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法律 条约 判决 按管辖区浏览

1992年9月25日,实施国际著作权条约的规定 (中华人民共和国国务院令第105号发布), 中国

WIPO Lex中的最新版本
详情 详情 版本年份 1992 日期 生效: 1992年9月30日 议定: 1992年9月25日 文本类型 实施规则/实施细则 主题 版权与相关权利(邻接权)


主要文本 相关文本
主要文本 主要文本 英语 Provisions of September 25, 1992, on the Implementation of the International Copyright Treaties (promulgated by Order No. 105 of the State Council of People's Republic of China)         汉语 1992年9月25日,实施国际著作权条约的规定 (中华人民共和国国务院令第105号发布)        
 Provisions on the Implementation of the International Copyright Treaties

Decree of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China

No. 105

International Copyright Treaties Implementing Rules are hereby

promulgated and shall be effective as of September 31, 1992.

Premier, Li Peng

September 25, 1992


International Copyright Treaties Implementing Rules

Article 1 These Rules are formulated to implement international

copyright treaties and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of

owners of copyright in foreign works.

Article 2 Protection of foreign works shall be carried out through

application of the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China

(hereinafter referred to as “the Copyright Law”),the Implementing

Regulations of the Copyright Law, the Regulations on Computer

Software Protection and these Rules.

Article 3 “International copyright treaties” mentioned in these

Rules shall refer to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary

and Artistic Works(hereinafter referred to as “the Berne Convention”)to

which(the People’s Republic of)China(hereinafter referred to as “China”)

is a party and bilateral agreements relating to copyright which China has

concluded with foreign countries.

Article 4 Foreign works mentioned in these Rules shall include:

(1)works of which the author or one of the co-authors or the other

owner of copyright or one of the co-owners of copyright is a national or a

permanent resident of a country party to international copyright treaties;

(2)works of which the author is not a national or a permanent

resident of a country party to international copyright treaties but which


have been first published or published simultaneously in a country party

to international copyright treaties;

(3)works created by others on commission,of which the owner of

copyright or one of the co-owners of copyright,by virtue of a contract is

a joint venture enterprise,a cooperative enterprise or an enterprise with

sole foreign investment.

Article 5 In the case of unpublished foreign works,the term of

protection shall be governed by Article 20 and Article 21 of the Copyright


Article 6 In the case of foreign works of applied art,the term of

protection shall be 25 years commencing from the creation of the Works.

Paragraph one of this Article,however,shall not apply to the use of

works of fine arts,including drawings of cartoon characters,in industrial


Article 7 Foreign computer programs shall be protected as literary

works,shall not be subject to registration and shall enjoy a term of

protection of 50 years commencing from the end of the year of their first


Article 8 Foreign works created by compiling non-protected

materials shall be protected in accordance with Article 14 of the

Copyright Law,provided that originality is shown in the selection and

arrangement of such materials.Such protection,however,shall not


prevent another person from using the same materials to create works of


Article 9 Foreign video recordings shall be treated as

cinematographic works to the extent that international copyright treaties

protect them as such works.

Article 10 Prior permission of the copyright owner shall be

required to translate a published foreign work,if created in Chinese,into

the language of a minority nationality.

Article 11 Copyright owners of foreign works shall have the right to

authorize the public performance,by any means or process,of their

works,and the communication to the public of the performance of their


Article 12 Copyright owners of foreign cinematographic works,

television works and works of video recordings shall have the right to

authorize the public performance of their works.

Article 13 Prior permission of the copyright owner shall be required

for newspapers and periodicals to reprint a foreign work,except the

reprinting of articles on current political,economic and social topics.

Article 14 Copyright owners of foreign works shall retain the right

to authorize or prohibit rental of copies of their works after the authorized

sale of such copies.

Article 15 Copyright owners of foreign works shall have the right


to prohibit the importation of the following types of copies of their


(1)infringing copies;

(2)copies coming from a country where their works are not


Article 16 In the case of public performance,recording and

broadcasting of foreign works,the provisions of the Berne Convention

shall apply.Where there is a collective administration organization,prior

permission of such organization shall be required.

Article 17 Foreign works which,at the date on which international

copyright treaties enter into force in China,have not fallen into the public

domain in their countries of origin shall be protected until the expiration

of the term of protection as is prescribed in the Copyright Law and these


Paragraph one of this Article shall not apply to uses of foreign works

that took place before international copyright treaties entered into force in


A Chinese citizen or legal person who owned and used a particular

copy of a foreign work for a particular purpose before international

copyright treaties entered into force in China may continue to make use

of that copy of the work without liability,provided that such copy is

neither reproduced nor used in any manner that unreasonably prejudices



the legitimate rights and interests of the copyright owner.

