Toolkit on New Product Development and Inventions in the Public Domain

Learn how to gather and structure data to make informed decisions during the New Product Development process using inventions in the public domain.

The Toolkit on New Product Development and Inventions in the Public Domain provides researchers, inventors, and entrepreneurs as well as Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) with practical tools for refining new product and service concepts building on inventions in the public domain and bringing these concepts to the market.

These animations were produced by Lambda Films Ltd for WIPO, in collaboration with Foresight Science & Technology Inc. and Arendt Oak Speser

Guides on Identifying and Using Inventions in the Public Domain

The Toolkit complements the guides on:
The guides explore how to determine whether specific inventions may be in the public domain and how to use technology and business information in the public domain for the development of new products and services.

Project Charter

The Project Charter for new product development defines the product or service that is going to be developed, the value that will be created, and establishes roles and outcomes for the project team.
Learn how to use the Project Charter tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].

Action Plan

The Action Plan for new product development (NPD) establishes the concrete tasks and milestones to be accomplished during each stage in the NPD process, and identifies the key resources needed for the project.
Learn how to use the Action Plan tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].

Voice of the Customer

New Product Development focuses on creating products and services people need and use. The Voice of the Customer tool helps gather information from customers and end-users to ensure the final product or service will meet their needs.
Learn how to use the Voice of the Customer tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].

Competitive Advantage

The Competitive Advantage tool helps gather information about competing goods to ensure that the final product or service will have a competitive advantage once it is in the market.
Learn how to use the Competitive Advantage tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].

Freedom to Operate

Freedom to Operate is the ability to proceed with a product or service without infringing on someone else’s intellectual property. It is critical to ensure freedom to operate before launching a new product of service in the market.
Learn how to use the Freedom to Operate tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].

Value Chain

The Value Chain establishes whether you have the capabilities and capacities needed to successfully develop, commercialize, and support the new product or service after its launch, and to create value.
Learn how to use the Value Chain tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].

SWOT Analysis

A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis helps develop strategies to mitigate risks, by using strengths to compensate for weaknesses and by leveraging opportunities to mitigate threats.
Learn how to use the SWOT Analysis tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].

Business Model Canvas

A Business Model Canvas gathers information to ensure there is a viable business opportunity and acts as a benchmark during the New Product Development process.
Learn how to use the Business Model Canvas tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].

Intellectual Property Audit

An Intellectual Property Audit helps identify intangible assets that can be protected as intellectual property to generate value.
Learn how to use the Intellectual Property Audit tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].

Technology Forecasting

Technology Forecasting helps identify and evaluate the best possible parts for design and development to ensure a competitive advantage in the market.
Learn how to use the Technology Forecasting tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].

Life Cycle Risk Reduction

The Life Cycle Risk Reduction tool analyzes the lifecycle of a product or service to identify potential risks that may occur during design and development, and helps develop risk mitigation strategies.
Learn how to use the Life Cycle Risk Reduction tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].

Portfolio Construction

Portfolio Construction helps identify products or services that could be incorporated into the portfolio during design and development, in anticipation of future opportunities that may emerge in the market.
Learn how to use the Portfolio Construction tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].


TRIZ, or the “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving “, helps analyze design specifications and optimize or solve possible design contradictions in order to maximize value for customers and end-users.
Learn how to use the TRIZ tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].

Gate Progress Review

Gate Progress Review helps ensure that risks are being addressed and that the project is on track at each key stage in the New Product Development process.
Learn how to use the Gate Progress Review tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].

Net Present Value

The Net Present Value tool helps calculate whether a product or service that is being developed is likely to meet its financial objectives, by estimating the value of cash flows in and out of the project over time.
Learn how to use the Net Present Value tool [PDF] with an example of a completed tool [XLSX].