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World Intellectual Property Report 2011 - The Changing Face of Innovation
WIPO's World Intellectual Property Report 2011 focuses on the Changing Face of Innovation. It describes key trends in the innovation landscape - including the increasingly open, international and collaborative character of the innovation process; the causes of the increased demand for IP rights; and the rising importance of technology markets.
Année de publication: 2011
The International Patent System in 2010
PCT Yearly Review
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system. Special theme: the changing geography of the PCT system
WIPO Magazine, Issue 2/2011 (April)
Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) - Enhancing innovation through knowledge and expertise
Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) are designed to provide innovators in developing countries with access to locally based, high quality technology information services and other related services.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 5/2011 (October)
Food Security and Intellectual Property - How the Private and the Public Sectors Use IP to Enhance Agricultural Productivity
A series of public events is planned with a view to demonstrate IP driven success stories of agricultural development with a particular focus on food security. A coordinated action is intended with selected partners from the plant related innovation industry, the public agricultural research sector, farmers associations of selected developing countries, relevant intergovernmental (FAO, UPOV), non governmental organizations and potential donors. A first Seminar was held on June 14, 2011, at the WIPO Headquarters in Geneva.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 4/2011 (August)
Patent Law Treaty (PLT)
The PLT seeks to harmonize formal requirements set by national and regional patent offices and to streamline the procedures for obtaining and maintaining a patent.
Année de publication: 2006
Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization
The WIPO Convention, the constituent instrument of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), was signed at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, entered into force in 1970 and was amended in 1979. WIPO is an intergovernmental organization that became in 1974 one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations system of organizations.
Année de publication: 1984
WIPO Development Tools and Services
This brochure describes specific development tools and services provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). These tools and services respond to WIPO Development Agenda recommendations and reflect over 30 years of practice and experience in development assistance.
Année de publication: 2015