

subsection (3), the body must make a written note of the use or


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Credit reporting Schedule 2

Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

Other requirements

(5) Subdivision E of this Division (other than section 20Q) does not

apply in relation to the use or disclosure of the information.

Note: Section 20Q deals with the security of credit reporting information.

(6) Subdivision F of this Division does not apply in relation to the


Division 3—Credit providers

Subdivision A—Introduction and application of this Division

21 Guide to this Division

This Division sets out rules that apply to credit providers in

relation to their handling of the following:

(a) credit information;

(b) credit eligibility information;

(c) CRB derived information.

If a credit provider is an APP entity, the rules apply in relation to

that information in addition to, or instead of, any relevant

Australian Privacy Principles.

21A Application of this Division to credit providers

(1) This Division applies to a credit provider in relation to the


(a) credit information;

(b) credit eligibility information;

(c) CRB derived information.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(2) If the credit provider is an APP entity, this Division may apply to

the provider in relation to information referred to in subsection (1)

in addition to, or instead of, the Australian Privacy Principles.

Subdivision B—Consideration of information privacy

21B Open and transparent management of credit information etc.

(1) The object of this section is to ensure that credit providers manage

credit information and credit eligibility information in an open and

transparent way.

Compliance with this Division etc.

(2) A credit provider must take such steps as are reasonable in the

circumstances to implement practices, procedures and systems

relating to the provider’s functions or activities as a credit provider


(a) will ensure that the provider complies with this Division and

the registered CR code if it binds the provider; and

(b) will enable the provider to deal with inquiries or complaints

from individuals about the provider’s compliance with this

Division or the registered CR code if it binds the provider.

Policy about the management of credit information etc.

(3) A credit provider must have a clearly expressed and up-to-date

policy about the management of credit information and credit

eligibility information by the provider.

(4) Without limiting subsection (3), the policy of the credit provider

must contain the following information:

(a) the kinds of credit information that the provider collects and

holds, and how the provider collects and holds that


(b) the kinds of credit eligibility information that the provider

holds and how the provider holds that information;

(c) the kinds of CP derived information that the provider usually

derives from credit reporting information disclosed to the

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

provider by a credit reporting body under Division 2 of this


(d) the purposes for which the provider collects, holds, uses and

discloses credit information and credit eligibility information;

(e) how an individual may access credit eligibility information

about the individual that is held by the provider;

(f) how an individual may seek the correction of credit

information or credit eligibility information about the

individual that is held by the provider;

(g) how an individual may complain about a failure of the

provider to comply with this Division or the registered CR

code if it binds the provider;

(h) how the provider will deal with such a complaint;

(i) whether the provider is likely to disclose credit information

or credit eligibility information to entities that do not have an

Australian link;

(j) if the provider is likely to disclose credit information or

credit eligibility information to such entities—the countries

in which those entities are likely to be located if it is

practicable to specify those countries in the policy.

Availability of policy etc.

(5) A credit provider must take such steps as are reasonable in the

circumstances to make the policy available:

(a) free of charge; and

(b) in such form as is appropriate.

Note: A credit provider will usually make the policy available on the

provider’s website.

(6) If a person or body requests a copy, in a particular form, of the

policy of a credit provider, the provider must take such steps as are

reasonable in the circumstances to give the person or body a copy

in that form.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(7) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy Principles

1.3 and 1.4 do not apply to the provider in relation to credit

information or credit eligibility information.

Subdivision C—Dealing with credit information

21C Additional notification requirements for the collection of

personal information etc.

(1) At or before the time a credit provider collects personal

information about an individual that the provider is likely to

disclose to a credit reporting body, the provider must:

(a) notify the individual of the following matters:

(i) the name and contact details of the body;

(ii) any other matter specified in the registered CR code; or

(b) otherwise ensure that the individual is aware of those matters.

(2) If a credit provider is an APP entity, subsection (1) applies to the

provider in relation to personal information in addition to

Australian Privacy Principle 5.

(3) If a credit provider is an APP entity, then the matters for the

purposes of Australian Privacy Principle 5.1 include the following

matters to the extent that the personal information referred to in

that principle is credit information or credit eligibility information:

(a) that the policy (the credit reporting policy) of the provider

that is referred to in subsection 21B(3) contains information

about how an individual may access the credit eligibility

information about the individual that is held by the provider;

(b) that the credit reporting policy of the provider contains

information about how an individual may seek the correction

of credit information or credit eligibility information about

the individual that is held by the provider;

(c) that the credit reporting policy of the provider contains

information about how an individual may complain about a

failure of the provider to comply with this Division or the

registered CR code if it binds the provider;

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(d) that the credit reporting policy of the provider contains

information about how the provider will deal with such a


(e) whether the provider is likely to disclose credit information

or credit eligibility information to entities that do not have an

Australian link;

(f) if the provider is likely to disclose credit information or

credit eligibility information to such entities—the countries

in which those entities are likely to be located if it is

practicable to specify those countries in the credit reporting


21D Disclosure of credit information to a credit reporting body

Prohibition on disclosure

(1) A credit provider must not disclose credit information about an

individual to a credit reporting body (whether or not the body’s

credit reporting business is carried on in Australia).

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

Permitted disclosure

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the disclosure of credit

information about the individual if:

(a) the credit provider:

(i) is a member of a recognised external dispute resolution

scheme or is prescribed by the regulations; and

(ii) knows, or believes on reasonable grounds, that the

individual is at least 18 years old; and

(b) the credit reporting body is:

(i) an agency; or

(ii) an organisation that has an Australian link; and

(c) the information meets the requirements of subsection (3).

Note: Section 21F limits the disclosure of credit information if there is a ban

period for the information.

(3) Credit information about an individual meets the requirements of

this subsection if:

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(a) the information does not relate to an act, omission, matter or

thing that occurred or existed before the individual turned 18;


(b) if the information relates to consumer credit or commercial

credit—the credit is or has been provided, or applied for, in

Australia; and

(c) if the information is repayment history information about the


(i) the credit provider is a licensee or is prescribed by the

regulations; and

(ii) the consumer credit to which the information relates is

consumer credit in relation to which the provider also

discloses, or a credit provider has previously disclosed,

consumer credit liability information about the

individual to the credit reporting body; and

(iii) the provider complies with any requirements relating to

the disclosure of the information that are prescribed by

the regulations; and

(d) if the information is default information about the individual:

(i) the credit provider has given the individual a notice in

writing stating that the provider intends to disclose the

information to the credit reporting body; and

(ii) at least 14 days have passed since the giving of the


(4) Paragraph (3)(a) does not apply to identification information about

the individual.

(5) Despite paragraph (3)(a), consumer credit liability information

about the individual may relate to consumer credit that was entered

into on a day before the individual turned 18, so long as the

consumer credit was not terminated, or did not otherwise cease to

be in force, on a day before the individual turned 18.

Written note of disclosure

(6) If a credit provider discloses credit information under this section,

the provider must make a written note of that disclosure.

Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(7) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy Principles

6 and 8 do not apply to the disclosure by the provider of credit

information to a credit reporting body.

21E Payment information must be disclosed to a credit reporting



(a) a credit provider has disclosed default information about an

individual to a credit reporting body under section 21D; and

(b) after the default information was disclosed, the amount of the

overdue payment to which the information relates is paid;

the provider must, within a reasonable period after the amount is

paid, disclose payment information about the amount to the body

under that section.

Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

21F Limitation on the disclosure of credit information during a ban


(1) This section applies if:

(a) a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information

about an individual; and

(b) a credit provider requests the body to disclose the

information to the provider for the purpose of assessing an

application for consumer credit made to the provider by the

individual, or a person purporting to be the individual; and

(c) the body is not permitted to disclose the information because

there is a ban period for the information; and

(d) during the ban period, the provider provides the consumer

credit to which the application relates to the individual, or the

person purporting to be the individual.

(2) If the credit provider holds credit information about the individual

that relates to the consumer credit, the provider must not, despite

sections 21D and 21E, disclose the information to a credit

reporting body.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if the credit provider has taken such

steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to verify the identity of

the individual.

Subdivision D—Dealing with credit eligibility information etc.

21G Use or disclosure of credit eligibility information

Prohibition on use or disclosure

(1) If a credit provider holds credit eligibility information about an

individual, the provider must not use or disclose the information.

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

Permitted uses

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use of credit eligibility

information about the individual if:

(a) the use is for a consumer credit related purpose of the credit

provider in relation to the individual; or

(b) the use is a permitted CP use in relation to the individual; or

(c) both of the following apply:

(i) the credit provider believes on reasonable grounds that

the individual has committed a serious credit


(ii) the provider uses the information in connection with the

infringement; or

(d) the use is required or authorised by or under an Australian

law or a court/tribunal order; or

(e) the use is a use prescribed by the regulations.

Permitted disclosures

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the disclosure of credit eligibility

information about the individual if:

(a) the disclosure is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the

individual; or

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(b) the disclosure is to a related body corporate of the credit

provider; or

(c) the disclosure is to:

(i) a person for the purpose of processing an application for

credit made to the credit provider; or

(ii) a person who manages credit provided by the credit

provider for use in managing that credit; or

(d) both of the following apply:

(i) the credit provider believes on reasonable grounds that

the individual has committed a serious credit


(ii) the provider discloses the information to another credit

provider that has an Australian link, or to an

enforcement body; or

(e) both of the following apply:

(i) the disclosure is for the purposes of a recognised

external dispute resolution scheme;

(ii) a credit provider or credit reporting body is a member of

the scheme; or

(f) the disclosure is required or authorised by or under an

Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or

(g) the disclosure is a disclosure prescribed by the regulations.

Note: See section 21NA for additional rules about the disclosure of credit

eligibility information under paragraph (3)(b) or (c).

(4) However, if the credit eligibility information about the individual

is, or was derived from, repayment history information about the

individual, the credit provider must not disclose the information

under subsection (3).

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

(5) Subsection (4) does not apply if:

(a) the recipient of the credit eligibility information is another

credit provider who is a licensee; or

(b) the disclosure is a permitted CP disclosure within the

meaning of section 21L; or

(c) the credit provider discloses the credit eligibility information

under paragraph (3)(b), (c), (e) or (f); or

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(d) the credit provider discloses the credit eligibility information

under paragraph (3)(d) to an enforcement body.

Written note of use or disclosure

(6) If a credit provider uses or discloses credit eligibility information

under this section, the provider must make a written note of that

use or disclosure.

Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(7) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy Principles

6, 7 and 8 do not apply to the provider in relation to credit

eligibility information.

(8) If:

(a) a credit provider is an APP entity; and

(b) the credit eligibility information is a government related

identifier of the individual;

Australian Privacy Principle 9.2 does not apply to the provider in

relation to the information.

21H Permitted CP uses in relation to individuals

A use by a credit provider of credit eligibility information about an

individual is a permitted CP use in relation to the individual if:

(a) the relevant credit reporting information was disclosed to the

provider under a provision specified in column 1 of the table

for the purpose (if any) specified in that column; and

(b) the provider uses the credit eligibility information for the

purpose specified in column 2 of the table.

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

Permitted CP uses

Column 1 Column 2

Item The relevant credit reporting The credit provider uses the credit

information was disclosed to the eligibility information for ...

credit provider under ...

1 item 1 of the table in subsection (a) a securitisation related purpose of

20F(1) for the purpose of

assessing an application for

the provider in relation to the

individual; or

consumer credit made by the

individual to the provider. (b) the internal management purposes

of the provider that are directly

related to the provision or

management of consumer credit by

the provider.

2 item 2 of the table in subsection

20F(1) for a particular

commercial credit related purpose

of the provider in relation to the


that particular commercial credit

related purpose.

3 item 2 of the table in subsection

20F(1) for the purpose of

assessing an application for

commercial credit made by a

person to the provider.

the internal management purposes of

the provider that are directly related to

the provision or management of

commercial credit by the provider.

4 item 3 of the table in subsection

20F(1) for a credit guarantee

purpose of the provider in relation

to the individual.

(a) the credit guarantee purpose; or

(b) the internal management purposes

of the provider that are directly

related to the provision or

management of any credit by the


5 item 5 of the table in subsection


the purpose of assisting the individual

to avoid defaulting on his or her

obligations in relation to consumer

credit provided by the provider to the


6 item 6 of the table in subsection

20F(1) for a particular

securitisation related purpose of

the provider in relation to the


that particular securitisation related


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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

21J Permitted CP disclosures between credit providers


(1) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information

about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the

individual if:

(a) the disclosure is to another credit provider (the recipient) for

a particular purpose; and

(b) the recipient has an Australian link; and

(c) the individual expressly consents to the disclosure of the

information to the recipient for that purpose.

(2) The consent of the individual under paragraph (1)(c):

(a) must be given in writing unless:

(i) the disclosure of the information to the recipient is for

the purpose of assessing an application for consumer

credit or commercial credit made to the recipient; and

(ii) the application has not been made in writing; and

(b) must be given to the credit provider or recipient.

Agents of credit providers

(3) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information

about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the

individual if:

(a) the provider is acting as an agent of another credit provider

that has an Australian link; and

(b) while the provider is so acting, the provider is a credit

provider under subsection 6H(1); and

(c) the provider discloses the information to the other credit

provider in the provider’s capacity as such an agent.

Securitisation arrangements etc.

(4) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information

about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the

individual if:

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(a) the provider is a credit provider under subsection 6J(1) in

relation to credit; and

(b) the credit has been provided by, or is credit for which an

application has been made to, another credit provider (the

original credit provider) that has an Australian link; and

(c) the original credit provider is not a credit provider under that

subsection; and

(d) the information is disclosed to:

(i) the original credit provider; or

(ii) another credit provider that is a credit provider under

that subsection in relation to the credit and that has an

Australian link; and

(e) the disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary for:

(i) purchasing, funding or managing, or processing an

application for, the credit by means of a securitisation

arrangement; or

(ii) undertaking credit enhancement in relation to the credit.

Mortgage credit secured by the same real property

(5) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information

about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the

individual if:

(a) the disclosure is to another credit provider that has an

Australian link; and

(b) both credit providers have provided mortgage credit to the

individual in relation to which the same real property forms

all or part of the security; and

(c) the individual is at least 60 days overdue in making a

payment in relation to the mortgage credit provided by either

provider; and

(d) the information is disclosed for the purpose of either provider

deciding what action to take in relation to the overdue


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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

21K Permitted CP disclosures relating to guarantees etc.

Offer to act as a guarantor etc.

(1) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information

about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the

individual if:

(a) either:

(i) the provider has provided credit to the individual; or

(ii) the individual has applied to the provider for credit; and

(b) the disclosure is to a person for the purpose of that person

considering whether:

(i) to offer to act as a guarantor in relation to the credit; or

(ii) to offer property as security for the credit; and

(c) the person has an Australian link; and

(d) the individual expressly consents to the disclosure of the

information to the person for that purpose.

(2) The consent of the individual under paragraph (1)(d) must be given

in writing unless:

(a) if subparagraph (1)(a)(i) applies—the application for the

credit was not made in writing; or

(b) if subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) applies—the application for the

credit has not been made in writing.

Guarantors etc.

(3) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information

about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the

individual if:

(a) the disclosure is to a person who:

(i) is a guarantor in relation to credit provided by the

provider to the individual; or

(ii) has provided property as security for such credit; and

(b) the person has an Australian link; and

(c) either:

(i) the individual expressly consents to the disclosure of the

information to the person; or

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(ii) if subparagraph (a)(i) applies—the information is

disclosed to the person for a purpose related to the

enforcement, or proposed enforcement, of the guarantee.

(4) The consent of the individual under subparagraph (3)(c)(i) must be

given in writing unless the application for the credit was not made

in writing.

21L Permitted CP disclosures to mortgage insurers

A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information

about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the

individual if the disclosure is to a mortgage insurer that has an

Australian link for:

(a) a mortgage insurance purpose of the insurer in relation to the

individual; or

(b) any purpose arising under a contract for mortgage insurance

that has been entered into between the provider and the


21M Permitted CP disclosures to debt collectors

(1) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information

about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the

individual if:

(a) the disclosure is to a person or body that carries on a business

or undertaking that involves the collection of debts on behalf

of others; and

(c) the information is disclosed to the person or body for the

primary purpose of the person or body collecting payments

that are overdue in relation to:

(i) consumer credit provided by the provider to the

individual; or

(ii) commercial credit provided by the provider to a person;


(d) the information is information of a kind referred to in

subsection (2).

Note: See section 21NA for additional rules about the disclosure of credit

eligibility information under this subsection.

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(2) The information for the purposes of paragraph (1)(d) is:

(a) identification information about the individual; or

(b) court proceedings information about the individual; or

(c) personal insolvency information about the individual; or

(d) if subparagraph (1)(c)(i) applies—default information about

the individual if:

(i) the information relates to a payment that the individual

is overdue in making in relation to consumer credit that

has been provided by the credit provider to the

individual; and

(ii) the provider does not hold, or has not held, payment

information about the individual that relates to that

overdue payment.

21N Permitted CP disclosures to other recipients

Mortgage credit assistance schemes

(1) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information

about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the

individual if:

(a) the disclosure is to a State or Territory authority; and

(b) the functions or responsibilities of the authority include:

(i) giving assistance (directly or indirectly) that facilitates

the provision of mortgage credit to individuals; or

(ii) the management or supervision of schemes or

arrangements under which such assistance is given; and

(c) the information is disclosed for the purpose of enabling the


(i) to determine the extent of the assistance (if any) to give

in relation to the provision of mortgage credit to the

individual; or

(ii) to manage or supervise such a scheme or arrangement.

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Assignment of debts owed to credit providers etc.

(2) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information

about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the

individual if:

(a) the disclosure is to one or more of the following (the


(i) an entity;

(ii) a professional legal adviser of the entity;

(iii) a professional financial adviser of the entity; and

(b) the recipient has an Australian link; and

(c) subsection (3) applies to the information.

(3) This subsection applies to the credit eligibility information if the

recipient proposes to use the information:

(a) in the process of the entity considering whether to:

(i) accept an assignment of a debt owed to the credit

provider; or

(ii) accept a debt owed to the provider as security for credit

provided to the provider; or

(iii) purchase an interest in the provider or a related body

corporate of the provider; or

(b) in connection with exercising rights arising from the

acceptance of such an assignment or debt, or the purchase of

such an interest.

21NA Disclosures to certain persons and bodies that do not have an

Australian link

Related bodies corporate and credit managers etc.

(1) Before a credit provider discloses credit eligibility information

under paragraph 21G(3)(b) or (c) to a related body corporate, or

person, that does not have an Australian link, the provider must

take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure

that the body or person does not breach the following provisions

(the relevant provisions) in relation to the information:

(a) for a disclosure under paragraph 21G(3)(b)—section 22D;

(b) for a disclosure under paragraph 21G(3)(c)—section 22E;

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(c) in both cases—the Australian Privacy Principles (other than

Australian Privacy Principles 1, 6, 7, 8 and 9.2).

(2) If:

(a) a credit provider discloses credit eligibility information under

paragraph 21G(3)(b) or (c) to a related body corporate, or

person, that does not have an Australian link; and

(b) the relevant provisions do not apply, under this Act, to an act

done, or a practice engaged in, by the body or person in

relation to the information; and

(c) the body or person does an act, or engages in a practice, in

relation to the information that would be a breach of the

relevant provisions if those provisions applied to the act or


the act done, or the practice engaged in, by the body or person is

taken, for the purposes of this Act, to have been done, or engaged

in, by the provider and to be a breach of those provisions by the


Debt collectors

(3) Before a credit provider discloses credit eligibility information

under subsection 21M(1) to a person or body that does not have an

Australian link, the provider must take such steps as are reasonable

in the circumstances to ensure that the person or body does not

breach the Australian Privacy Principles (other than Australian

Privacy Principle 1) in relation to the information.

(4) If:

(a) a credit provider discloses credit eligibility information under

subsection 21M(1) to a person or body that does not have an

Australian link; and

(b) the Australian Privacy Principles do not apply, under this

Act, to an act done, or a practice engaged in, by the person or

body in relation to the information; and

(c) the person or body does an act, or engages in a practice, in

relation to the information that would be a breach of the

Australian Privacy Principles (other than Australian Privacy

Principle 1) if those Australian Privacy Principles applied to

the act or practice;

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the act done, or the practice engaged in, by the person or body is

taken, for the purposes of this Act, to have been done, or engaged

in, by the provider and to be a breach of those Australian Privacy

Principles by the provider.

21P Notification of a refusal of an application for consumer credit

(1) This section applies if:

(a) a credit provider refuses an application for consumer credit

made in Australia:

(i) by an individual; or

(ii) jointly by an individual and one or more other persons

(the other applicants); and

(b) the refusal is based wholly or partly on credit eligibility

information about one or more of the following:

(i) the individual;

(ii) a person who is proposing to act as a guarantor in

relation to the consumer credit;

(iii) if the application is an application of a kind referred to

in subparagraph (a)(ii)—one of the other applicants; and

(c) a credit reporting body disclosed the relevant credit reporting

information to the provider for the purposes of assessing the


(2) The credit provider must, within a reasonable period after refusing

the application, give the individual a written notice that:

(a) states that the application has been refused; and

(b) states that the refusal is based wholly or partly on credit

eligibility information about one or more of the persons

referred to in paragraph (1)(b); and

(c) if that information is about the individual—sets out:

(i) the name and contact details of the credit reporting body

that disclosed the relevant credit reporting information

to the provider; and

(ii) any other matter specified in the registered CR code.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

Subdivision E—Integrity of credit information and credit

eligibility information

21Q Quality of credit eligibility information

(1) A credit provider must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in

the circumstances to ensure that the credit eligibility information

the provider collects is accurate, up-to-date and complete.

(2) A credit provider must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in

the circumstances to ensure that the credit eligibility information

the provider uses or discloses is, having regard to the purpose of

the use or disclosure, accurate, up-to-date, complete and relevant.

(3) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy Principle

10 does not apply to the provider in relation to credit eligibility


21R False or misleading credit information or credit eligibility



(1) A credit provider commits an offence if:

(a) the provider discloses credit information under section 21D;


(b) the information is false or misleading in a material particular.

Penalty: 200 penalty units.

(2) A credit provider commits an offence if:

(a) the provider uses or discloses credit eligibility information

under this Division; and

(b) the information is false or misleading in a material particular.

Penalty: 200 penalty units.

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Civil penalties

(3) A credit provider must not disclose credit information under

section 21D if the information is false or misleading in a material


Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

(4) A credit provider must not use or disclose credit eligibility

information under this Division if the information is false or

misleading in a material particular.

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

21S Security of credit eligibility information

(1) If a credit provider holds credit eligibility information, the provider

must take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to

protect the information:

(a) from misuse, interference and loss; and

(b) from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

(2) If:

(a) a credit provider holds credit eligibility information about an

individual; and

(b) the provider no longer needs the information for any purpose

for which the information may be used or disclosed by the

provider under this Division; and

(c) the provider is not required by or under an Australian law, or

a court/tribunal order, to retain the information;

the provider must take such steps as are reasonable in the

circumstances to destroy the information or to ensure that the

information is de-identified.

Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

(3) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy Principle

11 does not apply to the provider in relation to credit eligibility


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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

Subdivision F—Access to, and correction of, information

21T Access to credit eligibility information


(1) If a credit provider holds credit eligibility information about an

individual, the provider must, on request by an access seeker in

relation to the information, give the access seeker access to the


Exceptions to access

(2) Despite subsection (1), the credit provider is not required to give

the access seeker access to the credit eligibility information to the

extent that:

(a) giving access would be unlawful; or

(b) denying access is required or authorised by or under an

Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or

(c) giving access would be likely to prejudice one or more

enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of,

an enforcement body.

Dealing with requests for access

(3) The credit provider must respond to the request within a reasonable

period after the request is made.

Means of access

(4) If the credit provider gives access to the credit eligibility

information, the access must be given in the manner set out in the

registered CR code.

Access charges

(5) If the credit provider is an agency, the provider must not charge the

access seeker for the making of the request or for giving access to

the information.

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(6) If a credit provider is an organisation or small business operator,

any charge by the provider for giving access to the information

must not be excessive and must not apply to the making of the


Refusal to give access

(7) If the provider refuses to give access to the information because of

subsection (2), the provider must give the access seeker a written

notice that:

(a) sets out the reasons for the refusal except to the extent that,

having regard to the grounds for the refusal, it would be

unreasonable to do so; and

(b) states that, if the access seeker is not satisfied with the

response to the request, the access seeker may:

(i) access a recognised external dispute resolution scheme

of which the provider is a member; or

(ii) make a complaint to the Commissioner under Part V.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(8) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy Principle

12 does not apply to the provider in relation to credit eligibility


21U Correction of credit information or credit eligibility


(1) If:

(a) a credit provider holds credit information or credit eligibility

information about an individual; and

(b) the provider is satisfied that, having regard to a purpose for

which the information is held by the provider, the

information is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant

or misleading;

the provider must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the

circumstances to correct the information to ensure that, having

regard to the purpose for which it is held, the information is

accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

Notice of correction

(2) If:

(a) the credit provider corrects credit information or credit

eligibility information under subsection (1); and

(b) the provider has previously disclosed the information under:

(i) this Division (other than subsection 21V(4)); or

(ii) the Australian Privacy Principles (other than Australian

Privacy Principle 4.2);

the provider must, within a reasonable period, give each recipient

of the information written notice of the correction.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if:

(a) it is impracticable for the credit provider to give the notice

under that subsection; or

(b) the credit provider is required by or under an Australian law,

or a court/tribunal order, not to give the notice under that


Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(4) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy Principle


(a) applies to the provider in relation to credit information or

credit eligibility information that is identification

information; but

(b) does not apply to the provider in relation to any other kind of

credit information or credit eligibility information.

Note: Identification information may be corrected under this section or

Australian Privacy Principle 13.

21V Individual may request the correction of credit information etc.


(1) An individual may request a credit provider to correct personal

information about the individual if:

(a) the personal information is:

(i) credit information about the individual; or

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(ii) CRB derived information about the individual; or

(iii) CP derived information about the individual; and

(b) the provider holds at least one kind of the personal

information referred to in paragraph (a).


(2) If the credit provider is satisfied that the personal information is

inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, the

provider must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the

circumstances to correct the information within:

(a) the period of 30 days that starts on the day on which the

request is made; or

(b) such longer period as the individual has agreed to in writing.


(3) If the credit provider considers that the provider cannot be satisfied

of the matter referred to in subsection (2) in relation to the personal

information without consulting either or both of the following (the

interested party):

(a) a credit reporting body that holds or held the information and

that has an Australian link;

(b) another credit provider that holds or held the information and

that has an Australian link;

the provider must consult that interested party, or those interested

parties, about the individual’s request.

(4) The use or disclosure of personal information about the individual

for the purposes of the consultation is taken, for the purposes of

this Act, to be a use or disclosure that is authorised by this


No charge

(5) The credit provider must not charge the individual for the making

of the request or for correcting the information.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(6) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy Principle


(a) applies to the provider in relation to personal information

referred to in paragraph (1)(a) that is identification

information; but

(b) does not apply to the provider in relation to any other kind of

personal information referred to in that paragraph.

Note: Identification information may be corrected under this section or

Australian Privacy Principle 13.

21W Notice of correction etc. must be given

(1) This section applies if an individual requests a credit provider to

correct personal information under subsection 21V(1).

Notice of correction etc.

(2) If the credit provider corrects personal information about the

individual under subsection 21V(2), the provider must, within a

reasonable period:

(a) give the individual written notice of the correction; and

(b) if the provider consulted an interested party under subsection

21V(3) about the individual’s request—give the party written

notice of the correction; and

(c) if the correction relates to information that the provider has

previously disclosed under:

(i) this Division (other than subsection 21V(4)); or

(ii) the Australian Privacy Principles (other than Australian

Privacy Principle 4.2);

give each recipient of the information written notice of the


(3) If the credit provider does not correct the personal information

under subsection 21V(2), the provider must, within a reasonable

period, give the individual written notice that:

(a) states that the correction has not been made; and

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(b) sets out the provider’s reasons for not correcting the

information (including evidence substantiating the

correctness of the information); and

(c) states that, if the individual is not satisfied with the response

to the request, the individual may:

(i) access a recognised external dispute resolution scheme

of which the provider is a member; or

(ii) make a complaint to the Commissioner under Part V.


(4) Paragraph (2)(c) does not apply if it is impracticable for the credit

provider to give the notice under that paragraph.

(5) Subsection (2) or (3) does not apply if the credit provider is

required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order,

not to give the notice under that subsection.

Division 4—Affected information recipients

22 Guide to this Division

This Division sets out rules that apply to affected information

recipients in relation to their handling of their regulated


If an affected information recipient is an APP entity, the rules

apply in relation to the regulated information of the recipient in

addition to, or instead of, any relevant Australian Privacy


Subdivision A—Consideration of information privacy

22A Open and transparent management of regulated information

(1) The object of this section is to ensure that an affected information

recipient manages the regulated information of the recipient in an

open and transparent way.

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Compliance with this Division etc.

(2) An affected information recipient must take such steps as are

reasonable in the circumstances to implement practices, procedures

and systems relating to the recipient’s functions or activities that:

(a) will ensure that the recipient complies with this Division and

the registered CR code if it binds the recipient; and

(b) will enable the recipient to deal with inquiries or complaints

from individuals about the recipient’s compliance with this

Division or the registered CR code if it binds the recipient.

Policy about the management of regulated information

(3) An affected information recipient must have a clearly expressed

and up-to-date policy about the recipient’s management of the

regulated information of the recipient.

(4) Without limiting subsection (3), the policy of the affected

information recipient must contain the following information:

(a) the kinds of regulated information that the recipient collects

and holds, and how the recipient collects and holds that


(b) the purposes for which the recipient collects, holds, uses and

discloses regulated information;

(c) how an individual may access regulated information about

the individual that is held by the recipient and seek the

correction of such information;

(d) how an individual may complain about a failure of the

recipient to comply with this Division or the registered CR

code if it binds the recipient;

(e) how the recipient will deal with such a complaint.

Availability of policy etc.

(5) An affected information recipient must take such steps as are

reasonable in the circumstances to make the policy available:

(a) free of charge; and

(b) in such form as is appropriate.

Note: An affected information recipient will usually make the policy

available on the recipient’s website.

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(6) If a person or body requests a copy, in a particular form, of the

policy of an affected information recipient, the recipient must take

such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to give the person

or body a copy in that form.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(7) If an affected information recipient is an APP entity, Australian

Privacy Principles 1.3 and 1.4 do not apply to the recipient in

relation to the regulated information of the recipient.

Subdivision B—Dealing with regulated information

22B Additional notification requirements for affected information


If an affected information recipient is an APP entity, then the

matters for the purposes of Australian Privacy Principle 5.1 include

the following matters to the extent that the personal information

referred to in that principle is regulated information of the


(a) that the policy (the credit reporting policy) of the recipient

that is referred to in subsection 22A(3) contains information

about how an individual may access the regulated

information about the individual that is held by the recipient,

and seek the correction of such information;

(b) that the credit reporting policy of the recipient contains

information about how an individual may complain about a

failure of the recipient to comply with this Division or the

registered CR code if it binds the recipient; and

(c) that the credit reporting policy of the recipient contains

information about how the recipient will deal with such a


22C Use or disclosure of information by mortgage insurers or trade


Prohibition on use or disclosure

(1) If:

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(a) a mortgage insurer or trade insurer holds or held personal

information about an individual; and

(b) the information was disclosed to the insurer by a credit

reporting body or credit provider under Division 2 or 3 of this


the insurer must not use or disclose the information, or any

personal information about the individual derived from that


Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

Permitted uses

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use of the information if:

(a) for a mortgage insurer—the use is for:

(i) a mortgage insurance purpose of the insurer in relation

to the individual; or

(ii) any purpose arising under a contract for mortgage

insurance that has been entered into between the credit

provider and the insurer; or

(b) for a trade insurer—the use is for a trade insurance purpose

of the insurer in relation to the individual; or

(c) the use is required or authorised by or under an Australian

law or a court/tribunal order.

Permitted disclosure

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the disclosure of the information

if the disclosure is required or authorised by or under an Australian

law or a court/tribunal order.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(4) If the mortgage insurer or trade insurer is an APP entity, Australian

Privacy Principles 6, 7 and 8 do not apply to the insurer in relation

to the information.

(5) If:

(a) the mortgage insurer or trade insurer is an APP entity; and

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(b) the information is a government related identifier of the


Australian Privacy Principle 9.2 does not apply to the insurer in

relation to the information.

22D Use or disclosure of information by a related body corporate

Prohibition on use or disclosure

(1) If:

(a) a body corporate holds or held credit eligibility information

about an individual; and

(b) the information was disclosed to the body by a credit

provider under paragraph 21G(3)(b);

the body must not use or disclose the information, or any personal

information about the individual derived from that information.

Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

Permitted use or disclosure

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use or disclosure of the

information by the body corporate if the body would be permitted

to use or disclose the information under section 21G if the body

were the credit provider.

(3) In determining whether the body corporate would be permitted to

use or disclose the information under section 21G, assume that the

body is whichever of the following is applicable:

(a) the credit provider that has provided the relevant credit to the


(b) the credit provider to which the relevant application for credit

was made by the individual.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(4) If the body corporate is an APP entity, Australian Privacy

Principles 6, 7 and 8 do not apply to the body in relation to the


(5) If:

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(a) the body corporate is an APP entity; and

(b) the information is a government related identifier of the


Australian Privacy Principle 9.2 does not apply to the body in

relation to the information.

22E Use or disclosure of information by credit managers etc.

Prohibition on use or disclosure

(1) If:

(a) a person holds or held credit eligibility information about an

individual; and

(b) the information was disclosed to the person by a credit

provider under paragraph 21G(3)(c);

the person must not use or disclose the information, or any

personal information about the individual derived from that


Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

Permitted uses

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use of the information if:

(a) the person uses the information for the purpose for which it

was disclosed to the person under paragraph 21G(3)(c); or

(b) the use is required or authorised by or under an Australian

law or a court/tribunal order.

Permitted disclosure

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the disclosure of the information


(a) the disclosure is to the credit provider; or

(b) the disclosure is required or authorised by or under an

Australian law or a court/tribunal order.

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(4) If the person is an APP entity, Australian Privacy Principles 6, 7

and 8 do not apply to the person in relation to the information.

(5) If:

(a) the person is an APP entity; and

(b) the information is a government related identifier of the


Australian Privacy Principle 9.2 does not apply to the person in

relation to the information.

22F Use or disclosure of information by advisers etc.

Prohibition on use or disclosure

(1) If:

(a) any of the following (the recipient) holds or held credit

eligibility information about an individual:

(i) an entity;

(ii) a professional legal adviser of the entity;

(iii) a professional financial adviser of the entity; and

(b) the information was disclosed to the recipient by a credit

provider under subsection 21N(2);

the recipient must not use or disclose the information, or any

personal information about the individual derived from that


Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

Permitted uses

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use of the information if:

(a) for a recipient that is the entity—the information is used for a

matter referred to in subsection 21N(3); or

(b) for a recipient that is the professional legal adviser, or

professional financial adviser, of the entity—the information

is used:

(i) in the adviser’s capacity as an adviser of the entity; and

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(ii) in connection with advising the entity about a matter

referred to in subsection 21N(3); or

(c) the use is required or authorised by or under an Australian

law or a court/tribunal order.

Permitted disclosure

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the disclosure of the information

if the disclosure is required or authorised by or under an Australian

law or a court/tribunal order.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(4) If the recipient is an APP entity, Australian Privacy Principles 6, 7

and 8 do not apply to the recipient in relation to the information.

(5) If:

(a) the recipient is an APP entity; and

(b) the information is a government related identifier of the


Australian Privacy Principle 9.2 does not apply to the recipient in

relation to the information.

Division 5—Complaints

23 Guide to this Division

This Division deals with complaints about credit reporting bodies

or credit providers.

Individuals may complain to credit reporting bodies or credit

providers about acts or practices that may be a breach of certain

provisions of this Part or the registered CR code.

If a complaint is made, the respondent for the complaint must

investigate the complaint and make a decision about the complaint.

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

23A Individual may complain about a breach of a provision of this

Part etc.


(1) An individual may complain to a credit reporting body about an act

or practice engaged in by the body that may be a breach of either of

the following provisions in relation to the individual:

(a) a provision of this Part (other than section 20R or 20T);

(b) a provision of the registered CR code (other than a provision

that relates to that section).

Note: A complaint about a breach of section 20R or 20T, or a provision of

the registered CR code that relates to that section, may be made to the

Commissioner under Part V.

(2) An individual may complain to a credit provider about an act or

practice engaged in by the provider that may be a breach of either

of the following provisions in relation to the individual:

(a) a provision of this Part (other than section 21T or 21V);

(b) a provision of the registered CR code (other than a provision

that relates to that section) if it binds the credit provider.

Note: A complaint about a breach of section 21T or 21V, or a provision of

the registered CR code that relates to that section, may be made to the

Commissioner under Part V.

Nature of complaint

(3) If an individual makes a complaint, the individual must specify the

nature of the complaint.

(4) The complaint may relate to personal information that has been

destroyed or de-identified.

No charge

(5) The credit reporting body or credit provider must not charge the

individual for the making of the complaint or for dealing with the


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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

23B Dealing with complaints

(1) If an individual makes a complaint under section 23A, the

respondent for the complaint:

(a) must, within 7 days after the complaint is made, give the

individual a written notice that:

(i) acknowledges the making of the complaint; and

(ii) sets out how the respondent will deal with the

complaint; and

(b) must investigate the complaint.

Consultation about the complaint

(2) If the respondent for the complaint considers that it is necessary to

consult a credit reporting body or credit provider about the

complaint, the respondent must consult the body or provider.

(3) The use or disclosure of personal information about the individual

for the purposes of the consultation is taken, for the purposes of

this Act, to be a use or disclosure that is authorised by this


Decision about the complaint

(4) After investigating the complaint, the respondent must, within the

period referred to in subsection (5), make a decision about the

complaint and give the individual a written notice that:

(a) sets out the decision; and

(b) states that, if the individual is not satisfied with the decision,

the individual may:

(i) access a recognised external dispute resolution scheme

of which the respondent is a member; or

(ii) make a complaint to the Commissioner under Part V.

(5) The period for the purposes of subsection (4) is:

(a) the period of 30 days that starts on the day on which the

complaint is made; or

(b) such longer period as the individual has agreed to in writing.

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

23C Notification requirements relating to correction complaints

(1) This section applies if an individual makes a complaint under

section 23A about an act or practice that may breach section 20S or

21U (which deal with the correction of personal information by

credit reporting bodies and credit providers).

