- Conventionon the Grant of European Patents(European Patent Convention) of 5 October 1973 as revised by the Act revising Article 63 EPC of 17 December 1991 and the Act revising the EPC of 29 November 2000
Члан 1.
Потврђује се Конвенција о признавању европских патената (Конвенција о европском патенту) од 5. октобра 1973. године, са изменама члана 63. Конвенције о европском патенту од 17. децембра 1991. године и изменама од 29. новембра 2000. године, сачињена у оригиналу на енглеском, француском и немачком језику.
Члан 2.
Текст Конвенције о признавању европских патената (Конвенција о европском патенту) у оригиналу на енглеском језику и преводу на српски језик гласи:
on the Grant of European Patents
(European Patent Convention)
of 5 October 1973
as revised by the Act revising Article 63 EPC of 17 December 1991 and the Act revising the EPC of 29 November 2000
The Contracting States,
DESIRING to strengthen co-operation between the States of Europe in respect of the protection of inventions,
DESIRING that such protection may be obtained in those States by a single procedure for the grant of patents and by the establishment of certain standard rules governing patents so granted,
DESIRING, for this purpose, to conclude a Convention which establishes a European Patent Organisation and which constitutes a special agreement within the meaning of Article 19 of the Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, signed in Paris on 20 March 1883 and last revised on 14 July 1967, and a regional patent treaty within the meaning of Article 45, paragraph 1, of the Patent Cooperation Treaty of 19 June 1970,
HAVE AGREED on the following provisions:
Chapter I General provisions
Article 1 European law for the grant of patents
A system of law, common to the Contracting States, for the grant of patents for invention is established by this Convention.
Article 2 European patent
- (1)
- Patents granted under this Convention shall be called European patents.
- (2)
- The European patent shall, in each of the Contracting States for which it is granted, have the effect of and be subject to the same conditions as a national patent granted by that State, unless this Convention provides otherwise.
Article 3 Territorial effect
The grant of a European patent may be requested for one or more of the Contracting States.
Article 4 European Patent Organisation
- (1)
- A European Patent Organisation, hereinafter referred to as the Organisation, is established by this Convention. It shall have administrative and financial autonomy.
- (2)
- The organs of the Organisation shall be:
- (a)
- the European Patent Office;
- (b)
- the Administrative Council.
- (3)
- The task of the Organisation shall be to grant European patents. This shall be carried out by the European Patent Office supervised by the Administrative Council.
Article 4a Conference of ministers of the Contracting States
A conference of ministers of the Contracting States responsible for patent matters shall meet at least every five years to discuss issues pertaining to the Organisation and to the European patent system.
Chapter II The European Patent Organisation
Article 5 Legal status
- (1)
- The Organisation shall have legal personality.
- (2)
- In each of the Contracting States, the Organisation shall enjoy the most extensive legal capacity accorded to legal persons under the national law of that State; it may in particular acquire or dispose of movable and immovable property and may be a party to legal proceedings.
- (3)
- The President of the European Patent Office shall represent the Organisation.
Article 6 Headquarters
- (1)
- The Organisation shall have its headquarters in Munich.
- (2)
- The European Patent Office shall be located in Munich. It shall have a branch at The Hague.
Article 7 Sub-offices of the European Patent Office
By decision of the Administrative Council, sub-offices of the European Patent Office may be created, if need be, for the purpose of information and liaison, in the Contracting States and with intergovernmental organisations in the field of industrial property, subject to the approval of the Contracting State or organisation concerned.
Article 8 Privileges and immunities
The Protocol on Privileges and Immunities annexed to this Convention shall define the conditions under which the Organisation, the members of the Administrative Council, the employees of the European Patent Office, and such other persons specified in that Protocol as take part in the work of the Organisation, shall enjoy, in each Contracting State, the privileges and immunities necessary for the performance of their duties.
Article 9
- (1)
- The contractual liability of the Organisation shall be governed by the law applicable to the contract in question.
- (2)
- The non-contractual liability of the Organisation in respect of any damage caused by it or by the employees of the European Patent Office in the performance of their duties shall be governed by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. Where the damage is caused by the branch at The Hague or a sub-office or employees attached thereto, the law of the Contracting State in which such branch or sub-office is located shall apply.
- (3)
- The personal liability of the employees of the European Patent Office towards the Organisation shall be governed by their Service Regulations or conditions of employment.
- (4)
- The courts with jurisdiction to settle disputes under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be:
- (a)
- for disputes under paragraph 1, the courts of the Federal Republic of Germany, unless the contract concluded between the parties designates a court of another State;
- (b)
- for disputes under paragraph 2, the courts of the Federal Republic of Germany, or of the State in which the branch or sub-office is located.
Chapter III The European Patent Office
Article 10 Management
- (1)
- The European Patent Office shall be managed by the President, who shall be responsible for its activities to the Administrative Council.
- (2)
- To this end, the President shall have in particular the following functions and powers:
- (a)
- he shall take all necessary steps to ensure the functioning of the European Patent Office, including the adoption of internal administrative instructions and information to the public;
- (b)
- unless this Convention provides otherwise, he shall prescribe which acts are to be performed at the European Patent Office in Munich and its branch at The Hague respectively;
- (c)
- he may submit to the Administrative Council any proposal for amending this Convention, for general regulations, or for decisions which come within the competence of the Administrative Council;
- (d)
- he shall prepare and implement the budget and any amending or supplementary budget;
- (e)
- he shall submit a management report to the Administrative Council each year;
- (f)
- he shall exercise supervisory authority over the staff;
- (g)
- subject to Article 11, he shall appoint the employees and decide on their promotion;
- (h)
- he shall exercise disciplinary authority over the employees other than those referred to in Article 11, and may propose disciplinary action to the Administrative Council with regard to employees referred to in Article 11, paragraphs 2 and 3; (i) he may delegate his functions and powers.
- (3)
- The President shall be assisted by a number of Vice-Presidents. If the President is absent or indisposed, one of the Vice-Presidents shall take his place in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Administrative Council.
Article 11 Appointment of senior employees
- (1)
- The President of the European Patent Office shall be appointed by the Administrative Council.
- (2)
- The Vice-Presidents shall be appointed by the Administrative Council after the President of the European Patent Office has been consulted.
- (3)
- The members, including the Chairmen, of the Boards of Appeal and of the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall be appointed by the Administrative Council on a proposal from the President of the European Patent Office. They may be re-appointed by the Administrative Council after the President of the European Patent Office has been consulted.
- (4)
- The Administrative Council shall exercise disciplinary authority over the employees referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3.
- (5)
- The Administrative Council, after consulting the President of the European Patent Office, may also appoint as members of the Enlarged Board of Appeal legally qualified members of the national courts or quasi-judicial authorities of the Contracting States, who may continue their judicial activities at the national level. They shall be appointed for a term of three years and may be re-appointed.
Article 12 Duties of office
Employees of the European Patent Office shall be bound, even after the termination of their employment, neither to disclose nor to make use of information which by its nature is a professional secret.
Article 13 Disputes between the Organisation and the employees of the European Patent Office
- (1)
- Employees and former employees of the European Patent Office or their successors in title may apply to the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization in the case of disputes with the European Patent Organisation, in accordance with the Statute of the Tribunal and within the limits and subject to the conditions laid down in the Service Regulations for permanent employees or the Pension Scheme Regulations or arising from the conditions of employment of other employees.
- (2)
- An appeal shall only be admissible if the person concerned has exhausted such other means of appeal as are available to him under the Service Regulations, the Pension Scheme Regulations or the conditions of employment.
Article 14 Languages of the European Patent Office, European patent applications and other documents
- (1)
- The official languages of the European Patent Office shall be English, French and German.
- (2)
- A European patent application shall be filed in one of the official languages or, if filed in any other language, translated into one of the official languages in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Throughout the proceedings before the European Patent Office, such translation may be brought into conformity with the application as filed. If a required translation is not filed in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
- (3)
- The official language of the European Patent Office in which the European patent application is filed or into which it is translated shall be used as the language of the proceedings in all proceedings before the European Patent Office, unless the Implementing Regulations provide otherwise.
- (4)
- Natural or legal persons having their residence or principal place of business within a Contracting State having a language other than English, French or German as an official language, and nationals of that State who are resident abroad, may file documents which have to be filed within a time limit in an official language of that State. They shall, however, file a translation in an official language of the European Patent Office in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. If any document, other than those documents making up the European patent application, is not filed in the prescribed language, or if any required translation is not filed in due time, the document shall be deemed not to have been filed.
- (5)
- European patent applications shall be published in the language of the proceedings.
- (6)
- Specifications of European patents shall be published in the language of the proceedings and shall include a translation of the claims in the other two official languages of the European Patent Office.
- (7)
- The following shall be published in the three official languages of the European Patent Office:
- (a)
- the European Patent Bulletin;
- (b)
- the Official Journal of the European Patent Office.
- (8)
- Entries in the European Patent Register shall be made in the three official languages of the European Patent Office. In cases of doubt, the entry in the language of the proceedings shall be authentic.
Article 15 Departments entrusted with the procedure
To carry out the procedures laid down in this Convention, the following shall be set up within the European Patent Office:
- (a)
- a Receiving Section;
- (b)
- Search Divisions;
- (c)
- Examining Divisions;
- (d)
- Opposition Divisions;
- (e)
- a Legal Division;
- (f)
- Boards of Appeal;
- (g)
- an Enlarged Board of Appeal.
Article 16 Receiving Section
The Receiving Section shall be responsible for the examination on filing and the examination as to formal requirements of European patent applications.
Article 17 Search Divisions
The Search Divisions shall be responsible for drawing up European search reports.
Article 18 Examining Divisions
- (1)
- The Examining Divisions shall be responsible for the examination of European patent applications.
- (2)
- An Examining Division shall consist of three technically qualified examiners. However, before a decision is taken on a European patent application, its examination shall, as a general rule, be entrusted to one member of the Examining Division. Oral proceedings shall be before the Examining Division itself. If the Examining Division considers that the nature of the decision so requires, it shall be enlarged by the addition of a legally qualified examiner. In the event of parity of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Examining Division shall be decisive.
Article 19 Opposition Divisions
- (1)
- The Opposition Divisions shall be responsible for the examination of oppositions against any European patent.
- (2)
- An Opposition Division shall consist of three technically qualified examiners, at least two of whom shall not have taken part in the proceedings for grant of the patent to which the opposition relates. An examiner who has taken part in the proceedings for the grant of the European patent may not be the Chairman. Before a decision is taken on the opposition, the Opposition Division may entrust the examination of the opposition to one of its members. Oral proceedings shall be before the Opposition Division itself. If the Opposition Division considers that the nature of the decision so requires, it shall be enlarged by the addition of a legally qualified examiner who shall not have taken part in the proceedings for grant of the patent. In the event of parity of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Opposition Division shall be decisive.
Article 20 Legal Division
- (1)
- The Legal Division shall be responsible for decisions in respect of entries in the Register of European Patents and in respect of registration on, and deletion from, the list of professional representatives.
- (2)
- Decisions of the Legal Division shall be taken by one legally qualified member.
Article 21 Boards of Appeal
- (1)
- The Boards of Appeal shall be responsible for the examination of appeals from decisions of the Receiving Section, the Examining Divisions and Opposition Divisions, and the Legal Division.
- (2)
- For appeals from decisions of the Receiving Section or the Legal Division, a Board of Appeal shall consist of three legally qualified members.
- (3)
- For appeals from a decision of an Examining Division, a Board of Appeal shall consist of:
- (a)
- two technically qualified members and one legally qualified member, when the decision concerns the refusal of a European patent application or the grant, limitation or revocation of a European patent, and was taken by an Examining Division consisting of less than four members;
- (b)
- three technically and two legally qualified members, when the decision was taken by an Examining Division consisting of four members, or when the Board of Appeal considers that the nature of the appeal so requires; (c) three legally qualified members in all other cases.
- (4)
- For appeals from a decision of an Opposition Division, a Board of Appeal shall consist of:
- (a)
- two technically qualified members and one legally qualified member, when the decision was taken by an Opposition Division consisting of three members;
- (b)
- three technically and two legally qualified members, when the decision was taken by an Opposition Division consisting of four members, or when the Board of Appeal considers that the nature of the appeal so requires.
Article 22 Enlarged Board of Appeal
- (1)
- The Enlarged Board of Appeal shall be responsible for: (a) deciding on points of law referred to it by Boards of Appeal under Article 112;
- (b)
- giving opinions on points of law referred to it by the President of the European Patent Office under Article 112;
- (c)
- deciding on petitions for review of decisions of the Boards of Appeal under Article 112a.
- (2)
- In proceedings under paragraph 1(a) and (b), the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall consist of five legally and two technically qualified members. In proceedings under paragraph 1(c), the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall consist of three or five members as laid down in the Implementing Regulations. In all proceedings, a legally qualified member shall be the Chairman.
Article 23 Independence of the members of the Boards
- (1)
- The members of the Enlarged Board of Appeal and of the Boards of Appeal shall be appointed for a term of five years and may not be removed from office during this term, except if there are serious grounds for such removal and if the Administrative Council, on a proposal from the Enlarged Board of Appeal, takes a decision to this effect. Notwithstanding sentence 1, the term of office of members of the Boards shall end if they resign or are retired in accordance with the Service Regulations for permanent employees of the European Patent Office.
- (2)
- The members of the Boards may not be members of the Receiving Section, Examining Divisions, Opposition Divisions or Legal Division.
- (3)
- In their decisions the members of the Boards shall not be bound by any instructions and shall comply only with the provisions of this Convention.
- (4)
- The Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal and the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall be adopted in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. They shall be subject to the approval of the Administrative Council.
Article 24 Exclusion and objection
- (1)
- Members of the Boards of Appeal or of the Enlarged Board of Appeal may not take part in a case in which they have any personal interest, or if they have previously been involved as representatives of one of the parties, or if they participated in the decision under appeal.
- (2)
- If, for one of the reasons mentioned in paragraph 1, or for any other reason, a member of a Board of Appeal or of the Enlarged Board of Appeal considers that he should not take part in any appeal, he shall inform the Board accordingly.
- (3)
- Members of a Board of Appeal or of the Enlarged Board of Appeal may be objected to by any party for one of the reasons mentioned in paragraph 1, or if suspected of partiality. An objection shall not be admissible if, while being aware of a reason for objection, the party has taken a procedural step. An objection may not be based upon the nationality of members.
- (4)
- The Boards of Appeal and the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall decide as to the action to be taken in the cases specified in paragraphs 2 and 3, without the participation of the member concerned. For the purposes of taking this decision the member objected to shall be replaced by his alternate.
Article 25 Technical opinion
At the request of the competent national court hearing an infringement or revocation action, the European Patent Office shall be obliged, on payment of an appropriate fee, to give a technical opinion concerning the European patent which is the subject of the action. The Examining Division shall be responsible for issuing such opinions.
Chapter IV The Administrative Council
Article 26 Membership
- (1)
- The Administrative Council shall be composed of the Representatives and the alternate Representatives of the Contracting States. Each Contracting State shall be entitled to appoint one Representative and one alternate Representative to the Administrative Council.
- (2)
- The members of the Administrative Council may, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Administrative Council, be assisted by advisers or experts.
Article 27 Chairmanship
- (1)
- The Administrative Council shall elect a Chairman and a Deputy Chairman from among the Representatives and alternate Representatives of the Contracting States. The Deputy Chairman shall ex officio replace the Chairman if he is prevented from carrying out his duties.
- (2)
- The terms of office of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman shall be three years. They may be re-elected.
Article 28 Board
- (1)
- When there are at least eight Contracting States, the Administrative Council may set up a Board composed of five of its members.
- (2)
- The Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Council shall be members of the Board ex officio; the other three members shall be elected by the Administrative Council.
- (3)
- The term of office of the members elected by the Administrative Council shall be three years. They may not be re-elected.
- (4)
- The Board shall perform the duties assigned to it by the Administrative Council in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.
Article 29 Meetings
- (1)
- Meetings of the Administrative Council shall be convened by its Chairman.
- (2)
- The President of the European Patent Office shall take part in the deliberations of the Administrative Council.
- (3)
- The Administrative Council shall hold an ordinary meeting once each year. In addition, it shall meet on the initiative of its Chairman or at the request of one-third of the Contracting States.
- (4)
- The deliberations of the Administrative Council shall be based on an agenda, and shall be held in accordance with its Rules of Procedure.
- (5)
- The provisional agenda shall contain any question whose inclusion is requested by any Contracting State in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.
Article 30 Attendance of observers
- (1)
- The World Intellectual Property Organization shall be represented at the meetings of the Administrative Council, in accordance with an agreement between the Organisation and the World Intellectual Property Organization.
- (2)
- Other intergovernmental organisations entrusted with carrying out international procedures in the field of patents, with which the Organisation has concluded an agreement, shall be represented at the meetings of the Administrative Council, in accordance with such agreement.
- (3)
- Any other intergovernmental and international non-governmental organisations carrying out an activity of interest to the Organisation may be invited by the Administrative Council to be represented at its meetings during any discussion of matters of mutual interest.
Article 31 Languages of the Administrative Council
- (1)
- The languages used in the deliberations of the Administrative Council shall be English, French and German.
- (2)
- Documents submitted to the Administrative Council, and the minutes of its deliberations, shall be drawn up in the three languages specified in paragraph 1.
Article 32 Staff, premises and equipment
The European Patent Office shall place at the disposal of the Administrative Council, and of any committee established by it, such staff, premises and equipment as may be necessary for the performance of their duties.
Article 33 Competence of the Administrative Council in certain cases
- (1)
- The Administrative Council shall be competent to amend: (a) the time limits laid down in this Convention;
- (b)
- Parts II to VIII and Part X of this Convention, to bring them into line with an international treaty relating to patents or European Community legislation relating to patents; (c) the Implementing Regulations.
- (2)
- The Administrative Council shall be competent, in conformity with this Convention, to adopt or amend: (a) the Financial Regulations;
- (b)
- the Service Regulations for permanent employees and the conditions of employment of other employees of the European Patent Office, the salary scales of the said permanent and other employees, and also the nature of any supplementary benefits and the rules for granting them;
- (c)
- the Pension Scheme Regulations and any appropriate increases in existing pensions to correspond to increases in salaries;
- (d)
- the Rules relating to Fees;
- (e)
- its Rules of Procedure.
- (3)
- Notwithstanding Article 18, paragraph 2, the Administrative Council shall be competent to decide, in the light of experience, that in certain categories of cases Examining Divisions shall consist of one technically qualified examiner only. Such decision may be rescinded.
- (4)
- The Administrative Council shall be competent to authorise the President of the European Patent Office to negotiate and, subject to its approval, to conclude agreements on behalf of the European Patent Organisation with States, with intergovernmental organisations and with documentation centres set up on the basis of agreements with such organisations.
- (5)
- The Administrative Council may not take a decision under paragraph 1(b):
-concerning an international treaty, before its entry into force;
-concerning European Community legislation, before its entry into force or, where that legislation lays down a period for its implementation, before the expiry of that period.
Article 34 Voting rights
- (1)
- The right to vote in the Administrative Council shall be restricted to the Contracting States.
- (2)
- Each Contracting State shall have one vote, except where Article 36 applies.
Article 35 Voting rules
- (1)
- The Administrative Council shall take its decisions, other than those referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3, by a simple majority of the Contracting States represented and voting.
- (2)
- A majority of three-quarters of the votes of the Contracting States represented and voting shall be required for the decisions which the Administrative Council is empowered to take under Article 7, Article 11, paragraph 1, Article 33, paragraphs 1(a) and (c), and 2 to 4, Article 39, paragraph 1, Article 40, paragraphs 2 and 4, Article 46, Article 134a, Article 149a, paragraph 2, Article 152, Article 153, paragraph 7, Article 166 and Article 172.
- (3)
- Unanimity of the Contracting States voting shall be required for the decisions which the Administrative Council is empowered to take under Article 33, paragraph 1(b). The Administrative Council shall take such decisions only if all the Contracting States are represented. A decision taken on the basis of Article 33, paragraph 1(b), shall not take effect if a Contracting State declares, within twelve months of the date of the decision, that it does not wish to be bound by that decision.
- (4)
- Abstentions shall not be considered as votes.
Article 36 Weighting of votes
- (1)
- In respect of the adoption or amendment of the Rules relating to Fees and, if the financial contribution to be made by the Contracting States would thereby be increased, the adoption of the budget of the Organisation and of any amending or supplementary budget, any Contracting State may require, following a first ballot in which each Contracting State shall have one vote, and whatever the result of this ballot, that a second ballot be taken immediately, in which votes shall be given to the States in accordance with paragraph 2. The decision shall be determined by the result of this second ballot.
- (2)
- The number of votes that each Contracting State shall have in the second ballot shall be calculated as follows:
- (a)
- the percentage obtained for each Contracting State in respect of the scale for the special financial contributions, pursuant to Article 40, paragraphs 3 and 4, shall be multiplied by the number of Contracting States and divided by five;
- (b)
- the number of votes thus given shall be rounded upwards to the next whole number;
- (c)
- five additional votes shall be added to this number;
- (d)
- nevertheless, no Contracting State shall have more than 30 votes.
Chapter V Financial provisions
Article 37 Budgetary funding
The budget of the Organisation shall be financed:
(a) by the Organisation's own resources;
- (b)
- by payments made by the Contracting States in respect of renewal fees for European patents levied in these States;
- (c)
- where necessary, by special financial contributions made by the Contracting States; (d) where appropriate, by the revenue provided for in Article 146;
- (e)
- where appropriate, and for tangible assets only, by third-party borrowings secured on land or buildings;
(f) where appropriate, by third-party funding for specific projects.
Article 38 The Organisation's own resources
The Organisation's own resources shall comprise:
(a) all income from fees and other sources and also the reserves of the Organisation;
(b) the resources of the Pension Reserve Fund, which shall be treated as a special class of asset of the Organisation, designed to support the Organisation's pension scheme by providing the appropriate reserves.
Article 39 Payments by the Contracting States in respect of renewal fees for European patents
- (1)
- Each Contracting State shall pay to the Organisation in respect of each renewal fee received for a European patent in that State an amount equal to a proportion of that fee, to be fixed by the Administrative Council; the proportion shall not exceed 75% and shall be the same for all Contracting States. However, if the said proportion corresponds to an amount which is less than a uniform minimum amount fixed by the Administrative Council, the Contracting State shall pay that minimum to the Organisation.
- (2)
- Each Contracting State shall communicate to the Organisation such information as the Administrative Council considers to be necessary to determine the amount of these payments.
- (3)
- The due dates for these payments shall be determined by the Administrative Council.
- (4)
- If a payment is not remitted fully by the due date, the Contracting State shall pay interest from the due date on the amount remaining unpaid.
Article 40 Level of fees and payments – Special financial contributions
- (1)
- The amounts of the fees referred to in Article 38 and the proportion referred to in Article 39 shall be fixed at such a level as to ensure that the revenue in respect thereof is sufficient for the budget of the Organisation to be balanced.
- (2)
- However, if the Organisation is unable to balance its budget under the conditions laid down in paragraph 1, the Contracting States shall remit to the Organisation special financial contributions, the amount of which shall be determined by the Administrative Council for the accounting period in question.
- (3)
- These special financial contributions shall be determined in respect of any Contracting State on the basis of the number of patent applications filed in the last year but one prior to that of entry into force of this Convention, and calculated in the following manner:
- (a)
- one half in proportion to the number of patent applications filed in that Contracting State;
- (b)
- one half in proportion to the second highest number of patent applications filed in the other Contracting States by natural or legal persons having their residence or principal place of business in that Contracting State. However, the amounts to be contributed by States in which the number of patent applications filed exceeds 25 000 shall then be taken as a whole and a new scale drawn up in proportion to the total number of patent applications filed in these States.
- (4)
- Where the scale position of any Contracting State cannot be established in accordance with paragraph 3, the Administrative Council shall, with the consent of that State, decide its scale position.
- (5)
- Article 39, paragraphs 3 and 4, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the special financial contributions.
- (6)
- The special financial contributions shall be repaid with interest at a rate which shall be the same for all Contracting States. Repayments shall be made in so far as it is possible to provide for this purpose in the budget; the amount thus provided shall be distributed among the Contracting States in accordance with the scale referred to in paragraphs 3 and
(7) The special financial contributions remitted in any accounting period shall be repaid in full before any such contributions or parts thereof remitted in any subsequent accounting period are repaid.
Article 41
- (1)
- At the request of the President of the European Patent Office, the Contracting States shall grant advances to the Organisation, on account of their payments and contributions, within the limit of the amount fixed by the Administrative Council. The amount of such advances shall be determined in proportion to the amounts due from the Contracting States for the accounting period in question.
- (2)
- Article 39, paragraphs 3 and 4, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the advances.
Article 42 Budget
- (1)
- The budget of the Organisation shall be balanced. It shall be drawn up in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles laid down in the Financial Regulations. If necessary, there may be amending or supplementary budgets.
- (2)
- The budget shall be drawn up in the unit of account fixed in the Financial Regulations.
Article 43 Authorisation for expenditure
- (1)
- The expenditure entered in the budget shall be authorised for the duration of one accounting period, unless the Financial Regulations provide otherwise.
- (2)
- In accordance with the Financial Regulations, any appropriations, other than those relating to staff costs, which are unexpended at the end of the accounting period may be carried forward, but not beyond the end of the following accounting period.
- (3)
- Appropriations shall be set out under different headings according to type and purpose of the expenditure and subdivided, as far as necessary, in accordance with the Financial Regulations.
Article 44 Appropriations for unforeseeable expenditure
- (1)
- The budget of the Organisation may contain appropriations for unforeseeable expenditure.
- (2)
- The employment of these appropriations by the Organisation shall be subject to the prior approval of the Administrative Council.
Article 45 Accounting period
The accounting period shall commence on 1 January and end on 31 December.
Article 46 Preparation and adoption of the budget
- (1)
- The President of the European Patent Office shall submit the draft budget to the Administrative Council no later than the date prescribed in the Financial Regulations.
- (2)
- The budget and any amending or supplementary budget shall be adopted by the Administrative Council.
Article 47 Provisional budget
- (1)
- If, at the beginning of the accounting period, the budget has not been adopted by the Administrative Council, expenditures may be effected on a monthly basis per heading or other division of the budget, in accordance with the Financial Regulations, up to one-twelfth of the budget appropriations for the preceding accounting period, provided that the appropriations thus made available to the President of the European Patent Office shall not exceed one-twelfth of those provided for in the draft budget.
- (2)
- The Administrative Council may, subject to the observance of the other provisions laid down in paragraph 1, authorise expenditure in excess of one-twelfth of the appropriations.
- (3)
- The payments referred to in Article 37(b) shall continue to be made, on a provisional basis, under the conditions determined under Article 39 for the year preceding that to which the draft budget relates.
- (4)
- The Contracting States shall pay each month, on a provisional basis and in accordance with the scale referred to in Article 40, paragraphs 3 and 4, any special financial contributions necessary to ensure implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2. Article 39, paragraph 4, shall apply mutatis mutandis to these contributions.
Article 48 Budget implementation
- (1)
- The President of the European Patent Office shall implement the budget and any amending or supplementary budget on his own responsibility and within the limits of the allocated appropriations.
- (2)
- Within the budget, the President of the European Patent Office may, in accordance with the Financial Regulations, transfer funds between the various headings or sub-headings.
Article 49 Auditing of accounts
- (1)
- The income and expenditure account and a balance sheet of the Organisation shall be examined by auditors whose independence is beyond doubt, appointed by the Administrative Council for a period of five years, which shall be renewable or extensible.
- (2)
- The audit shall be based on vouchers and shall take place, if necessary, in situ. The audit shall ascertain whether all income has been received and all expenditure effected in a lawful and proper manner and whether the financial management is sound. The auditors shall draw up a report containing a signed audit opinion after the end of each accounting period.
- (3)
- The President of the European Patent Office shall annually submit to the Administrative Council the accounts of the preceding accounting period in respect of the budget and the balance sheet showing the assets and liabilities of the Organisation together with the report of the auditors.
- (4)
- The Administrative Council shall approve the annual accounts together with the report of the auditors and shall discharge the President of the European Patent Office in respect of the implementation of the budget.
Article 50 Financial Regulations
The Financial Regulations shall lay down in particular:
- (a)
- the arrangements relating to the establishment and implementation of the budget and for the rendering and auditing of accounts;
- (b)
- the method and procedure whereby the payments and contributions provided for in Article 37 and the advances provided for in Article 41 are to be made available to the Organisation by the Contracting States;
- (c)
- the rules concerning the responsibilities of authorising and accounting officers and the arrangements for their supervision;
- (d)
- the rates of interest provided for in Articles 39, 40 and 47;
- (e)
- the method of calculating the contributions payable by virtue of Article 146;
- (f)
- the composition of and duties to be assigned to a Budget and Finance Committee which should be set up by the Administrative Council;
- (g)
- the generally accepted accounting principles on which the budget and the annual financial statements shall be based.
Article 51 Fees
- (1)
- The European Patent Office may levy fees for any official task or procedure carried out under this Convention.
- (2)
- Time limits for the payment of fees other than those fixed by this Convention shall be laid down in the Implementing Regulations.
- (3)
- Where the Implementing Regulations provide that a fee shall be paid, they shall also lay down the legal consequences of failure to pay such fee in due time.
- (4)
- The Rules relating to Fees shall determine in particular the amounts of the fees and the ways in which they are to be paid.
Chapter I Patentability
Article 52 Patentable inventions
- (1)
- European patents shall be granted for any inventions, in all fields of technology, provided that they are new, involve an inventive step and are susceptible of industrial application.
- (2)
- The following in particular shall not be regarded as inventions within the meaning of paragraph 1:
- (a)
- discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods;
- (b)
- aesthetic creations;
- (c)
- schemes, rules and methods for performing mental acts, playing games or doing business, and programs for computers; (d) presentations of information.
- (3)
- Paragraph 2 shall exclude the patentability of the subject-matter or activities referred to therein only to the extent to which a European patent application or European patent relates to such subject-matter or activities as such.
Article 53 Exceptions to patentability
European patents shall not be granted in respect of:
a) inventions the commercial exploitation of which would be contrary to "ordre public" or morality; such exploitation shall not be deemed to be so contrary merely because it is prohibited by law or regulation in some or all of the Contracting States;
b) plant or animal varieties or essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals; this provision shall not apply to microbiological processes or the products thereof;
(c) methods for treatment of the human or animal body by surgery or therapy and diagnostic methods practised on the human or animal body; this provision shall not apply to products, in particular substances or compositions, for use in any of these methods.
Article 54 Novelty
- (1)
- An invention shall be considered to be new if it does not form part of the state of the art.
- (2)
- The state of the art shall be held to comprise everything made available to the public by means of a written or oral description, by use, or in any other way, before the date of filing of the European patent application.
- (3)
- Additionally, the content of European patent applications as filed, the dates of filing of which are prior to the date referred to in paragraph 2 and which were published on or after that date, shall be considered as comprised in the state of the art.
- (4)
- Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall not exclude the patentability of any substance or composition, comprised in the state of the art, for use in a method referred to in Article 53(c), provided that its use for any such method is not comprised in the state of the art.
- (5)
- Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall also not exclude the patentability of any substance or composition referred to in paragraph 4 for any specific use in a method referred to in Article 53(c), provided that such use is not comprised in the state of the art.
Article 55 Non-prejudicial disclosures
(1) For the application of Article 54, a disclosure of the invention shall not be taken into consideration if it occurred no earlier than six months preceding the filing of the European patent application and if it was due to, or in consequence of:
a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor, or
b) the fact that the applicant or his legal predecessor has displayed the invention at an official, or officially recognised, international exhibition falling within the terms of the Convention on international exhibitions signed at Paris on 22 November 1928 and last revised on 30 November 1972.
(2) In the case of paragraph 1(b), paragraph 1 shall apply only if the applicant states, when filing the European patent application, that the invention has been so displayed and files a supporting certificate within the time limit and under the conditions laid down in the Implementing Regulations.
Article 56 Inventive step
An invention shall be considered as involving an inventive step if, having regard to the state of the art, it is not obvious to a person skilled in the art. If the state of the art also includes documents within the meaning of Article 54, paragraph 3, these documents shall not be considered in deciding whether there has been an inventive step.
Article 57 Industrial application
An invention shall be considered as susceptible of industrial application if it can be made or used in any kind of industry, including agriculture.
Chapter II Persons entitled to apply for and obtain a European patent - Mention of the inventor
Article 58 Entitlement to file a European patent application
A European patent application may be filed by any natural or legal person, or any body equivalent to a legal person by virtue of the law governing it.
Article 59 Multiple applicants
A European patent application may also be filed either by joint applicants or by two or more applicants designating different Contracting States.
Article 60 Right to a European patent
- (1)
- The right to a European patent shall belong to the inventor or his successor in title. If the inventor is an employee, the right to a European patent shall be determined in accordance with the law of the State in which the employee is mainly employed; if the State in which the employee is mainly employed cannot be determined, the law to be applied shall be that of the State in which the employer has the place of business to which the employee is attached.
- (2)
- If two or more persons have made an invention independently of each other, the right to a European patent therefor shall belong to the person whose European patent application has the earliest date of filing, provided that this first application has been published.
- (3)
- In proceedings before the European Patent Office, the applicant shall be deemed to be entitled to exercise the right to a European patent.
Article 61 European patent applications filed by non-entitled persons
(1) If by a final decision it is adjudged that a person other than the applicant is entitled to the grant of the European patent, that person may, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations:
a) prosecute the European patent application as his own application in place of the applicant;
b) file a new European patent application in respect of the same invention; or
c) request that the European patent application be refused.
(2) Article 76, paragraph 1, shall apply mutatis mutandis to a new European patent application filed under paragraph 1(b).
Article 62 Right of the inventor to be mentioned
The inventor shall have the right, vis-à-vis the applicant for or proprietor of a European patent, to be mentioned as such before the European Patent Office.
Chapter III Effects of the European patent and the European patent application
Article 63 Term of the European patent
- (1)
- The term of the European patent shall be 20 years from the date of filing of the application.
- (2)
- Nothing in the preceding paragraph shall limit the right of a Contracting State to extend the term of a European patent, or to grant corresponding protection which follows immediately on expiry of the term of the patent, under the same conditions as those applying to national patents:
a) in order to take account of a state of war or similar emergency conditions affecting that State;
b) if the subject-matter of the European patent is a product or a process for manufacturing a product or a use of a product which has to undergo an administrative authorisation procedure required by law before it can be put on the market in that State.
- (3)
- Paragraph 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to European patents granted jointly for a group of Contracting States in accordance with Article 142.
- (4)
- A Contracting State which makes provision for extension of the term or corresponding protection under paragraph 2(b) may, in accordance with an agreement concluded with the Organisation, entrust to the European Patent Office tasks associated with implementation of the relevant provisions.
Article 64 Rights conferred by a European patent
- (1)
- A European patent shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph 2, confer on its proprietor from the date on which the mention of its grant is published in the European Patent Bulletin, in each Contracting State in respect of which it is granted, the same rights as would be conferred by a national patent granted in that State.
- (2)
- If the subject-matter of the European patent is a process, the protection conferred by the patent shall extend to the products directly obtained by such process.
- (3)
- Any infringement of a European patent shall be dealt with by national law.
Article 65 Translation of the European patent
- (1)
- Any Contracting State may, if the European patent as granted, amended or limited by the European Patent Office is not drawn up in one of its official languages, prescribe that the proprietor of the patent shall supply to its central industrial property office a translation of the patent as granted, amended or limited in one of its official languages at his option or, where that State has prescribed the use of one specific official language, in that language. The period for supplying the translation shall end three months after the date on which the mention of the grant, maintenance in amended form or limitation of the European patent is published in the European Patent Bulletin, unless the State concerned prescribes a longer period.
- (2)
- Any Contracting State which has adopted provisions pursuant to paragraph 1 may prescribe that the proprietor of the patent must pay all or part of the costs of publication of such translation within a period laid down by that State.
- (3)
- Any Contracting State may prescribe that in the event of failure to observe the provisions adopted in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2, the European patent shall be deemed to be void ab initio in that State.
Article 66 Equivalence of European filing with national filing
A European patent application which has been accorded a date of filing shall, in the designated Contracting States, be equivalent to a regular national filing, where appropriate with the priority claimed for the European patent application.
Article 67 Rights conferred by a European patent application after publication
- (1)
- A European patent application shall, from the date of its publication, provisionally confer upon the applicant the protection provided for by Article 64, in the Contracting States designated in the application.
- (2)
- Any Contracting State may prescribe that a European patent application shall not confer such protection as is conferred by Article 64. However, the protection attached to the publication of the European patent application may not be less than that which the laws of the State concerned attach to the compulsory publication of unexamined national patent applications. In any event, each State shall ensure at least that, from the date of publication of a European patent application, the applicant can claim compensation reasonable in the circumstances from any person who has used the invention in that State in circumstances where that person would be liable under national law for infringement of a national patent.
- (3)
- Any Contracting State which does not have as an official language the language of the proceedings may prescribe that provisional protection in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 above shall not be effective until such time as a translation of the claims in one of its
official languages at the option of the applicant or, where that State has prescribed the use of one specific official language, in that language:
a) has been made available to the public in the manner prescribed by national law, or
b) has been communicated to the person using the invention in the said State.
(4) The European patent application shall be deemed never to have had the effects set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 when it has been withdrawn, deemed to be withdrawn or finally refused. The same shall apply in respect of the effects of the European patent application in a Contracting State the designation of which is withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn.
Article 68 Effect of revocation or limitation of the European patent
The European patent application and the resulting European patent shall be deemed not to have had, from the outset, the effects specified in Articles 64 and 67, to the extent that the patent has been revoked or limited in opposition, limitation or revocation proceedings.
Article 69 Extent of protection
- (1)
- The extent of the protection conferred by a European patent or a European patent application shall be determined by the claims. Nevertheless, the description and drawings shall be used to interpret the claims.
- (2)
- For the period up to grant of the European patent, the extent of the protection conferred by the European patent application shall be determined by the claims contained in the application as published. However, the European patent as granted or as amended in opposition, limitation or revocation proceedings shall determine retroactively the protection conferred by the application, in so far as such protection is not thereby extended.
Article 70 Authentic text of a European patent application or European patent
- (1)
- The text of a European patent application or a European patent in the language of the proceedings shall be the authentic text in any proceedings before the European Patent Office and in any Contracting State.
- (2)
- If, however, the European patent application has been filed in a language which is not an official language of the European Patent Office, that text shall be the application as filed within the meaning of this Convention.
- (3)
- Any Contracting State may provide that a translation into one of its official languages, as prescribed by it according to this Convention, shall in that State be regarded as authentic, except for revocation proceedings, in the event of the European patent application or European patent in the language of the translation conferring protection which is narrower than that conferred by it in the language of the proceedings.
- (4)
- Any Contracting State which adopts a provision under paragraph 3:
- (a)
- shall allow the applicant for or proprietor of the patent to file a corrected translation of the European patent application or European patent. Such corrected translation shall not have any legal effect until any conditions established by the Contracting State under Article 65, paragraph 2, or Article 67, paragraph 3, have been complied with;
- (b)
- may prescribe that any person who, in that State, in good faith has used or has made effective and serious preparations for using an invention the use of which would not constitute infringement of the application or patent in the original translation, may, after the corrected translation takes effect, continue such use in the course of his business or for the needs thereof without payment.
Chapter IV The European patent application as an object of property
Article 71 Transfer and constitution of rights
A European patent application may be transferred or give rise to rights for one or more of the designated Contracting States.
Article 72 Assignment
An assignment of a European patent application shall be made in writing and shall require the signature of the parties to the contract.
Article 73 Contractual licensing
A European patent application may be licensed in whole or in part for the whole or part of the territories of the designated Contracting States.
Article 74 Law applicable
Unless this Convention provides otherwise, the European patent application as an object of property shall, in each designated Contracting State and with effect for such State, be subject to the law applicable in that State to national patent applications.
Chapter I Filing and requirements of the European patent application
Article 75 Filing of a European patent application
(1) A European patent application may be filed:
a) with the European Patent Office, or
b) if the law of a Contracting State so permits, and subject to Article 76, paragraph 1, with the central industrial property office or other competent authority of that State. Any application filed in this way shall have the same effect as if it had been filed on the same date with the European Patent Office.
(2) Paragraph 1 shall not preclude the application of legislative or regulatory provisions which, in any Contracting State:
a) govern inventions which, owing to the nature of their subject-matter, may not be communicated abroad without the prior authorisation of the competent authorities of that State, or
b) prescribe that any application is to be filed initially with a national authority, or make direct filing with another authority subject to prior authorisation.
Article 76 European divisional applications
- (1)
- A European divisional application shall be filed directly with the European Patent Office in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. It may be filed only in respect of subject-matter which does not extend beyond the content of the earlier application as filed; in so far as this requirement is complied with, the divisional application shall be deemed to have been filed on the date of filing of the earlier application and shall enjoy any right of priority.
- (2)
- All the Contracting States designated in the earlier application at the time of filing of a European divisional application shall be deemed to be designated in the divisional application.
Article 77 Forwarding of European patent applications
- (1)
- The central industrial property office of a Contracting State shall forward to the European Patent Office any European patent application filed with it or any other competent authority in that State, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations.
- (2)
- A European patent application the subject of which has been made secret shall not be forwarded to the European Patent Office.
- (3)
- A European patent application not forwarded to the European Patent Office in due time shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
Article 78 Requirements of a European patent application
(1) A European patent application shall contain:
- (a)
- a request for the grant of a European patent;
- (b)
- a description of the invention;
- (c)
- one or more claims;
- (d)
- any drawings referred to in the description or the claims;
- (e)
- an abstract,
and satisfy the requirements laid down in the Implementing Regulations.
(2) A European patent application shall be subject to the payment of the filing fee and the search fee. If the filing fee or the search fee is not paid in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
Article 79 Designation of Contracting States
- (1)
- All the Contracting States party to this Convention at the time of filing of the European patent application shall be deemed to be designated in the request for grant of a European patent.
- (2)
- The designation of a Contracting State may be subject to the payment of a designation fee.
- (3)
- The designation of a Contracting State may be withdrawn at any time up to the grant of the European patent.
Article 80 Date of filing
The date of filing of a European patent application shall be the date on which the requirements laid down in the Implementing Regulations are fulfilled.
Article 81 Designation of the inventor
The European patent application shall designate the inventor. If the applicant is not the inventor or is not the sole inventor, the designation shall contain a statement indicating the origin of the right to the European patent.
Article 82 Unity of invention
The European patent application shall relate to one invention only or to a group of inventions so linked as to form a single general inventive concept.
Article 83 Disclosure of the invention
The European patent application shall disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the art.
Article 84 Claims
The claims shall define the matter for which protection is sought. They shall be clear and concise and be supported by the description.
Article 85 Abstract
The abstract shall serve the purpose of technical information only; it may not be taken into account for any other purpose, in particular for interpreting the scope of the protection sought or applying Article 54, paragraph 3.
Article 86 Renewal fees for the European patent application
- (1)
- Renewal fees for the European patent application shall be paid to the European Patent Office in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. These fees shall be due in respect of the third year and each subsequent year, calculated from the date of filing of the application. If a renewal fee is not paid in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
- (2)
- The obligation to pay renewal fees shall terminate with the payment of the renewal fee due in respect of the year in which the mention of the grant of the European patent is published in the European Patent Bulletin.
Chapter II Priority
Article 87 Priority right
- (1)
- Any person who has duly filed, in or for (a) any State party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property or
- (b)
- any Member of the World Trade Organization, an application for a patent, a utility model or a utility certificate, or his successor in title, shall enjoy, for the purpose of filing a European patent application in respect of the same invention, a right of priority during a period of twelve months from the date of filing of the first application.
- (2)
- Every filing that is equivalent to a regular national filing under the national law of the State where it was made or under bilateral or multilateral agreements, including this Convention, shall be recognised as giving rise to a right of priority.
- (3)
- A regular national filing shall mean any filing that is sufficient to establish the date on which the application was filed, whatever the outcome of the application may be.
- (4)
- A subsequent application in respect of the same subject-matter as a previous first application and filed in or for the same State shall be considered as the first application for the purposes of determining priority, provided that, at the date of filing the subsequent application, the previous application has been withdrawn, abandoned or refused, without being open to public inspection and without leaving any rights outstanding, and has not served as a basis for claiming a right of priority. The previous application may not thereafter serve as a basis for claiming a right of priority.
- (5)
- If the first filing has been made with an industrial property authority which is not subject to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property or the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, paragraphs 1 to 4 shall apply if that authority, according to a communication issued by the President of the European Patent Office, recognises that a first filing made with the European Patent Office gives rise to a right of priority under conditions and with effects equivalent to those laid down in the Paris Convention.
Article 88 Claiming priority
- (1)
- An applicant desiring to take advantage of the priority of a previous application shall file a declaration of priority and any other document required, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations.
- (2)
- Multiple priorities may be claimed in respect of a European patent application, notwithstanding the fact that they originated in different countries. Where appropriate, multiple priorities may be claimed for any one claim. Where multiple priorities are claimed, time limits which run from the date of priority shall run from the earliest date of priority.
- (3)
- If one or more priorities are claimed in respect of a European patent application, the right of priority shall cover only those elements of the European patent application which are included in the application or applications whose priority is claimed.
- (4)
- If certain elements of the invention for which priority is claimed do not appear among the claims formulated in the previous application, priority may nonetheless be granted, provided that the documents of the previous application as a whole specifically disclose such elements.
Article 89 Effect of priority right
The right of priority shall have the effect that the date of priority shall count as the date of filing of the European patent application for the purposes of Article 54, paragraphs 2 and 3, and Article 60, paragraph 2.
Article 90 Examination on filing and examination as to formal requirements
- (1)
- The European Patent Office shall examine, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, whether the application satisfies the requirements for the accordance of a date of filing.
- (2)
- If a date of filing cannot be accorded following the examination under paragraph 1, the application shall not be dealt with as a European patent application.
- (3)
- If the European patent application has been accorded a date of filing, the European Patent Office shall examine, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, whether the requirements in Articles 14, 78 and 81, and, where applicable, Article 88, paragraph 1, and Article 133, paragraph 2, as well as any other requirement laid down in the Implementing Regulations, have been satisfied.
- (4)
- Where the European Patent Office in carrying out the examination under paragraphs 1 or 3 notes that there are deficiencies which may be corrected, it shall give the applicant an opportunity to correct them.
- (5)
- If any deficiency noted in the examination under paragraph 3 is not corrected, the European patent application shall be refused unless a different legal consequence is provided for by this Convention. Where the deficiency concerns the right of priority, this right shall be lost for the application.
Article 91 (deleted)
Article 92 Drawing up of the European search report
The European Patent Office shall, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, draw up and publish a European search report in respect of the European patent application on the basis of the claims, with due regard to the description and any drawings.
Article 93 Publication of the European patent application
- (1)
- The European Patent Office shall publish the European patent application as soon as possible
- (a)
- after the expiry of a period of eighteen months from the date of filing or, if priority has been claimed, from the date of priority, or (b) at the request of the applicant, before the expiry of that period.
- (2)
- The European patent application shall be published at the same time as the specification of the European patent when the decision to grant the patent becomes effective before the expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 1(a).
Article 94 Examination of the European patent application
- (1)
- The European Patent Office shall, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, examine on request whether the European patent application and the invention to which it relates meet the requirements of this Convention. The request shall not be deemed to be filed until the examination fee has been paid.
- (2)
- If no request for examination has been made in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
- (3)
- If the examination reveals that the application or the invention to which it relates does not meet the requirements of this Convention, the Examining Division shall invite the applicant, as often as necessary, to file his observations and, subject to Article 123, paragraph 1, to amend the application.
- (4)
- If the applicant fails to reply in due time to any communication from the Examining Division, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
Article 95 (deleted)
Article 96 (deleted)
Article 97 Grant or refusal
- (1)
- If the Examining Division is of the opinion that the European patent application and the invention to which it relates meet the requirements of this Convention, it shall decide to grant a European patent, provided that the conditions laid down in the Implementing Regulations are fulfilled.
