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Note - the patent data of national and regional patent offices is not currently available from WIPO.

International Searching Authority documents

Content and file structure PDF, International Searching Authority documents


  • International Search Report
  • International Search Report Translation
  • Written Opinion
  • Written Opinion Translation
  • Article 17.2
  • Article 17.2 Translation

XML Format: Via SFTP server; newly made available in PATENTSCOPE during the current year.

Price: 2,000 Swiss francs per calendar year.


Content and file structure PDF, Content and file structure of PCT-Text


  • Bibliographic data for all international applications published during the current year (XML format), including titles and abstracts in the original publication language plus English and French.
  • Front page drawing images for all international applications published during the current week (TIFF format).
  • Full-text description and claims (OCR output) for international applications submitted in image form (except for the Arabic language which is not covered by the OCR) and full-text description and claims for international applications filed in full-text XML format during the current year.

Format: Via SFTP server; data available on day of publication, at the same time that the weekly PCT publication is made available via the PATENTSCOPE search service.

Non-derivative license: 3,900 Swiss francs per calendar year.

Derivative license: 19,500 Swiss francs per calendar year.


Content and file structure PDF, Content and file structure of PCT-Bibliographic


  • Bibliographic data for all international applications published during the current year (XML format);
  • Front page drawing images for all international applications published during the current week (TIFF format).

Format: Via SFTP server; data available on day of publication, at the same time that the weekly PCT publication is made available via the PATENTSCOPE search service.

Price: 400 Swiss francs per calendar year.



  • Bibliographic data for all international applications published during the current week (XML format), including titles and abstracts in the original publication language plus English and French;
  • Front page drawing images for all international applications published during the current week (TIFF format);
  • Page images for all international applications published during the current week (TIFF format). Documents include front page, description, claims, amended claims (if applicable), drawings, international search report (if available), and other related information.

Format: via sftp server; data available on day of publication; electronic copy of the original document.

Price: 3,900 Swiss francs per calendar year.

PCT Webservice limited access (conditional use)


  • Bibliographic data for all published international applications (XML format);
  • Images for all published international applications (TIFF format).

Format: Online (on day of publication).

Programmatic access via a set of Java API, based on SOAP protocol, to the publication documents available in the document tab, under series called “Published International Application”, of the PATENTSCOPE search engine. This set makes it possible to integrate access to PATENTSCOPE in an IT architecture, to retrieve the International Application Status Report (IASR) and to parse it on the fly and to download, within the framework of the authorized uses policy; documents by batch.

  • DECLA Declaration
  • BIO Biological Material
  • TAB Sequence Listings
  • RO134 (RO/134) Indications Relating to Deposited Microorganism or Other Biological Material
  • NONPD Declaration - Non Prejudicial Disclosure
  • PAMPH Published International Application
  • COMBI Combined Declaration - Applicant's Entitlement to Apply for and Be Granted a Patent and as to the Identity of the Inventor
  • I318V (IB/318) Notification Relating to Priority Claim - Void
  • AT114 (RO/114) Notification on Decision of Confirmation of Incorporation by Reference of Element or Part (Authorized)
  • RSPR Declaration/Evidence (Restoration of Priority Claims)(Rule 26bis.3)
  • R912 Request for Rectification
  • CLPRI Declaration - Applicant's Entitlement to Claim Priority
  • RO159 (RO/159) Notification of Decision on Request to Restore Right of Priority R913D
  • RLPC Publication of Late Submitted Request to Correct/Add Priority Claims
  • RPPC Request for Publication of Information regarding Defects in Priority Claims
  • ISSV Sequence Listing - Correction
  • ISSW Sequence Listing - Rectification
  • INCRS Sheets incorporated by reference under PCT Rule 20.6
  • IDINV Declaration of Identity of Inventor
  • STPR Statement of Reasons (Restoration of Priority Claims)
  • INCSL Sequence Listings Incorporated by Reference (Rule 20.6)

Price: 600 Swiss francs per calendar year.

PCT Webservice full-access (conditional use)


  • Bibliographic data for all published international applications (XML format);
  • Images for all published international applications (TIFF format).

Format: Online (on day of publication).

Programmatic access via a set of Java API, based on SOAP protocol, to all publication documents available in the document tab of the PATENTSCOPE search engine. This set makes it possible to integrate access to PATENTSCOPE in an IT architecture, to retrieve the International Application Status Report (IASR) and to parse it on the fly and to download, within the framework of the authorized uses policy; documents by batch.

Document types

Price: 2000 Swiss francs per calendar year.


Content and file structure PDF, Content and file structure of PCT-FATE

Samples ZIP, Download all Patentscope samples


PCT-Full-text Automatic Translation into English. The product contains translation into English by WIPOTranslate (the machine translation tool developed by WIPO) of the full-text written in other languages than English of PCT applications published during the current year.

Data is available on the ftp server not later than the Tuesday following the publication on Thursday. If the publication takes place on another day, the translation will be delayed accordingly.

PCT-FATE non derivative: 6,000 Swiss francs per calendar year.

PCT-FATE derivative: 30,000 Swiss francs per calendar year.

Non-Asian languages


  • Full-text description and claims (OCR output) for international applications published in English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian from 1978 to preceding year.

Format: Hard-drive; searchable full-text.

Non-derivative license: 7,600 Swiss francs per copy.

Derivative license: 38,000 Swiss francs per copy.

Asian languages


  • Full-text description and claims (OCR output) for international applications published in Chinese, Japanese and Korean from 1979 to preceding year.

Format: Hard-drive; searchable full-text.

Non-derivative license: 1,600 Swiss francs per copy.

Derivative license: 8,000 Swiss francs per copy.



  • International applications (description, claims and drawings) filed in XML format in all PCT languages.

Format: Hard-drive; searchable full-text.

Price: 1,600 Swiss francs per copy.



  • Snapshot in XML of the PCT bibliographic data contained in the PATENTSCOPE database (>2million applications in all PCT languages containing titles and abstracts in English, French and if applicable in a different filing language).

Format: Hard-drive.

Price: 1,600 Swiss francs per copy.

PCT images on demand


Format: Hard-drive. Preparation delay of up to two weeks (extractions scheduled during weekends).

Price: 100 Swiss francs per order plus 0.10 per megabyte (100 Swiss Francs per GB) - 32 GB or 10,000 international applications maximum per order.

Missed data downloads from the ftp server

The oldest data available on the ftp server is cleaned up in January every year. In case a subscriber has missed the download of one or several weeks in the past, a fee will be charged for restoring the missing weekly data: CHF 50 per week for the weeks published when the subscriber had a valid subscription, CHF 150 for other available weeks.

Corpus of Parallel Patent Applications (COPPA V2)

Technical description and statistics PDF, Technical description and statistics of COPPA


  • multilingual parallel corpus of WIPO's PCT applications (title and abstract) published between 1990 and 2014 in TEI format (XML);
  • the corpus contains English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian documents.  All parallel texts have been aligned at the sentences level.

Format: DVD. Data sent on request.

Price: Free for translation research purposes - order WIPO-COPPA research version; 1,100 Swiss Francs for other purposes.

Sequence listings

Sequence listings in machine-readable format as filed by the applicant for all applicable PCT international applications.

All sequence listings are published together for convenient download.

More information on formats and associated PCT regulations.

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Technical documentation

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PCT Electronic Data Exchange

PCT-EDI is web-based facility to exchange PCT data and documents between industrial property offices and WIPO.