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Copyright (Specified Countries) Order, 2018

 Copyright (Specified Countries) Order, 2018



No. 6 of 2018

Saint Christopher and Nevis Copyright order.

Saint Christopher and Nevis Copyright Order made by the Minister under section 145 of the Copyright Act, Cap. 18.08

[Published 29th March 2018, Official Gazette No. 18 of 2018.]


This Order may be cited as the Saint Christopher and Nevis Copyright (Specified Countries) Order, 2018.


“Act” means the Saint Christopher and Nevis Copyright Act, Cap. 18.08.

“Specified Country” means a country listed in the Schedule.


(1) The provisions of the Act shall apply in relation to -

(a) persons who are citizens or habitual residents of a Specified Country as they apply to persons who are citizens or habitual residents of Saint Christopher and Nevis;

(b) bodies incorporated or established under the laws of a Specified Country as they apply in relation to bodies incorporated or established under the laws of Saint Christopher and Nevis.

(c) literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works, sound recordings, films and typographical arrangements of published editions first published in a Specified Country as they apply in relation to such works, sound records, films and editions first published in Saint Christopher and Nevis.

(d) broadcasts made from or cable programmes sent from a Specified Country as they apply in relation to broadcasts made from or cable programmes sent from Saint Christopher and Nevis;

(e) performances taking place in that country or given by an individual who is a citizen or habitual resident of that country;

(f) performances incorporated in a phonogramme which is protected under Article 5 of the Rome Convention; or


(g) performances not being fixed on a phonogramme, that are carried by a broadcast which is protected by Article 6 of the Rome Convention, as they apply in relation to performances taken in Saint Christopher and Nevis or given by an individual who is a citizen or habitual resident of Saint Christopher and Nevis.

(2) Where the term of protection for a work has expired according to the legislation in force in a Specified Country where the work was first published, the work shall not enjoy protection under the provisions of the Act.


(Specified Countries)

Afghanistan Algeria Albania Andorra Angola China, People’s Republic of Antigua and Barbuda Colombia Argentina Comoros Armenia Congo, Democratic Republic Australia Congo, Republic Austria Costa Rica Azerbaijan Cote d’Ivoire Bahamas Croatia Bahrain Cuba Bangladesh Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Belarus Denmark Belgium Djibouti Belize Dominica, Commonwealth of Benin Dominican Republic Bhutan East Timor Bolivia Ecuador Bosnia and Herzegovina Egypt Botswana El Salvador Brazil Equartorial Guinea Brunei Eritrea Bulgaria Estonia Burkina Faso Ethiopia Burundi Fiji Cambodia Finland Cameroon France Canada Gabon Cape Verde Gambia Central African Republic Georgia Chad Germany Chile Ghana Greece Latvia Grenada Lebanon Guatemala Lesotho


Guinea Liberia Guinea-Bissau Libya Guyana Liechtenstein Haiti Lithuania Holy See (Vatican City) Luxembourg Honduras Macau, China Hong Kong Madagascar Hungary Malawi Iceland Malaysia India Maldives Indonesia Mali Iran Malta Iraq Marshall Islands Ireland Mauritania Israel Mauritius Italy Mexico Jamaica Federated States of Micronesia Japan Moldova, Republic of Jersey Monaco Jordan Mongolia Kazakhstan Montenegro Kenya Morocco Kiribati Mozambique Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Myanmar Kuwait Nauru Kyrgyzstan Nepal Lao People’s Democratic Republic Netherlands New Zealand Slovakia Nicarrauga Slovenia Niger Solomon Islands Niue Somalia Nigeria South Africa Norway Spain Oman Sri Lanka Pakistan Sudan Palau Suriname Panama Swaziland Papua New Guinea Sweden Paraguay Switzerland Peru Syria Philippines Taiwan Poland Tajikistan Portugal Tanzania Qatar Thailand Romania The Former Yugoslav Republic of Russian Federation Macedonia Rwanda Togo


Saint Lucia Tonga Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Samoa Tunisia San Marino Turkey São Tomé and Príncipe Turkmenistan Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Tuvalu Senegal Uganda Serbia Ukraine Seychelles United Arab Emirates Sierra Leone United Kingdom of Great Britain and Singapore Northern Ireland United States of America Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Uruguay Vietnam Uzbekistan Zambia Vanuatu Zimbabwe

Made this 8th day of March, 2018.