When parties are involved in an intellectual property/technology dispute, the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center can provide procedural assistance to them (Good Offices) in order to facilitate direct settlement between them or the submission of their dispute to WIPO mediation or arbitration, as alternatives to court litigation.
The WIPO Center is regularly contacted in relation to disputes where one or both parties are exploring the submission of a dispute to mediation or arbitration, but no dispute resolution agreement exists between them. This may include non-contractual and infringement disputes or cases pending before the courts.
The WIPO Center can help parties to submit their dispute to WIPO ADR procedures by providing procedural information and guidance. For example, if a party wishes to propose submitting a dispute to mediation, it may complete and send a unilateral Request for WIPO Mediation to the other party and the WIPO Center (in accordance with Article 4 of the WIPO Mediation Rules).
The WIPO Center frequently assists parties in Good Offices requests involving parties based in different jurisdictions from all regions of the world. This WIPO service is not subject to any fees.
WIPO Good Offices services have been requested by large and small and medium sized companies across industries and sectors, artists, inventors, entrepreneurs, startups, R&D centers, universities, museums, producers and collecting societies, and other IP stakeholders.
We would be pleased to provide further information regarding WIPO Good Offices services.
Arbitration and Mediation Center Geneva | Arbitration and Mediation Center Singapore |
34, chemin des Colombettes 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland T +4122 338 8247 F +4122 740 3700 arbiter.mail@wipo.int |
Maxwell Chambers Suites 28 Maxwell Road #02-14 Singapore 069120 T +65 6225 2129 F +65 6225 3568 arbiter.mail@wipo.int |
A Request for Good Offices Services also may be filed online using the WIPO IP Portal form.