À propos de la propriété intellectuelle Formation en propriété intellectuelle Sensibilisation à la propriété intellectuelle La propriété intellectuelle pour… Propriété intellectuelle et… Propriété intellectuelle et… Information relative aux brevets et à la technologie Information en matière de marques Information en matière de dessins et modèles industriels Information en matière d’indications géographiques Information en matière de protection des obtentions végétales (UPOV) Lois, traités et jugements dans le domaine de la propriété intellectuelle Ressources relatives à la propriété intellectuelle Rapports sur la propriété intellectuelle Protection des brevets Protection des marques Protection des dessins et modèles industriels Protection des indications géographiques Protection des obtentions végétales (UPOV) Règlement extrajudiciaire des litiges Solutions opérationnelles à l’intention des offices de propriété intellectuelle Paiement de services de propriété intellectuelle Décisions et négociations Coopération en matière de développement Appui à l’innovation Partenariats public-privé L’Organisation Travailler avec nous Responsabilité Brevets Marques Dessins et modèles industriels Indications géographiques Droit d’auteur Secrets d’affaires Académie de l’OMPI Ateliers et séminaires Journée mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle Magazine de l’OMPI Sensibilisation Études de cas et exemples de réussite Actualités dans le domaine de la propriété intellectuelle Prix de l’OMPI Entreprises Universités Peuples autochtones Instances judiciaires Ressources génétiques, savoirs traditionnels et expressions culturelles traditionnelles Économie Égalité des genres Santé mondiale Changement climatique Politique en matière de concurrence Objectifs de développement durable Application Technologies de pointe Applications mobiles Sport Tourisme PATENTSCOPE Analyse de brevets Classification internationale des brevets Programme ARDI – Recherche pour l’innovation Programme ASPI – Information spécialisée en matière de brevets Base de données mondiale sur les marques Madrid Monitor Base de données Article 6ter Express Classification de Nice Classification de Vienne Base de données mondiale sur les dessins et modèles Bulletin des dessins et modèles internationaux Base de données Hague Express Classification de Locarno Base de données Lisbon Express Base de données mondiale sur les marques relative aux indications géographiques Base de données PLUTO sur les variétés végétales Base de données GENIE Traités administrés par l’OMPI WIPO Lex – lois, traités et jugements en matière de propriété intellectuelle Normes de l’OMPI Statistiques de propriété intellectuelle WIPO Pearl (Terminologie) Publications de l’OMPI Profils nationaux Centre de connaissances de l’OMPI Série de rapports de l’OMPI consacrés aux tendances technologiques Indice mondial de l’innovation Rapport sur la propriété intellectuelle dans le monde PCT – Le système international des brevets ePCT Budapest – Le système international de dépôt des micro-organismes Madrid – Le système international des marques eMadrid Article 6ter (armoiries, drapeaux, emblèmes nationaux) La Haye – Le système international des dessins et modèles industriels eHague Lisbonne – Le système d’enregistrement international des indications géographiques eLisbon UPOV PRISMA Médiation Arbitrage Procédure d’expertise Litiges relatifs aux noms de domaine Accès centralisé aux résultats de la recherche et de l’examen (WIPO CASE) Service d’accès numérique aux documents de priorité (DAS) WIPO Pay Compte courant auprès de l’OMPI Assemblées de l’OMPI Comités permanents Calendrier des réunions Documents officiels de l’OMPI Plan d’action de l’OMPI pour le développement Assistance technique Institutions de formation en matière de propriété intellectuelle Mesures d’appui concernant la COVID-19 Stratégies nationales de propriété intellectuelle Assistance en matière d’élaboration des politiques et de formulation de la législation Pôle de coopération Centres d’appui à la technologie et à l’innovation (CATI) Transfert de technologie Programme d’aide aux inventeurs WIPO GREEN Initiative PAT-INFORMED de l’OMPI Consortium pour des livres accessibles L’OMPI pour les créateurs WIPO ALERT États membres Observateurs Directeur général Activités par unité administrative Bureaux extérieurs Avis de vacance d’emploi Achats Résultats et budget Rapports financiers Audit et supervision

Recherche dans les publications de l'OMPI

Droit d'auteur et droits connexes
Marques (87)
Brevets (151)


Arabe (24)
Espagnol (31)
Français (32)
Korean (2)
Russe (25)
Chinois (23)


Toutes les dates
2024 (14)
2023 (8)
2022 (4)
2021 (10)


Interrogation  > Droit d'auteur et droits connexes > Anglais

21 - 30 / 96 résultats
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Creative Expression: An Introduction to Copyright and Related Rights for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Creative Expression in the "Intellectual Property for Business” series of guides provides an introduction to copyright and related rights for business managers and entrepreneurs, explaining in simple language those aspects of copyright law and practice that affect the business strategies of enterprises. This revised and updated version has added content on some of the pressing issues of the day arising from the digital revolution; on levy systems, cloud storage, etc., as well as updated information on the new WIPO treaties such as the rights of performers in audiovisual performances in the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances and access to the visually impaired under the Marrakesh treaty.

