Searching Protected Designs
Before you file an international application under the Hague System, you can search published designs to find out what your competitors are doing. Remember also to check other sources, for example online magazines, etc.

WIPO tools to get you started
International Designs Bulletin
The International Designs Bulletin, updated weekly, is the official publication of Hague international registrations. It contains all data published since 2012. You can search by Bulletin issue number or international registration number.
Global Design Database
The Global Design Database (GDD) is your first stop when searching designs worldwide. It offers free-of-charge searches in over 15 million designs existing under the Hague System and in the national collections of participating offices, including China, the EU, Japan and the USA. From simple name or number searches to advanced queries and filters, the GDD offers you the freedom to search as in depth as you like.
Hague Express Database
The Hague Express Database, updated weekly, provides information on all Hague international registrations.
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+41 22 338 7575 (Monday to Friday, 09:00–18:00 (CET))