- (2)
- If the Examining Division is of the opinion that the European patent application or the invention to which it relates does not meet the requirements of this Convention, it shall refuse the application unless this Convention provides for a different legal consequence.
- (3)
- The decision to grant a European patent shall take effect on the date on which the mention of the grant is published in the European Patent Bulletin.
Article 98 Publication of the specification of the European patent
The European Patent Office shall publish the specification of the European patent as soon as possible after the mention of the grant of the European patent has been published in the European Patent Bulletin.
Article 99 Opposition
- (1)
- Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid.
- (2)
- The opposition shall apply to the European patent in all the Contracting States in which that patent has effect.
- (3)
- Opponents shall be parties to the opposition proceedings as well as the proprietor of the patent.
- (4)
- Where a person provides evidence that in a Contracting State, following a final decision, he has been entered in the patent register of such State instead of the previous proprietor, such person shall, at his request, replace the previous proprietor in respect of such State. Notwithstanding Article 118, the previous proprietor and the person making the request shall not be regarded as joint proprietors unless both so request.
Article 100 Grounds for opposition
Opposition may only be filed on the grounds that:
(a) the subject-matter of the European patent is not patentable under Articles 52 to 57;
- (b)
- the European patent does not disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the art;
- (c)
- the subject-matter of the European patent extends beyond the content of the application as filed, or, if the patent was granted on a divisional application or on a new application filed under Article 61, beyond the content of the earlier application as filed.
Article 101 Examination of the opposition – Revocation or maintenance of the European patent
- (1)
- If the opposition is admissible, the Opposition Division shall examine, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, whether at least one ground for opposition under Article 100 prejudices the maintenance of the European patent. During this examination, the Opposition Division shall invite the parties, as often as necessary, to file observations on communications from another party or issued by itself.
- (2)
- If the Opposition Division is of the opinion that at least one ground for opposition prejudices the maintenance of the European patent, it shall revoke the patent. Otherwise, it shall reject the opposition.
- (3)
- If the Opposition Division is of the opinion that, taking into consideration the amendments made by the proprietor of the European patent during the opposition proceedings, the patent and the invention to which it relates
- (a)
- meet the requirements of this Convention, it shall decide to maintain the patent as amended, provided that the conditions laid down in the Implementing Regulations are fulfilled;
- (b)
- do not meet the requirements of this Convention, it shall revoke the patent.
Article 102 (deleted)
Article 103 Publication of a new specification of the European patent
If the European patent is maintained as amended under Article 101, paragraph 3(a), the European Patent Office shall publish a new specification of the European patent as soon as possible after the mention of the opposition decision has been published in the European Patent Bulletin.
Article 104 Costs
- (1)
- Each party to the opposition proceedings shall bear the costs it has incurred, unless the Opposition Division, for reasons of equity, orders, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, a different apportionment of costs.
- (2)
- The procedure for fixing costs shall be laid down in the Implementing Regulations.
- (3)
- Any final decision of the European Patent Office fixing the amount of costs shall be dealt with, for the purpose of enforcement in the Contracting States, in the same way as a final decision given by a civil court of the State in which enforcement is to take place. Verification of such decision shall be limited to its authenticity.
Article 105 Intervention of the assumed infringer
- (1)
- Any third party may, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, intervene in opposition proceedings after the opposition period has expired, if the third party proves that
- (a)
- proceedings for infringement of the same patent have been instituted against him, or
- (b)
- following a request of the proprietor of the patent to cease alleged infringement, the third party has instituted proceedings for a ruling that he is not infringing the patent.
- (2)
- An admissible intervention shall be treated as an opposition.
Article 105a Request for limitation or revocation
- (1)
- At the request of the proprietor, the European patent may be revoked or be limited by an amendment of the claims. The request shall be filed with the European Patent Office in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the limitation or revocation fee has been paid.
- (2)
- The request may not be filed while opposition proceedings in respect of the European patent are pending.
Article 105b Limitation or revocation of the European patent
- (1)
- The European Patent Office shall examine whether the requirements laid down in the Implementing Regulations for limiting or revoking the European patent have been met.
- (2)
- If the European Patent Office considers that the request for limitation or revocation of the European patent meets these requirements, it shall decide to limit or revoke the European patent in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Otherwise, it shall reject the request.
- (3)
- The decision to limit or revoke the European patent shall apply to the European patent in all the Contracting States in respect of which it has been granted. It shall take effect on the date on which the mention of the decision is published in the European Patent Bulletin.
Article 105c Publication of the amended specification of the European patent
If the European patent is limited under Article 105b, paragraph 2, the European Patent Office shall publish the amended specification of the European patent as soon as possible after the mention of the limitation has been published in the European Patent Bulletin.
Article 106 Decisions subject to appeal
- (1)
- An appeal shall lie from decisions of the Receiving Section, Examining Divisions, Opposition Divisions and the Legal Division. It shall have suspensive effect.
- (2)
- A decision which does not terminate proceedings as regards one of the parties can only be appealed together with the final decision, unless the decision allows a separate appeal.
- (3)
- The right to file an appeal against decisions relating to the apportionment or fixing of costs in opposition proceedings may be restricted in the Implementing Regulations.
Article 107 Persons entitled to appeal and to be parties to appeal proceedings
Any party to proceedings adversely affected by a decision may appeal. Any other parties to the proceedings shall be parties to the appeal proceedings as of right.
Article 108 Time limit and form
Notice of appeal shall be filed, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, at the European Patent Office within two months of notification of the decision. Notice of appeal shall not be deemed to have been filed until the fee for appeal has been paid. Within four months of notification of the decision, a statement setting out the grounds of appeal shall be filed in accordance with the Implementing Regulations.
Article 109 Interlocutory revision
- (1)
- If the department whose decision is contested considers the appeal to be admissible and well founded, it shall rectify its decision. This shall not apply where the appellant is opposed by another party to the proceedings.
- (2)
- If the appeal is not allowed within three months of receipt of the statement of grounds, it shall be remitted to the Board of Appeal without delay, and without comment as to its merit.
Article 110 Examination of appeals
If the appeal is admissible, the Board of Appeal shall examine whether the appeal is allowable. The examination of the appeal shall be conducted in accordance with the Implementing Regulations.
Article 111 Decision in respect of appeals
- (1)
- Following the examination as to the allowability of the appeal, the Board of Appeal shall decide on the appeal. The Board of Appeal may either exercise any power within the competence of the department which was responsible for the decision appealed or remit the case to that department for further prosecution.
- (2)
- If the Board of Appeal remits the case for further prosecution to the department whose decision was appealed, that department shall be bound by the ratio decidendi of the Board of Appeal, in so far as the facts are the same. If the decision under appeal was taken by the Receiving Section, the Examining Division shall also be bound by the ratio decidendi of the Board of Appeal.
Article 112 Decision or opinion of the Enlarged Board of Appeal
- (1)
- In order to ensure uniform application of the law, or if a point of law of fundamental importance arises:
- (a)
- the Board of Appeal shall, during proceedings on a case and either of its own motion or following a request from a party to the appeal, refer any question to the Enlarged Board of Appeal if it considers that a decision is required for the above purposes. If the Board of Appeal rejects the request, it shall give the reasons in its final decision;
- (b)
- the President of the European Patent Office may refer a point of law to the Enlarged Board of Appeal where two Boards of Appeal have given different decisions on that question.
- (2)
- In the cases referred to in paragraph 1(a) the parties to the appeal proceedings shall be parties to the proceedings before the Enlarged Board of Appeal.
- (3)
- The decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeal referred to in paragraph 1(a) shall be binding on the Board of Appeal in respect of the appeal in question.
Article 112a Petition for review by the Enlarged Board of Appeal
- (1)
- Any party to appeal proceedings adversely affected by the decision of the Board of Appeal may file a petition for review of the decision by the Enlarged Board of Appeal.
- (2)
- The petition may only be filed on the grounds that:
- (a)
- a member of the Board of Appeal took part in the decision in breach of Article 24, paragraph 1, or despite being excluded pursuant to a decision under Article 24, paragraph 4;
- (b)
- the Board of Appeal included a person not appointed as a member of the Boards of Appeal; (c) a fundamental violation of Article 113 occurred;
- (d)
- any other fundamental procedural defect defined in the Implementing Regulations occurred in the appeal proceedings; or
- (e)
- a criminal act established under the conditions laid down in the Implementing Regulations may have had an impact on the decision.
- (3)
- The petition for review shall not have suspensive effect.
- (4)
- The petition for review shall be filed in a reasoned statement, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. If based on paragraph 2(a) to (d), the petition shall be filed within two months of notification of the decision of the Board of Appeal. If based on paragraph 2(e), the petition shall be filed within two months of the date on which the criminal act has been established and in any event no later than five years from notification of the decision of the Board of Appeal. The petition shall not be deemed to have been filed until after the prescribed fee has been paid.
- (5)
- The Enlarged Board of Appeal shall examine the petition for review in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. If the petition is allowable, the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall set aside the decision and shall re-open proceedings before the Boards of Appeal in accordance with the Implementing Regulations.
- (6)
- Any person who, in a designated Contracting State, has in good faith used or made effective and serious preparations for using an invention which is the subject of a published European patent application or a European patent in the period between the decision of the Board of Appeal and publication in the European Patent Bulletin of the
mention of the decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeal on the petition, may without payment continue such use in the course of his business or for the needs thereof.
Chapter I Common provisions governing procedure
Article 113 Right to be heard and basis of decisions
- (1)
- The decisions of the European Patent Office may only be based on grounds or evidence on which the parties concerned have had an opportunity to present their comments.
- (2)
- The European Patent Office shall examine, and decide upon, the European patent application or the European patent only in the text submitted to it, or agreed, by the applicant or the proprietor of the patent.
Article 114 Examination by the European Patent Office of its own motion
- (1)
- In proceedings before it, the European Patent Office shall examine the facts of its own motion; it shall not be restricted in this examination to the facts, evidence and arguments provided by the parties and the relief sought.
- (2)
- The European Patent Office may disregard facts or evidence which are not submitted in due time by the parties concerned.
Article 115 Observations by third parties
In proceedings before the European Patent Office, following the publication of the European patent application, any third party may, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, present observations concerning the patentability of the invention to which the application or patent relates. That person shall not be a party to the proceedings.
Article 116 Oral proceedings
- (1)
- Oral proceedings shall take place either at the instance of the European Patent Office if it considers this to be expedient or at the request of any party to the proceedings. However, the European Patent Office may reject a request for further oral proceedings before the same department where the parties and the subject of the proceedings are the same.
- (2)
- Nevertheless, oral proceedings shall take place before the Receiving Section at the request of the applicant only where the Receiving Section considers this to be expedient or where it intends to refuse the European patent application.
- (3)
- Oral proceedings before the Receiving Section, the Examining Divisions and the Legal Division shall not be public.
- (4)
- Oral proceedings, including delivery of the decision, shall be public, as regards the Boards of Appeal and the Enlarged Board of Appeal, after publication of the European patent application, and also before the Opposition Divisions, in so far as the department before which the proceedings are taking place does not decide otherwise in cases where admission of the public could have serious and unjustified disadvantages, in particular for a party to the proceedings.
Article 117 Means and taking of evidence
- (1)
- In proceedings before the European Patent Office the means of giving or obtaining evidence shall include the following:
- (a)
- hearing the parties;
- (b)
- requests for information;
- (c)
- production of documents;
- (d)
- hearing witnesses;
- (e)
- opinions by experts;
- (f)
- inspection;
- (g)
- sworn statements in writing.
- (2)
- The procedure for taking such evidence shall be laid down in the Implementing Regulations.
Article 118 Unity of the European patent application or European patent
Where the applicants for or proprietors of a European patent are not the same in respect of different designated Contracting States, they shall be regarded as joint applicants or proprietors for the purposes of proceedings before the European Patent Office. The unity of the application or patent in these proceedings shall not be affected; in particular the text of the application or patent shall be uniform for all designated Contracting States, unless this Convention provides otherwise.
Article 119 Notification
Decisions, summonses, notices and communications shall be notified by the European Patent Office of its own motion in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Notification may, where exceptional circumstances so require, be effected through the intermediary of the central industrial property offices of the Contracting States.
Article 120 Time limits
The Implementing Regulations shall specify:
- (a)
- the time limits which are to be observed in proceedings before the European Patent Office and are not fixed by this Convention;
- (b)
- the manner of computation of time limits and the conditions under which time limits may be extended;
- (c)
- the minima and maxima for time limits to be determined by the European Patent Office.
Article 121 Further processing of the European patent application
- (1)
- If an applicant fails to observe a time limit vis-à-vis the European Patent Office, he may request further processing of the European patent application.
- (2)
- The European Patent Office shall grant the request, provided that the requirements laid down in the Implementing Regulations are met. Otherwise, it shall reject the request.
- (3)
- If the request is granted, the legal consequences of the failure to observe the time limit shall be deemed not to have ensued.
- (4)
- Further processing shall be ruled out in respect of the time limits in Article 87, paragraph 1, Article 108 and Article 112a, paragraph 4, as well as the time limits for requesting further processing or re-establishment of rights. The Implementing Regulations may rule out further processing for other time limits.
Article 122 Re-establishment of rights
- (1)
- An applicant for or proprietor of a European patent who, in spite of all due care required by the circumstances having been taken, was unable to observe a time limit vis-à-vis the European Patent Office shall have his rights re-established upon request if the non-observance of this time limit has the direct consequence of causing the refusal of the European patent application or of a request, or the deeming of the application to have been withdrawn, or the revocation of the European patent, or the loss of any other right or means of redress.
- (2)
- The European Patent Office shall grant the request, provided that the conditions of paragraph 1 and any other requirements laid down in the Implementing Regulations are met. Otherwise, it shall reject the request.
- (3)
- If the request is granted, the legal consequences of the failure to observe the time limit shall be deemed not to have ensued.
- (4)
- Re-establishment of rights shall be ruled out in respect of the time limit for requesting re-establishment of rights. The Implementing Regulations may rule out re-establishment for other time limits.
- (5)
- Any person who, in a designated Contracting State, has in good faith used or made effective and serious preparations for using an invention which is the subject of a published European patent application or a European patent in the period between the loss of rights referred to in paragraph 1 and publication in the European Patent Bulletin of the mention of re-establishment of those rights, may without payment continue such use in the course of his business or for the needs thereof.
- (6)
- Nothing in this Article shall limit the right of a Contracting State to grant re-establishment of rights in respect of time limits provided for in this Convention and to be observed vis-à-vis the authorities of such State.
Article 123 Amendments
- (1)
- The European patent application or European patent may be amended in proceedings before the European Patent Office, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. In any event, the applicant shall be given at least one opportunity to amend the application of his own volition.
- (2)
- The European patent application or European patent may not be amended in such a way that it contains subject-matter which extends beyond the content of the application as filed.
- (3)
- The European patent may not be amended in such a way as to extend the protection it confers.
Article 124 Information on prior art
- (1)
- The European Patent Office may, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, invite the applicant to provide information on prior art taken into consideration in national or regional patent proceedings and concerning an invention to which the European patent application relates.
- (2)
- If the applicant fails to reply in due time to an invitation under paragraph 1, the European patent application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
Article 125 Reference to general principles
In the absence of procedural provisions in this Convention, the European Patent Office shall take into account the principles of procedural law generally recognised in the Contracting States.
Article 126 (deleted)
Chapter II Information to the public or to official authorities
Article 127 European Patent Register
The European Patent Office shall keep a European Patent Register, in which the particulars specified in the Implementing Regulations shall be recorded. No entry shall be made in the European Patent Register before the publication of the European patent application. The European Patent Register shall be open to public inspection.
Article 128 Inspection of files
- (1)
- Files relating to European patent applications which have not yet been published shall not be made available for inspection without the consent of the applicant.
- (2)
- Any person who can prove that the applicant has invoked the rights under the European patent application against him may obtain inspection of the files before the publication of that application and without the consent of the applicant.
- (3)
- Where a European divisional application or a new European patent application filed under Article 61, paragraph 1, is published, any person may obtain inspection of the files of the earlier application before the publication of that application and without the consent of the applicant.
- (4)
- After the publication of the European patent application, the files relating to the application and the resulting European patent may be inspected on request, subject to the restrictions laid down in the Implementing Regulations.
- (5)
- Even before the publication of the European patent application, the European Patent Office may communicate to third parties or publish the particulars specified in the Implementing Regulations.
Article 129 Periodical publications
The European Patent Office shall periodically publish:
- (a)
- a European Patent Bulletin containing the particulars the publication of which is prescribed by this Convention, the Implementing Regulations or the President of the European Patent Office;
- (b)
- an Official Journal containing notices and information of a general character issued by the President of the European Patent Office, as well as any other information relevant to this Convention or its implementation.
Article 130 Exchange of information
- (1)
- Unless this Convention or national laws provide otherwise, the European Patent Office and the central industrial property office of any Contracting State shall, on request, communicate to each other any useful information regarding European or national patent applications and patents and any proceedings concerning them.
- (2)
- Paragraph 1 shall apply to the communication of information by virtue of working agreements between the European Patent Office and
- (a)
- the central industrial property offices of other States;
- (b)
- any intergovernmental organisation entrusted with the task of granting patents;
- (c)
- any other organisation.
- (3)
- Communications under paragraphs 1 and 2(a) and (b) shall not be subject to the restrictions laid down in Article 128. The Administrative Council may decide that communications under paragraph 2(c) shall not be subject to such restrictions, provided that the organisation concerned treats the information communicated as confidential until the European patent application has been published.
Article 131 Administrative and legal co-operation
- (1)
- Unless this Convention or national laws provide otherwise, the European Patent Office and the courts or authorities of Contracting States shall on request give assistance to each other by communicating information or opening files for inspection. Where the European Patent Office makes files available for inspection by courts, Public Prosecutors' Offices or central industrial property offices, the inspection shall not be subject to the restrictions laid down in Article 128.
- (2)
- At the request of the European Patent Office, the courts or other competent authorities of Contracting States shall undertake, on behalf of the Office and within the limits of their jurisdiction, any necessary enquiries or other legal measures.
Article 132 Exchange of publications
- (1)
- The European Patent Office and the central industrial property offices of the Contracting States shall despatch to each other on request and for their own use one or more copies of their respective publications free of charge.
- (2)
- The European Patent Office may conclude agreements relating to the exchange or supply of publications.
Chapter III Representation
Article 133 General principles of representation
- (1)
- Subject to paragraph 2, no person shall be compelled to be represented by a professional representative in proceedings established by this Convention.
- (2)
- Natural or legal persons not having their residence or principal place of business in a Contracting State shall be represented by a professional representative and act through him in all proceedings established by this Convention, other than in filing a European patent application; the Implementing Regulations may permit other exceptions.
- (3)
- Natural or legal persons having their residence or principal place of business in a Contracting State may be represented in proceedings established by this Convention by an employee, who need not be a professional representative but who shall be authorised in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. The Implementing Regulations may provide whether and under what conditions an employee of a legal person may also represent other legal persons which have their principal place of business in a Contracting State and which have economic connections with the first legal person.
- (4)
- The Implementing Regulations may lay down special provisions concerning the common representation of parties acting in common.
Article 134 Representation before the European Patent Office
- (1)
- Representation of natural or legal persons in proceedings established by this Convention may only be undertaken by professional representatives whose names appear on a list maintained for this purpose by the European Patent Office.
- (2)
- Any natural person who
a) is a national of a Contracting State,
b) has his place of business or employment in a Contracting State and
(c) has passed the European qualifying examination
may be entered on the list of professional representatives.
(3) During a period of one year from the date on which the accession of a State to this Convention takes effect, entry on that list may also be requested by any natural person who
a) is a national of a Contracting State,
b) has his place of business or employment in the State having acceded to the Convention and
c) is entitled to represent natural or legal persons in patent matters before the central industrial property office of that State. Where such entitlement is not conditional upon the requirement of special professional qualifications, the person shall have regularly so acted in that State for at least five years.
- (4)
- Entry shall be effected upon request, accompanied by certificates indicating that the conditions laid down in paragraph 2 or 3 are fulfilled.
- (5)
- Persons whose names appear on the list of professional representatives shall be entitled to act in all proceedings established by this Convention.
- (6)
- For the purpose of acting as a professional representative, any person whose name appears on the list of professional representatives shall be entitled to establish a place of business in any Contracting State in which proceedings established by this Convention may be conducted, having regard to the Protocol on Centralisation annexed to this Convention. The authorities of such State may remove that entitlement in individual cases only in application of legal provisions adopted for the purpose of protecting public security and law and order. Before such action is taken, the President of the European Patent Office shall be consulted.
- (7)
- The President of the European Patent Office may grant exemption from: (a) the requirement of paragraphs 2(a) or 3(a) in special circumstances;
- (b)
- the requirement of paragraph 3(c), second sentence, if the applicant furnishes proof that he has acquired the requisite qualification in another way.
- (8)
- Representation in proceedings established by this Convention may also be undertaken, in the same way as by a professional representative, by any legal practitioner qualified in a Contracting State and having his place of business in that State, to the extent
that he is entitled in that State to act as a professional representative in patent matters. Paragraph 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Article 134a Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office
- (1)
- The Administrative Council shall be competent to adopt and amend provisions governing:
- (a)
- the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office, hereinafter referred to as the Institute;
- (b)
- the qualifications and training required of a person for admission to the European qualifying examination and the conduct of such examination;
- (c)
- the disciplinary power exercised by the Institute or the European Patent Office in respect of professional representatives;
- (d)
- the obligation of confidentiality on the professional representative and the privilege from disclosure in proceedings before the European Patent Office in respect of communications between a professional representative and his client or any other person.
- (2)
- Any person entered on the list of professional representatives referred to in Article 134, paragraph 1, shall be a member of the Institute.
Chapter I Conversion into a national patent application
Article 135 Request for conversion
- (1)
- The central industrial property office of a designated Contracting State shall, at the request of the applicant for or proprietor of a European patent, apply the procedure for the grant of a national patent in the following circumstances:
- (a)
- where the European patent application is deemed to be withdrawn under Article 77, paragraph 3;
- (b)
- in such other cases as are provided for by the national law, in which the European patent application is refused or withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn, or the European patent is revoked under this Convention.
- (2)
- In the case referred to in paragraph 1(a), the request for conversion shall be filed with the central industrial property office with which the European patent application has been filed. That office shall, subject to the provisions governing national security, transmit the request directly to the central industrial property offices of the Contracting States specified therein.
- (3)
- In the cases referred to in paragraph 1(b), the request for conversion shall be submitted to the European Patent Office in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. It shall not be deemed to be filed until the conversion fee has been paid. The European Patent Office shall transmit the request to the central industrial property offices of the Contracting States specified therein.
- (4)
- The effect of the European patent application referred to in Article 66 shall lapse if the request for conversion is not submitted in due time.
Article 136 (deleted)
Article 137 Formal requirements for conversion
- (1)
- A European patent application transmitted in accordance with Article 135, paragraph 2 or 3, shall not be subjected to formal requirements of national law which are different from or additional to those provided for in this Convention.
- (2)
- Any central industrial property office to which the European patent application is transmitted may require that the applicant shall, within a period of not less than two months: (a) pay the national application fee; and
- (b)
- file a translation of the original text of the European patent application in an official language of the State in question and, where appropriate, of the text as amended during proceedings before the European Patent Office which the applicant wishes to use as the basis for the national procedure.
Chapter II Revocation and prior rights
Article 138 Revocation of European patents
- (1)
- Subject to Article 139, a European patent may be revoked with effect for a Contracting State only on the grounds that: (a) the subject-matter of the European patent is not patentable under Articles 52 to 57;
- (b)
- the European patent does not disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the art;
- (c)
- the subject-matter of the European patent extends beyond the content of the application as filed or, if the patent was granted on a divisional application or on a new application filed under Article 61, beyond the content of the earlier application as filed;
- (d)
- the protection conferred by the European patent has been extended; or
- (e)
- the proprietor of the European patent is not entitled under Article 60, paragraph 1.
- (2)
- If the grounds for revocation affect the European patent only in part, the patent shall be limited by a corresponding amendment of the claims and revoked in part.
- (3)
- In proceedings before the competent court or authority relating to the validity of the European patent, the proprietor of the patent shall have the right to limit the patent by amending the claims. The patent as thus limited shall form the basis for the proceedings.
Article 139 Prior rights and rights arising on the same date
- (1)
- In any designated Contracting State a European patent application and a European patent shall have with regard to a national patent application and a national patent the same prior right effect as a national patent application and a national patent.
- (2)
- A national patent application and a national patent in a Contracting State shall have with regard to a European patent designating that Contracting State the same prior right effect as if the European patent were a national patent.
- (3)
- Any Contracting State may prescribe whether and on what terms an invention disclosed in both a European patent application or patent and a national application or patent having the same date of filing or, where priority is claimed, the same date of priority, may be protected simultaneously by both applications or patents.
Chapter III Miscellaneous effects
Article 140 National utility models and utility certificates
Articles 66, 124, 135, 137 and 139 shall apply to utility models and utility certificates and to applications for utility models and utility certificates registered or deposited in the Contracting States whose laws make provision for such models or certificates.
Article 141 Renewal fees for European patents
- (1)
- Renewal fees for a European patent may only be imposed for the years which follow that referred to in Article 86, paragraph 2.
- (2)
- Any renewal fees falling due within two months of the publication in the European Patent Bulletin of the mention of the grant of the European patent shall be deemed to have
been validly paid if they are paid within that period. Any additional fee provided for under national law shall not be charged.
Article 142 Unitary patents
- (1)
- Any group of Contracting States, which has provided by a special agreement that a European patent granted for those States has a unitary character throughout their territories, may provide that a European patent may only be granted jointly in respect of all those States.
- (2)
- Where any group of Contracting States has availed itself of the authorisation given in paragraph 1, the provisions of this Part shall apply.
Article 143 Special departments of the European Patent Office
- (1)
- The group of Contracting States may give additional tasks to the European Patent Office.
- (2)
- Special departments common to the Contracting States in the group may be set up within the European Patent Office in order to carry out the additional tasks. The President of the European Patent Office shall direct such special departments; Article 10, paragraphs 2 and 3, shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Article 144 Representation before special departments
The group of Contracting States may lay down special provisions to govern representation of parties before the departments referred to in Article 143, paragraph 2.
Article 145 Select committee of the Administrative Council
- (1)
- The group of Contracting States may set up a select committee of the Administrative Council for the purpose of supervising the activities of the special departments set up under Article 143, paragraph 2; the European Patent Office shall place at its disposal such staff, premises and equipment as may be necessary for the performance of its duties. The President of the European Patent Office shall be responsible for the activities of the special departments to the select committee of the Administrative Council.
- (2)
- The composition, powers and functions of the select committee shall be determined by the group of Contracting States.
Article 146 Cover for expenditure for carrying out special tasks
Where additional tasks have been given to the European Patent Office under Article 143, the group of Contracting States shall bear the expenses incurred by the Organisation in carrying out these tasks. Where special departments have been set up in the European Patent Office to carry out these additional tasks, the group shall bear the expenditure on staff, premises and equipment chargeable in respect of these departments. Article 39, paragraphs 3 and 4, Article 41 and Article 47 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Article 147 Payments in respect of renewal fees for unitary patents
If the group of Contracting States has fixed a common scale of renewal fees in respect of European patents, the proportion referred to in Article 39, paragraph 1, shall be calculated on the basis of the common scale; the minimum amount referred to in Article 39, paragraph 1, shall apply to the unitary patent. Article 39, paragraphs 3 and 4, shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Article 148 The European patent application as an object of property
- (1)
- Article 74 shall apply unless the group of Contracting States has specified otherwise.
- (2)
- The group of Contracting States may provide that a European patent application for which these Contracting States are designated may only be transferred, mortgaged or subjected to any legal means of execution in respect of all the Contracting States of the group and in accordance with the provisions of the special agreement.
Article 149 Joint designation
- (1)
- The group of Contracting States may provide that these States may only be designated jointly, and that the designation of one or some only of such States shall be deemed to constitute the designation of all the States of the group.
- (2)
- Where the European Patent Office acts as a designated Office under Article 153, paragraph 1, paragraph 1 shall apply if the applicant has indicated in the international application that he wishes to obtain a European patent for one or more of the designated States of the group. The same shall apply if the applicant designates in the international application one of the Contracting States in the group, whose national law provides that the designation of that State shall have the effect of the application being for a European patent.
Article 149a Other agreements between the Contracting States
- (1)
- Nothing in this Convention shall be construed as limiting the right of some or all of the Contracting States to conclude special agreements on any matters concerning European patent applications or European patents which under this Convention are subject to and governed by national law, such as, in particular
- (a)
- an agreement establishing a European patent court common to the Contracting States party to it;
- (b)
- an agreement establishing an entity common to the Contracting States party to it to deliver, at the request of national courts or quasi-judicial authorities, opinions on issues of European or harmonised national patent law;
- (c)
- an agreement under which the Contracting States party to it dispense fully or in part with translations of European patents under Article 65;
- (d)
- an agreement under which the Contracting States party to it provide that translations of European patents as required under Article 65 may be filed with, and published by, the European Patent Office.
- (2)
- The Administrative Council shall be competent to decide that:
- (a)
- the members of the Boards of Appeal or the Enlarged Board of Appeal may serve on a European patent court or a common entity and take part in proceedings before that court or entity in accordance with any such agreement;
- (b)
- the European Patent Office shall provide a common entity with such support staff, premises and equipment as may be necessary for the performance of its duties, and the expenses incurred by that entity shall be borne fully or in part by the Organisation.
Article 150 Application of the Patent Cooperation Treaty
- (1)
- The Patent Cooperation Treaty of 19 June 1970, hereinafter referred to as the PCT, shall be applied in accordance with the provisions of this Part.
- (2)
- International applications filed under the PCT may be the subject of proceedings before the European Patent Office. In such proceedings, the provisions of the PCT and its Regulations shall be applied, supplemented by the provisions of this Convention. In case of conflict, the provisions of the PCT or its Regulations shall prevail.
Article 151 The European Patent Office as a receiving Office
The European Patent Office shall act as a receiving Office within the meaning of the PCT, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Article 75, paragraph 2, shall apply.
Article 152 The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority or International Preliminary Examining Authority
The European Patent Office shall act as an International Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority within the meaning of the PCT, in accordance with an agreement between the Organisation and the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization, for applicants who are residents or nationals of a State party to this Convention. This agreement may provide that the European Patent Office shall also act for other applicants.
Article 153 The European Patent Office as designated Office or elected Office
- (1)
- The European Patent Office shall be
- (a)
- a designated Office for any State party to this Convention in respect of which the PCT is in force, which is designated in the international application and for which the applicant wishes to obtain a European patent, and
- (b)
- an elected Office, if the applicant has elected a State designated pursuant to letter (a).
- (2)
- An international application for which the European Patent Office is a designated or elected Office, and which has been accorded an international date of filing, shall be equivalent to a regular European application (Euro-PCT application).
- (3)
- The international publication of a Euro-PCT application in an official language of the European Patent Office shall take the place of the publication of the European patent application and shall be mentioned in the European Patent Bulletin.
- (4)
- If the Euro-PCT application is published in another language, a translation into one of the official languages shall be filed with the European Patent Office, which shall publish it. Subject to Article 67, paragraph 3, the provisional protection under Article 67, paragraphs 1 and 2, shall be effective from the date of that publication.
- (5)
- The Euro-PCT application shall be treated as a European patent application and shall be considered as comprised in the state of the art under Article 54, paragraph 3, if the conditions laid down in paragraph 3 or 4 and in the Implementing Regulations are fulfilled.
- (6)
- The international search report drawn up in respect of a Euro-PCT application or the declaration replacing it, and their international publication, shall take the place of the European search report and the mention of its publication in the European Patent Bulletin.
- (7)
- A supplementary European search report shall be drawn up in respect of any Euro-PCT application under paragraph 5. The Administrative Council may decide that the supplementary search report is to be dispensed with or that the search fee is to be reduced.
Article 154 (deleted)
Article 155 (deleted)
Article 156 (deleted)
Article 157 (deleted)
Article 158 (deleted)
Article 164 Implementing Regulations and Protocols
- (1)
- The Implementing Regulations, the Protocol on Recognition, the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities, the Protocol on Centralisation, the Protocol on the Interpretation of Article 69 and the Protocol on Staff Complement shall be integral parts of this Convention.
