An International Guide to
Patent Case Management for Judges

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8.6.8 Technology tutorials and technical briefing sessions Pre-trial internal technical explanatory session

Judicial panels of the Patent Court hold technical explanatory sessions in the preparation of trials concerning patents or utility models to better understand the relevant technologies. At these sessions, technical experts, such as judicial technical examiners, explain the relevant technologies in the context of the party’s argument by using drawings, products, miniatures, computer graphics and video equipment. Technology review session on the date of trial

On the trial date, the court hears the arguments stated by the parties, examines the relevant evidence and identifies the issues with the parties. The parties present their oral arguments and produce further evidence. In cases involving complex technical issues, technology review sessions are often held on the trial date. Each party or its legal counsel prepares presentation materials and explains the relevant technology by, for example, showing video clips, photographs or drawings in the session. The parties are advised to submit their materials for technology review prior to the trial date. The materials are often filed in PDF or slideshow format and become a part of the court record once filed. Since most civil patent cases are processed via the electronic system, the parties electronically submit video files and other materials before the trial date. In cases where the parties’ consent and the court’s approval are obtained, trials may be conducted in a foreign language.131 Another important process that takes place on the date of trial is evidence examination.