Judgment of the General Court (Tenth Chamber, Extended Composition) of 6 July 2022, Ladislav Zdút v European Union Intellectual Property Office - Nehera and Others (nehera), T-250/21, EU:T:2022:430
This judgment is a part of the following collection(s): European UnionDate of JudgmentJuly 6, 2022Issuing AuthorityGeneral Court of the European UnionLevel of the Issuing AuthorityFirst InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Administrative)Subject MatterTrademarksPlaintiff/AppellantLadislav ZdútDefendant/RespondentEuropean Union Intellectual Property Office - Nehera and Others (nehera)Keywords
Absolute grounds for refusal,
Applicant acting in bad faith
Judgment/DecisionEnglishJudgment of the General Court (Tenth Chamber, Extended Composition) of 6 July 2022, Ladislav Zdút v European Union Intellectual Property Office - Nehera and Others (nehera), T-250/21, EU:T:2022:430 PDFFrenchArrêt du Tribunal (dixième chambre élargie) du 6 juillet 2022, Ladislav Zdút contre Office de l’Union européenne pour la propriété intellectuelle - Nehera et autres (nehera), T-250/21, EU:T:2022:430 PDFWIPO Lex No.EU023-j