Notification of complaint etc.

(2) If:

(a) the respondent for the complaint is a credit reporting body;


(b) the complaint relates to credit information or credit eligibility

information that a credit provider holds;

the respondent must, in writing:

(c) notify the provider of the making of the complaint as soon as

practicable after it is made; and

(d) notify the provider of the making of a decision about the

complaint under subsection 23B(4) as soon as practicable

after it is made.

(3) If:

(a) the respondent for the complaint is a credit provider; and

(b) the complaint relates to:

(i) credit reporting information that a credit reporting body

holds; or

(ii) credit information or credit eligibility information that

another credit provider holds;

the respondent must, in writing:

(c) notify the body or other provider (as the case may be) of the

making of the complaint as soon as practicable after it is

made; and

(d) notify the body or other provider (as the case may be) of the

making of a decision about the complaint under subsection

23B(4) as soon as practicable after it is made.

Notification of recipients of disclosed information

(4) If:

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(a) a credit reporting body discloses credit reporting information

to which the complaint relates under Division 2 of this Part;


(b) at the time of the disclosure, a decision about the complaint

under subsection 23B(4) has not been made;

the body must, at that time, notify in writing the recipient of the

information of the complaint.

(5) If:

(a) a credit provider discloses personal information to which the

complaint relates under Division 3 of this Part or under the

Australian Privacy Principles; and

(b) at the time of the disclosure, a decision about the complaint

under subsection 23B(4) has not been made;

the provider must, at that time, notify in writing the recipient of the

information of the complaint.


(6) Subsection (2), (3), (4) or (5) does not apply if:

(a) it is impracticable for the credit reporting body or credit

provider to give the notification under that subsection; or

(b) the credit reporting body or credit provider is required by or

under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, not to give

the notification under that subsection.

Division 6—Unauthorised obtaining of credit reporting

information etc.

24 Obtaining credit reporting information from a credit reporting



(1) An entity commits an offence if:

(a) the entity obtains credit reporting information; and

(b) the information is obtained from a credit reporting body; and

(c) the entity is not:

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(i) an entity to which the body is permitted to disclose the

information under Division 2 of this Part; or

(ii) an access seeker for the information.

Penalty: 200 penalty units.

(2) An entity commits an offence if:

(a) the entity obtains credit reporting information; and

(b) the information is obtained from a credit reporting body; and

(c) the information is obtained by false pretence.

Penalty: 200 penalty units.

Civil penalties

(3) An entity must not obtain credit reporting information from a credit

reporting body if the entity is not:

(a) an entity to which the body is permitted to disclose the

information under Division 2 of this Part; or

(b) an access seeker for the information.

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

(4) An entity must not obtain, by false pretence, credit reporting

information from a credit reporting body.

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

24A Obtaining credit eligibility information from a credit provider


(1) An entity commits an offence if:

(a) the entity obtains credit eligibility information; and

(b) the information is obtained from a credit provider; and

(c) the entity is not:

(i) an entity to which the provider is permitted to disclose

the information under Division 3 of this Part; or

(ii) an access seeker for the information.

Penalty: 200 penalty units.

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(2) An entity commits an offence if:

(a) the entity obtains credit eligibility information; and

(b) the information is obtained from a credit provider; and

(c) the information is obtained by false pretence.

Penalty: 200 penalty units.

Civil penalties

(3) An entity must not obtain credit eligibility information from a

credit provider if the entity is not:

(a) an entity to which the provider is permitted to disclose the

information under Division 3 of this Part; or

(b) an access seeker for the information.

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

(4) An entity must not obtain, by false pretence, credit eligibility

information from a credit provider.

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

Division 7—Court orders

25 Compensation orders

(1) The Federal Court or the Federal Magistrates Court may order an

entity to compensate a person for loss or damage (including injury

to the person’s feelings or humiliation) suffered by the person if:

(a) either:

(i) a civil penalty order has been made against the entity for

a contravention of a civil penalty provision (other than

section 13G); or

(ii) the entity is found guilty of an offence against this Part;


(b) that loss or damage resulted from the contravention or

commission of the offence.

The order must specify the amount of compensation.

(2) The court may make the order only if:

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Credit reporting Schedule 2

(a) the person applies for an order under this section; and

(b) the application is made within 6 years of the day the cause of

action that relates to the contravention or commission of the

offence accrued.

(3) If the court makes the order, the amount of compensation specified

in the order that is to be paid to the person may be recovered as a

debt due to the person.

25A Other orders to compensate loss or damage

(1) This section applies if:

(a) either:

(i) a civil penalty order has been made against an entity for

a contravention of a civil penalty provision (other than

section 13G); or

(ii) an entity is found guilty of an offence against this Part;


(b) a person has suffered, or is likely to suffer, loss or damage

(including injury to the person’s feelings or humiliation) as a

result of the contravention or commission of the offence.

(2) The Federal Court or the Federal Magistrates Court may make such

order as the Court considers appropriate against the entity to:

(a) compensate the person, in whole or in part, for that loss or

damage; or

(b) prevent or reduce that loss or damage suffered, or likely to be

suffered, by the person.

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), examples of orders the court may

make include:

(a) an order directing the entity to perform any reasonable act, or

carry out any reasonable course of conduct, to redress the

loss or damage suffered by the person; and

(b) an order directing the entity to pay the person a specified

amount to reimburse the person for expenses reasonably

incurred by the person in connection with the contravention

or commission of the offence; and

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Schedule 2 Credit reporting

(c) an order directing the defendant to pay to the person the

amount of loss or damage the plaintiff suffered.

(4) The court may make the order only if:

(a) the person applies for an order under this section; and

(b) the application is made within 6 years of the day the cause of

action that relates to the contravention or commission of the

offence accrued.

(5) If the court makes an order that the entity pay an amount to the

person, the person may recover the amount as a debt due to the


73 Subsections 30(3) and (4)

Omit “credit reporting agency” (wherever occurring), substitute “credit

reporting body”.

74 Subsection 49(4) (paragraph (a) of the definition of credit reporting offence)

Omit “18C(4), 18D(4), 18K(4), 18L(2), 18N(2), 18R(2) or 18S(3) or

section 18T”, substitute “20P(1), 21R(1) or (2), 24(1) or (2) or 24A(1)

or (2)”.

75 Subsection 68(1)

Omit “credit reporting agency”, substitute “credit reporting body”.

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Privacy codes Schedule 3

Schedule 3—Privacy codes

Privacy Act 1988

1 Subsection 6(1)


APP code has the meaning given by section 26C.

2 Subsection 6(1)


APP code developer means:

(a) an APP entity; or

(b) a group of APP entities; or

(c) a body or association representing one or more APP entities.

3 Subsection 6(1) (definition of approved privacy code)

Repeal the definition.

4 Subsection 6(1) (definition of code complaint)

Omit “an approved privacy code”, substitute “a registered APP code”.

5 Subsection 6(1) (definition of Code of Conduct)

Repeal the definition.

6 Subsection 6(1)


Codes Register has the meaning given by subsection 26U(1).

7 Subsection 6(1)


CR code has the meaning given by section 26N.

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Schedule 3 Privacy codes

8 Subsection 6(1)


CR code developer means:

(a) an entity that is subject to Part IIIA; or

(b) a group of entities that are subject to Part IIIA; or

(c) a body or association representing one or more entities that

are subject to Part IIIA.

9 Subsection 6(1) (definition of credit provider)

After “III,”, insert “IIIB,”.

10 Subsection 6(1) (paragraph (a) of the definition of credit reporting complaint)

Omit “the Code of Conduct”, substitute “the registered CR code”.

11 Subsection 6(1) (definition of credit reporting infringement)

Repeal the definition.

12 Subsection 6(1) (definition of privacy code)

Repeal the definition.

13 Subsection 6(1)


registered APP code has the meaning given by section 26B.

14 Subsection 6(1)


registered CR code has the meaning given by section 26M.

15 Subsection 6(3A)

Repeal the subsection.

16 At the end of subsection 6(7)


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Privacy codes Schedule 3

; or (g) being both an APP complaint and a code complaint.

17 Section 6B (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

6B Breach of a registered APP code

18 Subsections 6B(1), (2), (3) and (4)

Omit “an approved privacy code”, substitute “a registered APP code”.

19 After section 6B


6BA Breach of the registered CR code

For the purposes of this Act, an act or practice breaches the

registered CR code if, and only if, it is contrary to, or inconsistent

with, the code.

20 Subsection 7(2)

Omit “an approved privacy code”, substitute “a registered APP code”.

21 Subsection 7B(2) (note)

Omit “or a binding approved privacy code”, substitute “, or a registered

APP code that binds the organisation,”.

22 Subsection 13B(1) (note)

Omit “or a binding approved privacy code”, substitute “and a registered

APP code that binds them”.

23 Subsection 13B(1) (paragraph (b) of the note)

Omit “or a corresponding provision in a binding approved privacy


24 Subsection 13B(1A) (note)

Omit “a binding approved privacy code”, substitute “a registered APP

code that binds the body”.

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Schedule 3 Privacy codes

25 Subsection 13C(1) (note)

Omit “or a binding approved privacy code”, substitute “and a registered

APP code that binds them”.

26 Subsection 13C(1) (note)

Omit “or a corresponding provision in a binding approved privacy


27 Division 5 of Part III

Repeal the Division.

28 Part IIIAA

Repeal the Part.

29 Before Part IV


Part IIIB—Privacy codes

Division 1—Introduction

26 Guide to this Part

This Part deals with privacy codes.

Division 2 deals with codes of practice about information privacy,

called APP codes. APP code developers or the Commissioner may

develop APP codes, which:

(a) must set out how one or more of the Australian

Privacy Principles are to be applied or complied

with; and

(b) may impose additional requirements to those

imposed by the Australian Privacy Principles; and

(c) may deal with other specified matters.

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Privacy codes Schedule 3

If the Commissioner includes an APP code on the Codes Register,

an APP entity bound by the code must not breach it. A breach of a

registered APP code is an interference with the privacy of an


Division 3 deals with a code of practice about credit reporting,

called a CR code. CR code developers or the Commissioner may

develop a CR code, which:

(a) must set out how one or more of the provisions of

Part IIIA are to be applied or complied with; and

(b) must deal with matters required or permitted by

Part IIIA to be provided for by the registered CR

code; and

(c) may deal with other specified matters.

If the Commissioner includes a CR code on the Codes Register, an

entity bound by the code must not breach it. A breach of the

registered CR code is an interference with the privacy of an


Division 4 deals with the Codes Register, guidelines relating to

codes and the review of the operation of registered codes.

Division 2—Registered APP codes

Subdivision A—Compliance with registered APP codes etc.

26A APP entities to comply with binding registered APP codes

An APP entity must not do an act, or engage in a practice, that

breaches a registered APP code that binds the entity.

26B What is a registered APP code

(1) A registered APP code is an APP code:

(a) that is included on the Codes Register; and

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Schedule 3 Privacy codes

(b) that is in force.

(2) A registered APP code is a legislative instrument.

(3) Despite subsection 12(2) of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003, a

registered APP code may be expressed to take effect before the

date it is registered under that Act.

Note: An APP code cannot come into force before it is included on the

Codes Register: see paragraph 26C(2)(c).

26C What is an APP code

(1) An APP code is a written code of practice about information


(2) An APP code must:

(a) set out how one or more of the Australian Privacy Principles

are to be applied or complied with; and

(b) specify the APP entities that are bound by the code, or a way

of determining the APP entities that are bound by the code;


(c) set out the period during which the code is in force (which

must not start before the day the code is registered under

section 26H).

(3) An APP code may do one or more of the following:

(a) impose additional requirements to those imposed by one or

more of the Australian Privacy Principles, so long as the

additional requirements are not contrary to, or inconsistent

with, those principles;

(b) cover an act or practice that is exempt within the meaning of

subsection 7B(1), (2) or (3);

(c) deal with the internal handling of complaints;

(d) provide for the reporting to the Commissioner about


(e) deal with any other relevant matters.

(4) An APP code may be expressed to apply to any one or more of the


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Privacy codes Schedule 3

(a) all personal information or a specified type of personal


(b) a specified activity, or a specified class of activities, of an

APP entity;

(c) a specified industry sector or profession, or a specified class

of industry sectors or professions;

(d) APP entities that use technology of a specified kind.

(5) An APP code is not a legislative instrument.

26D Extension of Act to exempt acts or practices covered by

registered APP codes

If a registered APP code covers an act or practice that is exempt

within the meaning of subsection 7B(1), (2) or (3), this Act applies

in relation to the code as if that act or practice were not exempt.

Subdivision B—Development and registration of APP codes

26E Development of APP codes by APP code developers

Own initiative

(1) An APP code developer may develop an APP code.

At the Commissioner’s request

(2) The Commissioner may, in writing, request an APP code developer

to develop an APP code, and apply to the Commissioner for the

code to be registered, if the Commissioner is satisfied it is in the

public interest for the code to be developed.

(3) The request must:

(a) specify the period within which the request must be complied

with; and

(b) set out the effect of section 26A.

(4) The period:

(a) must run for at least 120 days from the date the request is

made; and

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Schedule 3 Privacy codes

(b) may be extended by the Commissioner.

(5) The request may:

(a) specify one or more matters that the APP code must deal

with; and

(b) specify the APP entities, or a class of APP entities, that

should be bound by the code.

(6) Despite paragraph (5)(a), the Commissioner must not require an

APP code to cover an act or practice that is exempt within the

meaning of subsection 7B(1), (2) or (3). However, the APP code

that is developed by the APP code developer may cover such an act

or practice.

(7) The Commissioner must make a copy of the request publicly

available as soon as practicable after the request is made.

26F Application for registration of APP codes

(1) If an APP code developer develops an APP code, the developer

may apply to the Commissioner for registration of the code.

(2) Before making the application, the APP code developer must:

(a) make a draft of the APP code publicly available; and

(b) invite the public to make submissions to the developer about

the draft within a specified period (which must run for at

least 28 days); and

(c) give consideration to any submissions made within the

specified period.

(3) The application must:

(a) be made in the form and manner specified by the

Commissioner; and

(b) be accompanied by such information as is specified by the


(4) The APP code developer may vary the APP code at any time

before the Commissioner registers the code, but only with the

consent of the Commissioner.

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Privacy codes Schedule 3

26G Development of APP codes by the Commissioner

(1) This section applies if the Commissioner made a request under

subsection 26E(2) and either:

(a) the request has not been complied with; or

(b) the request has been complied with but the Commissioner has

decided not to register, under section 26H, the APP code that

was developed as requested.

(2) The Commissioner may develop an APP code if the Commissioner

is satisfied that it is in public interest to develop the code.

However, despite subsection 26C(3)(b), the APP code must not

cover an act or practice that is exempt within the meaning of

subsection 7B(1), (2) or (3).

(3) Before registering the APP code under section 26H, the

Commissioner must:

(a) make a draft of the code publicly available; and

(b) invite the public to make submissions to the Commissioner

about the draft within a specified period (which must run for

at least 28 days); and

(c) give consideration to any submissions made within the

specified period.

26H Commissioner may register APP codes

(1) If:

(a) an application for registration of an APP code is made under

section 26F; or

(b) the Commissioner develops an APP code under section 26G;

the Commissioner may register the code by including it on the

Codes Register.

(2) In deciding whether to register the APP code, the Commissioner


(a) consult any person the Commissioner considers appropriate;


(b) consider the matters specified in any relevant guidelines

made under section 26V.

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Schedule 3 Privacy codes

(3) If the Commissioner decides not to register an APP code developed

by an APP code developer, the Commissioner must give written

notice of the decision to the developer, including reasons for the


Subdivision C—Variation and removal of registered APP codes

26J Variation of registered APP codes

(1) The Commissioner may, in writing, approve a variation of a

registered APP code:

(a) on his or her own initiative; or

(b) on application by an APP entity that is bound by the code; or

(c) on application by a body or association representing one or

more APP entities that are bound by the code.

(2) An application under paragraph (1)(b) or (c) must:

(a) be made in the form and manner specified by the

Commissioner; and

(b) be accompanied by such information as is specified by the


(3) If the Commissioner varies a registered APP code on his or her

own initiative, then, despite subsection 26C(3)(b), the variation

must not deal with an act or practice that is exempt within the

meaning of subsection 7B(1), (2) or (3).

(4) Before deciding whether to approve a variation, the Commissioner


(a) make a draft of the variation publicly available; and

(b) consult any person the Commissioner considers appropriate

about the variation; and

(c) consider the extent to which members of the public have

been given an opportunity to comment on the variation.

(5) In deciding whether to approve a variation, the Commissioner may

consider the matters specified in any relevant guidelines made

under section 26V.

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Privacy codes Schedule 3

(6) If the Commissioner approves a variation of a registered APP code

(the original code), the Commissioner must:

(a) remove the original code from the Codes Register; and

(b) register the APP code, as varied, by including it on the


(7) If the Commissioner approves a variation, the variation comes into

effect on the day specified in the approval, which must not be

before the day on which the APP code, as varied, is included on the

Codes Register.

(8) An approval is not a legislative instrument.

Note: The APP code, as varied, is a legislative instrument once it is included

on the Codes Register: see section 26B.

26K Removal of registered APP codes

(1) The Commissioner may remove a registered APP code from the

Codes Register:

(a) on his or her own initiative; or

(b) on application by an APP entity that is bound by the code; or

(c) on application by a body or association representing one or

more APP entities that are bound by the code.

(2) An application under paragraph (1)(b) or (c) must:

(a) be made in the form and manner specified by the

Commissioner; and

(b) be accompanied by such information as is specified by the


(3) Before deciding whether to remove the registered APP code, the

Commissioner must:

(a) consult any person the Commissioner considers appropriate

about the proposed removal; and

(b) consider the extent to which members of the public have

been given an opportunity to comment on the proposed


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Schedule 3 Privacy codes

(4) In deciding whether to remove the registered APP code, the

Commissioner may consider the matters specified in any relevant

guidelines made under section 26V.

Division 3—Registered CR code

Subdivision A—Compliance with the registered CR code

26L Entities to comply with the registered CR code if bound by the


If an entity is bound by the registered CR code, the entity must not

do an act, or engage in a practice, that breaches the code.

Note: There must always be one, and only one, registered CR code at all

times after this Part commences: see subsection 26S(4).

26M What is the registered CR code

(1) The registered CR code is the CR code that is included on the

Codes Register.

(2) The registered CR code is a legislative instrument.

(3) Despite subsection 12(2) of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003,

the registered CR code may be expressed to take effect before the

date it is registered under that Act.

26N What is a CR code

(1) A CR code is a written code of practice about credit reporting.

(2) A CR code must:

(a) set out how one or more of the provisions of Part IIIA are to

be applied or complied with; and

(b) make provision for, or in relation to, matters required or

permitted by Part IIIA to be provided for by the registered

CR code; and

(c) bind all credit reporting bodies; and

(d) specify the credit providers that are bound by the code, or a

way of determining which credit providers are bound; and

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Privacy codes Schedule 3

(e) specify any other entities subject to Part IIIA that are bound

by the code, or a way of determining which of those entities

are bound.

(3) A CR code may do one or more of the following:

(a) impose additional requirements to those imposed by

Part IIIA, so long as the additional requirements are not

contrary to, or inconsistent with, that Part;

(b) deal with the internal handling of complaints;

(c) provide for the reporting to the Commissioner about


(d) deal with any other relevant matters.

