The following resources provide an overview of intellectual property (IP) policies and related documents in the sphere of universities and public research institutions (PRIs).They can be of use to:
- policy makers in developing national policies on technology transfer and knowledge-sharing for development;
- senior university managers in developing internal institutional IP policies tailored to their individual needs; and
- the university community in general (professors, students, researchers, etc), to increase understanding of the rights to IP that may result from educational and research activities.
WIPO resources

WIPO resources on universities and PRIs can be accessed through our publications database.
Topic | Title | Source | Author(s) | Year of Publication |
General Policy Recommendations | Creating and nurturing innovation ecosystems for high-tech industries - principles for policy-makers | International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) | ICC Commission on Intellectual Property | 2017 |
General Policy Recommendations | National Intellectual Property Systems, Innovation and Economic Development. With Perspectives on Colombia and Indonesia | Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) | Paunov, Caroline | 2014 |
IP Management and Technology Transfer | Practical Guide to Key Issues in Managing Technology Transfer Agreements | PraxisUnico | 2006 | |
IP Management and Technology Transfer | Practical Guides to: Options, Licence Agreements, General Legal Issues in University Contracts, Confidentiality Agreements,and Material Transfer Agreements | PraxisUnico | 2014 | |
IP Management and Technology Transfer | Getting to grips with intellectual property Notes for researchers and research managers |
Research Africa | 2013 | |
IP Management and Technology Transfer | Your Guide to IP Commercialization | European IPR Helpdesk | 2016 | |
Collaboration | Australia IP Toolkit and Source IP | Australian Government- IP Australia | IP Australia | 2015 |
Collaboration | Practical Guide to Consultancy | PraxisUnico | 2004 | |
Collaboration | Turning Science into Business .Patenting and Licensing at Public Research Organisations |
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) |
OECD Secretariat (Cervantes, Mario; Callan, Benedicte) | 2003 |
Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment | Practical Guide to Consultancy | PraxisUnico | 2004 | |
Open Movement | Fact Sheet, Intellectual Property Management in Open Innovation | European IPR Helpdesk | 2015 | |
Students and IP | Practical Guide to Students and IP | PraxisUnico | 2006 | |
General Policy Recommendations | Creating and nurturing innovation ecosystems for high-tech industries - principles for policy-makers | International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) | ICC Commission on Intellectual Property | 2017 |
General Policy Recommendations | Perspective of Industry’s Engagement with African Universities | African Association of Universities (AAU) | Sá, Creso | 2015 |
General Policy Recommendations | The Dynamics of Global Technology and Knowledge Flows | International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) | Brant, Jennifer Parthasarathy, Balaji |
2015 |
General Policy Recommendations | The European Union explained: Research and Innovation. | European Union | European Commission | 2014 |
General Policy Recommendations | Transfer of Technology and Knowledge Sharing for Development. Science, Technology and Innovation Issues for Developing Countries | United Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) | González Sanz, Angel Calovski, Dimo Razo, Carlos |
2014 |
General Policy Recommendations | Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship Global Practice. Public Policies to Foster Knowledge Transfer from Public Research Organizations | The World Bank | Correa, Paulo Zuñiga, Pluvia |
2013 |
General Policy Recommendations | Intellectual Property Commercialization. Policy Options and Practical Instruments | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) | UNECE Scretariat | 2011 |
General Policy Recommendations | A Comparative Analysis of Institutional Innovation and IP Policies, Strategies and Practices. Results of the Micro-Level Analysis of the IP Unilink project | IP Unilink Consortium | Scheinberg, Sari Norgren, Andreas Käll, Jannice |
2009 |
General Policy Recommendations | Enhancing the Innovative Performance of Firms. Policy Options and Practical Instruments | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) | UNECE Scretariat | 2009 |
General Policy Recommendations, General guidelines for drafting institutional IP Policies, General guidelines for drafting institutional IP Policies, IP Management and Technology Transfer | Commission Recommendation on the Management of Intellectual Property in Knowledge Transfer Activities (with a Code of Practice for Universities and Other Public Research Organisations and Guidance for Implementation) (often also referred to as “IP Charta”) | European Union | European Commission | 2008 |
General Policy Recommendations, Policy recommendations on openness, General guidelines for drafting institutional IP Policies | Improving Knowledge Transfer Between Research Institutions and Industry Across Europe: Embracing Open Innovation. | European Union | European Commission | 2007 |
