Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO: Fifty-Ninth Series of Meetings
September 30 to October 9, 2019
The Fifty-Ninth Series of Meetings of the Assemblies took place at the WIPO headquarters in Geneva, from September 30 to October 9, 2019.
Address of the Director General | 2019 - List of Decisions | Spotlight | Press release | Videos on demand | List of Participants | Practical Guide for Delegates
| Calendar of Side-Events

DG's Report
DownloadOpening of the Sessions
1. Opening of the Sessions (A/59/INF/1 Rev.)
2. Adoption of the Agenda (A/59/1) (A/59/2)
3. Election of Officers (A/59/INF/2)
4. Report of the Director General to the Assemblies of WIPO
5. General Statements
Governing Bodies and Institutional Issues
6. Admission of Observers (A/59/3 Rev.)
7. Approval of Agreements (WO/CC/76/3 Rev.)
8. Appointment of the Director General in 2020 (A/59/4)
9. Composition of the WIPO Coordination Committee, and of the Executive Committees of the Paris and Berne Unions (A/59/5) (A/59/12)
10. Composition of the Program and Budget Committee (WO/GA/51/1) (WO/GA/51/17)
Program, Budget and Oversight Matters
11. Reports on Audit and Oversight
- Report by the Independent Advisory Oversight Committee (IAOC) (WO/GA/51/2) (A/59/7)
- Report by the External Auditor (A/59/6) (A/59/7)
- Report by the Director of the Internal Oversight Division (IOD) (WO/GA/51/3) (A/59/7)
12. Opening of New WIPO External Offices (WO/GA/51/4)
13. Report on the Program and Budget Committee (PBC) (A/59/7) (A/59/8) (A/59/INF/3) (A/59/10) (A/59/INF/6) (A/59/11)
14. Records of WIPO Meetings (A/59/9)
WIPO Committees and International Normative Framework
15. Report on the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) (WO/GA/51/5 Rev.)
16. Report on the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) (WO/GA/51/6)
17. Report on the Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT) (WO/GA/51/7)
18. Matters Concerning the Convening of a Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Design Law Treaty (DLT) (WO/GA/51/8)
19. Report on the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) and Review of the Implementation of the Development Agenda Recommendations (WO/GA/51/9) (WO/GA/51/10) (WO/GA/51/11)
20. Report on the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC) (WO/GA/51/12)
21. Report on the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) (WO/GA/51/13)
22. Report on the Advisory Committee on Enforcement (ACE) (WO/GA/51/14)
Global Intellectual Property Services
23. PCT System (PCT/A/51/1) (PCT/A/51/2) (PCT/A/51/3)
24. Madrid System (MM/A/53/1) (MM/A/53/2)
25. Lisbon System (LI/A/36/1)
26. WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, including Domain Names (WO/GA/51/15)
Other Assemblies and Treaties
27. Patent Law Treaty (PLT) (WO/GA/51/16)
28. Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks (STLT) (STLT/A/12/1)
29. Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled (MVT) (MVT/A/4/1)
Staff Matters
30. Reports on Staff Matters
- Report on Human Resources (WO/CC/76/INF/1) (WO/CC/76/2)
- Report by the Ethics Office (WO/CC/76/INF/2)
31. Amendments to Staff Regulations and Rules (WO/CC/76/1)
Closing of the Sessions
32. Adoption of the Report (A/59/14) (WO/GA/51/18) (WO/CF/40/1) (WO/CC/76/4) (P/A/54/1) (P/EC/59) (B/A/48/1) (B/EC/65/1) (MM/A/53/3) (H/A/39/1) (N/A/39/1) (LI/A/36/2) (LO/A/39/1) (IPC/A/40/1) (PCT/A/51/4) (BP/A/36/1) (VA/A/32/1) (WCT/A/19/1) (WPPT/A/19/1) (PLT/A/18/1) (STLT/A/12/2) (MVT/A/4/2)
33. Closing of the Sessions
Other related documents
- Status of the Payment of Contributions as at August 31, 2019 (A/59/INF/4)
- Status of the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances (A/59/INF/5)
- Report on the Accessible Books Consortium (MVT/A/4/INF/1 Rev.)
Complete Composition of the PBC 2019-2021 (C.N. 3947)
Duration of sessions
Daily sessions will run precisely from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. If necessary, night sessions (from 7 p.m. onwards) will be organized. Unless otherwise indicated, there will be no weekend meetings.
Requests to take the floor
Delegations wishing to take the floor on any agenda item are strongly encouraged to send their requests in advance to, preferably up to the day before the discussions on the item (in particular for Agenda Item 5 – General Statements).
Delegates may also request the floor directly during discussions.
General statements (Agenda Item 5)
General Statements are expected to take up the first day and part of the second day of the Assemblies.
As per previous practice, and in order to minimize the need for night sessions, General Statements should be delivered orally, within five minutes by group coordinators on behalf of their members or within three minutes by individual country delegates.
A display system will assist delegates to adhere to the time limitation. If a statement cannot be delivered at a speed that allows for accurate interpretation within the prescribed time limit, it should be summarized orally and the full version submitted in writing to the Secretariat (
In the interests of time, delegations may also choose to submit their entire General Statement in writing and not take the floor.
Each General Statement submitted in writing to the Secretariat will be posted on the WIPO website after delivery. All statements, including those not delivered orally, will be reproduced in their entirety in the report.
To contribute positively to an environmentally-friendly meeting and reduce costs, Assemblies documents are posted on the WIPO website for downloading. They are posted in all official languages, as they become available. Documents are available in accessible format for those who are print-disabled.
Hard copies of documents will not be sent in advance unless specifically requested. Delegates are strongly encouraged to come to the meetings with pre-printed copies of documents and/or to use portable computers and devices.
In order to ensure the highest quality of interpretation, interpreters should receive a copy of prepared statements (even in draft form) ahead of their oral delivery. This is particularly important for longer statements, such as General Statements under Agenda Item 5.
Prepared statements should be sent as early as possible (at the latest on the morning of their delivery) to Ms. Christina Fertis, Chief Interpreter ( or handed to the WIPO conference staff. The statements will be made available to interpreters prior to delivery, in order to assist them in faithfully transmitting the messages of delegates.