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WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2020
An overview of intellectual property activity based on the latest available year of complete statistics.
Año de publicación: 2021
WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2021
Año de publicación: 2022
From Paper to Platform: Publishing, Intellectual Property and the Digital Revolution
Supporting the development of a national book and reading culture through local professional writers and publishers requires an understanding of the way this sector of the creative economy works and how it is affected by the digital revolution. This publication is intended to help policymakers, particularly those in countries that are interested in promoting local publishing, to understand the publishing industry better and to understand how copyright and other policies affect the way books are being created, published and consumed.
Madrid Yearly Review 2020 – Executive Summary
International Registration of Marks
This executive brief identifies key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Madrid System.
Año de publicación: 2020
Madrid Yearly Review 2020
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international registration of marks.
Madrid Yearly Review 2021 – Executive Summary
What is Intellectual Property?
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind – everything from works of art to inventions, computer programs to trademarks and other commercial signs. This booklet introduces the main types of IP and explains how the law protects them. It also introduces the work of WIPO, the global forum for IP services, policy, information and cooperation.
World Intellectual Property Indicators 2020
This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2019 filing, registration and renewals statistics from national and regional IP offices and WIPO, it covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications. The report also draws on survey data and industry sources to give a picture of activity in the publishing industry.
Boosting Tourism Development through Intellectual Property
This publication helps non-IP specialists understand the connection between IP, tourism and culture. Through multiple case studies, it illustrates how existing and potential IP tools, in particular branding and copyright, can add value to tourism services and products. It explains how to include IP in tourism policies, product development and destination branding, and shows how different IP rights can be leveraged for fundraising purposes.
World Intellectual Property Indicators 2021
This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2020 filing, registration and renewals statistics from national and regional IP offices and WIPO, it covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications. The report also draws on survey data and industry sources to give a picture of activity in the publishing industry.