IP Advantage Database Workshop at Nagoya University
January 26, 2018
On January 25, 2018, WIPO Japan Office (WJO) conducted a workshop on case studies featured in the IP Advantage Database at Nagoya University, Nagoya.
Ms. Rebecca Ferderer, Associate Research Officer at the WJO, and Ms. Maho Tate, Intern at the WJO, gave opening remarks after which the workshop was divided into two sessions. The morning session included an introductory lecture on intellectual property (IP) by Mr. Aruan Monastier, an IP attorney in Brazil and researcher at Nagoya University while the afternoon session was led by Dr. Hiroki Naito, a professor at the Graduate School of Intellectual Property of the Osaka Institute of Technology, Osaka, as well as a counsel of Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd.
Participants included mainly graduate students from developing countries conducting research in areas of law, international development, and engineering. Following the introductory lecture, participants were broken into groups and given case studies to work through together. The groups prepared presentations for each case study which were followed by a wrap-up discussion focusing on the advantages as well as the challenges of utilizing IP in business.

If your university or organization is interested in holding a case study workshop, please contact our office.