- (2)
- In case of conflict between the provisions of this Convention and those of the Implementing Regulations, the provisions of this Convention shall prevail.
Article 165 Signature – Ratification
- (1)
- This Convention shall be open for signature until 5 April 1974 by the States which took part in the Inter-Governmental Conference for the setting up of a European System for the Grant of Patents or were informed of the holding of that conference and offered the option of taking part therein.
- (2)
- This Convention shall be subject to ratification; instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Article 166 Accession
- (1)
- This Convention shall be open to accession by:
- (a)
- the States referred to in Article 165, paragraph 1;
- (b)
- any other European State at the invitation of the Administrative Council.
- (2)
- Any State which has been a party to the Convention and has ceased to be so as a result of the application of Article 172, paragraph 4, may again become a party to the Convention by acceding to it.
- (3)
- Instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Article 167 (deleted)
Article 168 Territorial field of application
- (1)
- Any Contracting State may declare in its instrument of ratification or accession, or may inform the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany by written notification at any time thereafter, that this Convention shall be applicable to one or more of the territories for the external relations of which it is responsible. European patents granted for that Contracting State shall also have effect in the territories for which such a declaration has taken effect.
- (2)
- If the declaration referred to in paragraph 1 is contained in the instrument of ratification or accession, it shall take effect on the same date as the ratification or accession; if the declaration is notified after the deposit of the instrument of ratification or accession, such notification shall take effect six months after the date of its receipt by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
- (3)
- Any Contracting State may at any time declare that the Convention shall cease to apply to some or to all of the territories in respect of which it has given notification pursuant to paragraph 1. Such declaration shall take effect one year after the date on which the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany received notification thereof.
Article 169 Entry into force
- (1)
- This Convention shall enter into force three months after the deposit of the last instrument of ratification or accession by six States on whose territory the total number of patent applications filed in 1970 amounted to at least 180 000 for all the said States.
- (2)
- Any ratification or accession after the entry into force of this Convention shall take effect on the first day of the third month after the deposit of the instrument of ratification or accession.
Article 170 Initial contribution
- (1)
- Any State which ratifies or accedes to this Convention after its entry into force shall pay to the Organisation an initial contribution, which shall not be refunded.
- (2)
- The initial contribution shall be 5% of an amount calculated by applying the percentage obtained for the State in question, on the date on which ratification or accession takes effect, in accordance with the scale provided for in Article 40, paragraphs 3 and 4, to the sum of the special financial contributions due from the other Contracting States in respect of the accounting periods preceding the date referred to above.
- (3)
- In the event that special financial contributions were not required in respect of the accounting period immediately preceding the date referred to in paragraph 2, the scale of contributions referred to in that paragraph shall be the scale that would have been applicable to the State concerned in respect of the last year for which financial contributions were required.
Article 171 Duration of the Convention
The present Convention shall be of unlimited duration.
Article 172 Revision
- (1)
- This Convention may be revised by a Conference of the Contracting States.
- (2)
- The Conference shall be prepared and convened by the Administrative Council. The Conference shall not be validly constituted unless at least three-quarters of the Contracting States are represented at it. Adoption of the revised text shall require a majority of three-quarters of the Contracting States represented and voting at the Conference. Abstentions shall not be considered as votes.
- (3)
- The revised text shall enter into force when it has been ratified or acceded to by the number of Contracting States specified by the Conference, and at the time specified by that Conference.
- (4)
- Such States as have not ratified or acceded to the revised text of the Convention at the time of its entry into force shall cease to be parties to this Convention as from that time.
Article 173 Disputes between Contracting States
- (1)
- Any dispute between Contracting States concerning the interpretation or application of the present Convention which is not settled by negotiation shall be submitted, at the request of one of the States concerned, to the Administrative Council, which shall endeavour to bring about agreement between the States concerned.
- (2)
- If such agreement is not reached within six months from the date when the dispute was referred to the Administrative Council, any one of the States concerned may submit the dispute to the International Court of Justice for a binding decision.
Article 174 Denunciation
Any Contracting State may at any time denounce this Convention. Denunciation shall be notified to the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. It shall take effect one year after the date of receipt of such notification.
Article 175 Preservation of acquired rights
- (1)
- In the event of a State ceasing to be party to this Convention in accordance with Article 172, paragraph 4, or Article 174 rights already acquired pursuant to this Convention shall not be impaired.
- (2)
- A European patent application which is pending when a designated State ceases to be party to the Convention shall be processed by the European Patent Office, as far as that State is concerned, as if the Convention in force thereafter were applicable to that State.
- (3)
- Paragraph 2 shall apply to European patents in respect of which, on the date mentioned in that paragraph, an opposition is pending or the opposition period has not expired.
- (4)
- Nothing in this Article shall affect the right of any State that has ceased to be a party to this Convention to treat any European patent in accordance with the text to which it was a party.
Article 176 Financial rights and obligations of former Contracting States
- (1)
- Any State which has ceased to be a party to this Convention in accordance with Article 172, paragraph 4, or Article 174, shall have the special financial contributions which it has paid pursuant to Article 40, paragraph 2, refunded to it by the Organisation only at the time when and under the conditions whereby the Organisation refunds special financial contributions paid by other States during the same accounting period.
- (2)
- The State referred to in paragraph 1 shall, even after ceasing to be a party to this Convention, continue to pay the proportion pursuant to Article 39 of renewal fees in respect of European patents remaining in force in that State, at the rate current on the date on which it ceased to be a party.
Article 177 Languages of the Convention
- (1)
- This Convention, drawn up in a single original, in the English, French and German languages, shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, the three texts being equally authentic.
- (2)
- The texts of this Convention drawn up in official languages of Contracting States other than those specified in paragraph 1 shall, if they have been approved by the Administrative Council, be considered as official texts. In the event of disagreement on the interpretation of the various texts, the texts referred to in paragraph 1 shall be authentic.
Article 178 Transmission and notifications
- (1)
- The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany shall draw up certified true copies of this Convention and shall transmit them to the Governments of all signatory or acceding States.
- (2)
- The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany shall notify to the Governments of the States referred to in paragraph 1:
- (a)
- the deposit of any instrument of ratification or accession;
- (b)
- any declaration or notification received pursuant to Article 168;
- (c)
- any denunciation received pursuant to Article 174 and the date on which such denunciation comes into force.
- (3)
- The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany shall register this Convention with the Secretariat of the United Nations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Plenipotentiaries authorised thereto, having presented their Full Powers, found to be in good and due form, have signed this Convention.
Done at Munich this fifth day of October one thousand nine hundred and seventy-three
Implementing Regulations
to the Convention on the Grant of European Patents
of 5 October 1973
as adopted by decision of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation of 7 December 2006
Chapter I General provisions
Rule 1 Written proceedings
In written proceedings before the European Patent Office, the requirement to use the written form shall be satisfied if the content of the documents can be reproduced in a legible form on paper.
Rule 2 Filing of and formal requirements for documents
- (1)
- In proceedings before the European Patent Office, documents may be filed by delivery by hand, by post or by technical means of communication. The President of the European Patent Office shall lay down the details and conditions and, where appropriate, any special formal or technical requirements for the filing of documents. In particular, he may specify that confirmation must be supplied. If such confirmation is not supplied in due time, the European patent application shall be refused; documents filed subsequently shall be deemed not to have been received.
- (2)
- Where the Convention provides that a document must be signed, the authenticity of the document may be confirmed by handwritten signature or other appropriate means the use of which has been permitted by the President of the European Patent Office. A document authenticated by such other means shall be deemed to meet the legal requirements of signature in the same way as a document bearing a handwritten signature which has been filed in paper form.
Rule 3 Language in written proceedings
- (1)
- In written proceedings before the European Patent Office, any party may use any official language of the European Patent Office. The translation referred to in Article 14, paragraph 4, may be filed in any official language of the European Patent Office.
- (2)
- Amendments to a European patent application or European patent shall be filed in the language of the proceedings.
- (3)
- Documentary evidence and, in particular, publications may be filed in any language. The European Patent Office may, however, require that a translation in one of its official languages be filed, within a period to be specified. If a required translation is not filed in due time, the European Patent Office may disregard the document in question.
Rule 4 Language in oral proceedings
- (1)
- Any party to oral proceedings before the European Patent Office may use an official language of the European Patent Office other than the language of the proceedings, if such party gives notice to the European Patent Office at least one month before the date of such oral proceedings or provides for interpretation into the language of the proceedings. Any party may use an official language of a Contracting State, if he provides for interpretation into the language of the proceedings. The European Patent Office may permit derogations from these provisions.
- (2)
- In the course of oral proceedings, employees of the European Patent Office may use an official language of the European Patent Office other than the language of the proceedings.
- (3)
- Where evidence is taken, any party, witness or expert to be heard who is unable to express himself adequately in an official language of the European Patent Office or of a Contracting State may use another language. Where evidence is taken upon request of a party, parties, witnesses or experts expressing themselves in a language other than an official language of the European Patent Office shall be heard only if that party provides for interpretation into the language of the proceedings. The European Patent Office may, however, permit interpretation into one of its other official languages.
- (4)
- If the parties and the European Patent Office agree, any language may be used.
- (5)
- The European Patent Office shall, if necessary, provide at its own expense interpretation into the language of the proceedings, or, where appropriate, into its other official languages, unless such interpretation is the responsibility of one of the parties.
- (6)
- Statements by employees of the European Patent Office, parties, witnesses or experts, made in an official language of the European Patent Office, shall be entered in the minutes in that language. Statements made in any other language shall be entered in the official language into which they are translated. Amendments to a European patent application or European patent shall be entered in the minutes in the language of the proceedings.
Rule 5 Certification of translations
Where the translation of a document is required, the European Patent Office may require that a certificate that the translation corresponds to the original text be filed within a period to be specified. If the certificate is not filed in due time, such document shall be deemed not to have been filed, unless otherwise provided.
Rule 6 Filing of translations and reduction of fees
- (1)
- A translation under Article 14, paragraph 2, shall be filed within two months of filing the European patent application.
- (2)
- A translation under Article 14, paragraph 4, shall be filed within one month of filing the document. This shall also apply to requests under Article 105a. Where the document is a notice of opposition or appeal, or a statement of grounds of appeal, or a petition for review, the translation may be filed within the period for filing such a notice or statement or petition, if that period expires later.
- (3)
- Where a person referred to in Article 14, paragraph 4, files a European patent application, a request for examination, an opposition, an appeal, a petition for review or a request for limitation or revocation in a language admitted in that provision, the filing fee, examination fee, opposition fee, appeal fee, fee for the petition for review or the limitation or revocation fee shall be reduced in accordance with the Rules relating to Fees.
Rule 7 Legal authenticity of the translation of the European patent application
Unless evidence is provided to the contrary, the European Patent Office shall assume, for the purpose of determining whether the subject-matter of the European patent application or European patent extends beyond the content of the application as filed, that the translation filed under Article 14, paragraph 2, or Rule 40, paragraph 3, is in conformity with the original text of the application.
Chapter II Organisation of the European Patent Office
Section 1 General matters
Rule 8 Patent classification
The European Patent Office shall use the classification referred to in Article 1 of the Strasbourg Agreement concerning the International Patent Classification of 24 March 1971, hereinafter referred to as the international classification.
Rule 9 Administrative structure of the European Patent Office
- (1)
- The European Patent Office shall be divided administratively into Directorates-General, to which the departments specified in Article 15, and the services set up to deal with legal matters and the internal administration of the Office, shall be assigned.
- (2)
- Each Directorate-General shall be directed by a Vice-President. The assignment of a Vice-President to a Directorate-General shall be decided by the Administrative Council, after the President of the European Patent Office has been consulted.
Rule 10 Responsibility of the Receiving Section and the Examining Division
- (1)
- The Receiving Section shall be responsible for the examination on filing and the examination as to formal requirements of a European patent application up to the time when the Examining Division becomes responsible for the examination of the European patent application under Article 94, paragraph 1.
- (2)
- Subject to paragraphs 3 and 4, the Examining Division shall be responsible for the examination of a European patent application under Article 94, paragraph 1, from the time when a request for examination is filed.
- (3)
- If a request for examination is filed before the European search report has been transmitted to the applicant, the Examining Division shall, subject to paragraph 4, be responsible from the time when the European Patent Office receives the indication under Rule 70, paragraph 2.
- (4)
- If a request for examination is filed before the European search report has been transmitted to the applicant, and if the applicant has waived the right under Rule 70, paragraph 2, the Examining Division shall be responsible from the time when the search report is transmitted to the applicant.
Rule 11 Allocation of duties to the departments of first instance
- (1)
- Technically qualified examiners acting as members of Search, Examining or Opposition Divisions shall be assigned to Directorates. The President of the European Patent Office shall allocate duties to these Directorates by reference to the international classification.
- (2)
- The President of the European Patent Office may allocate further duties to the Receiving Section, the Search, Examining and Opposition Divisions, and the Legal Division, in addition to the responsibilities vested in them under the Convention.
- (3)
- The President of the European Patent Office may entrust to employees who are not technically or legally qualified examiners the execution of duties falling to the Search, Examining or Opposition Divisions and involving no technical or legal difficulties.
Section 2 Organisation of the Boards of Appeal and the Enlarged Board of Appeal
Rule 12 Presidium of the Boards of Appeal
- (1)
- The autonomous authority within the organisational unit comprising the Boards of Appeal (the "Presidium of the Boards of Appeal") shall consist of the Vice-President in charge of the Boards of Appeal, who shall act as chairman, and twelve members of the Boards of Appeal, six being Chairmen and six being other members.
- (2)
- All members of the Presidium shall be elected by the Chairmen and members of the Boards of Appeal for two working years. If the full composition of the Presidium cannot be reached, the vacancies shall be filled by designating the most senior Chairmen and members.
- (3)
- The Presidium shall adopt the Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal and the Rules of Procedure for the election and designation of its members. The Presidium shall further advise the Vice-President in charge of the Boards of Appeal with regard to matters concerning the functioning of the Boards of Appeal in general.
- (4)
- Before the beginning of each working year, the Presidium, extended to include all Chairmen, shall allocate duties to the Boards of Appeal. In the same composition, it shall decide on conflicts regarding the allocation of duties between two or more Boards of Appeal. The extended Presidium shall designate the regular and alternate members of the various Boards of Appeal. Any member of a Board of Appeal may be designated as a member of more than one Board of Appeal. These measures may, where necessary, be amended during the course of the working year in question.
- (5)
- The Presidium may only take a decision if at least five of its members are present; these must include the Vice-President in charge of the Boards of Appeal or his deputy, and the Chairmen of two Boards of Appeal. Where the tasks mentioned in paragraph 4 are concerned, nine members must be present, including the Vice-President in charge of the Boards of Appeal or his deputy, and the Chairmen of three Boards of Appeal. Decisions shall be taken by a majority vote; in the event of parity of votes, the Chairman or his deputy shall have the casting vote. Abstentions shall not be considered as votes.
- (6)
- The Administrative Council may allocate duties under Article 134a, paragraph 1(c), to the Boards of Appeal.
Rule 13 Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appeal and adoption of its Rules of Procedure
- (1)
- Before the beginning of each working year, the members of the Enlarged Board of Appeal appointed under Article 11, paragraph 3, shall designate the regular and alternate members of the Enlarged Board of Appeal in proceedings under Article 22, paragraph 1(a) and (b), and the regular and alternate members in proceedings under Article 22, paragraph 1(c).
- (2)
- The members of the Enlarged Board of Appeal appointed under Article 11, paragraph 3, shall adopt the Rules of Procedure of the Enlarged Board of Appeal.
- (3)
- Decisions on matters mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 may only be taken if at least five members are present, including the Chairman of the Enlarged Board of Appeal or his deputy; in the event of parity of votes, the Chairman or his deputy shall have the casting vote. Abstentions shall not be considered as votes.
Chapter I Procedure where the applicant is not entitled
Rule 14 Stay of proceedings
- (1)
- If a third party provides evidence that he has instituted proceedings against the applicant seeking a decision within the meaning of Article 61, paragraph 1, the proceedings for grant shall be stayed unless the third party communicates to the European Patent Office in writing his consent to the continuation of such proceedings. Such consent shall be irrevocable. However, proceedings for grant shall not be stayed before the publication of the European patent application.
