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Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) Report 2017

This Annual Report highlights key trends and milestones of the TISC program since its launch in 2009, with a focus on the main achievements and developments in 2017.

Année de publication: 2018


WIPO Academy

Celebrating 20 years of the WIPO Academy

Année de publication: 2018


WIPO Magazine, Issue 3/2018 (June)

The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.

Année de publication: 2018


WIPO Program and Budget

for the 2018/19 biennium

The Program and Budget is a defining document for the Organization. It establishes the results that Member States wish to see achieved by the Organization over the coming biennium and authorizes the programs and resources necessary for the realization for those results.

Année de publication: 2017


Creators' Income Situation in the Digital Age

Economic Research Working Paper No. 49

The digital transformation imposes both opportunities and risks for creativity and for creative employment, with implications for trends in income levels and the distribution of income. First, we consider skill-biased technological change as a determinant of income and labor market outcomes in the arts. Arguably, the IT revolution has changed the demand for certain skills, with creative occupations being more in demand than general employment. Second, we consider declines in the costs of generating new works and artistic experimentation due to digital technologies, and their effect on the barriers to entry in labor markets. Third, we touch upon the rise of online contract labor in certain creative professions as a determinant of income. Here, online platforms can change creators' access to work opportunities and it may alter the way income is distributed. We find that wage trends for creative workers in the digital age outperform general trends in the population: based on various data sources and various ways to identify creators, we see creators losing less or even gaining a better income position in relative terms. From a policy perspective, results do not lend support to the idea that creators' income situation has systematically worsened with the rise of the internet and its intermediaries. Evidence on changing distributions of income is ambiguous as trends differ from one country to the next.

Année de publication: 2018


Intellectual Property and Folk, Arts and Cultural Festivals

Practical Guide

This Guide provides general information about intellectual property (IP) and cultural interests. It identifies the main IP challenges faced by festival organizers and outlines some practical elements of an effective IP management strategy, following a step-by-step approach.

Année de publication: 2018


The economic analysis of patent litigation data

Economic Research Working Paper No. 48

Enforceability of patent rights is the backbone of the patent system. We review differences in the way patent litigation systems are designed across jurisdictions. We also discuss challenges in collecting and accessing patent litigation data as well as their economic analysis. We provide some descriptive analysis of patent litigation in the U.S. and UK for the period 2010-2016 and 2007-2013, respectively. We also analyze administrative post-grant validity challenges in form of the inter partes review in the U.S. and oppositions at the EPO.

Année de publication: 2018


World Intellectual Property Indicators 2018

This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Covering the filing, registration and maintenance of patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, and plant variety protection, and geographical indications, the 2018 edition also looks at the creative economy for the first time, making it even more comprehensive. The special theme explores how one might statistically capture patent litigation activity and presents selected statistics for the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

Année de publication: 2018


World Intellectual Property Indicators 2018

This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Covering the filing, registration and maintenance of patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, and plant variety protection, and geographical indications, the 2018 edition also looks at the creative economy for the first time, making it even more comprehensive. The special theme explores how one might statistically capture patent litigation activity and presents selected statistics for the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

Année de publication: 2018


WIPO-ASEAN Design Manual

This document is a manual which provides the technical detail of the survey questionnaire designed and implemented for the study on “Understanding the Use of Industrial Designs –the Case of Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand.” It was prepared for the Project on Intellectual Property (IP) and Socio-Economic Development – Phase II, which aims to provide a better understanding of the role IDs play in business strategies in specific ASEAN Countries, and is designed to help and guide other researchers who wish to carry out a similar study in their countries of interest. The steps undertaken to mitigate the challenges and the lessons learned will hopefully inform researchers on their own endeavors.

Année de publication: 2018