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The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) in 2001
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system.
Publication year: 2002
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) in 2000
Publication year: 2001
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) in 1999
Publication year: 2000
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) in 1998
Publication year: 1999
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) in 1997
Publication year: 1998
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) in 1996
Publication year: 1997
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) in 1995
Publication year: 1996
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) in 1994
Publication year: 1995
WIPO Program and Budget
for the 2016/17 biennium
This Program and Budget provides the planning for the biennium 2016/17 within the overall strategic context of the Medium Term Strategic Plan (MTSP) and guided by the inputs received from Member States.
Publication year: 2016
World Intellectual Property Indicators - 2015
This annual publication provides a wide range of indicators covering the following areas of intellectual property: patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms and plant variety protection. It draws on data from national and regional IP offices, WIPO and the World Bank.
Publication year: 2015