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Report of the Director General to the 2012 WIPO Assemblies
This report is a presentation of the work accomplished by the Organization during the year that has passed since the last meeting of the WIPO Assemblies.
Année de publication: 2012
WIPO Magazine, Issue 5/2012 (October)
Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances
The Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances was adopted by the Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances, which took place in Beijing from June 20 to 26, 2012. The Treaty deals with the intellectual property rights of performers in audiovisual performances.
Patent Landscape Report on Vaccines for Selected Infectious Diseases
The scope of this report is to detect patterns of patenting activity and innovation in the area of vaccine research and manufacturing in order to facilitate the sourcing of vaccine technologies that could potentially be used in developing countries. Part I provides an overview of patenting activity in the area of vaccines by means of a statistical analysis. Part II focuses on the patenting related to vaccines for: streptococcus pneumonia conjugate vaccines; typhoid conjugate vaccines; and influenza vaccines. Each part of the report also includes a special focus on the patenting activity in Brazil, China and India.
Solar Cooling Technologies
This patent landscape report provides a general overview of existing solar cooling technologies and potential fields of application. It includes applications that go beyond air-conditioning, such as the cooling of water; refrigeration of sensitive goods, such as medicines; or desalination of seawater.
The Economics of Intellectual Property in the Republic of Korea
This publication aims to promote the development of empirical research on the economics of intellectual property in the Republic of Korea, and endeavors to provide policy makers with research based conclusions in different areas of intellectual property.
Guide to the International Patent Classification (2012)
WIPO Magazine, Issue 4/2012 (August)
Guide to Technology Databases
The present Guide is a detailed technical paper aimed at industrial property office examiners and users in general to assist them in identifying the correct database and using the possible functionalities and tools offered by specific databases. The current Guide examines a selection of commercial and non-commercial database services considered representative of the broader population of existing services in order to illustrate types and combinations of features available through these services.
Global Innovation Index 2012
Stronger Innovation Linkages for Global Growth
The Global Innovation Index ranks the innovation performance of 141 countries and economies around the world, based on 84 indicators. This edition explores the impact of innovation-oriented policies on economic growth and development. High-income and developing countries alike are seeking innovation-driven growth through different strategies. Some countries are successfully improving their innovation capacity, while others still struggle.