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Typical Features of Copyright in Countries in Transition: Review of the Transition Process – Guidance for its Completion where it may still be needed
This Study presents special features of the copyright laws and institutions of countries in transition and aims to help with modernizing the laws on copyright and neighboring rights, adapting them to an appropriate interpretation of the existing conventions and to the newly emerging international standards by eliminating the elements of the laws which followed from the centrally-planned, collectivist systems. The goal is to appropriately reflect the legitimate interests of employers and producers, making the enforcement more efficient and eliminating over-regulation.
Año de publicación: 2012
Managing Intellectual Property in the Advertising Industry
Creative Industries - Booklet no. 5
This study will address various IP-related issues that are important for the efficient management of companies active in creating and implementing advertising content and campaigns.
Año de publicación: 2011
Copyright and Related Rights Cases in the Field of Music in the Asia-Pacific Region
With the development of digital technology, the laws and legal disputes of copyright and related rights have known a dynamism reflecting this evolution. This publication is an informative collection of legal decisions made by the courts of countries in the Asia and the Pacific region. It provides summaries of a number of salient cases in the field of music, and offers some very interesting insights into the different ways in which copyright and related rights are being handled in various jurisdictions. It aims to be a useful reference for the many professionals who are seeking to navigate the music industry's increasingly complex legal and commercial landscape. This case book was prepared with the assistance of the Funds-in-Trust of the Republic of Korea.
Comparative Analysis of National Approaches of the Liability of the Internet Intermediaries – Part 2
In this study, Professor Fernández-Diéz seeks to identify the possible commonalities among different liability doctrines. The study is divided into two parts, the second containing a conclusion resulting from the Survey (first part) which defines trends and commonalities in the treatment of the responsibility of Internet intermediaries.
Año de publicación: 2010
Comparative Analysis of National Approaches of the Liability of the Internet Intermediaries - Part I
In this study, Professor Seng seeks to identify the possible commonalities among different liability doctrines. The study is divided into two parts, the first consisting of a “Survey of National Legislation and Jurisprudence on the Liability of Internet Intermediaries in the Field of Copyright and Related Rights”, covering 30 jurisdictions.
Scoping Study on Copyright and Related Rights and the Public Domain
This study assesses the scope of the public domain, as defined by copyright laws, history and philosophy, before turning to the issue of its effectiveness and greater availability to the public and society at large.
The Role and Responsibility of Internet Intermediaries in the Field of Copyright and Related Rights
This study aims to identify the trends and principles governing the changing role of Internet intermediaries, summarizing the evolution of business models and outlining the complex issues to be considered in developing public policy in this field.
Adaptation of The Copyright Laws of Countries in Transition to the New Technologies; Accession to, and Implementation of the WIPO Internet Treaties
This Study offers a comprehensive analysis of the way the national laws of “countries in transition” have been adopted to new technologies.
Managing Intellectual Property in the Book Publishing Industry
Creative industries - Booklet no. 1
This introductory booklet on managing intellectual property in the book publishing industry is for publishers who wish to increase their understanding of how to manage intellectual property rights in a business context. The booklet offers practical information to help publishers both to exploit intellectual property rights as economic assets, and to avoid infringing the rights of others. While focusing primarily on publishers of trade books, the concepts covered are equally relevant to publishers of other printed literature, such as textbooks, newspapers, magazines and corporate literature.
Año de publicación: 2007
Managing Creative Enterprises
Creative industries - Booklet no. 3
This introductory booklet is intended to be used by creative individuals and business entrepreneurs both (1) as a tool to understand the specifics of the creative market and the major challenges facing creative enterprises in terms of financing, marketing or managing intellectual property assets, and (2) as a practical guide to assist managers and creators in addressing these challenges and setting up and running viable creative businesses.
Año de publicación: 2006