IP for Business Division
The IP for Business Division acts as the central reference point within WIPO for SME-related IP issues. The division empowers enterprises to maximize their potential through intellectual property. Our approach includes delivering SME-related content and targeted tools that help businesses build IP strategies. The division works with SMEs support institutions and other intermediaries and supports the development of innovation ecosystems, including by helping inventors access the patent system and developing the patent drafting profession.
Our activities include:
- Develop tools and materials tailored to inventors and business
- Identify good practices in providing IP support to business
- Support IP offices and business intermediaries provide IP related support to business
- Implement training programs in the strategic use of IP assets by businesses, IP commercialization and drafting patent claims.
- Explore synergies and opportunities for collaboration with other organizations with dedicated business programs.
Further information:
- IP for business
- IP Commercialization
- Inventor Assistance Program
- Patent Drafting Training Program
Director: Guy PESSACH
- Reporting to: Marco ALEMAN
- Sector: IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector