WIPO Singapore Office Joins Anniversary Celebrations of the Philippine Trade Training Center
February 24, 2021
The importance of IP to micro and small to medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) was highlighted during a webinar delivered by the WIPO Singapore Office (WSO) as part of the anniversary celebrations of the Philippine Trade Training Center (PTTC).

The PTTC is a government body that provides specialized training programs on trade-related matters to enable MSMEs to succeed domestically and overseas. The theme of the anniversary event was Beyond the Shift: Sustainability in the Digital Age.
The WSO delivered a presentation that looked at the importance of ideas to business and the way the domestic and international IP systems are important to capture the value of good ideas. The session also provided participants with an explanation of the benefits that WIPO’s global IP services offer.
Over 200 Filipino MSMEs joined the event that also featured presentations from local marketing, packaging, training and financial experts.
The WSO looks forward to future collaborations with the PTTC to grow the IP capacity of MSMEs in the Philippines.