- (2)
- Where evidence is provided that a final decision within the meaning of Article 61, paragraph 1, has been taken, the European Patent Office shall inform the applicant and any other party that the proceedings for grant shall be resumed as from the date stated in the communication, unless a new European patent application under Article 61, paragraph 1(b), has been filed for all the designated Contracting States. If the decision is in favour of the third party, the proceedings may not be resumed earlier than three months after the decision has become final, unless the third party requests the resumption.
- (3)
- Upon staying the proceedings for grant, or thereafter, the European Patent Office may set a date on which it intends to resume the proceedings for grant, regardless of the stage reached in the national proceedings instituted under paragraph 1. It shall communicate this date to the third party, the applicant and any other party. If no evidence has been provided by that date that a final decision has been taken, the European Patent Office may resume proceedings.
- (4)
- All periods other than those for the payment of renewal fees, running at the date of the stay of proceedings, shall be interrupted by such stay. The time which has not yet elapsed shall begin to run from the date on which proceedings are resumed. However, the time still to run after such resumption shall not be less than two months.
Rule 15 Limitation on withdrawals
From the date on which a third party provides evidence that he has instituted national proceedings under Rule 14, paragraph 1, and up to the date on which the proceedings for grant are resumed, neither the European patent application nor the designation of any Contracting State may be withdrawn.
Rule 16 Procedure under Article 61, paragraph 1
- (1)
- A person entitled to the grant of a European patent may only avail himself of the remedies under Article 61, paragraph 1, if:
- (a)
- he does so no later than three months after the decision recognising his entitlement has become final, and
- (b)
- the European patent has not yet been granted.
- (2)
- Such remedies shall only apply in respect of Contracting States designated in the European patent application in which the decision has been taken or recognised or must be recognised on the basis of the Protocol on Recognition.
Rule 17 Filing of a new European patent application by the entitled person
- (1)
- Where the person adjudged by a final decision to be entitled to the grant of the European patent files a new European patent application under Article 61, paragraph 1(b), the original application shall be deemed to be withdrawn on the date of filing the new application for the Contracting States designated therein in which the decision has been taken or recognised or must be recognised on the basis of the Protocol on Recognition.
- (2)
- The filing fee and search fee shall be paid within one month of filing the new application. If the filing fee or search fee is not paid in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
- (3)
- The designation fees shall be paid within six months of the date on which the European Patent Bulletin mentions the publication of the European search report drawn up in respect of the new application. Rule 39, paragraphs 2 and 3, shall apply.
Rule 18 Partial transfer of the right to the European patent
- (1)
- If a final decision determines that a third party is entitled to the grant of a European patent in respect of only part of the subject-matter disclosed in the original European patent application, Article 61 and Rules 16 and 17 shall apply to such part.
- (2)
- Where appropriate, the original European patent application shall contain, for the designated Contracting States in which the decision was taken or recognised or must be recognised on the basis of the Protocol on Recognition, claims, a description and drawings which are different from those for the other designated Contracting States.
Chapter II Mention of the inventor
Rule 19 Designation of the inventor
- (1)
- The request for grant of a European patent shall contain the designation of the inventor. However, if the applicant is not the inventor or is not the sole inventor, the designation shall be filed in a separate document. The designation shall state the family name, given names and full address of the inventor, contain the statement referred to in Article 81 and bear the signature of the applicant or his representative.
- (2)
- The European Patent Office shall not verify the accuracy of the designation of the inventor.
- (3)
- If the applicant is not the inventor or is not the sole inventor, the European Patent Office shall communicate to the designated inventor the information in the document designating him and the following data:
- (a)
- the number of the European patent application;
- (b)
- the date of filing of the European patent application and, if priority has been claimed, the date, State and file number of the previous application;
- (c)
- the name of the applicant;
- (d)
- the title of the invention;
- (e)
- the Contracting States designated.
- (4)
- The applicant and the inventor may invoke neither the omission of the communication under paragraph 3 nor any errors contained therein.
Rule 20 Publication of the mention of the inventor
- (1)
- The designated inventor shall be mentioned in the published European patent application and the European patent specification, unless he informs the European Patent Office in writing that he has waived his right to be thus mentioned.
- (2)
- Paragraph 1 shall apply where a third party files with the European Patent Office a final decision determining that the applicant for or proprietor of a European patent is required to designate him as an inventor.
Rule 21 Rectification of the designation of an inventor
- (1)
- An incorrect designation of an inventor shall be rectified upon request and only with the consent of the wrongly designated person and, where such a request is filed by a third party, the consent of the applicant for or proprietor of the patent. Rule 19 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
- (2)
- Where an incorrect designation of the inventor has been recorded in the European Patent Register or published in the European Patent Bulletin, its rectification or cancellation shall also be recorded or published therein.
Chapter III Registration of transfers, licences and other rights
Rule 22 Registration of transfers
- (1)
- The transfer of a European patent application shall be recorded in the European Patent Register at the request of an interested party, upon production of documents providing evidence of such transfer.
- (2)
- The request shall not be deemed to have been filed until an administrative fee has been paid. It may be rejected only if paragraph 1 has not been complied with.
- (3)
- A transfer shall have effect vis-à-vis the European Patent Office only at the date when and to the extent that the documents referred to in paragraph 1 have been produced.
Rule 23 Registration of licences and other rights
- (1)
- Rule 22, paragraphs 1 and 2, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the registration of the grant or transfer of a licence, the establishment or transfer of a right in rem in respect of a European patent application and any legal means of execution affecting such an application.
- (2)
- A registration under paragraph 1 shall be cancelled upon request, supported by documents providing evidence that the right has lapsed, or by the written consent of the proprietor of the right to the cancellation of the registration. Rule 22, paragraph 2, shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Rule 24 Special entries for licence registrations
A licence in respect of a European patent application shall be recorded
- (a)
- as an exclusive licence if the applicant and the licensee so request;
- (b)
- as a sub-licence where it is granted by a licensee whose licence is recorded in the European Patent Register.
Chapter IV Certificate of exhibition
Rule 25 Certificate of exhibition
Within four months of filing the European patent application, the applicant shall file the certificate referred to in Article 55, paragraph 2, which:
- (a)
- is issued at the exhibition by the authority responsible for the protection of industrial property at that exhibition;
- (b)
- states that the invention was in fact displayed there;
- (c)
- states the opening date of the exhibition and, where the invention was disclosed later than on that date, the date on which the invention was first disclosed; and
- (d)
- is accompanied by an identification of the invention, duly authenticated by the above-mentioned authority.
Chapter V Biotechnological inventions
Rule 26 General and definitions
- (1)
- For European patent applications and patents concerning biotechnological inventions, the relevant provisions of the Convention shall be applied and interpreted in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. Directive 98/44/EC of 6 July 1998 on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions shall be used as a supplementary means of interpretation.
- (2)
- "Biotechnological inventions" are inventions which concern a product consisting of or containing biological material or a process by means of which biological material is produced, processed or used.
- (3)
- "Biological material" means any material containing genetic information and capable of reproducing itself or being reproduced in a biological system.
- (4)
- "Plant variety" means any plant grouping within a single botanical taxon of the lowest known rank, which grouping, irrespective of whether the conditions for the grant of a plant variety right are fully met, can be:
- (a)
- defined by the expression of the characteristics that results from a given genotype or combination of genotypes,
- (b)
- distinguished from any other plant grouping by the expression of at least one of the said characteristics, and
- (c)
- considered as a unit with regard to its suitability for being propagated unchanged.
- (5)
- A process for the production of plants or animals is essentially biological if it consists entirely of natural phenomena such as crossing or selection.
(6)"Microbiological process" means any process involving or performed upon or resulting in microbiological material.
Rule 27 Patentable biotechnological inventions
Biotechnological inventions shall also be patentable if they concern:
- (a)
- biological material which is isolated from its natural environment or produced by means of a technical process even if it previously occurred in nature;
- (b)
- plants or animals if the technical feasibility of the invention is not confined to a particular plant or animal variety;
- (c)
- a microbiological or other technical process, or a product obtained by means of such a process other than a plant or animal variety.
Rule 28 Exceptions to patentability
Under Article 53(a), European patents shall not be granted in respect of biotechnological inventions which, in particular, concern the following:
- (a)
- processes for cloning human beings;
- (b)
- processes for modifying the germ line genetic identity of human beings;
- (c)
- uses of human embryos for industrial or commercial purposes;
- (d)
- processes for modifying the genetic identity of animals which are likely to cause them suffering without any substantial medical benefit to man or animal, and also animals resulting from such processes.
Rule 29 The human body and its elements
- (1)
- The human body, at the various stages of its formation and development, and the simple discovery of one of its elements, including the sequence or partial sequence of a gene, cannot constitute patentable inventions.
- (2)
- An element isolated from the human body or otherwise produced by means of a technical process, including the sequence or partial sequence of a gene, may constitute a patentable invention, even if the structure of that element is identical to that of a natural element.
- (3)
- The industrial application of a sequence or a partial sequence of a gene must be disclosed in the patent application.
Rule 30 Requirements of European patent applications relating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences
- (1)
- If nucleotide or amino acid sequences are disclosed in the European patent application, the description shall contain a sequence listing conforming to the rules laid down by the President of the European Patent Office for the standardised representation of nucleotide and amino acid sequences.
- (2)
- A sequence listing filed after the date of filing shall not form part of the description.
- (3)
- Where the applicant has not filed a sequence listing complying with the requirements under paragraph 1 at the date of filing, the European Patent Office shall invite the applicant to furnish such a sequence listing and pay the late furnishing fee. If the applicant does not furnish the required sequence listing and pay the required late furnishing fee within a period of two months after such an invitation, the application shall be refused.
Rule 31 Deposit of biological material
- (1)
- If an invention involves the use of or concerns biological material which is not available to the public and which cannot be described in the European patent application in such a manner as to enable the invention to be carried out by a person skilled in the art, the invention shall only be regarded as being disclosed as prescribed in Article 83 if:
- (a)
- a sample of the biological material has been deposited with a recognised depositary institution on the same terms as those laid down in the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure of 28 April 1977 not later than the date of filing of the application;
- (b)
- the application as filed gives such relevant information as is available to the applicant on the characteristics of the biological material;
- (c)
- the depositary institution and the accession number of the deposited biological material are stated in the application, and
- (d)
- where the biological material has been deposited by a person other than the applicant, the name and address of the depositor are stated in the application and a document is submitted to the European Patent Office providing evidence that the depositor has authorised the applicant to refer to the deposited biological material in the application and has given his unreserved and irrevocable consent to the deposited material being made available to the public in accordance with Rule 33.
- (2)
- The information referred to in paragraph 1(c) and (d) may be submitted
- (a)
- within sixteen months after the date of filing of the application or, if priority has been claimed, after the priority date, this period being deemed to have been observed if the information is communicated before completion of the technical preparations for publication of the European patent application;
- (b)
- up to the date of submission of a request under Article 93, paragraph 1(b);
- (c)
- within one month after the European Patent Office has communicated to the applicant that the right to inspect the files under Article 128, paragraph 2, exists.
The ruling period shall be the one which is the first to expire. The communication of this information shall be considered as constituting the unreserved and irrevocable consent of the applicant to the deposited biological material being made available to the public in accordance with Rule 33.
Rule 32 Expert solution
- (1)
- Until completion of the technical preparations for publication of the European patent application, the applicant may inform the European Patent Office that:
- (a)
- until the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent or, where applicable,
- (b)
- for twenty years from the date of filing, if the application is refused or withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn, the availability referred to in Rule 33 shall be effected only by the issue of a sample to an expert nominated by the requester.
- (2)
- The following may be nominated as an expert:
- (a)
- any natural person, provided that the requester furnishes evidence, when filing the request, that the nomination has the approval of the applicant;
- (b)
- any natural person recognised as an expert by the President of the European Patent Office.
The nomination shall be accompanied by a declaration from the expert vis-à-vis the applicant in which he enters into the undertaking given under Rule 33 until either the date on which the patent expires in all the designated States or, where the application is refused, withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn, the date referred to in paragraph 1(b), the requester being regarded as a third party.
Rule 33 Availability of biological material
- (1)
- Biological material deposited in accordance with Rule 31 shall be available upon request to any person from the date of publication of the European patent application and to any person having the right to inspect the files under Article 128, paragraph 2, prior to that date. Subject to Rule 32, such availability shall be effected by the issue of a sample of the biological material to the person making the request (hereinafter referred to as "the requester").
- (2)
- Said issue shall be made only if the requester has undertaken vis-à-vis the applicant for or proprietor of the patent not to make the biological material or any biological material derived therefrom available to any third party and to use that material for experimental purposes only, until such time as the patent application is refused or withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn, or before the European patent has expired in all the designated States, unless the applicant for or proprietor of the patent expressly waives such an undertaking. The undertaking to use the biological material for experimental purposes only shall not apply in so far as the requester is using that material under a compulsory licence. The term "compulsory licence" shall be construed as including ex officio licences and the right to use patented inventions in the public interest.
- (3)
- For the purposes of paragraph 2, derived biological material shall mean any material which still exhibits those characteristics of the deposited material which are essential to carrying out the invention. The undertaking under paragraph 2 shall not impede any deposit of derived biological material necessary for the purpose of patent procedure.
- (4)
- The request referred to in paragraph 1 shall be submitted to the European Patent Office on a form recognised by that Office. The European Patent Office shall certify on the form that a European patent application referring to the deposit of the biological material has been filed, and that the requester or the expert nominated by him under Rule 32 is entitled to the issue of a sample of that material. After grant of the European patent, the request shall also be submitted to the European Patent Office.
- (5)
- The European Patent Office shall transmit a copy of the request, with the certification provided for in paragraph 4, to the depositary institution and to the applicant for or the proprietor of the patent.
- (6)
- The European Patent Office shall publish in its Official Journal the list of depositary institutions and experts recognised for the purpose of Rules 31 to 34.
Rule 34 New deposit of biological material
If biological material deposited in accordance with Rule 31 ceases to be available from the recognised depositary institution, an interruption in availability shall be deemed not to have occurred if a new deposit of that material is made with a recognised depositary institution on the same terms as those laid down in the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure of 28 April 1977, and if a copy of the receipt of the new deposit issued by the depositary institution is forwarded to the European Patent Office within four months of the date of the new deposit, stating the number of the European patent application or of the European patent.
Chapter I Filing of the European patent application
Rule 35 General provisions
- (1)
- European patent applications may be filed in writing with the European Patent Office in Munich, The Hague or Berlin, or the authorities referred to in Article 75, paragraph 1(b).
- (2)
- The authority with which the European patent application is filed shall mark the documents making up the application with the date of their receipt, and issue without delay a receipt to the applicant including at least the application number and the nature, number and date of receipt of the documents.
- (3)
- If the European patent application is filed with an authority referred to in Article 75, paragraph 1(b), such authority shall without delay inform the European Patent Office of the receipt of the application, and, in particular, of the nature and date of receipt of the documents, the application number and any priority date claimed.
- (4)
- Upon receipt of a European patent application forwarded by the central industrial property office of a Contracting State, the European Patent Office shall inform the applicant accordingly, indicating the date of its receipt.
Rule 36 European divisional applications
- (1)
- The applicant may file a divisional application relating to any pending earlier European patent application.
- (2)
- A divisional application shall be in the language of the proceedings for the earlier application and shall be filed with the European Patent Office in Munich, The Hague or Berlin.
- (3)
- The filing fee and search fee shall be paid within one month of filing the divisional application. If the filing fee or search fee is not paid in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
- (4)
- The designation fees shall be paid within six months of the date on which the European Patent Bulletin mentions the publication of the European search report drawn up in respect of the divisional application. Rule 39, paragraphs 2 and 3, shall apply.
Rule 37 Forwarding of European patent applications
- (1)
- The central industrial property office of a Contracting State shall forward European patent applications to the European Patent Office in the shortest time compatible with its national law relating to the secrecy of inventions in the interests of the State, and shall take all appropriate steps to ensure such forwarding within:
- (a)
- six weeks of filing, where the subject of the application is evidently not liable to secrecy under the national law; or
- (b)
- four months of filing or, if priority has been claimed, fourteen months of the date of priority, where the application requires further examination as to its liability to secrecy.
