Final Draft
Proposal presented by the XML4IP Task Force for consideration and adoption at the CWS/2 session.
The Annex III of WIPO Standard ST.96, IP XML Schemas, is the set of XML schemas for data components defined in the Annex II of ST.96
The XML Schemas in the Annex III are categorized into Common Components, Patent Components, Trademark Components, Design Components and External Standards. Common Components must be context-neutral (or business independent) and shared by, at least, two types of industrial property. Patent Components, Trademark Components and Design Components represent specific business data of patents, trademarks and industrial designs, respectively. In External Standards, XML schemas provided by other industry standard body, e.g., for OASIS Table and MathML, are included. Those Components are classified into three different levels, i.e., Basic, Aggregate and Document Component level. Common Components are classified into Basic and Aggregate levels; and Patent, Trademark and Design Components into Basic, Aggregate and Document levels.
The version 0.11 ( ) is a final draft of ST.96 XML Schema which is presented for consideration and adoption by the CWS at its second session. The information on changes since its version 0.10 is available in the release notes version 0.11 (ReleaseNotesST96Schemas-V0-11.doc
). Individual schema files are available for view or download below: