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Derecho de autor y derechos conexos
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International Survey on Text and Image Copyright Levies

2015 Edition

The second ‘International Survey of Text and Image Copyright Levies', jointly published by WIPO and IFRRO analyzes the origins, scope and current use of text and image copyright levies around the world. It shows the role of this mechanism for ensuring easy legal access to copyright material and its major differences with audio and audio-visual private copying levies. The Survey is based on data from IFRRO members and provides and overview of this important income stream for copyright holders.

Año de publicación: 2015


Guide on Surveying the Economic Contribution of the Copyright-Based Industries

The Guide contains information and recommendations for research teams and copyright professionals studying the contribution of the copyright-based industries to the national economy. This publication is intended as a practical tool to facilitate national and regional surveys. The Guide lays out the thrust of the main legal, economic and statistical concepts, relevant to the survey. This Guide also contains a glossary of copyright terms.

Año de publicación: 2015


Management of Rights in Dramatic Works

Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 6

WIPO commissioned this publication - with the support of the Norwegian Copyright Development Association (Norcode) - to be used as reference material in various training activities on collective management.

Año de publicación: 2014


Management of Rights for Visual Arts and Photography

Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 5

WIPO commissioned this publication - with the support of the Norwegian Copyright Development Association (Norcode) - to be used as reference material in various training activities on collective management.

Año de publicación: 2014


Management of Rights in Print and Publishing

Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 4

WIPO commissioned this publication - with the support of the Norwegian Copyright Development Association (Norcode) - to be used as reference material in various training activities on collective management.

Año de publicación: 2014


Management of Copyright and Related Rights in the Audiovisual Field

Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 3

WIPO commissioned this publication - with the support of the Norwegian Copyright Development Association (Norcode) - to be used as reference material in various training activities on collective management.

Año de publicación: 2014


Management of Copyright and Related Rights in the Field of Music

Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 2

WIPO commissioned this publication - with the support of the Norwegian Copyright Development Association (Norcode) - to be used as reference material in various training activities on collective management.

Año de publicación: 2014


General Aspects of Collective Management

Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 1

WIPO commissioned this publication - with the support of the Norwegian Copyright Development Association (Norcode) - to be used as reference material in various training activities on collective management.

Año de publicación: 2014


International Survey on Text and Image Copyright Levies

2014 Edition

The publication provides an international overview of the functioning of the various models of text and image levies which are currently in operation across the world. The survey demonstrates that the practice of operating levies is a commonly used way to provide authors and publishers with remuneration for certain uses of their copyright works.

Año de publicación: 2014


Monetization of Copyright Assets by Creative Enterprises

Creative Industries - Booklet 7

The objective of this study is to create an awareness of intellectual property rights that are associated with creative activities and to present financial and valuation tools that can enable the quantification of the monetary value of successful creative efforts.

Año de publicación: 2014