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The Economics of Copyright and the Internet: Moving to an Empirical Assessment Relevant in the Digital Era
Economic Research Working Paper No. 9
Technology and the Internet have triggered important changes to how creative works are created and accessed, and how creators and copyright-based industries generate their revenues. The authors reassess the economics of copyright in the light of these changes. After providing an introduction to the economics of copyright, they analyze the changes to the baseline copyright model triggered by the new technological landscape. Then, they assess the empirical economic work on copyright so far, and suggest future avenues of research and related data needs.
Publication year: 2013
WIPO Review of Contractual Considerations in the Audiovisual Sector
This review is a condensed, yet comprehensive, panorama of all the key aspects of performers' contracts in the audiovisual industry and the various ways in which these may serve the interests of both performers and producers.
Managing Intellectual Property for Museums
This Guide, prepared by Rina Elster Pantalony, was recently updated to reflect the tremendous developments since it was first published in 2007, in particular Digital Rights Management, the role of social media as a business opportunity and traditional knowledge. The two-part Guide first describes IP issues relevant to museums then reviews existing business models that could provide museums with appropriate opportunities to create sustainable funding, and deliver on their stated objectives.
The Legal Status of Video Games: Comparative Analysis in National Approaches
This report analyzes the classification that each country has adopted for video games, and provides, in the final section, a tentative classification of these complex works, considering their nature, the elements they are made of and the creative process.
International Survey on Private Copying - Law and Practice 2012
This publication describes national systems on compensation for private copying and provides available data on their operation in different countries around the world. The survey offers a global overview of this important element of the copyright infrastructure and is the result of collaboration between WIPO and the Private Copying Collection body in the Netherlands.
Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances
The Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances was adopted by the Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances, which took place in Beijing from June 20 to 26, 2012. The Treaty deals with the intellectual property rights of performers in audiovisual performances.
Publication year: 2012
Typical Features of Copyright in Countries in Transition: Review of the Transition Process – Guidance for its Completion where it may still be needed
This Study presents special features of the copyright laws and institutions of countries in transition and aims to help with modernizing the laws on copyright and neighboring rights, adapting them to an appropriate interpretation of the existing conventions and to the newly emerging international standards by eliminating the elements of the laws which followed from the centrally-planned, collectivist systems. The goal is to appropriately reflect the legitimate interests of employers and producers, making the enforcement more efficient and eliminating over-regulation.
Managing Intellectual Property in the Advertising Industry
Creative Industries - Booklet no. 5
This study will address various IP-related issues that are important for the efficient management of companies active in creating and implementing advertising content and campaigns.
Publication year: 2011
Copyright and Related Rights Cases in the Field of Music in the Asia-Pacific Region
With the development of digital technology, the laws and legal disputes of copyright and related rights have known a dynamism reflecting this evolution. This publication is an informative collection of legal decisions made by the courts of countries in the Asia and the Pacific region. It provides summaries of a number of salient cases in the field of music, and offers some very interesting insights into the different ways in which copyright and related rights are being handled in various jurisdictions. It aims to be a useful reference for the many professionals who are seeking to navigate the music industry's increasingly complex legal and commercial landscape. This case book was prepared with the assistance of the Funds-in-Trust of the Republic of Korea.
Comparative Analysis of National Approaches of the Liability of the Internet Intermediaries – Part 2
In this study, Professor Fernández-Diéz seeks to identify the possible commonalities among different liability doctrines. The study is divided into two parts, the second containing a conclusion resulting from the Survey (first part) which defines trends and commonalities in the treatment of the responsibility of Internet intermediaries.
Publication year: 2010