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Guide on Surveying the Economic Contribution of the Copyright-Based Industries
The Guide contains information and recommendations for research teams and copyright professionals studying the contribution of the copyright-based industries to the national economy. This publication is intended as a practical tool to facilitate national and regional surveys. The Guide lays out the thrust of the main legal, economic and statistical concepts, relevant to the survey. This Guide also contains a glossary of copyright terms.
Año de publicación: 2015
Managing Creative Enterprises
Creative industries - Booklet no. 3
This introductory booklet is intended to be used by creative individuals and business entrepreneurs both (1) as a tool to understand the specifics of the creative market and the major challenges facing creative enterprises in terms of financing, marketing or managing intellectual property assets, and (2) as a practical guide to assist managers and creators in addressing these challenges and setting up and running viable creative businesses.
Año de publicación: 2006
Managing Intellectual Property in the Advertising Industry
Creative Industries - Booklet no. 5
This study will address various IP-related issues that are important for the efficient management of companies active in creating and implementing advertising content and campaigns.
Año de publicación: 2011
Managing Intellectual Property in the Book Publishing Industry
Creative industries - Booklet no. 1
This introductory booklet on managing intellectual property in the book publishing industry is for publishers who wish to increase their understanding of how to manage intellectual property rights in a business context. The booklet offers practical information to help publishers both to exploit intellectual property rights as economic assets, and to avoid infringing the rights of others. While focusing primarily on publishers of trade books, the concepts covered are equally relevant to publishers of other printed literature, such as textbooks, newspapers, magazines and corporate literature.
Año de publicación: 2007
Copyright Comic Book
This comic book narrates the adventures of four teenagers who learn what copyright is and how they and society at large can benefit from copyright. While the WIPO comic books are primarily geared towards students from 8 to 12 years' old, higher-level students and adults have found them useful in providing a basic understanding of IP issues.
Año de publicación: 2001
The Setting-up of New Copyright Societies
The document provides short explanations, on the different steps, conditions and on the various parameters indispensable for the creation of a collective management organization for musical works. It includes an interesting work plan indicating in a time frame the different stages necessary for achieving such goal.
Año de publicación: 2005
From Artist to Audience
A WIPO booklet produced in cooperation with the International Confederation of Societies of Authors (CISAC) and the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO), aims to answer questions by exploring one way in which the copyright and related rights system works, namely through the collective management of rights.
Año de publicación: 2004
Managing Intellectual Property for Museums
This Guide, prepared by Rina Elster Pantalony, was recently updated to reflect the tremendous developments since it was first published in 2007, in particular Digital Rights Management, the role of social media as a business opportunity and traditional knowledge. The two-part Guide first describes IP issues relevant to museums then reviews existing business models that could provide museums with appropriate opportunities to create sustainable funding, and deliver on their stated objectives.
Año de publicación: 2013
Accessible Books Consortium:
Bringing books to persons with print disabilities
The Accessible Books Consortium (ABC) is an alliance that comprises WIPO, organizations that serve persons with print disabilities and organizations that represent authors and publishers.
Año de publicación: 2014
Management of Rights in Print and Publishing
Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 4
WIPO commissioned this publication - with the support of the Norwegian Copyright Development Association (Norcode) - to be used as reference material in various training activities on collective management.