Madrid System Success Story: Pili Ani's Organic Cosmetics – Making the Most of Mother Nature


Our new success story – showing how the Madrid System can help companies to tap into foreign markets – takes us to the Philippines, home to cosmetic and wellness brand “Pili Ani”, founded by Rosalina Tan.

Rosalina’s journey to success has taken many turns and brought with it many trials. But today, her brand – protected through WIPO’s international trademark system – is not only hugely popular, but her company is giving back to the local community – creating jobs and ensuring fare wages and helping to protect an important pillar of the Philippines’ floral heritage – the Pili Tree.

Photo of Rosalina Tan planting Pili Tree saplings
77-year-old Rosalina Tan promotes sustainable harvesting of the Pili Tree. She is determined to plant as many trees as she can. (Photo: Pili Ani)

Raw Pili tree resin was being exported by European countries, and the United States of America, at a very low price, earning it the name ‘the poor man’s frankincense’. I wanted to help the Pili tree farmers to understand the value of the Pili tree, and to build up an industry for the local community. That’s how the “Pili Ani” story started.

Rosalina Tan

With the help of the Madrid System, Pili Ani has been able to access numerous overseas markets including countries in America (North America, and Latin America and the Caribbean regions), Asia, Europe and the Pacific.

The Madrid System is really helping us to expand. And, it has saved us the cost of registering our trademark in every country separately. It’s been a big boost to Pili Ani.

Rosalina Tan

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