(4) A CR code may be expressed to apply differently in relation to:

(a) classes of entities that are subject to Part IIIA; and

(b) specified classes of credit information, credit reporting

information or credit eligibility information; and

(c) specified classes of activities of entities that are subject to

Part IIIA.

(5) A CR code is not a legislative instrument.

Subdivision B—Development and registration of CR code

26P Development of CR code by CR code developers

(1) The Commissioner may, in writing, request a CR code developer to

develop a CR code and apply to the Commissioner for the code to

be registered.

(2) The request must:

(a) specify the period within which the request must be complied

with; and

(b) set out the effect of section 26L.

(3) The period:

(a) must run for at least 120 days from the date the request is

made; and

(b) may be extended by the Commissioner.

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Schedule 3 Privacy codes

(4) The request may:

(a) specify one or more matters that the CR code must deal with;


(b) specify the credit providers, or a class of credit providers,

that should be bound by the code; and

(c) specify the other entities, or a class of other entities, subject

to Part IIIA that should be bound by the code.

(5) The Commissioner must make a copy of the request publicly

available as soon as practicable after the request is made.

26Q Application for registration of CR code

(1) If a CR code developer develops a CR code, the developer may

apply to the Commissioner for registration of the code.

(2) Before making the application, the CR code developer must:

(a) make a draft of the CR code publicly available; and

(b) invite the public to make submissions to the developer about

the draft within a specified period (which must run for at

least 28 days); and

(c) give consideration to any submissions made within the

specified period.

(3) The application must:

(a) be made in the form and manner specified by the

Commissioner; and

(b) be accompanied by such information as is specified by the


(4) The CR code developer may vary the CR code at any time before

the Commissioner registers the code, but only with the consent of

the Commissioner.

26R Development of CR code by the Commissioner

(1) The Commissioner may develop a CR code if the Commissioner

made a request under section 26P and either:

(a) the request has not been complied with; or

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

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Privacy codes Schedule 3

(b) the request has been complied with but the Commissioner has

decided not to register, under section 26S, the CR code that

was developed as requested.

(2) Before registering the CR code under section 26S, the

Commissioner must:

(a) make a draft of the code publicly available; and

(b) invite the public to make submissions to the Commissioner

about the draft within a specified period (which must run for

at least 28 days); and

(c) give consideration to any submissions made within the

specified period.

26S Commissioner may register CR code

(1) If:

(a) an application for registration of a CR code is made under

section 26Q; or

(b) the Commissioner develops a CR code under section 26R;

the Commissioner may register the code by including it on the

Codes Register.

(2) In deciding whether to register the CR code, the Commissioner


(a) consult any person the Commissioner considers appropriate;


(b) consider the matters specified in any guidelines made under

section 26V.

(3) If the Commissioner decides not to register a CR code developed

by a CR code developer, the Commissioner must give written

notice of the decision to the developer, including reasons for the


(4) The Commissioner must ensure that there is one, and only one,

registered CR code at all times after this Part commences.

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Schedule 3 Privacy codes

Subdivision C—Variation of the registered CR code

26T Variation of the registered CR code

(1) The Commissioner may, in writing, approve a variation of the

registered CR code:

(a) on his or her own initiative; or

(b) on application by an entity that is bound by the code; or

(c) on application by a body or association representing one or

more of the entities that are bound by the code.

(2) An application under paragraph (1)(b) or (c) must:

(a) be made in the form and manner specified by the

Commissioner; and

(b) be accompanied by such information as is specified by the


(3) Before deciding whether to approve a variation, the Commissioner


(a) make a draft of the variation publicly available; and

(b) consult any person the Commissioner considers appropriate

about the variation; and

(c) consider the extent to which members of the public have

been given an opportunity to comment on the variation.

(4) In deciding whether to approve a variation, the Commissioner may

consider the matters specified in any relevant guidelines made

under section 26V.

(5) If the Commissioner approves a variation of the registered CR code

(the original code), the Commissioner must:

(a) remove the original code from the Codes Register; and

(b) register the CR code, as varied, by including it on the


(6) If the Commissioner approves a variation, the variation comes into

effect on the day specified in the approval, which must not be

before the day on which the CR code, as varied, is included on the

Codes Register.

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Privacy codes Schedule 3

(7) An approval is not a legislative instrument.

Note: The CR code, as varied, is a legislative instrument once it is included

on the Codes Register: see section 26M.

Division 4—General matters

26U Codes Register

(1) The Commissioner must keep a register (the Codes Register)

which includes:

(a) the APP codes the Commissioner has decided to register

under section 26H; and

(b) the APP codes the Commissioner must register under

section 26J; and

(c) the CR code the Commissioner has decided to register under

section 26S; and

(d) the CR code the Commissioner must register under

section 26T.

(2) Despite subsection (1), the Commissioner is not required to include

on the Codes Register:

(a) an APP code removed from the Register under section 26J or

26K; or

(b) the CR code removed from the Register under section 26T.

(3) The Commissioner must make the Codes Register available on the

Commissioner’s website.

(4) The Commissioner may charge fees for providing copies of, or

extracts from, the Codes Register.

26V Guidelines relating to codes

(1) The Commissioner may make written guidelines:

(a) to assist APP code developers to develop APP codes; or

(b) to assist APP entities bound by registered APP codes to apply

or comply with the codes; or

(c) to assist CR code developers to develop a CR code; or

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Schedule 3 Privacy codes

(d) to assist entities bound by the registered CR code to apply or

comply with the code.

(2) The Commissioner may make written guidelines about matters the

Commissioner may consider in deciding whether:

(a) to register an APP code or a CR code; or

(b) to approve a variation of a registered APP code or the

registered CR code; or

(c) to remove a registered APP code from the Codes Register.

(3) The Commissioner may publish any such guidelines on the

Commissioner’s website.

(4) Guidelines are not a legislative instrument.

26W Review of operation of registered codes

(1) The Commissioner may review the operation of a registered APP


Note: The review may inform a decision by the Commissioner to approve a

variation of a registered APP code or to remove a registered APP code

from the Codes Register.

(2) The Commissioner may review the operation of the registered CR


Note: The review may inform a decision by the Commissioner to approve a

variation of the registered CR code.

30 Subsection 36(1)

Omit “Subject to subsection (1A), an”, substitute “An”.

31 Subsections 36(1A), (1B) and (1C)

Repeal the subsections.

32 Subsections 54(1A), 55A(7) and 55B(2)

Repeal the subsections.

33 Subsection 55B(3)

Omit “or (2)”.

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Privacy codes Schedule 3

34 Subsection 55B(3)

Omit “or adjudicator”.

35 Subsection 55B(4)

Omit “or (2)”.

36 Subsection 64(1)

Omit “(1)”.

37 Subsection 64(2)

Repeal the subsection.

38 Section 95C

Omit “an approved privacy code”, substitute “a registered APP code”.

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Schedule 4 Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988

Schedule 4—Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988

1 After section 2


2A Objects of this Act

The objects of this Act are:

(a) to promote the protection of the privacy of individuals; and

(b) to recognise that the protection of the privacy of individuals

is balanced with the interests of entities in carrying out their

functions or activities; and

(c) to provide the basis for nationally consistent regulation of

privacy and the handling of personal information; and

(d) to promote responsible and transparent handling of personal

information by entities; and

(e) to facilitate an efficient credit reporting system while

ensuring that the privacy of individuals is respected; and

(f) to facilitate the free flow of information across national

borders while ensuring that the privacy of individuals is

respected; and

(g) to provide a means for individuals to complain about an

alleged interference with their privacy; and

(h) to implement Australia’s international obligation in relation

to privacy.

2 Subsections 5B(1) and (1A)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:


(1) This Act, a registered APP code and the registered CR code extend

to an act done, or practice engaged in, outside Australia and the

external Territories by an agency.

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Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988 Schedule 4

Note: The act or practice overseas will not breach an Australian Privacy

Principle or a registered APP code if the act or practice is required by

an applicable foreign law (see sections 6A and 6B).

Organisations and small business operators

(1A) This Act, a registered APP code and the registered CR code extend

to an act done, or practice engaged in, outside Australia and the

external Territories by an organisation, or small business operator,

that has an Australian link.

Note: The act or practice overseas will not breach an Australian Privacy

Principle or a registered APP code if the act or practice is required by

an applicable foreign law (see sections 6A and 6B).

3 Subsection 5B(2) (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Australian link

4 Subsection 5B(2)

Omit “The organisation must be”, substitute “An organisation or small

business operator has an Australian link if the organisation or operator


5 Subsection 5B(3) (heading)

Repeal the heading.

6 Subsection 5B(3)

Omit “All of the following conditions must be met”, substitute “An

organisation or small business operator also has an Australian link if all

of the following apply”.

7 Paragraphs 5B(3)(a), (b) and (c)

After “organisation”, insert “or operator”.

8 Subsection 5B(4)

After “subsection (1)”, insert “or (1A)”.

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Schedule 4 Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988

9 Subsection 6(1)


advice related functions has the meaning given by subsection


10 Subsection 6(1)


Australian link has the meaning given by subsections 5B(2) and


11 Subsection 6(1) (all the definitions of breach)

Repeal the definitions, substitute:


(a) in relation to an Australian Privacy Principle, has the

meaning given by section 6A; and

(b) in relation to a registered APP code, has the meaning given

by section 6B; and

(c) in relation to the registered CR code, has the meaning given

by section 6BA.

12 Subsection 6(1)


civil penalty order has the meaning given by subsection 80W(4).

13 Subsection 6(1)


civil penalty provision has the meaning given by section 80U.

14 Subsection 6(1) (definition of code complaint)

Omit “the complainant”, substitute “an individual”.

15 Subsection 6(1)


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Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988 Schedule 4

committee of management of an unincorporated association means

a body (however described) that governs, manages or conducts the

affairs of the association.

16 Subsection 6(1) (definition of credit reporting complaint)

Omit “the complainant”, substitute “an individual”.

17 Subsection 6(1)


Defence Department means the Department of State that deals

with defence and that is administered by the Minister administering

section 1 of the Defence Act 1903.

18 Subsection 6(1) (definition of file number complaint)

Omit “the complainant”, substitute “an individual”.

19 Subsection 6(1) (paragraph (a) of the definition of file number complaint)

Omit “guideline”, substitute “rule”.

20 Subsection 6(1)


guidance related functions has the meaning given by subsection


21 Subsection 6(1) (definition of individual concerned)

Repeal the definition.

22 Subsection 6(1)


interference with the privacy of an individual has the meaning

given by sections 13 to 13F.

23 Subsection 6(1)


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Schedule 4 Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988

monitoring related functions has the meaning given by

subsections 28A(1) and (2).

24 Subsection 6(1)


offence against this Act includes an offence against section 6 of

the Crimes Act 1914, or section 11.1, 11.2, 11.2A, 11.4 or 11.5 of

the Criminal Code, that relates to an offence against this Act.

25 Subsection 6(1)


recognised external dispute resolution scheme means an external

dispute resolution scheme recognised under section 35A.

26 Subsection 6(1) (definition of tax file number information)

Omit “(including information forming part of a database)”.

27 Subsection 6(3)

Omit “guideline” (wherever occurring), substitute “rule”.

28 Subsection 6(6)

Omit “Department of Defence”, substitute “Defence Department”.

29 Paragraphs 7(1)(ca) and (g) and (1A)(c)

Omit “Department of Defence”, substitute “Defence Department”.

30 Subsection 7(2)

Omit “under section 27”, substitute “in relation to the principles and

such a code”.

31 Paragraph 7(2)(b)

Omit “Department of Defence”, substitute “Defence Department”.

32 Subsection 7(3A)

Repeal the subsection.

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Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988 Schedule 4

33 Subsection 7(4)

Omit “paragraphs 27(1)(b), (c), (d), (e), (g), (k) and (m)”, substitute

“section 28, of paragraphs 28A(2)(a) to (e)”.

34 Section 12B (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

12B Severability—additional effect of this Act

35 Subsections 12B(1) and (2)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:

(1) Without limiting its effect apart from this section, this Act has

effect in relation to the following (the regulated entities) as

provided by this section:

(a) an agency;

(b) an organisation;

(c) a small business operator;

(d) a body politic.

Note: Subsection 27(4) applies in relation to an investigation of an act or

practice referred to in subsection 29(1) of the Healthcare Identifiers

Act 2010.

(2) This Act also has the effect it would have if its operation in relation

to regulated entities were expressly confined to an operation to

give effect to the following:

(a) the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights done

at New York on 16 December 1966 ([1980] ATS 23), and in

particular Articles 17 and 24(1) of the Covenant;

(b) Article 16 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child done

at New York on 20 November 1989 ([1991] ATS 4).

Note: In 2012, the text of the Covenant and Convention in the Australian

Treaty Series was accessible through the Australian Treaties Library

on the AustLII website (www.austlii.edu.au).

36 Subsection 12B(3)

Omit “to organisations”, substitute “to regulated entities”.

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Schedule 4 Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988

37 Subsection 12B(3)

Omit “subsection 5B(1)”, substitute “section 5B”.

38 Subsection 12B(3)

Omit “by organisations”.

39 Subsections 12B(4) and (5)

Omit “organisations” (wherever occurring), substitute “regulated


40 After subsection 12B(5)


(5A) This Act also has the effect it would have if its operation in relation

to regulated entities were expressly confined to acts or practices

engaged in by regulated entities in the course of:

(a) banking (other than State banking not extending beyond the

limits of the State concerned); or

(b) insurance (other than State insurance not extending beyond

the limits of the State concerned).

41 Subsections 12B(6) to (8)

Omit “organisations” (wherever occurring), substitute “regulated


42 Sections 13 and 13A

Repeal the sections, substitute:

13 Interferences with privacy

APP entities

(1) An act or practice of an APP entity is an interference with the

privacy of an individual if:

(a) the act or practice breaches an Australian Privacy Principle in

relation to personal information about the individual; or

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

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Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988 Schedule 4

(b) the act or practice breaches a registered APP code that binds

the entity in relation to personal information about the


Credit reporting

(2) An act or practice of an entity is an interference with the privacy

of an individual if:

(a) the act or practice breaches a provision of Part IIIA in

relation to personal information about the individual; or

(b) the act or practice breaches the registered CR code in relation

to personal information about the individual and the code

binds the entity.

Contracted service providers

(3) An act or practice of an organisation is an interference with the

privacy of an individual if:

(a) the act or practice relates to personal information about the

individual; and

(b) the organisation is a contracted service provider for a

Commonwealth contract (whether or not the organisation is a

party to the contract); and

(c) the act or practice does not breach:

(i) an Australian Privacy Principle; or

(ii) a registered APP code that binds the organisation;

in relation to the personal information because of a provision

of the contract that is inconsistent with the principle or code;


(d) the act is done, or the practice is engaged in, in a manner

contrary to, or inconsistent with, that provision.

Note: See subsections 6A(2) and 6B(2) for when an act or practice does not

breach an Australian Privacy Principle or a registered APP code.

Tax file numbers

(4) An act or practice is an interference with the privacy of an

individual if:

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Schedule 4 Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988

(a) it is an act or practice of a file number recipient and the act or

practice breaches a rule issued under section 17 in relation to

tax file number information that relates to the individual; or

(b) the act or practice involves an unauthorised requirement or

request for disclosure of the tax file number of the individual.

Other interferences with privacy

(5) An act or practice is an interference with the privacy of an

individual if the act or practice:

(a) constitutes a breach of Part 2 of the Data-matching Program

(Assistance and Tax) Act 1990 or the rules issued under

section 12 of that Act; or

(b) constitutes a breach of the rules issued under section 135AA

of the National Health Act 1953.

Note: Other Acts may provide that an act or practice is an interference with

the privacy of an individual. For example, see the Healthcare

Identifiers Act 2010, the Anti-Money Laundering and

Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 and the Personal Property

Securities Act 2009.

43 Subsection 13B(1)

Omit “paragraphs 13A(1)(a) and (b)”, substitute “subsection 13(1)”.

44 Subsection 13B(1)

Omit “of an individual”, substitute “of an individual”.

45 Subsection 13B(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

Relationship with subsection 13(3)

(2) Subsection (1) does not prevent an act or practice of an

organisation from being an interference with the privacy of an

individual under subsection 13(3).

46 Subsection 13C(1)

Omit “of the individual”, substitute “of the individual”.

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Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988 Schedule 4

47 Subsection 13C(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

Effect of subsection (1)

(2) Subsection (1) has effect despite subsections 13(1) and (3).

48 Subsection 13D(1)

Omit “of an individual”, substitute “of an individual”.

49 Subsection 13D(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

Effect of subsection (1)

(2) Subsection (1) has effect despite subsections 13(1) and (3).

50 Sections 13E and 13F

Repeal the sections, substitute:

13E Effect of sections 13B, 13C and 13D

Sections 13B, 13C and 13D do not prevent an act or practice of an

organisation from being an interference with the privacy of an

individual under subsection 13(2), (4) or (5).

13F Act or practice not covered by section 13 is not an interference

with privacy

An act or practice that is not covered by section 13 is not an

interference with the privacy of an individual.

13G Serious and repeated interferences with privacy

An entity contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the entity does an act, or engages in a practice, that is a

serious interference with the privacy of an individual; or

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Schedule 4 Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988

(b) the entity repeatedly does an act, or engages in a practice,

that is an interference with the privacy of one or more


Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

51 Section 17

Repeal the section, substitute:

17 Rules relating to tax file number information

The Commissioner must, by legislative instrument, issue rules

concerning the collection, storage, use and security of tax file

number information.

52 Section 18 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

18 File number recipients to comply with rules

53 Section 18

Omit “guideline”, substitute “rule”.

54 Sections 27 to 29

Repeal the sections, substitute:

27 Functions of the Commissioner

(1) The Commissioner has the following functions:

(a) the functions that are conferred on the Commissioner by or


(i) this Act; or

(ii) any other law of the Commonwealth;

(b) the guidance related functions;

(c) the monitoring related functions;

(d) the advice related functions;

(e) to do anything incidental or conducive to the performance of

any of the above functions.

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(2) The Commissioner has power to do all things necessary or

convenient to be done for, or in connection with, the performance

of the Commissioner’s functions.

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), the Commissioner may establish a

panel of persons with expertise in relation to a particular matter to

assist the Commissioner in performing any of the Commissioner’s


(4) Section 38 of the Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010, rather than

section 12B of this Act, applies in relation to an investigation of an

act or practice referred to in subsection 29(1) of that Act in the

same way as it applies to Parts 3 and 4 of that Act.

Note: Section 38 of the Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010 deals with the

additional effect of Parts 3 and 4 of that Act.

28 Guidance related functions of the Commissioner

(1) The following are the guidance related functions of the


(a) making guidelines for the avoidance of acts or practices that

may or might be interferences with the privacy of

individuals, or which may otherwise have any adverse effects

on the privacy of individuals;

(b) making, by legislative instrument, guidelines for the purposes

of paragraph (d) of Australian Privacy Principle 6.3;

(c) promoting an understanding and acceptance of:

(i) the Australian Privacy Principles and the objects of

those principles; and

(ii) a registered APP code; and

(iii) the provisions of Part IIIA and the objects of those

provisions; and

(iv) the registered CR code;

(d) undertaking educational programs for the purposes of

promoting the protection of individual privacy.

(2) The Commissioner may publish the guidelines referred to in

paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) in such manner as the Commissioner

considers appropriate.

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Schedule 4 Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988

(3) The educational programs referred to in paragraph (1)(d) may be

undertaken by:

(a) the Commissioner; or

(b) a person or authority acting on behalf of the Commissioner.

