An International Guide to
Patent Case Management for Judges

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5.7.3 Information and rendering accounts

Where the claimant is aware of past use, it may request information on such use and force the defendant to render accounts. With such information, the claimant is able to identify third parties involved in the infringement (e.g., within a supply chain) and bring proceedings against them. Moreover, this information puts the claimant in a position to calculate the damages that result from the infringement. In most cases, this alone is enough to enable settlement between the parties after the duty has been enforced. The defendant – in accordance with the judgment –will normally need to furnish particulars on:

  • manufacturing quantities and times regarding affected products;
  • deliveries (quantity, time of delivery, prices, type designations, and addresses and names of customers);
  • individual offers; and
  • production costs (including individual cost factors and profits).

Where particular details being given to the claimant would affect the defendant‘s right to keep such information of private customers confidential, such information may only be shared with an accountant, being bound by confidentiality, upon request of the defendant and if they pay for such an accountant.

If there is sufficient reason to believe that the defendant has not provided the information correctly and with the requisite care, the claimant may force the infringer to declare for the record, in lieu of an oath, that they have indicated the earnings as completely as they are able to (Section 259(2) of the Civil Code).