Payment Methods: Payment may only be made by using the WIPO Pay facility. WIPO Pay accepts credit card, bank transfer, PayPal, or Current Account at WIPO. Note: If payment is made via bank transfer, it may take longer to process your Complaint, and you should also submit proof of payment along with your Complaint.
Payment Reason: When submitting a Complaint, please select “filing a complaint” as payment reason in the WIPO Pay facility. Please specify only one disputed domain name in case of multiple domain names while making the payment. Note: You do not need to obtain or include a WIPO Case Number when making the payment for your Complaint.
All bank charges, transfer fees, or other amounts that may be levied in connection with a payment made to WIPO shall be borne by the party making the payment.
Action Required Before First Use: WIPO Pay requires you to Create a WIPO Account which is a simple process, taking only a couple of minutes, and only has to be done once, ahead of using WIPO Pay for the first time. WIPO Account FAQs.
Number of Domain Names Included in the Complaint | Fee (United States Dollars) |
1 to 5 |
1500 [Panelist: 1000; WIPO Center: 500] |
6 to 10 |
2000 [Panelist: 1300; WIPO Center: 700] |
More than 10 |
To be decided in consultation with the WIPO Center |
Number of Domain Names Included in the Complaint | Fee (United States Dollars) |
1 to 5 |
4,000 [Presiding Panelist: 1,500; Co-Panelist: 750; WIPO: 1,000] |
6 to 10 |
5000 [Presiding Panelist: 1750; Co-Panelist: 1000; WIPO Center: 1250] |
More than 10 |
To be decided in consultation with the WIPO Center |
In the event of the withdrawal of a complaint (Paragraph 4 of the Rules and Paragraph 5(c) of WIPO Supplemental Rules), or the termination of an administrative proceeding prior to the appointment of an Administrative Panel, WIPO shall withhold a case processing fee. In the event of the termination of an administrative proceeding after the appointment of an Administrative Panel, no refund will be available.
Many ccTLDs have adopted the UDRP, in which case the above schedule of fees applies. You can see which ccTLDs have adopted the UDRP, or a local variation on our ccTLD home page.
For ccTLDs that have adopted a local variation and information on the respective fees, please visit WIPO’s Schedule of Fees page for ccTLDs.