(4) Guidelines made under paragraph (1)(a) are not a legislative


28A Monitoring related functions of the Commissioner

Credit reporting and tax file number information

(1) The following are the monitoring related functions of the


(a) monitoring the security and accuracy of information held by

an entity that is information to which Part IIIA applies;

(b) examining the records of entities to ensure that the entities:

(i) are not using information to which Part IIIA applies for

unauthorised purposes; and

(ii) are taking adequate measures to prevent the unlawful

disclosure of such information;

(c) examining the records of the Commissioner of Taxation to

ensure that the Commissioner:

(i) is not using tax file number information for purposes

beyond his or her powers; and

(ii) is taking adequate measures to prevent the unlawful

disclosure of the tax file number information that he or

she holds;

(d) evaluating compliance with the rules issued under section 17;

(e) monitoring the security and accuracy of tax file number

information kept by file number recipients.

Other matters

(2) The following are also the monitoring related functions of the


(a) examining a proposed enactment that would require or

authorise acts or practices of an entity that might otherwise

be interferences with the privacy of individuals, or which

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may otherwise have any adverse effects on the privacy of


(b) examining a proposal for data matching or linkage that may

involve an interference with the privacy of individuals, or

which may otherwise have any adverse effects on the privacy

of individuals;

(c) ensuring that any adverse effects of the proposed enactment

or the proposal on the privacy of individuals are minimised;

(d) undertaking research into, and monitoring developments in,

data processing and technology (including data matching and

linkage) to ensure that any adverse effects of such

developments on the privacy of individuals are minimised;

(e) reporting to the Minister the results of that research and


(f) monitoring and reporting on the adequacy of equipment and

user safeguards.

(3) The functions referred to in paragraphs (2)(a) and (b) may be

performed by the Commissioner:

(a) on request by a Minister or Norfolk Island Minister; or

(b) on the Commissioner’s own initiative.

(4) If the reporting referred to in paragraph (2)(e) or (f) is done in

writing, the instrument is not a legislative instrument.

28B Advice related functions of the Commissioner

(1) The following are the advice related functions of the


(a) providing advice to a Minister, Norfolk Island Minister or

entity about any matter relevant to the operation of this Act;

(b) informing the Minister of action that needs to be taken by an

agency in order to comply with the Australian Privacy


(c) providing reports and recommendations to the Minister in

relation to any matter concerning the need for, or the

desirability of, legislative or administrative action in the

interests of the privacy of individuals;

(d) providing advice to file number recipients about:

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(i) their obligations under the Taxation Administration Act

1953 in relation to the confidentiality of tax file number

information; or

(ii) any matter relevant to the operation of this Act.

(2) The functions referred to in paragraphs (1)(a), (c) and (d) may be

performed by the Commissioner on request or on the

Commissioner’s own initiative.

(3) The Commissioner may perform the function referred to in

paragraph (1)(b) whenever the Commissioners think it is necessary

to do so.

(4) If the Minister is informed under paragraph (1)(b) in writing, or the

report referred to in paragraph (1)(c) is provided in writing, the

instrument is not a legislative instrument.

29 Commissioner must have due regard to the objects of the Act

The Commissioner must have due regard to the objects of this Act

in performing the Commissioner’s functions, and exercising the

Commissioner’s powers, conferred by this Act.

Note: The objects of this Act are set out in section 2A.

55 Subparagraph 30(1)(b)(ii)

Repeal the subparagraph, substitute:

(ii) does not consider that it is reasonably possible that the

matter that gave rise to the investigation can be

conciliated successfully or has attempted to conciliate

the matter without success.

56 Subsection 30(3)

Omit “under paragraph 27(1)(a), 28(1)(b) or (c) or 28A(1)(b)”.

57 Subsection 30(3)

After “credit provider” (first occurring), insert “that is an interference

with the privacy of an individual under subsection 13(1), (2) or (4)”.

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58 Subsection 30(6)

Repeal the subsection.

59 Subsection 31(1)

Omit “paragraph 27(1)(b)”, substitute “paragraph 28A(2)(a)”.

60 Subsection 31(2)

Omit “agency or organisation”, substitute “entity”.

61 Section 32 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

32 Commissioner may report to the Minister if the Commissioner

has monitored certain activities etc.

62 Subsection 32(1)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(1) If the Commissioner has:

(a) monitored an activity in the performance of a function under

paragraph 28(1)(d), 28A(1)(a), (b), (d) or (e) or (2)(b), (c) or

(d) or 28B(1)(b) or (c); or

(b) conducted an assessment under section 33C;

the Commissioner may report to the Minister about the activity or

assessment, and must do so if so directed by the Minister.

63 Subsection 32(2)

After “activity”, insert “or assessment”.

64 After section 33B


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Division 3A—Assessments by, or at the direction of, the


33C Commissioner may conduct an assessment relating to the

Australian Privacy Principles etc.

(1) The Commissioner may conduct an assessment of the following


(a) whether personal information held by an APP entity is being

maintained and handled in accordance with the following:

(i) the Australian Privacy Principles;

(ii) a registered APP code that binds the entity;

(b) whether information held by an entity is being maintained

and handled in accordance with the following to the extent

that they apply to the information:

(i) the provisions of Part IIIA;

(ii) the registered CR code if it binds the entity;

(c) whether tax file number information held by a file number

recipient is being maintained and handled in accordance with

any relevant rules issued under section 17;

(d) whether the data matching program (within the meaning of

the Data-matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act 1990)

of an agency complies with Part 2 of that Act and the rules

issued under section 12 of that Act;

(e) whether information to which section 135AA of the National

Health Act 1953 applies is being maintained and handled in

accordance with the rules issued under that section.

(2) The Commissioner may conduct the assessment in such manner as

the Commissioner considers fit.

33D Commissioner may direct an agency to give a privacy impact


(1) If:

(a) an agency proposes to engage in an activity or function

involving the handling of personal information about individuals; and

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(b) the Commissioner considers that the activity or function

might have a significant impact on the privacy of individuals;

the Commissioner may, in writing, direct the agency to give the

Commissioner, within a specified period, a privacy impact

assessment about the activity or function.

(2) A direction under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

Privacy impact assessment

(3) A privacy impact assessment is a written assessment of an activity

or function that:

(a) identifies the impact that the activity or function might have

on the privacy of individuals; and

(b) sets out recommendations for managing, minimising or

eliminating that impact.

(4) Subsection (3) does not limit the matters that the privacy impact

assessment may deal with.

(5) A privacy impact assessment is not a legislative instrument.

Failure to comply with a direction

(6) If an agency does not comply with a direction under subsection (1),

the Commissioner must advise both of the following of the failure:

(a) the Minister;

(b) if another Minister is responsible for the agency—that other



(7) Before the fifth anniversary of the commencement of this section,

the Minister must cause a review to be undertaken of whether this

section should apply in relation to organisations.

Division 3B—Enforceable undertakings

33E Commissioner may accept undertakings

(1) The Commissioner may accept any of the following undertakings:

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(a) a written undertaking given by an entity that the entity will,

in order to comply with this Act, take specified action;

(b) a written undertaking given by an entity that the entity will,

in order to comply with this Act, refrain from taking

specified action;

(c) a written undertaking given by an entity that the entity will

take specified action directed towards ensuring that the entity

does not do an act, or engage in a practice, in the future that

interferes with the privacy of an individual.

(2) The undertaking must be expressed to be an undertaking under this


(3) The entity may withdraw or vary the undertaking at any time, but

only with the consent of the Commissioner.

(4) The Commissioner may, by written notice given to the entity,

cancel the undertaking.

(5) The Commissioner may publish the undertaking on the

Commissioner’s website.

33F Enforcement of undertakings

(1) If:

(a) an entity gives an undertaking under section 33E; and

(b) the undertaking has not been withdrawn or cancelled; and

(c) the Commissioner considers that the entity has breached the


the Commissioner may apply to the Federal Court or Federal

Magistrates Court for an order under subsection (2).

(2) If the court is satisfied that the entity has breached the undertaking,

the court may make any or all of the following orders:

(a) an order directing the entity to comply with the undertaking;

(b) any order that the court considers appropriate directing the

person to compensate any other person who has suffered loss

or damage as a result of the breach;

(c) any other order that the court considers appropriate.

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65 Subsections 34(1) and (2)

Omit “functions referred to in section 27”, substitute “Commissioner’s


66 At the end of Part IV


35A Commissioner may recognise external dispute resolution


(1) The Commissioner may, by written notice, recognise an external

dispute resolution scheme:

(a) for an entity or a class of entities; or

(b) for a specified purpose.

(2) In considering whether to recognise an external dispute resolution

scheme, the Commissioner must take the following matters into


(a) the accessibility of the scheme;

(b) the independence of the scheme;

(c) the fairness of the scheme;

(d) the accountability of the scheme;

(e) the efficiency of the scheme;

(f) the effectiveness of the scheme;

(g) any other matter the Commissioner considers relevant.

(3) The Commissioner may:

(a) specify a period for which the recognition of an external

dispute resolution scheme is in force; and

(b) make the recognition of an external dispute resolution

scheme subject to specified conditions, including conditions

relating to the conduct of an independent review of the

operation of the scheme; and

(c) vary or revoke:

(i) the recognition of an external dispute resolution

scheme; or

(ii) the period for which the recognition is in force; or

(iii) a condition to which the recognition is subject.

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(4) A notice under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

67 Part V (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Part V—Investigations etc.

68 Before Division 1 of Part V


Division 1A—Introduction

36A Guide to this Part

In general, this Part deals with complaints and investigations about

acts or practices that may be an interference with the privacy of an


An individual may complain to the Commissioner about an act or

practice that may be an interference with the privacy of the

individual. If a complaint is made, the Commissioner is required to

investigate the act or practice except in certain circumstances.

The Commissioner may also, on his or her own initiative,

investigate an act or practice that may be an interference with the

privacy of an individual or a breach of Australian Privacy Principle


The Commissioner has a range powers relating to the conduct of

investigations including powers:

(a) to conciliate complaints; and

(b) to make preliminary inquiries of any person; and

(c) to require a person to give information or

documents, or to attend a compulsory conference;


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(d) to transfer matters to an alternative complaint body

in certain circumstances.

After an investigation, the Commissioner may make a

determination in relation to the investigation. An entity to which a

determination relates must comply with certain declarations

included in the determination. Court proceedings may be

commenced to enforce a determination.

69 Subsection 36(7) (note)

Omit “Section 70A contains”, substitute “Sections 98A to 98C contain”.

70 Subsection 36(8)

Omit “one of paragraphs 13(b) to (d) (inclusive)”, substitute “subsection

13(2), (4) or (5)”.

71 Subsection 36(8)

After “person”, insert “or entity”.

72 Subsection 38(1)

Omit “or accepted under subsection 40(1B)”.

73 Paragraph 38(1)(a)

After “person”, insert “or entity”.

74 Subsection 38(2)

Omit “or accepted under subsection 40(1B)”.

75 Subsection 38B(2)

Omit all the words after “representative”, substitute:


(a) if the complaint was lodged without the consent of the

member—at any time; or

(b) otherwise—at any time before the Commissioner begins to

hold an inquiry into the complaint.

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76 Add at the end of subsection 38B(2)


Note: If a class member withdraws from a representative complaint that

relates to a matter, the former member may make a complaint under

section 36 that relates to the matter.

77 Subsections 40(1B) and (1C)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:

(1B) Subsection (1A) does not apply if the complaint is about an act or

practice that may breach:

(a) section 20R, 20T, 21T or 21V (which are about access to,

and correction of, credit reporting information etc.); or

(b) a provision of the registered CR code that relates to that


78 Subsection 40(2)

After “Commissioner may”, insert “, on the Commissioner’s own


79 Paragraph 40(2)(a)

After “individual”, insert “or a breach of Australian Privacy Principle


80 Section 40A

Repeal the section, substitute:

40A Conciliation of complaints

(1) If:

(a) a complaint about an act or practice is made under section 36;


(b) the Commissioner considers it is reasonably possible that the

complaint may be conciliated successfully;

the Commissioner must make a reasonable attempt to conciliate the


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(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the Commissioner has decided

under section 41 or 50 not to investigate, or not to investigate

further, the act or practice.

(3) If the Commissioner is satisfied that there is no reasonable

likelihood that the complaint will be resolved by conciliation, the

Commissioner must, in writing, notify the complainant and

respondent of that matter.

(4) If a notification is given under subsection (3), the Commissioner

may decide not to investigate, or not to investigate further, the act

or practice.

(5) Evidence of anything said or done in the course of the conciliation

is not admissible in any hearing before the Commissioner, or in

any legal proceedings, relating to complaint or the act or practice


(a) the complainant and respondent otherwise agree; or

(b) the thing was said or done in furtherance of the commission

of a fraud or an offence, or the commission of an act that

renders a person liable to a civil penalty.

81 Section 41 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

41 Commissioner may or must decide not to investigate etc. in

certain circumstances

82 Subsection 41(1)

Omit “, or which the Commissioner has accepted under subsection


83 At the end of paragraphs 41(1)(a) and (c)

Add “or”.

84 Paragraph 41(1)(d)

Omit “or lacking in substance;”, substitute “, lacking in substance or not

made in good faith; or”.

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85 After paragraph 41(1)(d)


(da) an investigation, or further investigation, of the act or

practice is not warranted having regard to all the

circumstances; or

(db) the complainant has not responded, within the period

specified by the Commissioner, to a request for information

in relation to the complaint; or

(dc) the act or practice is being dealt with by a recognised external

dispute resolution scheme; or

(dd) the act or practice would be more effectively or appropriately

dealt with by a recognised external dispute resolution

scheme; or

86 After subsection 41(1)


(1A) The Commissioner must not investigate, or investigate further, an

act or practice about which a complaint has been made under

section 36 if the Commissioner is satisfied that the complainant has

withdrawn the complaint.

87 Subsections 41(2) and (3)

Omit “, or accepted by the Commissioner under subsection 40(1B),”.

88 Section 42

Before “Where”, insert “(1)”.

89 Section 42

Omit “or the Commissioner accepts a complaint under subsection


90 Section 42

Omit “respondent”, substitute “respondent or any other person”.

91 At the end of section 42


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(2) The Commissioner may make inquiries of any person for the

purpose of determining whether to investigate an act or practice

under subsection 40(2).

92 After subsection 43(1)


(1AA) Before commencing an investigation of an act or practice of a

person or entity under subsection 40(2), the Commissioner must

inform the person or entity that the act or practice is to be


93 Subsection 43(2)

Omit “in private but otherwise”.

94 Subsections 43(4), (5) and (6)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:

(4) The Commissioner may make a determination under section 52 in

relation to an investigation under this Division without holding a

hearing, if:

(a) it appears to the Commissioner that the matter to which the

investigation relates can be adequately determined in the

absence of:

(i) in the case of an investigation under subsection 40(1)—

the complainant and respondent; or

(ii) otherwise—the person or entity that engaged in the act

or practice that is being investigated; and

(b) the Commissioner is satisfied that there are no unusual

circumstances that would warrant the Commissioner holding

a hearing; and

(c) an application for a hearing has not been made under

section 43A.

95 Subsection 43(7)

Omit “afford the complainant or respondent an opportunity to appear

before the Commissioner and to make submissions under

subsection (5)”, substitute “hold a hearing”.

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96 Subsection 43(8A)

Omit “an approved privacy code or the National Privacy Principles”,

substitute “the Australian Privacy Principles or a registered APP code”.

97 After section 43


43A Interested party may request a hearing

(1) An interested party in relation to an investigation under this

Division may, in writing, request that the Commissioner hold a

hearing before the Commissioner makes a determination under

section 52 in relation to the investigation.

(2) If an interested party makes request under subsection (1), the

Commissioner must:

(a) notify any other interested party of the request; and

(b) give all interested parties a reasonable opportunity to make a

submission about the request; and

(c) decide whether or not to hold a hearing.

(3) In this section:

interested party in relation to an investigation means:

(a) in the case of an investigation under subsection 40(1)—the

complainant or respondent; or

(b) otherwise—the person or entity that engaged in the act or

practice that is being investigated.

98 Subsection 44(4)

Omit “sections 69 and”, substitute “section”.

99 Subsection 46(1)

Omit “(except an NPP complaint or a code complaint accepted under

subsection 40(1B))”.

100 Subsection 50(1)


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alternative complaint body means:

(a) the Australian Human Rights Commission; or

(b) the Ombudsman; or

(c) the Postal Industry Ombudsman; or

(d) the Overseas Students Ombudsman; or

(e) the Public Service Commissioner; or

(f) the Norfolk Island Public Service Board; or

(g) a recognised external dispute resolution scheme.

101 At the end of paragraph 50(2)(a)


(v) to a recognised external dispute resolution scheme; or

102 Subsection 50(2)

Omit “Australian Human Rights Commission, the Ombudsman, the

Postal Industry Ombudsman, the Overseas Students Ombudsman or the

Australian Public Service Commissioner, as the case may be”,

substitute “alternative complaint body”.

103 Paragraphs 50(2)(c) and (e)

Omit “Australian Human Rights Commission, the Ombudsman, the

Postal Industry Ombudsman, the Overseas Students Ombudsman or the

Australian Public Service Commissioner”, substitute “alternative

complaint body”.

104 At the end of paragraph 50(3)(a)


(v) to the recognised external dispute resolution scheme; or

105 Subsection 50A(2) (note 2)

Repeal the note, substitute:

Note 2: The Commissioner may determine under section 53B that the

determination applies in relation to an agency if the organisation has

not complied with the determination.

106 Subparagraph 52(1)(b)(i)

Omit “should” (wherever occurring), substitute “must”.

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107 After subparagraph 52(1)(b)(i)


(ia) a declaration that the respondent must take specified

steps within a specified period to ensure that such

conduct is not repeated or continued;

108 Subparagraph 52(1)(b)(ii)

Omit “should”, substitute “must”.

109 Subsection 52(1A)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(1A) After investigating an act or practice of a person or entity under

subsection 40(2), the Commissioner may make a determination

that includes one or more of the following:

(a) a declaration that:

(i) the act or practice is an interference with the privacy of

one or more individuals; and

(ii) the person or entity must not repeat or continue the act

or practice;

(b) a declaration that the person or entity must take specified

steps within a specified period to ensure that the act or

practice is not repeated or continued;

(c) a declaration that the person or entity must perform any

reasonable act or course of conduct to redress any loss or

damage suffered by one or more of those individuals;

(d) a declaration that one or more of those individuals are

entitled to a specified amount by way of compensation for

any loss or damage suffered by reason of the act or practice;

(e) a declaration that it would be inappropriate for any further

action to be taken in the matter.

(1AA) The steps specified by the Commissioner under

subparagraph (1)(b)(ia) or paragraph (1A)(b) must be reasonable

and appropriate.

(1AB) The loss or damage referred to in paragraph (1)(b) or

subsection (1A) includes:

(a) injury to the feelings of the complainant or individual; and

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(b) humiliation suffered by the complainant or individual.

110 Subsection 52(1B)

After “subsection (1)”, insert “or (1A)”.

111 Subsections 52(3A) and (3B)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:

(3A) A determination under paragraph (1)(b) or subsection (1A) may

include any order that the Commissioner considers necessary or


112 Subsection 53A(1)

Omit “to which a contracted service provider for a Commonwealth

contract is the respondent”, substitute “that applies in relation to a

contracted service provider for a Commonwealth contract”.

113 Section 53B (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

53B Substituting an agency for a contracted service provider

114 Paragraph 53B(1)(a)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(a) a determination under section 52 applies in relation to a

contracted service provider for a Commonwealth contract;


115 After subparagraph 53B(1)(b)(i)


(ia) a declaration under paragraph 52(1A)(d) that one or

more individuals are entitled to a specified amount by

way of the compensation; or

116 Paragraph 53B(1)(c)

Omit “respondent”, substitute “provider”.

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117 Paragraph 53B(1)(d)

After “complainant”, insert “or individuals”.

118 Paragraph 53B(1)(d)

Omit “subparagraph (b)(i) or (b)(ii)”, substitute “paragraph (b)”.

119 Subsection 53B(2)

After “writing that”, insert “the determination under section 52 instead

applies in relation to”.

120 Subsection 53B(2)

Omit “is the respondent to the determination under section 52”.

121 Subsection 53B(2) (at the end of the note)

Add “or individuals”.

122 Subsection 54(1)

Omit “respondent to the determination is”, substitute “determination

applies in relation to”.

123 Section 55

Repeal the section, substitute:

55 Obligations of organisations and small business operators

If the determination applies in relation to an organisation or small

business operator, the organisation or operator:

(a) must not repeat or continue conduct that is covered by a

declaration included in the determination under

sub-subparagraph 52(1)(b)(i)(B) or paragraph 52(1A)(a); and

(b) must take the steps that are specified in a declaration

included in the determination under subparagraph

52(1)(b)(ia) or paragraph 52(1A)(b) within the specified

period; and

(c) must perform the act or course of conduct that is covered by

a declaration included in the determination under

subparagraph 52(1)(b)(ii) or paragraph 52(1A)(c).

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124 Subsection 55A(1)

Omit “Any of the”, substitute “The”.

125 Paragraphs 55A(1)(a) to (c)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

(a) if the determination was made under subsection 52(1)—the


(b) the Commissioner.

126 Subsection 55A(2)

Omit “respondent”, substitute “person or entity in relation to which the

determination applies”.

127 Subsection 55A(2)

Omit “the complainant”, substitute “an individual”.

128 Subsection 55A(5)

Omit “respondent”, substitute “person or entity in relation to which the

determination applies”.

129 Subsection 55A(5)

Omit “the complainant”, substitute “an individual”.

130 Paragraph 55A(6)(c)

Omit “appearance”, substitute “hearing”.

131 Paragraph 55A(6)(c)

Omit “under subsection 43(5)”.

132 Subsection 55A(7A)

Omit “matters that paragraph 29(a) requires the Commissioner to have

due regard to”, substitute “objects of this Act”.

133 Paragraphs 55B(1)(a) and (b) and (3)(a) and (b)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

(a) a specified APP entity had breached an Australian Privacy

Principle; or

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(b) a specified APP entity had breached a registered APP code

that binds the entity.

134 Subsection 57(1)

Omit “has an agency, or the principal executive of an agency, as the

respondent”, substitute “that applies in relation to an agency or the

principal executive of an agency”.

135 Section 58

Repeal the section, substitute:

58 Obligations of agencies

If this Division applies to a determination and the determination

applies in relation to an agency, the agency:

(a) must not repeat or continue conduct that is covered by a

declaration included in the determination under subparagraph

52(1)(b)(i) or paragraph 52(1A)(a); and

(b) must take the steps that are specified in a declaration

included in the determination under subparagraph

52(1)(b)(ia) or paragraph 52(1A)(b) within the specified

period; and

(c) must perform the act or course of conduct that is covered by

a declaration included in the determination under

subparagraph 52(1)(b)(ii) or paragraph 52(1A)(c).

136 Section 59

Omit “the principal executive of an agency is the respondent to a

determination to which this Division applies”, substitute “this Division

applies to a determination and the determination applies in relation to

the principal executive of an agency”.

137 Paragraph 59(b)

After “subparagraph 52(1)(b)(i)”, insert “or paragraph 52(1A)(a)”.

138 After paragraph 59(b)


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Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988 Schedule 4

(ba) that the steps specified in a declaration included in the

determination under subparagraph 52(1)(b)(ia) or paragraph

52(1A)(b) are taken within the specified period; and

139 At the end of paragraph 59(c)

Add “or paragraph 52(1A)(c)”.

140 Subsection 60(1)

After “subparagraph 52(1)(b)(iii)”, insert “, paragraph 52(1A)(d)”.

141 Subsection 60(1)

After “complainant”, insert “or individual”.

142 Subsection 60(2)

Omit “respondent is”, substitute “determination applies in relation to”.

143 Subsection 60(2)

After “complainant” (wherever occurring), insert “or individual”.

144 Section 61

Repeal the section.

145 Subsection 62(3)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(3) The application may be made by:

(a) if the determination was made under subsection 52(1)—the

complainant; or

(b) the Commissioner.

146 Subsection 62(4)

Omit “respondent”, substitute “agency or principal executive”.

147 Paragraph 62(5)(a)

Omit “section 61”, substitute “section 96”.

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Schedule 4 Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988

148 At the end of section 62


(6) In this section:

complainant, in relation to a representative complaint, means a

class member.

149 Subsection 63(2A)

Omit “NPP”, substitute “APP”.

150 Paragraphs 67(aa) and (ab)

Repeal the paragraphs.

151 Sections 69 and 70A

Repeal the sections.

152 Subsection 72(1)

Repeal the subsection.

153 Subsection 72(2) (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Determinations about an APP entity’s acts and practices

154 Paragraph 72(2)(a)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(a) an act or practice of an APP entity breaches, or may breach:

(i) an Australian Privacy Principle; or

(ii) a registered APP code that binds the entity; but

155 Paragraph 72(2)(b)

Omit “organisation”, substitute “entity”.

156 Paragraph 72(2)(b)

Omit “Principle”, substitute “principle”.

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157 Subsection 72(2)

Omit “make a written”, substitute “, by legislative instrument, make a”.

158 Subsection 72(3)

Omit “organisation is taken not to contravene section 16A if the

organisation”, substitute “APP entity is taken not to contravene

section 15 or 26A if the entity”.

159 Subsection 72(4)

Omit “make a written”, substitute “, by legislative instrument, make a”.

160 Subsection 72(4)

Omit “organisation is taken to contravene section 16A”, substitute

“APP entity is taken to contravene section 15 or 26A”.

161 Subsection 72(4)

Omit “organisation does”, substitute “APP entity does”.

162 Subsection 72(4)

Omit “organisation or any other organisation”, substitute “entity or any

other APP entity”.

163 Section 73 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

73 Application by APP entity

164 Subsection 73(1)

Omit “An agency or organisation”, substitute “An APP entity”.

165 Subsection 73(1)

Omit “the agency or organisation”, substitute “the entity”.

166 After subsection 73(1)


(1A) If:

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Schedule 4 Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988

(a) an application is made under subsection (1); and

(b) the Commissioner is satisfied that the application is frivolous,

vexatious, misconceived, lacking in substance or not made in

good faith;

the Commissioner may, in writing, dismiss the application.

167 Section 74 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

74 Publication of application etc.

168 Subsection 74(1)

Omit all the words after “notice”, substitute:


(a) the receipt by the Commissioner of an application; and

(b) if the Commissioner dismisses an application under

subsection 73(1A)—the dismissal of the application.

169 At the end of subsection 75(1)

Add “unless the Commissioner dismisses the application under

subsection 73(1A)”.

170 Subsection 79(3)

Repeal the subsection.

171 Section 80

Repeal the section.

172 Paragraph 80A(1)(a)

Omit “agency or organisation”, substitute “APP entity”.

173 Subparagraphs 80A(1)(a)(i) and (ii)

Repeal the subparagraphs, substitute:

(i) an Australian Privacy Principle; or

(ii) a registered APP code that binds the entity; and

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Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988 Schedule 4

174 Paragraph 80A(1)(b)

Omit “agency or organisation”, substitute “entity”.

175 Paragraph 80A(1)(b)

Omit “Principle”, substitute “principle”.

176 Subsection 80A(2)

Omit “make a written temporary public interest”, substitute “, by

legislative instrument, make a”.

177 Paragraph 80A(2)(a)

Omit “agency or organisation”, substitute “APP entity”.

178 Subsection 80A(3)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(3) The Commissioner must specify in the determination a period of

up to 12 months during which the determination is in force (subject

to subsection 80D(2)).

179 Subsections 80B(1) and (2)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:

APP entity covered by a determination

(1) If an act or practice of an APP entity is the subject of a temporary

public interest determination, the entity is taken not to breach

section 15 or 26A if the entity does the act, or engages in the

practice, while the determination is in force.

180 Subsection 80B(3)

Omit “make a written”, substitute “, by legislative instrument, make a”.

181 Subsection 80B(3)

Omit “organisation is taken to contravene section 16A”, substitute

“APP entity is taken to contravene section 15 or 26A”.

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Schedule 4 Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988

182 Subsection 80B(3)

Omit “organisation does”, substitute “APP entity does”.

183 Subsection 80B(3)

Omit “organisation or another organisation”, substitute “entity or

another APP entity”.

184 Section 80C

Repeal the section.

185 Paragraph 80D(2)(a)

Omit “subsection 72(1) or (2) (as appropriate)”, substitute “subsection


186 Paragraph 80P(1)(a)

Omit “concerned”.

187 Subsections 80P(4) and (5)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:

(4) An entity does not breach an Australian Privacy Principle, or a

registered APP code that binds the entity, in respect of a collection,

use or disclosure of personal information authorised by

subsection (1).

188 Paragraphs 80Q(2)(a) and (b)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

(a) if the first person is an APP entity—a disclosure permitted

under an Australian Privacy Principle or a registered APP

code that binds the person;

189 After Part VIA


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Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988 Schedule 4

Part VIB—Civil penalty orders

Division 1—Civil penalty provisions

80U Civil penalty provisions

A subsection of this Act (or a section of this Act that is not divided

into subsections) is a civil penalty provision if the words “civil

penalty” and one or more amounts in penalty units are set out at the

foot of the subsection (or section).

80V Ancillary contravention of civil penalty provisions

(1) An entity must not:

(a) attempt to contravene a civil penalty provision; or

(b) aid, abet, counsel or procure a contravention of a civil

penalty provision; or

(c) induce (by threats, promises or otherwise) a contravention of

a civil penalty provision; or

(d) be in any way, directly or indirectly, knowingly concerned in,

or party to, a contravention of a civil penalty provision; or

(e) conspire with others to effect a contravention of a civil

penalty provision.

(2) An entity that contravenes subsection (1) in relation to a civil

penalty provision is taken to have contravened the provision.

Division 2—Obtaining a civil penalty order

80W Civil penalty orders

Application for order

(1) The Commissioner may apply to the Federal Court or Federal

Magistrates Court for an order that an entity, that is alleged to have

contravened a civil penalty provision, pay the Commonwealth a

pecuniary penalty.

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(2) The Commissioner must make the application within 6 years of the

alleged contravention.

Court may order entity to pay pecuniary penalty

(3) If the court is satisfied that the entity has contravened the civil

penalty provision, the court may order the entity to pay to the

Commonwealth such pecuniary penalty for the contravention as the

court determines to be appropriate.

Note: Subsection (5) sets out the maximum penalty that the court may order

the entity to pay.

(4) An order under subsection (3) is a civil penalty order.

Determining pecuniary penalty

(5) The pecuniary penalty must not be more than:

(a) if the entity is a body corporate—5 times the amount of the

pecuniary penalty specified for the civil penalty provision; or

(b) otherwise—the amount of the pecuniary penalty specified for

the civil penalty provision.

(6) In determining the pecuniary penalty, the court must take into

account all relevant matters, including:

(a) the nature and extent of the contravention; and

(b) the nature and extent of any loss or damage suffered because

of the contravention; and

(c) the circumstances in which the contravention took place; and

(d) whether the entity has previously been found by a court in

proceedings under this Act to have engaged in any similar


80X Civil enforcement of penalty

(1) A pecuniary penalty is a debt payable to the Commonwealth.

(2) The Commonwealth may enforce a civil penalty order as if it were

an order made in civil proceedings against the entity to recover a

debt due by the entity. The debt arising from the order is taken to

be a judgement debt.

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Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988 Schedule 4

80Y Conduct contravening more than one civil penalty provision

(1) If conduct constitutes a contravention of 2 or more civil penalty

provisions, proceedings may be instituted under this Division

against an entity in relation to the contravention of any one or more

of those provisions.

(2) However, the entity is not liable to more than one pecuniary

penalty under this Division in relation to the same conduct.

80Z Multiple contraventions

(1) The Federal Court or Federal Magistrates Court may make a single

civil penalty order against an entity for multiple contraventions of a

civil penalty provision if:

(a) proceedings for the contraventions are founded on the same

facts; or

(b) the contraventions form, or are part of, a series of

contraventions of the same or a similar character.

(2) However, the pecuniary penalty must not exceed the sum of the

maximum pecuniary penalties that could be ordered if a separate

civil penalty order were made for each of the contraventions.

Note: In determining the pecuniary penalty, the court must take into account

all relevant matters including the matters mentioned in subsection


80ZA Proceedings may be heard together

The Federal Court or Federal Magistrates Court may direct that 2

or more proceedings for civil penalty orders are to be heard


80ZB Civil evidence and procedure rules for civil penalty orders

The Federal Court or Federal Magistrates Court must apply the

rules of evidence and procedure for civil matters when hearing

proceedings for a civil penalty order.

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Schedule 4 Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988

80ZC Contravening a civil penalty provision is not an offence

A contravention of a civil penalty provision is not an offence.

Division 3—Civil proceedings and criminal proceedings

80ZD Civil proceedings after criminal proceedings

The Federal Court or Federal Magistrates Court must not make a

civil penalty order against an entity for a contravention of a civil

penalty provision if the entity has been convicted of an offence

constituted by conduct that is the same, or substantially the same,

as the conduct constituting the contravention.

80ZE Criminal proceedings during civil proceedings

(1) Proceedings for a civil penalty order against an entity for a

contravention of a civil penalty provision are stayed if:

(a) criminal proceedings are commenced or have already been

commenced against the entity for an offence; and

(b) the offence is constituted by conduct that is the same, or

substantially the same, as the conduct alleged to constitute

the contravention.

(2) The proceedings for the civil penalty order may be resumed if the

entity is not convicted of the offence. Otherwise:

(a) the proceedings are dismissed; and

(b) costs must not be awarded in relation to the proceedings.

80ZF Criminal proceedings after civil proceedings

Criminal proceedings may be commenced against an entity for

conduct that is the same, or substantially the same, as conduct that

would constitute a contravention of a civil penalty provision

regardless of whether a civil penalty order has been made against

the entity in relation to the contravention.

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Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988 Schedule 4

80ZG Evidence given in proceedings for civil penalty order not

admissible in criminal proceedings

(1) Evidence of information given, or evidence of production of

documents, by an individual is not admissible in criminal

proceedings against the individual if:

(a) the individual previously gave the evidence or produced the

documents in proceedings for a civil penalty order against the

individual for an alleged contravention of a civil penalty

provision (whether or not the order was made); and

(b) the conduct alleged to constitute the offence is the same, or

substantially the same, as the conduct alleged to constitute

the contravention.

(2) However, subsection (1) does not apply to criminal proceedings in

relation to the falsity of the evidence given by the individual in the

proceedings for the civil penalty order.

190 After paragraph 82(2)(a)


(aa) the Privacy Commissioner (within the meaning of the

Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010); and

191 Paragraph 82(2)(b)

Omit “6 other”, substitute “8 other”.

192 Subsection 82(3)

After “Commissioner”, insert “and Privacy Commissioner (within the

meaning of that Act)”.

193 Paragraph 82(7)(a)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(a) at least one must be a person who has had at least 5 years’

experience at a high level in industry or commerce; and

(aa) at least one must be a person who has had at least 5 years’

experience at a high level in public administration, or the

service of a government or an authority of a government; and

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Schedule 4 Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988

(ab) at least one must be a person who has had extensive

experience in health privacy; and

194 Paragraph 82(7)(b)

Omit “shall”, substitute “must”.

195 At the end of paragraph 82(7)(b)

Add “and”.

196 Paragraph 82(7)(c)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(c) at least one must be a person who has had extensive

experience in information and communication technologies;


197 Paragraphs 82(7)(d) and (e)

Omit “shall”, substitute “must”.

198 Paragraph 83(b)

Omit “guidelines”, substitute “rules or guidelines”.

199 Subsections 95(5), 95A(7) and 95AA(3)

Repeal the subsections.

200 After section 95C


96 Review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal

(1) An application may be made to the Administrative Appeals

Tribunal for review of the following decisions of the


(a) a decision under subsection 26H(1) not to register an APP

code developed by an APP code developer;

(b) a decision under subsection 26S(1) not to register a CR code

developed by a CR code developer;

(c) a decision under subsection 52(1) or (1A) to make a


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(d) a decision under subsection 73(1A) to dismiss an application;

(e) a decision under section 95 to refuse to approve the issue of


(f) a decision under subsection 95A(2) or (4) or 95AA(2) to

refuse to approve guidelines;

(g) a decision under subsection 95A(6) to revoke an approval of


(2) An application under paragraph (1)(a) may only be made by the

APP code developer that developed the APP code.

(3) An application under paragraph (1)(b) may only be made by the

CR code developer that developed the CR code.

201 After section 98


98A Treatment of partnerships

(1) If, apart from this subsection, this Act would impose an obligation

on a partnership, the obligation is imposed instead on each partner

but may be discharged by any of the partners.

(2) If, apart from this subsection, an offence against this Act would be

committed by a partnership, the offence is taken to have been

committed by each partner.

(3) If, apart from this subsection, a partnership would contravene a

civil penalty provision, the contravention is taken to have been

committed by each partner.

(4) A partner does not commit an offence against this Act because of

subsection (2), or contravene a civil penalty provision because of

subsection (3), if the partner:

(a) does not know of the circumstances that constitute the

contravention of the provision concerned; or

(b) knows of those circumstances but takes all reasonable steps

to correct the contravention as soon as possible after the

partner becomes aware of those circumstances.

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Schedule 4 Other amendments of the Privacy Act 1988

Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in

relation to the matters in subsection (4) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code).

98B Treatment of unincorporated associations

(1) If, apart from this subsection, this Act would impose an obligation

on an unincorporated association, the obligation is imposed instead

on each member of the association’s committee of management but

may be discharged by any of the members.

(2) If, apart from this subsection, an offence against this Act would be

committed by an unincorporated association, the offence is taken to

have been committed by each member of the association’s

committee of management.

(3) If, apart from this subsection, an unincorporated association would

contravene a civil penalty provision, the contravention is taken to

have been committed by each member of the association’s

committee of management.

(4) A member of an unincorporated association’s committee of

management does not commit an offence against this Act because

of subsection (2), or contravene a civil penalty provision because

of subsection (3), if the member:

(a) does not know of the circumstances that constitute the

contravention of the provision concerned; or

(b) knows of those circumstances but takes all reasonable steps

to correct the contravention as soon as possible after the

member becomes aware of those circumstances.

Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in

relation to the matters in subsection (4) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code).

98C Treatment of trusts

(1) If, apart from this subsection, this Act would impose an obligation

on a trust, the obligation is imposed instead on each trustee of the

trust but may be discharged by any of the trustees.

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(2) If, apart from this subsection, an offence against this Act would be

committed by a trust, the offence is taken to have been committed

by each trustee of the trust.

(3) If, apart from this subsection, a trust would contravene a civil

penalty provision, the contravention is taken to have been

committed by each trustee of the trust.

(4) A trustee of a trust does not commit an offence against this Act

because of subsection (2), or contravene a civil penalty provision

because of subsection (3), if the trustee:

(a) does not know of the circumstances that constitute the

contravention of the provision concerned; or

(b) knows of those circumstances but takes all reasonable steps

to correct the contravention as soon as possible after the

trustee becomes aware of those circumstances.

Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in

relation to the matters in subsection (4) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code).

202 Subsection 99A(1)

After “this Act”, insert “or for a civil penalty order”.

203 Subsection 99A(2)

After “this Act”, insert “or proceedings for a civil penalty order”.

204 Subsection 99A(3)

After “this Act”, insert “or for a civil penalty order”.

205 Subsection 99A(4)

After “this Act”, insert “or proceedings for a civil penalty order”.

206 Subsection 99A(9)

Repeal the subsection.

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Schedule 5 Amendment of other Acts

Part 1 Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles

Schedule 5—Amendment of other Acts

Part 1—Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles

Acts Interpretation Act 1901

1 Section 2B


Australian Privacy Principle has the same meaning as in the

Privacy Act 1988.

Aged Care Act 1997

2 Subsection 91-2(3)

Omit “Information Privacy Principles 1, 2 and 3 of the Privacy Act

1988”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principles 3 and 5”.

3 Subsection 92-7(4)

Omit “Information Privacy Principles 1, 2 and 3 of the Privacy Act

1988”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principles 3 and 5”.

4 Subsection 93-1(5)

Omit “Information Privacy Principles 1, 2 and 3 of the Privacy Act

1988”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principles 3 and 5”.

5 Clause 1 of Schedule 1 (definition of personal information)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

personal information has the same meaning as in the Privacy Act


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Amendment of other Acts Schedule 5

Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles Part 1

A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act


6 Paragraphs 219GA(7)(a) and (b)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

(a) paragraph 6.2(b) of Australian Privacy Principle 6; and

7 Subsection 219GA(7)

Omit “that is authorised by law”, substitute “that is authorised by this


8 Section 219PA

Omit “law”, substitute “this Act”.

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing

Act 2006

9 Subsection 35A(3)

Omit “law for the purposes of paragraph 2.1(g) of National Privacy

Principle 2 in Schedule 3 to the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “this Act

for the purposes of paragraph 6.2(b) of Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

10 Subsection 126(3)

Omit “Information Privacy Principles set out in section 14 of the

Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principles”.

AusCheck Act 2007

11 Subsections 13(1) and (2)

Omit “law”, substitute “this Act”.

12 Subsection 16(2)

Omit “law”, substitute “this Act”.

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Schedule 5 Amendment of other Acts

Part 1 Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles

Australian Citizenship Act 2007

13 Subsection 43(1A) (note 2)

Omit “Paragraph 3 of Information Privacy Principle 11 in section 14 of

the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority

Act 2008

14 Subsection 40(2)

Omit “law for the purposes of Information Privacy Principle 10 in

section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “this Act for the

purposes of Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

15 Subsection 40(3)

Omit “law for the purposes of Information Privacy Principle 11 in

section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “this Act for the

purposes of Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

16 Subsection 40(3) (note)

Omit “Paragraph 3 of Information Privacy Principle 11 in section 14 of

the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

Australian Passports Act 2005

17 Paragraphs 42(3)(a) and (b)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

(a) paragraph 6.2(b) of Australian Privacy Principle 6; and

18 Subsection 42(3)

Omit “or authorised by law”, substitute “or authorised by this Act”.

19 Section 46 (note)

Omit “section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988 (including Information

Privacy Principles 4(b) and 11.3)”, substitute “the Australian Privacy


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Amendment of other Acts Schedule 5

Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles Part 1

20 Subsection 47(1) (note)

Omit “section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988 (including Information

Privacy Principles 1 and 4)”, substitute “the Australian Privacy


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998

21 Subsection 56(12)

Omit “law for the purposes of paragraph (1)(d) of Information Privacy

Principle 11 in section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “this Act

for the purposes of paragraph 6.2(b) of Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918

22 Subsection 7A(1C)

Omit “law”, substitute “this Act”.

23 Subsection 7A(1C) (note)

Omit “paragraph (1)(c) of Information Privacy Principle 10 in

section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “paragraph 6.2(b) of

Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

24 Paragraph 7A(1D)(a)

Omit “law”, substitute “this Act”.

25 Subsection 7A(1D) (note)

Omit “paragraph (1)(d) of Information Privacy Principle 11 in

section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “paragraph 6.2(b) of

Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

Crimes Act 1914

26 Paragraph 85ZZ(2)(e)

Omit “Information Privacy Principles set out in section 14 of the

Privacy Act”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principles”.

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Schedule 5 Amendment of other Acts

Part 1 Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles

Dairy Produce Act 1986

27 Subsection 37ZB(1)

Omit “A record keeper who has possession or control of”, substitute

“An APP entity that holds”.

Defence Act 1903

28 Subsection 72Q(3)

Omit “law for the purposes of Information Privacy Principle 11 in

section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “this Act for the

purposes of Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

29 Subsection 72Q(3) (note)

Omit “Paragraph 3 of Information Privacy Principle 11 in section 14 of

the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) Act 1990

30 Subsection 36A(4)

Omit “to be authorised by law”, substitute “to be authorised by this


Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme Act 2008

31 Subsection 79(4)

Omit “to be authorised by law”, substitute “to be authorised by this


Defence Service Homes Act 1918

32 Subsection 45C(4)

Omit “to be authorised by law”, substitute “to be authorised by this


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Amendment of other Acts Schedule 5

Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles Part 1

Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000

33 Subsection 50D(1) (note 1)

Omit “paragraph (1)(d) of Information Privacy Principle 11 in

section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “paragraph 6.2(b) of

Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

Extradition Act 1988

34 Subsection 54A(1)

Omit “law”, substitute “this Act”.

Fair Work (Building Industry) Act 2012

35 Subsection 65(7)

Omit “law for the purposes of paragraph (1)(d) of Information Privacy

Principle 11 in section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “this Act

for the purposes of paragraph 6.2(b) of Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

Freedom of Information Act 1982

36 Subsection 4(1) (definition of personal information)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

personal information has the same meaning as in the Privacy Act


Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010

37 Section 5 (definition of National Privacy Principle)

Repeal the definition.

38 Subsection 9(6)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(6) A healthcare identifier is a government related identifier for the

purposes of the Privacy Act 1988.

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Schedule 5 Amendment of other Acts

Part 1 Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles

39 Section 18

Omit “a person who is responsible (within the meaning of subclause 2.5

of National Privacy Principle 2)”, substitute “a responsible person

(within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988)”.

40 Paragraph 23(b)

Omit “a person who is responsible (within the meaning of subclause 2.5

of National Privacy Principle 2)”, substitute “a responsible person

(within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988)”.

41 Paragraph 26(2)(c)

Omit “section 16E”, substitute “section 16”.

Higher Education Support Act 2003

42 Subsection 19-60(1)

Omit “information privacy principles set out in section 14 of the

Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principles”.

43 Section 179-5 (paragraph (a) of the definition of personal information)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(a) information or an opinion about an identified individual, or

an individual who is reasonably identifiable:

(i) whether the information or opinion is true or not; and

(ii) whether the information or opinion is recorded in a

material form or not; and

44 Subclause 23(1) of Schedule 1A

Omit “information privacy principles set out in section 14 of the

Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principles”.

45 Clause 72 of Schedule 1A (paragraph (a) of the definition of VET personal information)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(a) information or an opinion about an identified individual, or

an individual who is reasonably identifiable:

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Amendment of other Acts Schedule 5

Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles Part 1

(i) whether the information or opinion is true or not; and

(ii) whether the information or opinion is recorded in a

material form or not; and

Horse Disease Response Levy Collection Act 2011

46 Subsection 36(2) (note 2)

Omit “paragraph 3 of Information Privacy Principle 11 in section 14 of

that Act”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

Inspector of Transport Security Act 2006

47 Subsection 35(4) (note)

Omit “paragraph 2.1(g) of National Privacy Principle 2 in Schedule 3 to

the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “paragraph 6.2(b) of Australian

Privacy Principle 6”.

48 Subsection 36(3) (note)

Omit “paragraph (1)(d) of Information Privacy Principle 11 in

section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “paragraph 6.2(b) of

Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

49 Subsection 37(5) (note)

Omit “paragraph (1)(d) of Information Privacy Principle 11 in

section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “paragraph 6.2(b) of

Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

50 Subsection 71(2) (note)

Omit “paragraph (1)(d) of Information Privacy Principle 11 in

section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “paragraph 6.2(b) of

Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

51 Subsection 76(2) (note)

Omit “paragraph (1)(d) of Information Privacy Principle 11 in

section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “paragraph 6.2(b) of

Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

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Schedule 5 Amendment of other Acts

Part 1 Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles

Migration Act 1958

52 Paragraphs 140ZI(2)(a) and (b)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

(a) paragraph 6.2(b) of Australian Privacy Principle 6; and

53 Subsection 140ZI(2)

Omit “that is authorised by law”, substitute “that is authorised by this


54 Subsection 336FD(1)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(1) For the purposes of paragraph 6.2(b) of Australian Privacy

Principle 6, the disclosure by a person of personal information

about another person (the subject) is taken to be a disclosure that is

authorised by this Act if:

(a) the person is disclosing a personal identifier of the subject

and the disclosure is authorised by section 336FC; and

(b) the personal information is disclosed together with the

personal identifier; and

(c) the disclosure of the personal information is for the purpose

mentioned in paragraph 336FC(1)(b).

55 Subsection 503A(7)

Omit “Information Privacy Principles set out in section 14 of the

Privacy Act 1988, to be authorised by law”, substitute “Australian

Privacy Principles, to be authorised by this Act”.

Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004

56 Subsection 409(4)

Omit “Information Privacy Principles set out in section 14 of the

Privacy Act 1988, to be authorised by law”, substitute “Australian

Privacy Principles, to be authorised by this Act”.

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Amendment of other Acts Schedule 5

Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles Part 1

Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1987

57 Subsection 43D(1)

Omit “law”, substitute “this Act”.

National Health Act 1953

58 Subsection 9BA(5)

Omit “law for the purposes of paragraph (1)(c) of Information Privacy

Principle 10 in section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “this Act

for the purposes of paragraph 6.2(b) of Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

59 Subsection 9BA(6)

Omit “law for the purposes of paragraph (1)(d) of Information Privacy

Principle 11 in section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “this Act

for the purposes of paragraph 6.2(b) of Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

60 Subsection 9BA(7) (definition of personal information)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

personal information has the same meaning as in the Privacy Act


61 Subsection 135AB(3)

Omit “IPP”, substitute “APP”.

62 Subsection 135AC(1)

Omit “law for the purposes of subparagraph 10.2(b)(i) of National

Privacy Principle 10 in Schedule 3 to”, substitute “this Act for the

purposes of subparagraph 16B(1)(b)(i) of”.

National Health Reform Act 2011

63 Subsection 127(3)

Omit “law”, substitute “this Act”.

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Schedule 5 Amendment of other Acts

Part 1 Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles

National Health Security Act 2007

64 Sections 19, 20, 47, 52, 85, 86, 87, 88 and 89 (notes)

Omit “paragraph (1)(d) of Information Privacy Principle 11 in

section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988” (wherever occurring), substitute

“paragraph 6.2(b) of Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act


65 Paragraphs 210(2)(a) and (b)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

(a) paragraph 6.2(b) of Australian Privacy Principle 6; and

66 Subsection 210(2)

Omit “that is authorised by law”, substitute “that is authorised by this


Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987

67 Subsection 57(3) (note)

Omit “Principles 1, 2 and 3 in section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”,

substitute “Australian Privacy Principles 3 and 5”.

Ombudsman Act 1976

68 Subsections 7A(1D) and 8(2D)

Omit “law”, substitute “this Act”.

Paid Parental Leave Act 2010

69 Subsection 128(1) (note)

Omit “section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “the Australian

Privacy Principles”.

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Amendment of other Acts Schedule 5

Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles Part 1

70 Subsection 207(7)

Omit “to be authorised by law”, substitute “to be authorised by this


Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records Act 2012

71 Paragraph 73(1)(b)

Omit “or 13A”.

Private Health Insurance Act 2007

72 Subsection 250-10(2)

Omit “to be authorised by law”, substitute “to be authorised by this


73 Clause 1 of Schedule 1 (definition of personal information)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

personal information has the same meaning as in the Privacy Act


Product Stewardship Act 2011

74 Subsection 60(1) (note 1)

Omit “paragraph (1)(d) of Information Privacy Principle 11 in

section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “paragraph 6.2(b) of

Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

Quarantine Act 1908

75 Section 66AZD

Omit “law”, substitute “this Act”.

76 Section 66AZD (note)

Omit “paragraph (1)(d) of Information Privacy Principle 11 in

section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “paragraph 6.2(b) of

Australian Privacy Principle 6”.

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Schedule 5 Amendment of other Acts

Part 1 Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles

Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997

77 Subsection 137A(3)

Omit “subclauses 7.1 and 7.1A of National Privacy Principle 7 in

Schedule 3 to the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “Australian Privacy

Principle 9”.

78 Subsection 137A(3) (note 1)

Omit “Subclause 7.1”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principle 9”.

Social Security (Administration) Act 1999

79 Subsection 202(8) (note)

Omit “section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “the Australian

Privacy Principles”.

Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Act 2012

80 Subsection 105(2)

Omit “law”, substitute “this Act”.

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993

81 Subsection 299LA(3)

Omit “subclauses 7.1 and 7.1A of National Privacy Principle 7 in

Schedule 3 to the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “Australian Privacy

Principle 9”.

82 Subsection 299LA(3) (note 1)

Omit “Subclause 7.1”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principle 9”.

Supported Accommodation Assistance Act 1994

83 Paragraph 12(3)(b)

Omit “principles set out in that Act”, substitute “Australian Privacy


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Amendment of other Acts Schedule 5

Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles Part 1

Telecommunications Act 1997

84 Subparagraph 117(1)(k)(i)

Omit “National Privacy Principles (as defined in the Privacy Act

1988)”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principles”.

85 Subparagraph 117(1)(k)(ii)

Omit “that Act that relate to those Principles”, substitute “the Privacy

Act 1988 that relate to those principles”.

86 Subsection 118(1) (note)

Omit “National”, substitute “Australian”.

87 Paragraph 118(4A)(a)

Omit “National Privacy Principles (as defined in the Privacy Act

1988)”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principles”.

88 Paragraph 118(4A)(b)

Omit “that Act relating to those Principles”, substitute “the Privacy Act

1988 relating to those principles”.

89 Subsection 121(1A)

Omit “National Privacy Principles (as defined in the Privacy Act

1988)”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principles”.

90 Subsection 122(3)

Omit “National Privacy Principles (as defined in the Privacy Act

1988)”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principles”.

91 Subsection 130(1) (note)

Omit “National”, substitute “Australian”.

92 Paragraph 134(1)(a)

Omit “National Privacy Principles (as defined in the Privacy Act

1988)”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principles”.

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Schedule 5 Amendment of other Acts

Part 1 Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles

93 Paragraph 134(1)(b)

Omit “that Act relating to those Principles”, substitute “the Privacy Act

1988 relating to those principles”.

94 Section 303B (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

303B Acts taken to be authorised by this Act for purposes of Privacy


95 Subsections 303B(1) and (2)

Omit “law”, substitute “this Act”.

96 Subclause 15(2) of Schedule 2

Omit “Information Privacy Principles set out in section 14 of the

Privacy Act 1988 and the National Privacy Principles (as defined in that

Act)”, substitute “Australian Privacy Principles”.

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service

Standards) Act 1999

97 Subparagraphs 147(2)(l)(i) and (ia)

Repeal the subparagraphs, substitute:

(i) Australian Privacy Principle 6;

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

98 Subsections 61(4B) and (5B)

Omit “paragraph 1(d) of Information Privacy Principle 11 in section 14

of the Privacy Act 1988, to be authorised by law”, substitute “paragraph

6.2(b) of Australian Privacy Principle 6, to be authorised by this Act”.

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Amendment of other Acts Schedule 5

Amendments relating to the Australian Privacy Principles Part 1

Trade Marks Act 1995

99 Subsection 143(1) (note 2)

Omit “Principles 1, 2 and 3 in section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988”,

substitute “Australian Privacy Principles 3 and 5”.

Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986

100 Subsection 38AA(1)

Omit “A record keeper who has possession or control of”, substitute

“An APP entity that holds”.

101 Subsection 38AA(2)

Omit “Information Privacy Principles set out in section 14 of the

Privacy Act 1988, to be authorised by law”, substitute “Australian

Privacy Principles, to be authorised by this Act”.

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Schedule 5 Amendment of other Acts

Part 2 Amendments relating to credit reporting

Part 2—Amendments relating to credit reporting

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing

Act 2006

102 Section 5 (definition of assessment)

Omit “agency”, substitute “body”.

103 Section 5 (definition of credit information file)

Repeal the definition.

104 Section 5 (definition of credit reporting agency)

Repeal the definition.

105 Section 5


credit reporting body has the same meaning as in the Privacy Act


106 Section 35A (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

35A Reporting entities may disclose certain personal information to

credit reporting bodies for identity verification purposes

107 Paragraph 35A(1)(a)

Omit “agency”, substitute “body”.

108 Paragraph 35A(1)(b)

Omit “agency” (first occurring), substitute “body”.

109 Paragraph 35A(1)(b)

Omit “contained in a credit information file in the possession or control

of the credit reporting agency”, substitute “held by the credit reporting


Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

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ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Amendment of other Acts Schedule 5

Amendments relating to credit reporting Part 2

110 Subparagraph 35A(2)(a)(ii)

Omit “agency”, substitute “body”.

111 Subparagraph 35A(2)(a)(iii)

Omit “agency” (first occurring), substitute “body”.

112 Subparagraph 35A(2)(a)(iii)

Omit “contained in a credit information file in the possession or control

of the credit reporting agency”, substitute “held by the credit reporting


113 Subparagraph 35A(2)(a)(iv)

Omit “agency”, substitute “body”.

114 Subparagraph 35A(2)(a)(v)

Omit “agency”, substitute “body”.

115 Subparagraph 35A(2)(a)(v)

Omit “the names, residential addresses and dates of birth contained in

credit information files of other individuals”, substitute “personal

information held by the body that is the names, residential addresses

and dates of birth of other individuals”.

116 Section 35B (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

35B Credit reporting bodies may use and disclose certain personal

information for identity verification purposes

117 Subsection 35B(1)

Omit “agency” (first occurring), substitute “body”.

118 Paragraph 35B(1)(a)

Omit “contained in a credit information file in the possession or control

of the credit reporting agency”, substitute “held by the credit reporting


Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

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ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Schedule 5 Amendment of other Acts

Part 2 Amendments relating to credit reporting

119 Paragraph 35B(1)(b)

Omit “the names, residential addresses and dates of birth contained in

credit information files of other individuals”, substitute “personal

information held by the credit reporting body that is the names,

residential addresses and dates of birth of other individuals”.

120 Paragraph 35B(2)(a)

Omit “contained in a credit information file in the possession or control

of the credit reporting agency”, substitute “held by the credit reporting


121 Subsection 35B(3)

Omit “contained in an individual’s credit information file”, substitute

“held by the credit reporting body”.