The application of the above three paragraphs of this Article shall be

subject to provisions of bilateral agreements relating to copyright

concluded by China with the countries concerned.

Article 18 Articles 5,12,14,15 and 17 of these Rules shall also

apply to sound recordings

Article 19 Where pre-existing administrative regulations relating

to copyright may conflict with these Rules, these Rules shall

apply.Where these Rules may conflict with international copyright

treaties,the international copyright treaties shall apply.

Article 20 The implementation in China of international copyright

treaties shall be the responsibility of the National Copyright

Administration of China.

Article 21 The interpretation of these Rules shall be the

responsibility of the National Copyright Administration of China.

Article 22 These Rules shall enter into force on September 30,


实施国际著作权条约的规定 (1992年9月25日国务院令第 105号发布)

第一条 为实施国际著作条约,保护外国作品著作权人的合法权益,制定本规定。

第二条 对外国作品的保护,适用《中华人民共和国著作权法》(以下称著作权法)、《中华人民共 和国著作权法实施条例》、《计算机软件保护条例》和本规定。

第三条 本规定所称国际著作权条约,是指中华人民共和国(以下称中国)参加的《伯尔尼保护文学和艺术作品公约》(以下称伯尔尼公 约)和与外国签订的有关著作权的双边协定。

第四条 本规定所称外国作品,包括: (一)作者或者作者之一,其他著作权人或者著作权人之一是国际著作权条约成员国的国民或者在该条约的成员国有经常 居所的居民的作品; (二)作者不是国际著作权条约成员国的国民或者在该条约的成员国有经常居所的居民,但是在该条约的成员国首次或者同时发表 的作品; (三)中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业和外资企业按照合同约定是著作权人或者著作权人之一的,其委托他人创作的作品。

第五条 对未发表的外国作品的保护期,适用著作权法第二十 条、第二十一条的规定。

第六条 对外国实用艺术作品的保护期,为自该作品完成起二十五年。 美术作品(包括动画形象设计)用于工业制品的,不适用前款规定。

第七条 外国计算机程序作为文学作品保护,可以不履行登记手 续,保护期为自该程序首次发表之年年底起五十年。

第八条 外国作品是由不受保护的材料编辑而成,但是在材料的选取或者编排上有独创性的,依照著作权法第十四条的规定予以保护。此种保护不排斥他人利用同样的材料进 行编辑。

第九条 外国录像制品根 据国际著作权条约构成电影作品的,作为电影作品保护。

第十条 将外国人已经发表的以汉族文字创作的作品,翻译成少数民族文字出版发行的,应当事先取得著作权人的授权。

第十一条 外国作品著作权人,可以授权他人以任何方式、手 段公开表演其作品或者公开传播对其作品的表演。

第十二 条 外国电影、电视和录像作品的著作权人可以授权他人公开表演其作品。

第十三条 报刊转载外国作品,应当事先取得著作权人的授权;但是,转载有关政治、经济等社会 问题的时事文章除外。

第十四条 外国作品的著作权人在授权他人发行其作品的复制品后,可以授权或者禁止出租其作品的复制品。

第十五条 外国作品的著作权人有权禁止进口其作品的下列复制品: (一)侵权复制 品; (二)来自对其作品不予保护的国家的复制品。

第十六条 表演、录音或者广播外国作品,适用伯尔尼公约的规定;有集体管理组织的,应当事先取 得该组织的授权。

第十七条 国 际著作权条约在中国生效之日尚未在起源国进入公有领域的外国作品,按照著作权法和本规定规定的保护期受保护,到期满为止。 前款规定不适用于国 际著作权条约在中国生效之日前发生的对外国作品的使用。 中国公民或者法人在国际著作权条约在中国生效之日前为特定目的而拥有和使用外国作品的 特定复制本的,可以继续使用该作品的复制本而不承担责任;但是,该复制本不得以任何不合理地损害该作品著作权人合法权益的方式复制和使用。 三款规定依照中国同有关国家签订的有关著作权的双边协定的规定实施。

第十八条 本规定第五条、第十二条、第十四条、第十五条、第十七条适用于录音制品。

第十九条 本规定施行前,有关著作权的行政法规与本规定有 不同规定的,适用本规定。本规定与国际著作权条约有不同规定的,适用国际著作权条约。

第二十条 国家版权局负责国际著作权条约在中国的实施。

第二十一条 本规定由国家版权局负责解释。

第二十二条 本规定自一九九二年九月三十日起施行。

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