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Patent Landscape Report on Ritonavir
This report is dedicated to Ritonavir – an antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV infection and AIDS. A major goal of the report is to highlight the technology timeline for Ritonavir from the first filing of this compound to the present filings. It identifies a number of innovation tracks derived from the first Ritonavir patent document. The report also includes an analysis of statistical trends. A comprehensive explanation of the search methodology and history (including all search queries), and of the evaluation of the search results is included and illustrates how patent information can be retrieved and exploited in the area of pharmaceuticals.
Publication year: 2011
The International Patent System in 2009
PCT Yearly Review
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system. Special theme: the impact of the financial crisis on PCT applications
Publication year: 2010
The International Patent System in 2008
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system.
Publication year: 2009
The International Patent System in 2007
Publication year: 2008
The International Patent System in 2006
Publication year: 2007
The International Patent System in 2005
Publication year: 2006
Patent Law Treaty (PLT)
The PLT seeks to harmonize formal requirements set by national and regional patent offices and to streamline the procedures for obtaining and maintaining a patent.
The International Patent System in 2004
Yearly review of the PCT
Publication year: 2005
Yearly Review of the PCT: 2003
Publication year: 2004
Patents Comic Book
This comic book narrates the adventures of four teenagers who learn what patents are and how they and society at large can benefit from them. While the WIPO comic books are primarily geared towards students from 8 to 12 years' old, higher-level students and adults have found them useful in providing a basic understanding of IP issues.
Publication year: 2003