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Contracting Parties Madrid Agreement (Marks) Stockholm Act (1967) (Total Members: 56)
Member Signature Instrument In Force Details
Accession: July 4, 1995
October 4, 1995
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Albania declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Albania only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: October 4, 1995. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 68)
Accession: March 24, 1972
July 5, 1972
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Algeria declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Algeria only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: July 5, 1972. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 14)
Declaration of Continued Application: May 17, 1994
December 25, 1991
July 14, 1967
Ratification: May 11, 1973
August 18, 1973
Accession: September 25, 1995
December 25, 1995
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Azerbaijan declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Azerbaijan only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: December 25, 1995. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 72)
Declaration of Continued Application: April 14, 1993
December 25, 1991
July 14, 1967
Ratification: October 31, 1974
February 12, 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 17, 1972. Pursuant to the said Article, the Kingdom of Belgium, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 17)
Accession: May 4, 2000
August 4, 2000
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Bhutan declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Bhutan only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: August 4, 2000. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 123)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Declaration of Continued Application: June 2, 1993
March 1, 1992
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 11)
Accession: April 25, 1985
August 1, 1985
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Bulgaria declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Bulgaria only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: August 1, 1985. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 36)
Accession by the People's Republic of Bulgaria.
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) contained the following declarations: - "Protection will be accorded in the People's Republic of Bulgaria after a compulsory examination of marks by the industrial property institution responsible for patents for invention." - "The People's Republic of Bulgaria considers that the provisions of Article 14(1) of the Madrid Agreement are incompatible with he Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples, adopted by Resolution 1514 (XV) of December 14, 1960, which proclaims the necessity of brining to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations. " (Translation) (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 36)
Accession: July 4, 1989
October 4, 1989
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) contained the following declaration: "Re Article 14(2)(d): except in the case of international marks which have already been the subject in China of an earlier identical national registration still in force, and which shall be immediately recognized upon the request of the interested parties, application of this Act shall be limited to marks registered from the date on which this accession enters into force." (Translation). This declaration was withdrawn on July 24, 2003. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 145)
Stockholm Act (1967): A communication dated July 7, 2000, notified the non-application of the Madrid Agreement to the Macau Special Administration Region until further notice. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 126)
Stockholm Act (1967): A communication dated June 6, 1997, notified the deferred application of the Madrid Agreement to Hong Kong. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 91)
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of China declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to China only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: October 4, 1989. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 41)
Declaration/Notification of Succession: July 28, 1992
October 8, 1991
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 11)
Accession: September 6, 1989
December 6, 1989
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 14(2)(d) and (f) of the said Act, the Government of Cuba declared that the application of the said Act shall be limited to marks registered from the date on which its accession entered into force. This declaration was withdrawn on May 10, 1995. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 67)
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) contained the following declaration: "The Government of the Republic of Cuba declares that the provisions of Article 24 of the Paris Convention, referred to in Article 14(7) of the Madrid Agreement, both as revised at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, are contrary to the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (Resolution 1514) adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 14, 1960, which proclaims the necessity of putting a speedy and unconditional end to colonialism in all its forms and manifestations." (Translation) (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 42)
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Cuba declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Cuba only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: December 6, 1989. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 42)
Accession: August 4, 2003
November 4, 2003
Czech Republic
Declaration of Continued Application: December 18, 1992
January 1, 1993
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Accession: March 7, 1980
June 10, 1980
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: June 10, 1980. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 32)
Accession: December 3, 1974
March 6, 1975
Accession: September 14, 1998
December 14, 1998
July 14, 1967
Ratification: May 2, 1975
August 12, 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of France declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to France only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: August 12, 1975. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 26)
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) also applied to the department of Guyane, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Reunion, and to the overseas territories of New Caledonia, French Polynesia, St. Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna Island and the French Southern and Antarctic Territories. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 26)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the French Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on May 20, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the French Republic, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 7)
July 14, 1967
Ratification: June 19, 1970
September 19, 1970
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to the Federal Republic of Germany only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: July 1, 1973. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 18)
Stockholm Act (1967): Signature by the Federal Republic of Germany.
