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Interrogation > PCT > Anglais
Patent Landscape Report on Atazanavir
This patent landscape report is dedicated to Atazanavir – an antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV infection and AIDS. A major objective of this report is to examine the evolution of the patent environment protecting Atazanavir from the first filing of this compound to the present filings. The second objective is to provide insight into best practice for probing the patent literature in the pharmaceutical area. Because combination therapies involving more than one drug are such an integral part of pharmaceutical development, and because that is especially true for AIDS therapies, a separate chapter of the report focuses on combinations.
Année de publication: 2011
Patent Landscape Report on Solar Cooking
This patent landscape report seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of available technologies that exclusively use solar energy as the primary energy source for cooking or pasteurizing food. At the same time it identifies systems that are simple and easy to use in environments of rural communities; preferably systems that could be used in individual households. The report provides a description of the patent search methodology and evaluation of the results, showcasing the tools for accessing and using patent information. It clusters the available technologies in four categories based on the main heating methods used.
Patent Landscape Report on Desalination Technologies and the Use of Alternative Energies for Desalination
This report identified 4551 patent families (including utility models) that claim inventions related to desalination of water, and 921 families describing the combination of desalination technologies with the use of renewable energies. Based on this patent collection, various patterns of patenting activity and innovation in the area of desalination are presented, with a separate focus on the use of renewable energies for desalination. A comprehensive explanation of the search methodology and history (including all search queries), and of the evaluation of the search results is included and illustrates how patent information can be retrieved and exploited in the area of desalination.
Patent Landscape Report on Ritonavir
This report is dedicated to Ritonavir – an antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV infection and AIDS. A major goal of the report is to highlight the technology timeline for Ritonavir from the first filing of this compound to the present filings. It identifies a number of innovation tracks derived from the first Ritonavir patent document. The report also includes an analysis of statistical trends. A comprehensive explanation of the search methodology and history (including all search queries), and of the evaluation of the search results is included and illustrates how patent information can be retrieved and exploited in the area of pharmaceuticals.
The International Patent System in 2009
PCT Yearly Review
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system. Special theme: the impact of the financial crisis on PCT applications
Année de publication: 2010
The International Patent System in 2008
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system.
Année de publication: 2009
The International Patent System in 2007
Année de publication: 2008
The International Patent System in 2006
Année de publication: 2007
The International Patent System in 2005
Année de publication: 2006
Patent Law Treaty (PLT)
The PLT seeks to harmonize formal requirements set by national and regional patent offices and to streamline the procedures for obtaining and maintaining a patent.