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WIPO Collection of Leading Judgments on Intellectual Property Rights
Members of the African Intellectual Property Organization (1997-2018)
This casebook of selected judgments from the member states of the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) is the second volume in the WIPO Collection of Leading Judgments on Intellectual Property Rights. This collection gives the global intellectual property (IP) community access to landmark judgments from jurisdictions that are among the most dynamic litigation venues or whose jurisprudence is not readily available to an international audience, through a succession of volumes that illustrate IP adjudication approaches and trends by jurisdiction or by theme.
Año de publicación: 2023
The Global Publishing Industry in 2021
This report provides a global overview of the publishing industry in 2021, covering both trade and education. Data is compiled by WIPO in collaboration with Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), the Federation of European Publishers (FEP), the International ISBN Agency, the International Publishers Association (IPA), and the Nielsen Company. The survey focuses on published materials with an ISBN or DOI. It aims to make industry data accessible and highlight challenges in reporting consistent data.
Patent Landscape Report
Production of titanium and titanium dioxide from ilmenite and related applications
This report provides a landscape of the patent activity on the process of extracting titanium dioxide or titanium metal from ilmenite ore. In addition, a section on the industrial applications of titanium dioxide and titanium metal focuses on selected applications, such as ceramics, medical technology, electrodes for batteries, cosmetics, coatings and water treatment. This WIPO Patent Landscape Report aims to help policy and decision makers identify opportunities for ilmenite processing technologies and applications.
COVID-19, Innovative Firms and Resilience
Economic Research Working Paper No. 73
This paper explores the empirical association between patents and various indicators of firm resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic with worldwide firm-level data from manufacturing industries. The study shows that patent-intensive firms have a reduced probability of exit, in particular if they are larger and if engaging with complementary investments in R&D and other intangibles. Additional estimates show that firm productivity has been an important transmission channel. Taken together, the results presented in the paper offer evidence-based findings pointing to patents as an important potential factor contributing to firm resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Policy insights are discussed.
Patent Landscape Report - Graphite and its applications
This WIPO Patent Landscape Report examines global graphite-related patenting activity in the last decade. In addition, the report uses market and business information to assess the current state of graphite technologies and identify innovation hot topics, as well as examining both better-studied areas and the emerging uses of graphite.
The WIPO Academy Portfolio of Education, Training and Skills Development Programs 2023
This Portfolio serves as a catalogue of all the training opportunities to be offered by the WIPO Academy in 2023 and outlines the content of each course. It gives information to potential participants on eligibility criteria, application formalities, timelines, selection procedures, travel and other relevant necessary information.
Guidelines for designing an IP survey
Surveys based on intellectual property (IP) can be a valuable tool in designing innovation and IP policies. This short guide outlines best practices for designing IP-related surveys, with the aim of promoting their adoption by governments and researchers keen to understand the economic behavior of stakeholders in the IP system and design policies to assist its development.
Hague System Information Kit
Secure protection for up to 100 designs, in over 90 countries, through one international application.
An overview of the Hague System with legal and procedural information for securing protection of your designs in more than 90 countries through one online application.
WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2023
An overview of intellectual property activity based on the latest available year of complete statistics.
WIPO Workforce 2023
December Edition
WIPO's workforce is the human capital of the Organization and its greatest asset. This brochure shows a detailed picture of staffing at WIPO in 2023.