Entry into force date applies to the Federal Republic of Germany and German Democratic Republic.
Alternative entry into force date: December 22, 1970.
German Democratic Republic - Accession: June 20, 1968. Date of ceasing to be a party: October 3, 1990.
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) also applied to Land Berlin with effect from the date on which it entered into force for the Federal Republic of Germany. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 8)
January 12, 1968
Ratification: December 18, 1969
September 19, 1970
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Hungary declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Hungary only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 4)
Stockholm Act (1967): Alternative entry into force date: December 22, 1970. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 9 and No. 10)
Ratification by the Hungarian People's Republic.
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) contained the following declaration: "The Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic draws attention to the fact that the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (7), of the Agreement are contrary to Resolution No. 1514 (XV) on the independence of colonial countries and peoples, adopted on December 14, 1960, by the General Assembly of the United Nations." (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 4)
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Accession: September 25, 2003
December 25, 2003
July 14, 1967
Ratification: January 20, 1977
April 24, 1977
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Italian Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on April 29, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Italian Republic, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 7)
Declaration of Continued Application: February 16, 1993
December 25, 1991
Accession: March 26, 1998
June 26, 1998
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Kenya declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Kenya only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: June 26, 1998. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 101)
Declaration of Continued Application: February 14, 1994
December 25, 1991
Accession: September 29, 1994
January 1, 1995
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Latvia declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Latvia only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: January 1, 1995. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 64)
Accession: November 12, 1998
February 12, 1999
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Lesotho declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Lesotho only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: February 12, 1999. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 111)
Accession: September 25, 1995
December 25, 1995
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Liberia declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Liberia only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: December 25, 1995. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 71)
July 14, 1967
Ratification: February 21, 1972
May 25, 1972
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Liechtenstein declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Liechtenstein only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: January 1, 1973. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 16)
July 14, 1967
Ratification: December 19, 1974
March 24, 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on March 20, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 6)
July 14, 1967
Ratification: June 27, 1975
October 4, 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Principality of Monaco in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 8, 1971. Pursuant to the said Article, the Principality of Monaco, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 12)
Accession: January 16, 1985
April 21, 1985
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 14(2) of the said Act, the Government of the Mongolian People's Republic declared that the application of the Madrid Agreement, as revised, shall be limited to marks registered from the date on which the said Agreement enters into force with respect to the Mongolian People's Republic; however, the interested parties may make requests for extension of the protection resulting from the international registration to marks which have already been the subject of an earlier national registration still in force in the Mongolian People's Republic. This declaration was withdrawn on November 13, 1995. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 75)
Accession by the Mongolian People's Republic.
Declaration of Continued Application: December 4, 2006
June 3, 2006
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 11)
July 14, 1967
Ratification: October 16, 1975
January 24, 1976
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 14, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Kingdom of Morocco, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 11)
Accession: July 7, 1998
October 7, 1998
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Mozambique declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Mozambique only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: October 7, 1998. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 105)
Accession: March 31, 2004
June 30, 2004
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Namibia declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Namibia only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: June 30, 2004. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 156)
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
July 14, 1967
Ratification: December 4, 1974
March 6, 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 11, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 11)
Application of the Stockholm Act (1967) to Aruba: February 14, 1986; Entry into force: November 8, 1986. This application was suspended for an indefinite period as from the date of entry into force in a communication dated June 24, 1988. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 40)
The instrument of ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) was deposited for the Kingdom in Europe. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 24)
North Macedonia
Declaration/Notification of Succession: July 23, 1993
September 8, 1991
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 11)
Accession: December 14, 1990
March 18, 1991
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 14(2)(d) and (f) of the said Act, the Government of Poland declared that the application of the said Act shall be limited to marks registered from the date on which its accession entered into force. This declaration was withdrawn on December 4, 1996. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 84)
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Poland declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Poland only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: March 18, 1991. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 45)
July 14, 1967
Ratification: August 22, 1988
November 22, 1988
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Portuguese Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 25, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Portuguese Republic, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 11)
Republic of Moldova
Declaration of Continued Application: February 14, 1994
December 25, 1991
July 14, 1967
Ratification: February 28, 1969
September 19, 1970
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) contained the following declaration: "The Council of State of the Socialist Republic of Rumania considers that the maintenance of the state of dependence of certain territories to which reference is made in Article 14(7) of the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks is not in accordance with the declaration on the grant of independence to colonial countries and peoples, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 14, 1960, by Resolution 1514 (XV), in which is stressed the need to bring an end rapidly and unconditionally to colonialism in all its forms and manifestations." (Translation) (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 3)
Stockholm Act (1967): Alternative entry into force date: December 22, 1970. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 9 and No. 10)
Ratification by the Socialist Republic of Rumania.
Russian Federation
Accession: March 15, 1976
July 1, 1976
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 14(2)(d) and (f) of the said Act, the Government of the Soviet Union declared that the application of the said Act shall be limited to marks registered from the date on which its accession entered into force. This declaration was withdrawn by the Russian Federation on July 26, 1993.
Stockholm Act (1967): Date of adherence of the Soviet Union, continued by the Russian Federation as from December 25, 1991.
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of the Soviet Union declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to the Soviet Union only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: July 1, 1976. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 29)
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) contained the following declaration: "The provisions of Article 14(7) are considered outdated and contradictory to the Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of December 14, 1960), proclaiming the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations." (Translation) (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 29)
San Marino
Accession: March 26, 1991
June 26, 1991
Declaration of Continued Application: September 19, 2006
April 27, 1992
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 11)
Sierra Leone
Accession: March 17, 1997
June 17, 1997
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Sierra Leone declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Sierra Leone only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: June 17, 1997. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 90)
Declaration of Continued Application: December 30, 1992
January 1, 1993
Declaration of Continued Application: June 12, 1992
June 25, 1991
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 11)
July 14, 1967
Ratification: March 6, 1979
June 8, 1979
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Spanish State in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 18(2) of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 17, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Spanish State, which was a member of the Madrid Special Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Article 10 to 13 of the Stockholm Act of the Madrid (Marks) Agreement, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 11)
Accession: February 15, 1984
May 16, 1984
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Sudan declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Sudan only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: May 16, 1984. Such a request ("request for territorial extension") may, as concerns Sudan, be made not only for an international registration bearing the date of May 16, 1984, or any date thereafter, but also for an international registration bearing a date prior to May 16, 1984. Any request for territorial extension must be presented through the intermediary of the office of the country of origin and shall be effective from the date on which it has been recorded in the International Register. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 34)
July 14, 1967
Ratification: January 26, 1970
September 19, 1970
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of Switzerland declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to Switzerland only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: January 1, 1973. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 15)
Stockholm Act (1967): Alternative entry into force date: December 22, 1970. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 9 and No. 10)
Syrian Arab Republic
Accession: May 5, 2004
August 5, 2004
Declaration of Continued Application: February 14, 1994
December 25, 1991
July 14, 1967
Declaration of Continued Application: September 21, 1992
December 25, 1991
Viet Nam
Declaration of Continued Application: April 7, 1981
July 2, 1976
Stockholm Act (1967): Pursuant to Article 3bis of the said Act, the Government of the Republic of Viet-Nam declared that the protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to the Republic of Viet-Nam only at the express request of the proprietor of the mark. Date of effect: May 15, 1973. (see Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 19)
Stockholm Act (1967): Accession by the Republic of Viet-Nam: February 12, 1973; Entry into force: May 15, 1973. Continued application of the Stockholm Act (1967) notified by the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. Date of entry into force given as the date when the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam and the Republic of South Viet-Nam were united to form the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.