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World Intellectual Property Indicators 2018

This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Covering the filing, registration and maintenance of patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, and plant variety protection, and geographical indications, the 2018 edition also looks at the creative economy for the first time, making it even more comprehensive. The special theme explores how one might statistically capture patent litigation activity and presents selected statistics for the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

Année de publication: 2018


World Intellectual Property Indicators 2018

This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Covering the filing, registration and maintenance of patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, and plant variety protection, and geographical indications, the 2018 edition also looks at the creative economy for the first time, making it even more comprehensive. The special theme explores how one might statistically capture patent litigation activity and presents selected statistics for the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

Année de publication: 2018


Inventing the Future

An Introduction to Patents for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

In today's knowledge economy, companies must constantly innovate and come up with new ideas and solutions to stay ahead. These innovative ideas and solutions may be protected by patent rights. This guide explains the patent system and how businesses may use it in their business strategy in simple and practical terms.

Année de publication: 2018


Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review 2018 - Executive Summary

The International Patent System

This document provides the key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). This edition provides a summary of the statistics reported in the PCT Yearly Review 2018.

Année de publication: 2018


Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review - 2018

The International Patent System

Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system. Special theme: Applicant representatives named in PCT applications

Année de publication: 2018



Connecting sustainable technology users and providers

WIPO GREEN is a global marketplace that promotes green tech innovation and diffusion. This short brochure outlines the benefits of joining WIPO GREEN in order to collaborate on projects and events, leverage its global network, increase visibility and join the fight against climate change.

Année de publication: 2018


WIPO GREEN - Year in Review 2017

Another successful and productive year for WIPO GREEN! This Year in Review report summarizes WIPO GREEN highlights and achievements as the network expanded both in membership, collaborations and events.

Année de publication: 2018


WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2017

An overview of intellectual property activity based on the latest available year of complete statistics.

Année de publication: 2018


World Intellectual Property Indicators - 2017

An authoritative annual survey of IP activity around the globe. As well as filing, registration and maintenance of patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms and plant variety protection, the 2017 edition also covers geographical indications for the first time, making it even more comprehensive. A special section on the operational performance of patent offices takes an in-depth look at application processing times, examination capacity and examination outcomes.

Année de publication: 2017