World IP Day 2024 Youth Video Competition
SDGs and IP for our common future
With IP, we can dream of a better future, turn our ideas into reality and create a world where everyone thrives to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Take part in the World IP Day 2024 Youth Video Competition - SDGs and IP for our common future - and secure a chance to win a top prize up to CHF 5,000 and other prizes. Unleash your creativity in a 60 to 90-second video that showcases how an inventor, creator, entrepreneur, or local community near you is shaping a better future for all with innovation, creativity, and intellectual property (IP) rights in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Submit your video entry from January 8 to March 10, 2024.
The World Intellectual Property Day 2024 Youth Video Competition is now closed for submissions!
Thank you to everyone who has submitted an entry to the competition. We have received 104 entries from 70 countries. The World Intellectual Property Day 2024 Youth Video Competition Jury will review all entries. If your video is shortlisted, we will notify you by email.
The best 20 videos will be published on the competition platform for the online public vote to choose the winner of the People’s Choice Prize.
The public vote will be open from April 10 to 21, 2024, 23:59 CEST.
Stay tuned to cast your vote and help choose the winner of the People’s Choice Prize!
Public vote - Now it’s your turn to help pick the People's Choice Prize winner!
Cast your vote to choose the winner of the People’s Choice Prize. This prize will be awarded to the entry that receives the highest number of votes in the online public vote.
The public vote will be open from April 10 to 21, 2024, 23:59 CEST.
Announcement of the winners
The three winners and the People’s Choice Prize of the competition will be announced on World Intellectual Property Day, April 26, 2024.
How to vote:
- Click “vote” for the entries you think deserve to win the People’s Choice Prize.
- You can vote for a total of 5 videos.
- Share your favorite videos on social media using #WorldIPDay.
Meet the winners of the Competition!
In early 2024, we called on people around the world to submit a 60 to 90-second video that showcases how an inventor, creator, entrepreneur, or local community near you is shaping a better future for all with innovation, creativity, and intellectual property (IP) rights.
Under the theme “With IP, we can dream of a better future, turn our ideas into reality and create a world where everyone thrives,” participants from 70 countries submitted more than 100 entries. The World Intellectual Property Day 2024 Youth Video Competition Jury reviewed the entries to ensure they fell within the scope of the rules of the competition and after lengthy discussions, came up with a shortlist of 20 entries and three winners. The top 20 short-listed video entries were submitted to an online public vote from April 10 to 21, 2024. More than 74,782 votes were cast by 17,826 people (each user was able to cast up to 5 votes) choosing their favorite video entry to win the People’s Choice Prize.
The winning entries hail from Nigeria, Brazil, Bulgaria and Indonesia. They captured innovative and inspiring stories of inventors, creators, entrepreneurs, and local communities around the world whose innovations, creativity and use of IP rights are improving people’s lives and safeguarding our planet in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Take a look and be inspired!

First Prize
Idamiebi Ilamina Eremie (Nigeria)
Koyamu: Accessible Early Education for African Children using Storytelling and IP
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A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

Second Prize
Roberta Saldanha Alves (Brazil)
Art of Touch: Expanding the Horizons

Third Prize
Aleksandar Petrov (Bulgaria)
My Ideas are Important

People’s Choice Prize
Hayunda Lail Zahara (Indonesia)
Kauman’s Bati
Votes: 24,026
How can I take part in the competition?
Who can participate?
Entries can be submitted by individuals or groups of individuals.
Individual entries must be submitted by individuals aged between 18 and 34 years (i.e. under 35 years of age) on the closing date for entries.
Group entries may include up to 10 participants, with at least one member aged under 35 on the closing date for entries. Further details are outlined in the rules (PDF) of the World IP Day 2024 Youth Video Competition - SDGs and IP for our common future.
What is this year’s theme?
The theme of this year's competition is: With IP, we can dream of a better future, turn our ideas into reality and create a world where everyone thrives to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The competition is an opportunity to celebrate the inventors, creators, entrepreneurs, and local communities around the world whose innovations, creativity and use of IP rights are improving people’s lives and safeguarding our planet in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Competition prizes
- First Prize: Digital equipment to the maximum value of CHF 5,000.
- Second Prize: Digital equipment to the maximum value of CHF 3,000.
- Third Prize: Digital equipment to the maximum value of CHF 1,000.
- The People’s Choice Prize: Digital equipment to the maximum value of CHF 2,500.
- The top 20 winning entries will benefit from training opportunities offered by the WIPO Academy.
Video requirements
Entries will be:
- Between 60 and 90 seconds.
- In MP4 format.
- Will bear no subtitles/captions.
- May include audio narratives in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, or Spanish. Audio narratives will be accompanied with a time-coded transcript in the relevant language.
Check out the full list of requirements on the platform.
The judging process
The World IP Day 2024 Youth Video Competition - SDGs and IP for our common future - Jury will review all entries with a view to selecting a shortlist of the top 20 entries. The Jury will then identify the top three videos in line with established judging criteria.
Videos will be judged according to their adherence to the theme, expression of theme, originality, creativity, messaging and visual appeal, among others.
Public vote
The short-listed videos will also be submitted to an online public vote to identify the winner of the People’s Choice Prize. This prize will be awarded to the entry that receives the highest number of votes in the online public vote.
The public vote will be open from April 10 to 21, 2024. Each person voting may cast up to five votes to indicate which entries they prefer.
Important dates
- Launch of the competition: January 8, 2024.
- Closing date for entries: March 10, 2024, at 23:59 CET.
- Judging process to establish the shortlist of top 20 entries: March 11-19, 2024.
- Judging process to establish the winners: March 20-22, 2024.
- Publication of shortlisted entries on the Competition platform: April 10, 2024.
- Opening of the online public vote to select the winner of the People’s Choice Prize: April 10, 2024.
- Closing of the online public vote: April 21, 2024, at 23:59 CEST.
- Announcement of the winners: April 26, 2024.
- Individual entries must be submitted by individuals aged between 18 and 34 years (i.e. under 35 years of age) on the closing date for entries.
- Group entries may include up to 10 members of which at least one member is aged between 18 and 34 (i.e. under 35 years of age) on the closing date for entries.
- The participants must hold all the rights in their video entry and must have obtained permission to use any third-party content that it may include.
- The video entry must not have been published previously online, nor recognized and/or won an award in another competition.
- The video must not violate any copyright, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, industrial designs, distinctive signs, contractual obligations, or any other intellectual property rights, or other proprietary rights of any third party.
Full details are outlined in the rules (PDF) of the World IP Day 2024 Youth Video Competition - SDGs and IP for our common future.
For more information about the Competition, don’t hesitate to contact us.