Declaration January 7, 2013:
"Her Britannic Majesty's Embassy has the honor to declare, on behalf of the Government of the United Kingdom, that its ratification of the above Protocols extends to the Bailiwick of Jersey, in addition to the territories to which they have already been extended.
In this respect, both the statements lodged on 2 July 2002 in respect of the extension of Protocol I and the Government’s declaration of 17 May 1999 in respect of recognition of the competence of the International Fact Finding Commission shall also apply."
Declaration June 15, 2011:
"Her Britannic Majesty's Embassy also has the honor to declare, on behalf of the Government of the United Kingdom, that its ratification of Protocol I and II extends to the Bailiwick of Guernsey and the Isle of Man, in addition to the territories for whose international relations the United Kingdom is responsible and to which these Protocols were extended on 2 July 2002. In this respect, both the statements lodged on 2 July 2002 in respect of the extension of Protocol I, and the Government's declaration of recognition of 17 May 1999 in respect of the competence of the International Fact-Finding Commission, shall also apply to the territories to which Protocol I is now extended."
Declaración formulada el 2 de julio de 2002:
"La Embajada Británica de su Majestad tiene el honor de declarar, en nombre del Gobierno del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte ("el Gobierno del Reino Unido"), que la ratificación por su parte de los Protocolos Adicionales se extenderá a los siguientes territorios de cuyas relaciones internacionales tiene la responsabilidad:
Anguila; Bermudas; Territorio Antártico Británico; Territorio Británico del Océano Índico; Islas Vírgenes; Islas Caimán; Islas Falkland; Montserrat; Islas Pitcairn; Henderson; Ducie y Oeno; Santa Helena y dependencias; Islas Georgia del Sur y Sandwich del Sur; las Bases soberanas británicas de Akrotiri y Dhekelia; Islas Turcas y Caicos."
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