WIPO-PRV Advanced International Training Program on “Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources - in Support of Innovation” Welcomes Participants from Ten African and Asian Countries
April 13, 2021
The Advanced International Training Program “Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources - in Support of Innovation” is part of an ongoing Cooperation Agreement between WIPO and the Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV).
On April 13, 2021, the WIPO-PRV Advanced International Training Program on “Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources - in Support of Innovation” opened with pre-recorded remarks from Mr. Edward Kwakwa, Assistant Director General of the Global Challenges and Partnerships Sector, WIPO, welcoming participants to the three-week program, organized by WIPO’s Traditional Knowledge Division and PRV.
This International Training Program recognizes that the use of genetic resources, genetic data and traditional knowledge in innovation is key to human welfare and sustainable development. I am confident that the following three weeks and the follow-up activities will be an excellent opportunity for you participants to share knowledge and actual experiences, and to further sharpen your ability to use IP as a tool to support innovation for a better and more sustainable future.
-- Mr. Edward Kwakwa, Assistant Director General, Global Challenges and Partnerships Sector, WIPO
Mr. Bemanya Twebaze, Director General of the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO), gave the keynote speech in which he underscored the importance of intellectual property and its role in critical global issues.
I know that from this training, you will never be the same again. You will be able to learn that intellectual property is a cross-cutting discipline that spans the needs and perspectives of different stakeholders. It further broadens by delving into issues relating to public health, agriculture, biodiversity, trade and innovation to mention but a few. As you can already imagine, all these issues come with international obligations by way of accessions and ratifications. As policy makers from your countries, you will be able to see that the insights derived from this training will have tremendous application back in your respective places.
-- Mr. Bemanya Twebaze, Director General, ARIPO
The ceremony concluded with remarks by Mr. Peter Strömbäck, Director General of PRV, who emphasized the role of innovation in achieving the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The program that opens today will focus on intellectual property as a tool to support innovation. Measures in this area support many of the sustainable development goals set out in the UN Agenda 2030. PRV as a Swedish government authority strives to be a part of the fulfilment of these goals. Based on previous achievements of participants we know that our trainings contribute to the development of infrastructures for innovation and sound institutions in participating countries, achievements that contribute to national development in wide areas such as education, agriculture, public health, economy and trade.
-- Mr. Peter Strömbäck, Directory General, PRV
This international training program provides participants the opportunity to share their knowledge and hands-on experiences with the IP system and innovations based on (or derived from) genetic resources and traditional knowledge. The Advanced International Training Program also forms part of an integrated suite of practical tools and services which WIPO’s Traditional Knowledge Division offers on IP rights management for genetic material and data.
This year’s cohort consists of over 20 participants from ten Asian and African countries: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
Participants have each conceived of “change project”, which will be implemented in their countries under the guidance of WIPO, PRV and other external experts.
For more information on WIPO’s activities in the fields of genetic resources and traditional knowledge, sign up for our Traditional Knowledge Updates.
Background of the WIPO-PRV Advanced International Training Program
The Advanced International Training Program “Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources - in Support of Innovation” is offered under a Cooperation Agreement between WIPO and PRV.
Since 2017, this annual international training program, which also consists of mentoring and match-making, has focused on the use of the IP system in genetic resources and traditional knowledge-based innovation. The main target groups of this international training program are policymakers and their advisers as well as government sector decision-makers, universities, research organizations, the private sector and farming organizations involved in issues of IP in relation to genetic resources and traditional knowledge.
The program is sponsored by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and also involves additional Swedish partners, including, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), the Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI) and the Swedish Cooperative Centre -- We Effect.