Année de publication: 2023


The Global Publishing Industry in 2021

This report provides a global overview of the publishing industry in 2021, covering both trade and education. Data is compiled by WIPO in collaboration with Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), the Federation of European Publishers (FEP), the International ISBN Agency, the International Publishers Association (IPA), and the Nielsen Company. The survey focuses on published materials with an ISBN or DOI. It aims to make industry data accessible and highlight challenges in reporting consistent data.

Année de publication: 2023


Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights

Third edition

This third edition of Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights presents an in-depth revision with invaluable updates on the different systems, legislative options and best practices of CMOs worldwide. As with previous editions, the book is written to reach a wide audience, with a special focus on questions that might emerge for governments as they prepare, adopt and apply collective management norms and regulations. The edition also sheds light on new copyright and related rights developments, including digital, technological and business trends, from all over the world. Additionally, there is detailed discussion on topics such as aspects of competition, national treatment, and different models of collective management.

Année de publication: 2022


World Intellectual Property Indicators 2022

This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2021 filing, registration and in force statistics from national and regional IP offices, it covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications. The report also draws on survey data and industry sources to give a picture of activity in the creative economy.

Année de publication: 2022


The Global Publishing Industry in 2020

This report provides an overview of the global publishing industry in 2020, covering the trade and educational sectors. It is based on data compiled by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in partnership with the Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), the Federation of European Publishers (FEP), the International Publishers Association (IPA) and the Nielsen Company. The scope of the publishing industry survey is published materials (i.e., books, monographs, and so on) issued with an ISBN, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or any other book identifier. This report aims to make publishing industry data available to the user community and highlight the challenges producers of statistics face in reporting consistent and comparable data.

Année de publication: 2022


Rights, Camera, Action! Intellectual property rights and the filmmaking process

2nd Edition

Rights, Camera, Action! offers professionals in the audiovisual industry guidance on how to use intellectual property protection to generate business opportunities. The reader is taken through the different stages from securing finance to distribution to ensure a successful audiovisual production. With practical advice and enriching case studies from developing countries “Rights, Camera, Action!” will help individual filmmakers and distributors monetize their creative content.

Année de publication: 2022


From Paper to Platform: Publishing, Intellectual Property and the Digital Revolution

Supporting the development of a national book and reading culture through local professional writers and publishers requires an understanding of the way this sector of the creative economy works and how it is affected by the digital revolution. This publication is intended to help policymakers, particularly those in countries that are interested in promoting local publishing, to understand the publishing industry better and to understand how copyright and other policies affect the way books are being created, published and consumed.

Année de publication: 2021


World Intellectual Property Indicators 2021

This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2020 filing, registration and renewals statistics from national and regional IP offices and WIPO, it covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications. The report also draws on survey data and industry sources to give a picture of activity in the publishing industry.

Année de publication: 2021


Protecting Your Mobile App

Intellectual Property Solutions

Mobile apps are multilayered products with different features, which may be protected by various intellectual property (IP) rights including but not limited to copyright, trademark and patent. This publication is designed as a guide for app developers and publishers to understand how to legally protect the intellectual property of their mobile app. It offers legal clarity and business-oriented guidelines on IP, to generate additional revenue from a mobile app for creators and rights holders, and provides practical advice and insights to inform strategic decisions. The publication reviews the mobile app value chain and offers a checklist of legal considerations when identifying the relevant IP rights, protection options and strategies.

Année de publication: 2021


Intermediary Liability and Trade in Follow-on Innovation

Economic Research Working Paper No. 66

Liability rules affect the incentives of intermediaries to disseminate and curate creative works, in particular when works build on the work of predecessors and they are potentially infringing copyright. In an application to the visual arts, we show that appropriation artists borrow images from different sources and incorporate them into new, derivative works of art. By doing so, they risk infringing copyright but also put commercial trade and availability of the work at litigation risk as liability can extend to intermediaries in markets (auction houses) or in public exhibitions (museums). Using a differences-in-differences model and unique data on the level of the individual art work, we empirically investigate the impact of the prominent 2013 Cariou v. Prince U.S. court decision on trade and availability in Appropriation Art.

Année de publication: 2021