Change in the name and/or address of the holder

A request for the recording of a change in the name and/or postal address of the holder must be presented to the International Bureau on official form DM/6. This form must not be used where the change of name results from a change in ownership. In such a case, form DM/2 should be used (refer to “Change in ownership”). If the holder wishes to record a new or updated email address only, this change should be communicated through Contact Hague (this service is free of charge).

Rule 21(1)(a)(ii)

Item 1: International Registration Number(s)

A single request may relate to several international registrations recorded in the name of the same holder. If, in respect of a given international registration, the number is not known (because the international registration has not yet been effected or notified to the holder), no other number should be given. The holder should wait until he/she is notified of the international registration number concerned and then make a further request.

Rule 21(2)(i)

Item 2: Name of the holder

The name of the holder, as recorded in the International Register, must be indicated in the same way as that described under “Applicant”.

Rule 21(2)(a)(ii)

Item 3: Change in name and/or address of the holder

Spaces are provided to indicate the new name, new address, new telephone number and new email address. Only the information which has changed need be indicated. That is, for example, where only the name has changed, it is sufficient to indicate the new name, leaving the other spaces blank; similarly, where only the address has changed, there is no need to repeat the name.

Rule 21(2)(a)(iii)

Where only the telephone number and/or email address has changed, it is sufficient to indicate the new number and/or email address through Contact Hague (the use of form DM/6 is not necessary). Where this is the only change to be recorded, no fee is payable for the request.

Item 4: Email address for correspondence for multiple holders

This item should be completed only if there are multiple holders and no representative is appointed, and the holders wish to: 

  • maintain the email address for correspondence as already recorded in the International Register (if this item is not completed, the email address for correspondence which has already been recorded in the International Register is automatically disregarded by the International Bureau); or
  • replace the existing email address for correspondence already recorded in the International Register with a different email address for correspondence; or
  • indicate for the first time an email address for correspondence other than that provided in item 3.

Item 5: Signature 

The form should be signed and the identity of the signatory should be indicated. 

Rule 21(1)(b)(i)

Payment of fees

A request to record a change in the name or address of the holder is subject to the payment of the fee specified in the Schedule of Fees. Refer to the general remarks concerning payment of fees to the International Bureau (refer to “Payment of fees to the International Bureau”).

99 Article 16(3); Rule 21(2)(vi)

Change in the name and/or address of the representative

A request for the recording of a change in the name and/or postal address of the representative may be presented to the International Bureau either through the eHague interface or by completing official form DM/8. This form must not be used to appoint a new or different representative.  In such a case, form DM/7 should be used (Appointment of Representative). If the representative wishes to record a new or updated email address only, this change should be communicated through Contact Hague (this service is free of charge). The recording of a change in the name and/or address of the recorded representative is free of charge.

Irregular requests

If a request to record a change in name or postal address of the holder or representative does not comply with any of the applicable requirements, the International Bureau notifies that fact to the holder or to the recorded representative. The irregularity may be remedied within three months from the date of the notification. If this is not done, the request will be considered abandoned and any fee paid will be reimbursed to the party that paid it, after deduction of an amount corresponding to one half of the relevant fee.

Rule 21(1)(a)(v) and (2)(a)(ii)

Recording, notification and publication

Provided that the request is in order, the International Bureau promptly records the change in the International Register and informs the holder or the recorded representative. The change is recorded as of the date of receipt by the International Bureau of the request complying with the applicable requirements. Where however the request indicates that the change should be recorded after another change, or after renewal of the international registration, the International Bureau proceeds accordingly. The International Bureau publishes in the Bulletin the relevant data concerning the change in the name and/or address of the representative.

99 Article 16(4); Rule 21(6)