WIPO Academy Program for 2015 published
December 19, 2014

Education and Training
Portfolio 2015
Early each year, the WIPO Academy publishes its Portfolio of Education and Training Program portraying the range of on-line and on-site training opportunities offered that year through the professional development program, the distance learning program, the academic institutions program and the summer schools program.
Building on the Academy’s well-established education and training activities and responding to often-voiced needs, the 2015 edition comes with enhanced course assortment and a larger linguistic diversity.
New topical and well-demanded courses have been introduced, including an advanced course on intellectual property, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions and a course on the collective management of copyright and related rights. A further Master’s program, jointly offered with Bilkent University of Turkey, has also been added to the current Master’s program series and further training courses have been developed thanks to newly established partnerships.
Linguistic diversity is yet another particular feature of 2015 Program. Efforts deployed to develop multilingualism further have resulted in the establishment of a number of courses in new languages.
The portfolio offers outlines on course contents, participation criteria, application formalities, timelines and other administrative arrangements. Starting from this year, the portfolio is made available in all UN languages.
Also, in view of facilitating access to information and data collection, the Academy has generalized the electronic registration system to all programs through the established WIPO e-Learning Center.