General Policy Recommendations | Knowledge Transfer Study 2010-2012 | European Union | European Commission (Arundel, Anthongy Es-Sadki, Nordine Barjak, Franz Perrett, Pieter Samuel, Olga Lilischkis, Stefan) | 2013 |
General Policy Recommendations | Expert Group Report. Management of Intellectual Property in Publicly-Funded Rresearch Organisations: Towards European Guidelines | European Union | European Commission | 2004 |
Policy recommendations on openness | Making Open Science a Reality | Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) | OECD Secretariat, Innovation and Technology Policy (TIP) Steering Group on Open Science |
2015 |
Policy recommendations on openness | Open Access to Research Publications: Looking Ahead. An Overview of Policy Developments and Positions from a European University Perspective | European University Association (EUA) | Lourenço, Joana Borrell-Damian, Lidia | 2014 |
Policy recommendations on openness | Policy Guidelines for the Development and Promotion of Open Access | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | Swan, Alma | 2012 |
General guidelines for drafting institutional IP Policies | Intellectual Asset Management for Universities | Intellectual Property Office of the United Kingdom, AURIL, BIS, HEFCE, PraxisUnico, Research Councils UK, UUK | Clare, Phil Day, Adrian Dinham, Rowena Foord, Davina Graham, Philip Houlihan, Jim Lewis, Karen McCaul, Brian Shah, Daniel |
2014 |
General guidelines for drafting institutional IP Policies | A Guide to Managing Intellectual Property. Strategic Decision-Making in Universities | Association for University Research and Industry Links (AURIL) Universities UK |
2002 | |
General guidelines for drafting institutional IP Policies | Governance: Policy on Policy Development | Australian Catholic University (ACU) | 2013 | |
General guidelines for drafting institutional IP Policies | Policy Development Procedure | Australian Catholic University (ACU) | 2013 | |
Guidelines for drafting IP Policies related to health and agriculture innovation | Guía para el desarrollo de políticas institucionales de propiedad intelectual para universidades y centros de investigación (Spanish only) | Public Intellectual Property Resources for the Agriculture (PIPRA), Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (FIA) |
Carolina Sepúlveda V. Nancy Pérez O. Daniça Mardesic S. |
2012 |
Guidelines for drafting IP Policies related to health and agriculture innovation, IP Management and Technology Transfer | Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation: A Handbook of Best Practices | MIHR, PIPRA, FIOCRUZ, bioDevelopments-International Institute | 2007 | |
IP Management and Technology Transfer | Handbook of Intellectual Property Management | Association for University Research and Industry Links (AURIL) | ||
IP Management and Technology Transfer | Technology Transfer Practice Manual, 3rd Edition | Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) | 2013 | |
IP Management and Technology Transfer | Intellectual Property Cross-border Colllaboration Between Publicly Funded Research Organisations and Industry and Technology Transfer Training | European Union | European Union Scientific and Technical Research Committee (CREST) | 2006 |
IP Management and Technology Transfer | IP Guidelines | Ryerson University (Canada) | 2006 | |
IP Management and Technology Transfer | Gestión de Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial en Instituciones de Educación Superior. Buenas Prácticas en Universidades de Latinoamérica y Europa. (Spanish only) | Red de Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial en Latinoamérica (PILA) EuropeAid |
Proyecto PILA | 2009 |
IP Management and Technology Transfer | Researcher Guidebook. A Guide for Successful Institutional-Industrial Collaborations | University-Industry Demonstration Partnership (UIDP), Georgia Tech Research | UIDP Researcher Guidebook Working Group | 2012 |
IP Management and Technology Transfer | KTI Practical Guide to Managing Intellectual Property and Confidentiality | Knowledge Transfer Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Irish Universities Association (IUA) | ||
Collaboration | AUTM. Sample Agreements | Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) | ||
Collaboration | The Lambert Toolkit | Intellectual Property Office, UK | 2014 | |
Collaboration | IP Handbook. Sample Agreements | MIHR, PIPRA, FIOCRUZ, bioDevelopments-International Institute | ||
Collaboration | European Research Area Guidelines on Intellectual Property (IP) Management in International Research Collaboration Agreements between European and Non- European Partners |
European Union | Knowledge Transfer Working Group of the European Research Area Committee (ERAC) |
2012 |
Collaboration | KTI Practical Guide to Model Collaborative Agreements | Knowledge Transfer Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Irish Universities Association (IUA) | ||
Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment | Chapter No. 5.7: Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Management in Technology Transfer | MIHR, PIPRA, FIOCRUZ, bioDevelopments-International Institute | Bennett, Alan B. | 2007 |
