Voto No. 246-2008, Tribunal Registral Administrativo, Voto del 05 de junio de 2008
Date of JudgmentJune 5, 2008Issuing AuthorityAdministrative Registry TribunalType of ProcedureAdministrativeSubject MatterTrademarks, Industrial PropertyPlaintiff/AppellantJong Hyun ParkDefendant/RespondentNoodle Time Inc.Keywords
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Judgment/DecisionSpanishVoto No. 246-2008, Tribunal Registral Administrativo, Voto del 05 de junio de 2008 HTMLSummarySpanishVoto No. 246-2008, Tribunal Registral Administrativo, Voto del 05 de junio de 2008 HTMLRelevant Legislation