An exchange with the heart and soul of the IAP in Chile
December 21, 2023
Chilean innovators have a powerful ally in WIPO’s Inventor Assistance Program (IAP). With support of a global network of volunteers, the IAP ensures that every inventor in its participating countries, can access the patent system, regardless of their financial means.

During a recent visit to Chile, WIPO Assistant Director General Marco Alemán, IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector, met the Program’s local volunteers and National Screening Board.
Chile, in partnership with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI) and WIPO, became an IAP participating country in March 2022. Local volunteers from the law firms Carey and Villaseca offer their services to Chilean innovators at no cost. These experts power Chile’s innovation ecosystem by helping them to protect their inventions in Chile and abroad.
Opening the meeting, Loreto Bresky, INAPI’s Director General, said: “We are very proud of the excellent results of the IAP in Chile, as it has been a great collaborative work of patent specialists from the private sector, together with INAPI and WIPO, which has resulted in true and solid help to national innovators who have gained better access to the patent system to protect their inventions. The contribution of the Program’s volunteers has been fundamental in achieving these objectives.”
IAP volunteers, like Fernando García, Jorge Fuentes, Juan Francisco Hinojosa and Tomás Flores from Carey, Loreto Vera, Francisco Valverde and Oscar Isler from Villaseca, and Brian Dunford, who joined the IAP this year as an independent patent specialist, are the heart and soul of the Program. Their support delivers tremendous impact to Chilean inventors and helps them get the full benefit of the IP system.
Mr. Marco Alemán, on behalf of WIPO, thanked the volunteers and handed over the appreciation letters. “By helping your local innovators, you are contributing to strengthening the innovation ecosystem in your country, and we greatly appreciate your time and efforts dedicated to scale up local innovation”, emphasized Mr. Alemán.

Throughout the meeting, the participants expressed their commitment to continue growing the IAP in the country.
Want to learn more about the Inventor Assistance Program?
Visit the program’s IAP Online Platform to learn more about how to apply as an inventor or become a volunteer of the program.