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Guide to the International Patent Classification (2022)

This Guide provides information on the objectives, history and reform of the International Patent Classification (IPC) as well as assistance in the use of the IPC.

Año de publicación: 2022


Guide to WIPO's services for country code top-level domain registries

This guide presents country code top-level domain (ccTLD) registry operators and national authorities with information on how to resolve third-party domain name disputes in a cost- and time-saving manner. It explains the main policy design features of a successful Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) system, and provides information on the WIPO-created Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), including the possibility to tailor the UDRP for specific ccTLD requirements.

Año de publicación: 2022


An integrated health, trade and IP approach to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic (Second update, May 2023)

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic constitutes an extraordinary global public health crisis that has created a pressing need for intensified global cooperation. This updated information note maps the myriad challenges posed by the outbreak in relation to the integrated health, trade and IP policy frameworks. It provides cross-references to the relevant sections in the updated trilateral study

Año de publicación: 2022


COVID-19-related vaccines and therapeutics

Preliminary insights on related patenting activity during the pandemic

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic there have been remarkable research and innovation efforts to fight the SARS-COV-2 virus and the related disease. This patent landscape report provides early observations on the patenting activity which took place in the field of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics, and compares results with clinical trial data for related candidate vaccines and drugs.

Año de publicación: 2022


Guidelines for producing gender analysis from innovation and IP data

Understanding how women and men can access and use the intellectual property (IP) system equally is key to ensuring that their ingenuity and creativity translates into economic, social and cultural development. This short guide summarizes best practice for producing innovation and IP gender indicators.

Año de publicación: 2022


Technology Transfer Training Needs Assessment

Manual and Toolkit

The aim of the manual and toolkit is to enable the assessment of training needs for organizations involved with intellectual property management, technology transfer and commercialization/utilization. This manual and toolkit supports readers with limited knowledge of training needs to identify gaps in skills and competencies and to design effective training programs.

Año de publicación: 2022


WIPO Magazine, Issue 4/2021 (December)

The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.

Año de publicación: 2021


Global Innovation Hotspots: Innovation ecosystems and catching-up in developing countries: Evidence from Shenzhen

WIPO Development Studies

During the past 40 years, Shenzhen has risen from a fishing village into a globally leading innovation hotspot. What drives such remarkable growth? Is there a “Shenzhen model” for technological catch-up that is different from the classical “Silicon Valley model”? What kind of policy lessons can Shenzhen offer to developing countries and lag-behind regions? Based on international patent and scientific publication data, this report classifies Shenzhen's technological trajectory and catch-up process into three stages: 1) accessing advanced technology by participating in the Global Production Networks (GPNs) and Global Value Chains (GVCs), 2) accumulating technological knowledge and enhancing absorptive capability through imitation and 3) achieving indigenous innovation. We interpret this remarkable catch-up process from the perspective of 1) technological specialization, 2) the local innovation ecosystem and 3) its embeddedness into the Global Innovation Networks (GINs). The last part summarizes Shenzhen's policy lessons in fostering innovation-based economic growth in developing countries and areas.

Año de publicación: 2022


Global Innovation Hotspots: Singapore's innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem

WIPO Development Studies

Since its political independence in 1965, Singapore has achieved rapid economic growth and transformed itself into a major global financial, business and transport/information technology (IT) hub, with GDP per capita ranking among the highest in the world since the beginning of this decade. While the first three decades of Singapore's rapid economic growth have been based largely on a strategy to attract and leverage global multinational corporations (MNCs) to create increasingly higher value-adding economic activities, the last 25 years have witnessed an increasing shift toward promoting technological innovation and entrepreneurship, and the building of a vibrant innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem that supports several major clusters of innovation, including medtech, smart urban mobility/infrastructure and internet/mobile e-commerce. More recently, the city-state has also been seeking to accelerate the commercialization of a wider range of deep technologies from universities and public research labs, including artificial intelligence (AI), advanced materials and fintech.

Año de publicación: 2022


Global Innovation Index 2022, 15th Edition

What is the future of innovation driven growth?

The Global Innovation Index 2022 (GII) tracks global innovation trends against the background of an ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, slowing productivity growth and other evolving challenges. The GII reveals the most innovative economies in the world, ranking the innovation performance of 132 economies, highlighting their innovation strengths and weaknesses, and pinpointing any gaps in their innovation metrics. This 2022 edition of the GII focuses on the effect of innovation on productivity and wellbeing of society over the coming decades.

Año de publicación: 2022