Establishing and managing KMUs | Chapter No. 6: Establishing and Operating Technology Transfer Offices | MIHR, PIPRA, FIOCRUZ, bioDevelopments-International Institute | 2007 | |
Incentives | A Guide to Managing Intellectual Property. Strategic Decision-Making in Universities, Chapter 4: Incentives | Association for University Research and Industry Links (AURIL), Universities UK | 2002 | |
Innovation disclosure | Innovation Disclosure | Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) | Heller, Page | 2009 |
Open Movement | Quick Guide on Complying with Open Access Policies | Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) | 2016 | |
Open Movement | Concepts of Openness and Open Access | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | 2015 | |
Open Movement | Guide on Open Educational Resources (OERs) | Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) | 2014 | |
Open Movement | Good practices for university open-access policies | Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Open Access Project (HOAP) | Suber, Peter Shieber, Stuart | 2016 |
Open Movement | How to Make Your Own Work Open Access | Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Open Access Project (HOAP) | Suber, Peter | 2012 |
Open Movement | Guidance and Information for Authors Wishing to Find Out About Open Access Archiving | SHERPA Partnership | ||
Ownership of university research | Working Guidelines. Q244. Inventorship of Multinational Inventions | Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AIPPI) | Matheson, Sarah Osha, John Verschuur, Anne Marie Inui, Yusuke Laakkonen, Ari Nack, Ralph |
2015 |
Ownership of university research | Individual Versus Institutional Ownership of University-Discovered Inventions. Discussion Paper No. 15-007 | Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) | Czarnitzki, Dirk Doherr, Thorsten Hussinger, Katrin Schliessler, Paula Toole, Andrew A. |
2015 |
Ownership of university research | Fact Sheet. IP joint ownership | European IPR Helpdesk | 2015 | |
Ownership of university research | Intellectual Property Ownership Model in Academia: An Analysis | Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR) vol. 19 | Ramli, Nasiibah Zainol, Zinatul A. | 2014 |
Ownership of university research | Fact Sheet. Inventorship, Authorship and Ownership | European IPR Helpdesk | 2013 | |
Ownership of university research | University Entrepreneurship and Professor Privilege. NBER Working Paper No. 17980 | National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) | Farnstrand Damsgaard, Erica Thursby, Marie C. | 2012 |
Ownership of university research | Does inventor ownership encourage university research-derived entrepreneurship? A six university comparison. | Research Policy. Vol. 40, Issue 8 | Kenney, Martin Patton, Donald | 2011 |
Ownership of university research | Resolution. Question Q194BA. The impact of co-ownership of Intellectual Property Rights on their exploitation | Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AIPPI) | 2009 | |
Ownership of university research | Chapter No. 5.4, Ownership of University Inventions: Practical Considerations | MIHR, PIPRA, FIOCRUZ, bioDevelopments-International Institute | Weidemier, B. Jean | 2007 |
Ownership of university research | Chapter 5. Regulatory Framework Regarding Ownership of Inventions Conceived at Universities. Internationalisation of R&D | Elsevier | Janssens, Marie-Christine | 2005 |
Students and IP | Managing Student Intellectual Property Issues at Institutions of Higher Education: An AUTM Primer | Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) | Barrow, Abigail Batchelor, La Royce Brger, Alex Duval-Couetil, Nathalie Scott, Latanya Skinner, Jeffrey Speser, Phyl Weilerstein, Phil | 2014 |
Students and IP | Intellectual Property Issues Arising From Business Ideas Generated By Undergraduate Students | Southern Law Journal, No. 250, Vol. XXIII | Little, Andrew Reid, Brad Litton, James | 2013 |
Copyright | Fair Use Best Practices for Higher Education Institutions: The Israeli Experience | Journal of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A., Forthcoming | Elkin-Koren, Niva Fischman Afori, Orit Haramati-Alpern, Ronit Dotan, Amira | 2010 |
The below links take you to other organizations active in international or regional transfer of technology and institutional IP policy-related activities. WIPO does not necessarily endorse the content of the websites.
- Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT)
- Association of European Science and Technology Transfer Professionals (ASTP)-Proton
- Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle – AIPPI
- Association for University Research and Industry Links (AURIL)
- Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM)
- European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA)
- European IPR Helpdesk
- EU-Japan Technology Transfer Helpdesk
- IP-Unilink project
- Knowledge Commercialization Australasia (KCA)
- Licensing Executives Society (LES)
- Red de Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial de Latinoamérica (PILA Network)
- Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA)