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World Intellectual Property Indicators - 2016
A comprehensive picture of IP activity around the world based on statistics from national and regional IP offices, WIPO and the World Bank. Covers filing, registration and renewals data for patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms and plant variety protection. Also includes an analysis of participation by women inventors in international patenting.
Année de publication: 2016
Identifying the gender of PCT inventors
Economic Research Working Paper No. 33
This paper analyzes the gender of inventors in international patent applications. We compile a worldwide gender-name dictionary, which includes 6.2 million names for 182 different countries to disambiguate the gender of PCT inventors. Our results suggest that there is a gender imbalance in PCT applications, but the proportion of women inventors is improving over time. We also find that the rates of women participation differ substantially across countries, technological fields and sectors.
Guide to the International Patent Classification (2016)
Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review - 2016
The International Patent System
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system. Special Theme: the PCT market share
Patent Landscape Report on Microalgae-Related Technologies
This report aims to provide patent based information on available technologies and patenting trends in the area of microalgae. It covers in detail patent applications and granted patents within the space of microalgae and has revealed several interesting facets of research and innovation related to that area. Expected to be the 3rd generation biofuels solution, microalgae have quickly been developed for the biofuel industry with a marked inflection point in 2006. Lipids and pigments, which are the second metabolites of interest, also developed early on, still continue to see a steady growth in recent years.
WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2015
An overview of intellectual property activity based on the latest available year of complete statistics.
World Intellectual Property Indicators - 2015
This annual publication provides a wide range of indicators covering the following areas of intellectual property: patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms and plant variety protection. It draws on data from national and regional IP offices, WIPO and the World Bank.
Année de publication: 2015
Guide to the International Patent Classification (2015)
Sources of Biopharmaceutical Innovation: An Assessment of Intellectual Property
Economic Research Working Paper No. 24
An analysis of new, FDA-approved molecular entities reveals dynamism in terms of new innovation. An assessment of the first patent for each drug reveals that the pharmaceutical industry, particularly large, established companies in North America, tend to dominate the field. Whereas inventors continue to found biotechnology companies at a steady rate, recent trends suggest these inventors more often come from the private sector.