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WIPO Magazine, Issue 4/2020 (December)
The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.
Année de publication: 2020
WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2020
An overview of intellectual property activity based on the latest available year of complete statistics.
Année de publication: 2021
Innovative Technologies Tackling Food Loss
This edition of the Global Challenges in Focus series explores cutting-edge technologies to reduce food loss in the supply chain. Though identifying “critical loss points”, the brief proposes innovative technologies with the highest estimated impact on mitigating food loss. To continue the topic of the food management process, a forthcoming paper will address the technologies tackling food waste.
Ethics and Innovation
10 Years WIPO Ethics Office
This anniversary publication presents the creation and history of WIPO's Ethics Office, and describes the interrelationship between law and ethics in the internal justice system. The book also features contributions by leading scholars, originally made in the context of the WIPO Public Lectures series on Ethics, which explore ethical challenges to technological developments, communication, justice and culture.
Guide to the International Patent Classification (2022)
This Guide provides information on the objectives, history and reform of the International Patent Classification (IPC) as well as assistance in the use of the IPC.
Année de publication: 2022
Guide to WIPO's services for country code top-level domain registries
This guide presents country code top-level domain (ccTLD) registry operators and national authorities with information on how to resolve third-party domain name disputes in a cost- and time-saving manner. It explains the main policy design features of a successful Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) system, and provides information on the WIPO-created Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), including the possibility to tailor the UDRP for specific ccTLD requirements.
An integrated health, trade and IP approach to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic (Second update, May 2023)
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic constitutes an extraordinary global public health crisis that has created a pressing need for intensified global cooperation. This updated information note maps the myriad challenges posed by the outbreak in relation to the integrated health, trade and IP policy frameworks. It provides cross-references to the relevant sections in the updated trilateral study
COVID-19-related vaccines and therapeutics
Preliminary insights on related patenting activity during the pandemic
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic there have been remarkable research and innovation efforts to fight the SARS-COV-2 virus and the related disease. This patent landscape report provides early observations on the patenting activity which took place in the field of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics, and compares results with clinical trial data for related candidate vaccines and drugs.
Guidelines for producing gender analysis from innovation and IP data
Understanding how women and men can access and use the intellectual property (IP) system equally is key to ensuring that their ingenuity and creativity translates into economic, social and cultural development. This short guide summarizes best practice for producing innovation and IP gender indicators.
Technology Transfer Training Needs Assessment
Manual and Toolkit
The aim of the manual and toolkit is to enable the assessment of training needs for organizations involved with intellectual property management, technology transfer and commercialization/utilization. This manual and toolkit supports readers with limited knowledge of training needs to identify gaps in skills and competencies and to design effective training programs.