122 Subsection 35B(3)

Omit “law for the purposes of paragraph 18K(1)(m)”, substitute “this

Act for the purposes of paragraph 20E(3)(e)”.

123 Paragraph 35C(2)(b)

Omit “agency”, substitute “body”.

124 Section 35D

Repeal the section, substitute:

35D Verification information not to be collected or held by a credit

reporting body

Subject to section 35E, a credit reporting body must not collect or

hold personal information about an individual that relates to a

verification request or an assessment in relation to the individual.

125 Section 35E (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

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Amendment of other Acts Schedule 5

Amendments relating to credit reporting Part 2

35E Retention of verification information—credit reporting bodies

126 Sections 35E, 35F and 35G

Omit “agency” (wherever occurring), substitute “body”.

127 Section 35L

Repeal the section, substitute:

35L Breach of requirement is an interference with privacy

A breach of a requirement of this Division in relation to an

individual constitutes an act or practice involving an interference

with the privacy of the individual for the purposes of section 13 of

the Privacy Act 1988.

Note: The act or practice may be the subject of a complaint under section 36

of that Act.

Australian Crime Commission Act 2002

128 Paragraph 29A(7)(b)

Omit “agency (within the meaning of section 11A of the Privacy Act

1988) would be required, under subsection 18K(5)”, substitute “body

(within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988) would be required, under

subsection 20E(5)”.

Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006

129 Paragraph 77A(9)(c)

Omit “agency (within the meaning of section 11A of the Privacy Act

1988) would be required, under subsection 18K(5)”, substitute “body

(within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988) would be required, under

subsection 20E(5)”.

130 Paragraph 91(9)(c)

Omit “agency (within the meaning of section 11A of the Privacy Act

1988) would be required, under subsection 18K(5)”, substitute “body

(within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988) would be required, under

subsection 20E(5)”.

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Schedule 5 Amendment of other Acts

Part 2 Amendments relating to credit reporting

National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009

131 Paragraph 88(3)(i) of the National Credit Code

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(i) that, under the Privacy Act 1988, a credit reporting body

(within the meaning of that Act) may collect and hold default

information (within the meaning of that Act) in relation to the

default; and

132 Paragraph 179D(2)(h) of the National Credit Code

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(h) that, under the Privacy Act 1988, a credit reporting body

(within the meaning of that Act) may collect and hold default

information (within the meaning of that Act) in relation to the

default; and

Taxation Administration Act 1953

133 Section 355-200 in Schedule 1 (example)

Omit “agency” (wherever occurring), substitute “body”.

134 Section 355-200 in Schedule 1 (example)

Omit “record of the disclosure in the entity’s credit information file, as

required by subsection 18K(5)”, substitute “written note of the

disclosure as required by subsection 20E(5)”.

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Amendment of other Acts Schedule 5

Amendments relating to codes Part 3

Part 3—Amendments relating to codes

Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010

135 Paragraph 32(1)(b)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(b) a statement about the operation of registered APP codes

under the Privacy Act 1988 that contain procedures covered

by subsection (2), including details about the number of

complaints made under codes, their nature and outcome.

Telecommunications Act 1997

136 Section 116A

Omit “an approved privacy code”, substitute “a registered APP code”.

137 Subparagraph 117(1)(k)(iii)

Omit “an approved privacy code”, substitute “a registered APP code”.

138 Subparagraph 117(1)(k)(iv)

Omit “the approved privacy code”, substitute “the registered APP


139 Subsection 118(1) (note)

Omit “approved privacy code”, substitute “registered APP code”.

140 Paragraph 118(4A)(c)

Omit “an approved privacy code”, substitute “a registered APP code”.

141 Paragraph 118(4A)(d)

Omit “the approved privacy code”, substitute “the registered APP


142 Subsections 121(1A) and 122(3)

Omit “an approved privacy code (as defined in that Act)”, substitute “a

registered APP code (within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988)”.

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Schedule 5 Amendment of other Acts

Part 3 Amendments relating to codes

143 Subsection 130(1) (note)

Omit “an approved privacy code”, substitute “a registered APP code”.

144 Paragraphs 134(1)(c) and (d)

Omit “an approved privacy code”, substitute “a registered APP code”.

145 Subsections 303B(1), 303B(2) and 303C(1)

Omit “an approved privacy code”, substitute “a registered APP code”.

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service

Standards) Act 1999

146 Subparagraph 147(2)(l)(ib)

Omit “approved privacy code”, substitute “registered APP code”.

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Amendment of other Acts Schedule 5

Other amendments Part 4

Part 4—Other amendments

Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986

147 Paragraph 20(4A)(b)

Omit “in the performance of the functions referred to in paragraph

27(1)(a) or 28(1)(b) or (c) of the Privacy Act 1988”, substitute “under

the Privacy Act 1988 as an interference with the privacy of an

individual under subsection 13(1) or (4) of that Act”.

Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010

148 Subsection 9(2) (table item 3, column headed “Provision”)

Omit “, and the Schedule”.

149 Paragraphs 12(4)(a) and (b)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

(a) performing the functions, and exercising the powers,

conferred on the Commissioner by Part IIIB of the Privacy

Act 1988;

150 Paragraph 12(4)(c)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(c) the making of guidelines under paragraph 28(1)(a) or (b) of

the Privacy Act 1988, or the variation or revocation of those


151 Paragraph 12(4)(d)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(d) the issue, variation or revocation of rules under:

(i) section 17 of the Privacy Act 1988; or

(ii) section 12 of the Data-matching Program (Assistance

and Tax) Act 1990; or

(iii) section 135AA of the National Health Act 1953;

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Schedule 5 Amendment of other Acts

Part 4 Other amendments

152 Paragraph 12(4)(e)

Omit “paragraph 27(1)(r)”, substitute “paragraph 28B(1)(c)”.

153 Paragraph 12(4)(f)

Repeal the paragraph.

154 Paragraph 25(k)

Omit “guidelines”, substitute “rules”.

155 Paragraph 32(1)(a)

Omit “paragraphs 28(1)(a) and (f)”, substitute “section 17 and

paragraph 28A(1)(d)”.

Crimes Act 1914

156 Subsection 85ZZG(1)

Omit “, 96”.

Data-matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act 1990

157 Subsection 5(2)

Omit “Guidelines”, substitute “Rules”.

158 Section 12 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

12 Rules relating to privacy

159 Section 12

Omit “guidelines” (wherever occurring), substitute “rules”.

160 Subsection 13(2)

Omit “guidelines in the Schedule”, substitute “rules issued under

section 12”.

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Amendment of other Acts Schedule 5

Other amendments Part 4

161 Subsections 13(3) and (4)

Omit “guidelines”, substitute “rules”.

162 Subsection 13(7)

Omit “Part 5 and section 99”, substitute “Part V”.

163 Subsection 14(1)

Omit “guidelines”, substitute “rules”.

Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010

164 Subsection 29(3)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

Assessment by Information Commissioner

(3) For the purpose of paragraph 33C(1)(a) of the Privacy Act 1988, a

healthcare identifier is taken to be personal information.

National Health Act 1953

165 Section 135AA (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

135AA Privacy rules

166 Subsection 135AA(3) (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Issuing rules

167 Subsections 135AA(3) and (3A)

Omit “guidelines”, substitute “rules”.

168 Subsection 135AA(4) (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

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Schedule 5 Amendment of other Acts

Part 4 Other amendments

Replacing or varying rules

169 Subsection 135AA(4)

Omit “guidelines” (wherever occurring), substitute “rules”.

170 Subsection 135AA(5) (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Content of rules

171 Subsections 135AA(5) and (5A)

Omit “guidelines” (wherever occurring), substitute “rules”.

172 Subsection 135AA(5AA)

Omit “guidelines”, substitute “rules”.

173 Subsections 135AA(5B) and (6)

Omit “guidelines” (wherever occurring), substitute “rules”.

174 Subsection 135AA(8) (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

When rules take effect

175 Subsection 135AA(8)

Omit “guidelines” (wherever occurring), substitute “rules”.

176 Section 135AB (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

135AB Breaches of the privacy rules

177 Subsections 135AB(1) and (2)

Omit “guidelines”, substitute “rules”.

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Amendment of other Acts Schedule 5

Other amendments Part 4

Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997

178 Subsection 137A(3) (note 2)

Omit “guidelines”, substitute “rules”.

179 Section 147

Omit “guidelines”, substitute “rules”.

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993

180 Subsection 299LA(3) (note 2)

Omit “guidelines”, substitute “rules”.

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Schedule 6 Application, transitional and savings provisions

Part 1 Definitions

Schedule 6—Application, transitional and savings provisions

Part 1—Definitions

1 Definitions

In this Schedule:

commencement time means the time Schedule 1 to this Act


Privacy Act means the Privacy Act 1988.

transition period means the period:

(a) starting on the day this Act receives the Royal Assent; and

(b) ending immediately before the commencement time.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Application, transitional and savings provisions Schedule 6

Provisions relating to Schedule 1 to this Act Part 2

Part 2—Provisions relating to Schedule 1 to this Act

2 Application—court/tribunal orders

The definition of court/tribunal order in subsection 6(1) of the Privacy

Act, as inserted by Schedule 1 to this Act, applies in relation to an

order, direction or other instrument made before or after the

commencement time.

3 Saving—guidelines relating to medical research etc.

(1) This item applies to guidelines if:

(a) the guidelines were issued or approved under subsection

95(1), 95A(2), 95A(4) or 95AA(2) of the Privacy Act; and

(b) the guidelines were in force immediately before the

commencement time.

(2) The guidelines have effect, after that time, as if they had been issued or

approved under that subsection, as amended by Schedule 1 to this Act.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Schedule 6 Application, transitional and savings provisions

Part 3 Provisions relating to Schedule 2 to this Act

Part 3—Provisions relating to Schedule 2 to this Act

4 Application—credit reporting

(1) To the extent that the amendments of the Privacy Act made by

Schedule 2 to this Act apply in relation to credit, they apply in relation

to credit applied for, or provided, before or after the commencement


(2) The definition of court proceedings information in subsection 6(1) of

the Privacy Act, as inserted by Schedule 2 to this Act, applies in relation

to a judgement of an Australian court made or given before or after the

commencement time.

(3) The definition of serious credit infringement in subsection 6(1) of the

Privacy Act, as inserted by Schedule 2 to this Act, applies in relation to

an act done before or after the commencement time.

(4) Paragraph 6N(k) of the Privacy Act, as inserted by Schedule 2 to this

Act, applies in relation to activities done before or after the

commencement time.

(5) Section 6R of the Privacy Act, as inserted by Schedule 2 to this Act,

applies in relation to an information request made before or after the

commencement time.

(6) Section 6V of the Privacy Act, as inserted by Schedule 2 to this Act,

applies in relation to a monthly payment that is due and payable on or

after the day this Act receives the Royal Assent.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Application, transitional and savings provisions Schedule 6

Provisions relating to Schedule 3 to this Act Part 4

Part 4—Provisions relating to Schedule 3 to this Act

5 Privacy codes may be developed etc. during the transition period

(1) A function or power conferred on the Commissioner or an entity by

Part IIIB of the Privacy Act, as inserted by Schedule 3 to this Act, may

be performed or exercised during the transition period as if the Privacy

Act, as amended by this Act, was in force during that period.

(2) The performance of such a function, or the exercise of such a power,

during the transition period has effect, after the commencement time, as

if it had been performed or exercised under Part IIIB of the Privacy Act

as inserted by Schedule 3 to this Act.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Schedule 6 Application, transitional and savings provisions

Part 5 Provisions relating to Schedule 4 to this Act

Part 5—Provisions relating to Schedule 4 to this Act

6 Application—section 13G of the Privacy Act

Section 13G of the Privacy Act, as inserted by Schedule 4 to this Act,

applies in relation to an act done, or a practice engaged in, after the

commencement time.

7 Saving—guidelines relating to tax file number information

(1) This item applies to guidelines if:

(a) the guidelines were issued under subsection 17(1) of the

Privacy Act; and

(b) the guidelines were in force immediately before the

commencement time.

(2) The guidelines have effect, after that time, as if they had been rules

issued under section 17 of that Act, as inserted by Schedule 4 to this


8 Saving—guidelines prepared and published under the Privacy Act

(1) This item applies to guidelines if:

(a) the guidelines were prepared and published under paragraph

27(1)(e) or 28A(1)(e) of the Privacy Act; and

(b) the guidelines were in force immediately before the

commencement time.

(2) The guidelines have effect, after that time, as if they had been made

under paragraph 28(1)(a) of that Act, as inserted by Schedule 4 to this


9 Audits by the Commissioner

(1) This item applies if:

(a) before the commencement time, the Commissioner was

conducting an audit under paragraph 27(1)(h) or (ha),

28(1)(e) or 28A(1)(g) of the Privacy Act; and

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Application, transitional and savings provisions Schedule 6

Provisions relating to Schedule 4 to this Act Part 5

(b) immediately before that time, the audit has not been


(2) Despite the amendments of the Privacy Act made by this Act, the

Commissioner may continue, after the commencement time, to conduct

the audit as if those amendments had not been made.

10 Application—amendment made by item 75 of Schedule 4

The amendment made by item 75 of Schedule 4 to this Act applies in

relation to a representative complaint lodged after the commencement


11 Application—paragraph 41(1)(db) of the Privacy Act

Paragraph 41(1)(db) of the Privacy Act, as inserted by Schedule 4 to

this Act, applies in relation to a request made after the commencement


12 Saving—public interest determinations

(1) This item applies to a determination if:

(a) the determination was made under section 72 of the Privacy

Act; and

(b) the determination was in force immediately before the

commencement time.

(2) The determination has effect, after the commencement time, as if it had

been made under that section, as amended by Schedule 4 to this Act.

(3) The Commissioner may, by legislative instrument, vary the

determination after the commencement time to take account of the

amendments of the Privacy Act made by this Act.

(4) In deciding whether to vary the determination, the Commissioner may:

(a) consult any person or entity; and

(b) take into account any matter that the Commissioner considers


Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Schedule 6 Application, transitional and savings provisions

Part 5 Provisions relating to Schedule 4 to this Act

13 Application—subsection 73(1A) of the Privacy Act

Subsection 73(1A) of the Privacy Act, as inserted by Schedule 4 to this

Act, applies in relation to an application made under subsection 73(1) of

the Privacy Act after the commencement time.

14 Application—review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Paragraphs 96(1)(c), (e), (f) and (g) of the Privacy Act, as inserted by

Schedule 4 to this Act, apply in relation to a decision made after the

commencement time.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Application, transitional and savings provisions Schedule 6

Provisions relating to Schedule 5 to this Act Part 6

Part 6—Provisions relating to Schedule 5 to this Act

15 Saving—guidelines issued under other Acts

(1) This item applies to guidelines if:

(a) the guidelines were issued under section 135AA of the

National Health Act 1953 or section 12 of the Data-matching

Program (Assistance and Tax) Act 1990; and

(b) the guidelines were in force immediately before the

commencement time.

(2) The guidelines have effect, after that time, as if they had been rules

issued under that section, as amended by Schedule 5 to this Act.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Schedule 6 Application, transitional and savings provisions

Part 7 Provisions relating to other matters

Part 7—Provisions relating to other matters

16 Pre-commencement complaints

(1) This item applies if:

(a) before the commencement time, a complaint about an act or

practice was made to the Commissioner under section 36 of

the Privacy Act; and

(b) immediately before that time, the Commissioner has not:

(i) decided under Part V of that Act not to investigate, or

not to investigate further, the act or practice; or

(ii) made a determination under section 52 of that Act in

relation to the complaint.

(2) Despite the amendments of the Privacy Act made by this Act, the

complaint may be dealt with under the Privacy Act after the

commencement time as if those amendments had not been made.

17 Pre-commencement own initiative investigations

(1) This item applies if:

(a) before the commencement time, the Commissioner

commenced an investigation under subsection 40(2) of the

Privacy Act; and

(b) immediately before that time, the Commissioner has not

finished conducting the investigation.

(2) Despite the amendments of the Privacy Act made by this Act, the

Commissioner may continue to conduct the investigation under the

Privacy Act after the commencement time as if those amendments had

not been made.

18 Pre-commencement acts and practices

(1) This item applies if:

(a) before the commencement time, an act was done, or a

practice was engaged in, by an agency or organisation; and

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Application, transitional and savings provisions Schedule 6

Provisions relating to other matters Part 7

(b) the act or practice may be an interference with the privacy of

an individual under section 13 or 13A of the Privacy Act (as

in force immediately before that time); and

(c) immediately before that time:

(i) the individual has not made a complaint about the act or

practice to the Commissioner under section 36 of that

Act; and

(ii) the Commissioner has not decided to investigate the act

or practice under subsection 40(2) of that Act.

(2) Despite the amendments of the Privacy Act made by this Act, the

individual may, after the commencement time, complain to the

Commissioner about the act or practice, and the complaint may be dealt

with, under the Privacy Act as if those amendments had not been made.

(3) Despite the amendments of the Privacy Act made by this Act, the

Commissioner may, after the commencement time, investigate the act

or practice under subsection 40(2) of the Privacy Act as if those

amendments had not been made.

19 Regulations may deal with transitional etc. matters

The Governor-General may make regulations dealing with matters of a

transitional, application or saving nature relating to the amendments

made by this Act.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053



Endnote 1—About the endnotes


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Endnotes about misdescribed amendments and other matters are included in a

compilation only as necessary.

Abbreviation key—Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that

has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes

commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving

or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at

the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information

about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance

with a provision of the law.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe

the amendment to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can

be given effect as intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled

law and the abbreviation “(md)” added to the details of the amendment included

in the amendment history.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the

amendment is set out in the endnotes.

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053



Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

A = Act orig = original

ad = added or inserted par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

am = amended /sub-subparagraph(s)

amdt = amendment pres = present

c = clause(s) prev = previous

C[x] = Compilation No. x (prev…) = previously

Ch = Chapter(s) Pt = Part(s)

def = definition(s) r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

Dict = Dictionary Reg = Regulation/Regulations

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament reloc = relocated

Div = Division(s) renum = renumbered

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have rep = repealed

effect rs = repealed and substituted

F = Federal Register of Legislative Instruments s = section(s)/subsection(s)

gaz = gazette Sch = Schedule(s)

LI = Legislative Instrument Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003 SLI = Select Legislative Instrument

(md) = misdescribed amendment SR = Statutory Rules

mod = modified/modification Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)

No. = Number(s) SubPt = Subpart(s)

o = order(s) underlining = whole or part not

Ord = Ordinance commenced or to be commenced

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053



Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Privacy Amendment

(Enhancing Privacy

Protection) Act 2012

197, 2012 12 Dec


Sch 1–4, Sch 5 (items 1–

155, 157–161, 163–180)

and Sch 6 (items 2–4, 6–

19): 12 Mar 2014 (s 2(1)

items 2, 3, 11, 13, 17,


Remainder: 12 Dec 2012

(s 2(1) items 1, 10, 12,

16, 18)

Statute Law Revision

Act (No. 1) 2015

5, 2015 25 Feb


Sch 2 (items 4–6): 12

Mar 2014 (s 2(1) items

6, 7)

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053



Endnote 4—Amendment history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Schedule 4

item 102.........................................am No 5, 2015

item 103.........................................am No 5, 2015

Schedule 5

item 71...........................................am No 5, 2015

Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 12/3/14 Registered: 6/3/15

ComLaw Authoritative Act C2015C00053


Legislation Amends (1 text(s)) Amends (1 text(s))
No data available.

WIPO Lex No. AU541