- (2)
- A European patent application not received by the European Patent Office within fourteen months of filing or, if priority has been claimed, of the date of priority, shall be deemed to be withdrawn. Any fees paid in respect of this application shall be refunded.
Rule 38 Filing fee and search fee
The filing fee and search fee shall be paid within one month of filing the European patent application.
Rule 39 Designation fees
- (1)
- Designation fees shall be paid within six months of the date on which the European Patent Bulletin mentions the publication of the European search report.
- (2)
- Where the designation fee is not paid in due time in respect of any Contracting State, the designation of that State shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
- (3)
- Where no designation fee is paid in due time or the designations of all the Contracting States are withdrawn, the European patent application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
- (4)
- Without prejudice to Rule 37, paragraph 2, second sentence, designation fees shall not be refunded.
Rule 40 Date of filing
- (1)
- The date of filing of a European patent application shall be the date on which the documents filed by the applicant contain:
- (a)
- an indication that a European patent is sought;
- (b)
- information identifying the applicant or allowing the applicant to be contacted; and
- (c)
- a description or reference to a previously filed application.
- (2)
- A reference to a previously filed application under paragraph 1(c) shall state the filing date and number of that application and the Office with which it was filed. Such reference shall indicate that it replaces the description and any drawings.
- (3)
- Where the application contains a reference under paragraph 2, a certified copy of the previously filed application shall be filed within two months of filing the application. Where the previously filed application is not in an official language of the European Patent Office, a translation thereof in one of these languages shall be filed within the same period. Rule 53, paragraph 2, shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Chapter II Provisions governing the application
Rule 41 Request for grant
- (1)
- The request for grant of a European patent shall be filed on a form drawn up by the European Patent Office.
- (2)
- The request shall contain:
- (a)
- a petition for the grant of a European patent;
- (b)
- the title of the invention, which shall clearly and concisely state the technical designation of the invention and shall exclude all fancy names;
- (c)
- the name, address and nationality of the applicant and the State in which his residence or principal place of business is located. Names of natural persons shall be indicated by the person's family name, followed by his given names. Names of legal persons, as well as of bodies equivalent to legal persons under the law governing them, shall be indicated by their official designations. Addresses shall be indicated in accordance with applicable customary requirements for prompt postal delivery and shall comprise all the relevant administrative units, including the house number, if any. It is recommended that the fax and telephone numbers be indicated;
- (d)
- if the applicant has appointed a representative, his name and the address of his place of business as prescribed in sub-paragraph (c);
- (e)
- where appropriate, an indication that the application constitutes a divisional application and the number of the earlier European patent application;
- (f)
- in cases covered by Article 61, paragraph 1(b), the number of the original European patent application;
- (g)
- where applicable, a declaration claiming the priority of an earlier application and indicating the date on which and the country in or for which the earlier application was filed;
- (h)
- the signature of the applicant or his representative;
- (i)
- a list of the documents accompanying the request. This list shall also indicate the number of sheets of the description, claims, drawings and abstract filed with the request;
- (j)
- the designation of the inventor, where the applicant is the inventor.
- (3)
- If there is more than one applicant, the request shall preferably contain the appointment of one applicant or representative as common representative.
Rule 42 Content of the description
- (1)
- The description shall:
- (a)
- specify the technical field to which the invention relates;
- (b)
- indicate the background art which, as far as is known to the applicant, can be regarded as useful to understand the invention, draw up the European search report and examine the European patent application, and, preferably, cite the documents reflecting such art;
- (c)
- disclose the invention, as claimed, in such terms that the technical problem, even if not expressly stated as such, and its solution can be understood, and state any advantageous effects of the invention with reference to the background art;
- (d)
- briefly describe the figures in the drawings, if any;
- (e)
- describe in detail at least one way of carrying out the invention claimed, using examples where appropriate and referring to the drawings, if any;
- (f)
- indicate explicitly, when it is not obvious from the description or nature of the invention, the way in which the invention is industrially applicable.
- (2)
- The description shall be presented in the manner and order specified in paragraph 1, unless, owing to the nature of the invention, a different presentation would afford a better understanding or be more concise.
Rule 43 Form and content of claims
- (1)
- The claims shall define the matter for which protection is sought in terms of the technical features of the invention. Wherever appropriate, claims shall contain:
- (a)
- a statement indicating the designation of the subject-matter of the invention and those technical features which are necessary for the definition of the claimed subject-matter but which, in combination, form part of the prior art;
- (b)
- a characterising portion, beginning with the expression "characterised in that" or "characterised by" and specifying the technical features for which, in combination with the features stated under sub-paragraph (a), protection is sought.
- (2)
- Without prejudice to Article 82, a European patent application may contain more than one independent claim in the same category (product, process, apparatus or use) only if the subject-matter of the application involves one of the following:
- (a)
- a plurality of interrelated products,
- (b)
- different uses of a product or apparatus,
- (c)
- alternative solutions to a particular problem, where it is inappropriate to cover these alternatives by a single claim.
- (3)
- Any claim stating the essential features of an invention may be followed by one or more claims concerning particular embodiments of that invention.
- (4)
- Any claim which includes all the features of any other claim (dependent claim) shall contain, if possible at the beginning, a reference to the other claim and then state the additional features. A dependent claim directly referring to another dependent claim shall also be admissible. All dependent claims referring back to a single previous claim, and all dependent claims referring back to several previous claims, shall be grouped together to the extent and in the most appropriate way possible.
- (5)
- The number of claims shall be reasonable with regard to the nature of the invention claimed. The claims shall be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.
- (6)
- Except where absolutely necessary, claims shall not rely on references to the description or drawings in specifying the technical features of the invention. In particular, they shall not contain such expressions as "as described in part ... of the description", or "as illustrated in figure ... of the drawings".
- (7)
- Where the European patent application contains drawings including reference signs, the technical features specified in the claims shall preferably be followed by such reference signs relating to these features, placed in parentheses, if the intelligibility of the claim can thereby be increased. These reference signs shall not be construed as limiting the claim.
Rule 44 Unity of invention
- (1)
- Where a group of inventions is claimed in a European patent application, the requirement of unity of invention under Article 82 shall be fulfilled only when there is a technical relationship among those inventions involving one or more of the same or corresponding special technical features. The expression "special technical features" shall mean those features which define a contribution which each of the claimed inventions considered as a whole makes over the prior art.
- (2)
- The determination whether a group of inventions is so linked as to form a single general inventive concept shall be made without regard to whether the inventions are claimed in separate claims or as alternatives within a single claim.
Rule 45 Claims incurring fees
- (1)
- Any European patent application comprising more than ten claims shall, in respect of the eleventh and each subsequent claim, incur payment of a claims fee.
- (2)
- The claims fees shall be paid within one month of filing the first set of claims. If the claims fees have not been paid in due time, they may still be paid within one month of a communication concerning the failure to observe the time limit.
- (3)
- If a claims fee is not paid in due time, the claim concerned shall be deemed to be abandoned.
Rule 46 Form of the drawings
(1) On sheets containing drawings, the usable surface area shall not exceed 26.2 cm x 17 cm. The usable or used surface shall not be surrounded by frames. The minimum margins shall be as follows:
top 2.5 cm
left side 2.5 cm
right side 1.5 cm
bottom 1 cm
- (2)
- Drawings shall be executed as follows:
- (a)
- Drawings shall be executed without colourings in durable, black, sufficiently dense and dark, uniformly thick and well-defined lines and strokes;
- (b)
- Cross-sections shall be indicated by hatching which should not impede the clear reading of the reference signs and leading lines;
- (c)
- The scale of the drawings and their graphical execution shall be such that electronic or photographic reproduction with a linear reduction in size to two-thirds will allow all details to be distinguished without difficulty. If, exceptionally, the scale is given on a drawing, it shall be represented graphically;
- (d)
- All numbers, letters, and reference signs appearing on the drawings shall be simple and clear. Brackets, circles or inverted commas shall not be used in association with numbers and letters;
- (e)
- Generally, all lines in the drawings shall be drawn with the aid of drafting instruments.
- (f)
- Elements of the same figure shall be proportional to one another, unless a difference in proportion is indispensable for the clarity of the figure;
- (g)
- The height of the numbers and letters shall not be less than 0.32 cm. For the lettering of drawings, the Latin and, where customary, the Greek alphabets shall be used;
- (h)
- The same sheet of drawings may contain several figures. Where figures drawn on two or more sheets are intended to form a single figure, the figures on the several sheets shall be so arranged that the whole figure can be assembled without concealing any part of the partial figures. The different figures shall be arranged without wasting space, preferably in an upright position, clearly separated from one another. Where the figures are not arranged in an upright position, they shall be presented sideways with the top of the figures at the left side of the sheet. The different figures shall be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, independently of the numbering of the sheets;
- (i)
- Reference signs not mentioned in the description and claims shall not appear in the drawings, and vice versa. Reference signs to features shall be consistent throughout the application;
- (j)
- The drawings shall not contain text matter. Where indispensable to understand the drawings, a few short keywords, such as "water", "steam", "open", "closed" or "section on AB", may be included. Any such keywords shall be placed in such a way that, if required, they can be replaced by their translations without interfering with any lines of the drawings.
- (3)
- Flow sheets and diagrams shall be deemed to be drawings.
Rule 47 Form and content of the abstract
- (1)
- The abstract shall indicate the title of the invention.
- (2)
- The abstract shall contain a concise summary of the disclosure as contained in the description, the claims and any drawings. The summary shall indicate the technical field to which the invention pertains, and shall be drafted in a manner allowing the clear understanding of the technical problem, the gist of the solution of that problem through the invention, and the principal use or uses of the invention. The abstract shall, where applicable, contain the chemical formula which, among those contained in the application, best characterises the invention. It shall not contain statements on the alleged merits or value of the invention or on speculative applications thereof.
- (3)
- The abstract shall preferably not contain more than one hundred and fifty words.
- (4)
- If the European patent application contains drawings, the applicant shall indicate the figure or, exceptionally, the figures of the drawings which should be published with the abstract. The European Patent Office may decide to publish one or more other figures if it considers that they better characterise the invention. Each essential feature mentioned in the abstract and illustrated by a drawing shall be followed by a reference sign placed in parentheses.
- (5)
- The abstract shall be drafted in such a manner as to constitute an efficient instrument for the purpose of searching in the particular technical field. In particular, it shall make it possible to assess whether consultation of the European patent application itself is necessary.
Rule 48 Prohibited matter
- (1)
- The European patent application shall not contain:
- (a)
- statements or other matter contrary to "ordre public" or morality;
- (b)
- statements disparaging the products or processes of any third party or the merits or validity of the applications or patents of any such party. Mere comparisons with the prior art shall not be considered disparaging per se;
- (c)
- any statement or other matter obviously irrelevant or unnecessary under the circumstances.
- (2)
- If the application contains matter prohibited under paragraph 1(a), the European Patent Office may omit such matter from the application as published, indicating the place and number of words or drawings omitted.
- (3)
- If the application contains statements referred to in paragraph 1(b), the European Patent Office may omit them from the application as published, indicating the place and number of words omitted. Upon request, the European Patent Office shall furnish a copy of the passages omitted.
Rule 49 General provisions governing the presentation of the application documents
- (1)
- Any translation filed under Article 14, paragraph 2, or Rule 40, paragraph 3, shall be deemed to be a document making up the European patent application.
- (2)
- The documents making up the application shall be presented so as to allow electronic and direct reproduction, in particular by scanning, photography, electrostatic processes, photo offset and microfilming, in an unlimited number of copies. All sheets shall be free from cracks, creases and folds. Only one side of the sheet shall be used.
- (3)
- The documents making up the application shall be on A4 paper (29.7 cm x 21 cm) which shall be pliable, strong, white, smooth, matt and durable. Subject to paragraph 10 and Rule 46, paragraph 2(h), each sheet shall be used with its short sides at the top and bottom (upright position).
- (4)
- Each of the documents making up the application (request, description, claims, drawings and abstract) shall commence on a new sheet. The sheets shall be connected in such a way that they can easily be turned over, separated and joined together again.
- (5)
- Subject to Rule 46, paragraph 1, the minimum margins shall be as follows:
top: 2 cm
left side: 2.5 cm
right side: 2 cm
bottom: 2 cm
The recommended maximum for the margins quoted above is as follows:
top: 4 cm
left side: 4 cm
right side: 3 cm
bottom: 3 cm
- (6)
- All the sheets contained in the application shall be numbered in consecutive Arabic numerals. These shall be centred at the top of the sheet, but not placed in the top margin.
- (7)
- The lines of each sheet of the description and of the claims shall preferably be numbered in sets of five, the numbers appearing on the left side, to the right of the margin.
- (8)
- The request for grant of a European patent, the description, the claims and the abstract shall be typed or printed. Only graphic symbols and characters and chemical or mathematical formulae may, if necessary, be drawn or written by hand. The typing shall be 1½ spaced. All text matter shall be in characters, the capital letters of which are not less than 0.21 cm high, and shall be in a dark, indelible colour.
- (9)
- The request for grant of a European patent, the description, the claims and the abstract shall not contain drawings. The description, claims and abstract may contain chemical or mathematical formulae. The description and abstract may contain tables. The claims may contain tables only if their subject-matter makes the use of tables desirable. Tables and chemical or mathematical formulae may be placed sideways on the sheet if they cannot be presented satisfactorily in an upright position. Tables or chemical or mathematical formulae presented sideways shall be placed so that the tops of the tables or formulae are at the left-hand side of the sheet.
- (10)
- Values shall be expressed in units conforming to international standards, wherever appropriate in terms of the metric system using SI units. Any data not meeting this requirement shall also be expressed in units conforming to international standards. Only the technical terms, conventions, formulae, signs and symbols generally accepted in the field in question shall be used.
- (11)
- The terminology and the signs shall be consistent throughout the European patent application.
- (12)
- Each sheet shall be reasonably free from erasures and shall be free from alterations. Non-compliance with this rule may be authorised if the authenticity of the content is not impugned and the requirements for good reproduction are not thereby jeopardised.
Rule 50 Documents filed subsequently
- (1)
- Rules 42, 43 and 46 to 49 shall apply to documents replacing documents making up the European patent application. Rule 49, paragraphs 2 to 12, shall also apply to the translation of the claims referred to in Rule 71.
- (2)
- All documents other than those making up the application shall generally be typewritten or printed. There shall be a margin of about 2.5 cm on the left-hand side of each page.
- (3)
- Documents filed after filing the application shall be signed, with the exception of annexed documents. If a document has not been signed, the European Patent Office shall invite the party concerned to do so within a time limit to be specified. If signed in due time, the document shall retain its original date of receipt; otherwise it shall be deemed not to have been filed.
Chapter III Renewal fees
Rule 51 Payment of renewal fees
- (1)
- A renewal fee for the European patent application in respect of the coming year shall be due on the last day of the month containing the anniversary of the date of filing of the European patent application. Renewal fees may not be validly paid more than one year before they fall due.
- (2)
- If a renewal fee is not paid in due time, the fee may still be paid within six months of the due date, provided that an additional fee is also paid within that period.
- (3)
- Renewal fees already due in respect of an earlier application at the date on which a divisional application is filed shall also be paid for the divisional application and shall be due on its filing. These fees and any renewal fee due within four months of filing the divisional application may be paid within that period without an additional fee. Paragraph 2 shall apply.
- (4)
- If a European patent application has been refused or deemed to be withdrawn as a result of non-observance of a time limit, and if the applicant's rights are re-established under Article 122, a renewal fee
- (a)
- which would have fallen due under paragraph 1 in the period starting on the date on which the loss of rights occurred, up to and including the date of the notification of the decision re-establishing the rights shall be due on that latter date. This fee and any renewal fee due within four months from that latter date may still be paid within four months of that latter date without an additional fee. Paragraph 2 shall apply.
- (b)
- which, on the date on which the loss of rights has occurred, was already due but the period provided for in paragraph 2 has not yet expired, may still be paid within six months from the date of the notification of the decision re-establishing the rights, provided that the additional fee pursuant to paragraph 2 is also paid within that period.
- (5)
- If the Enlarged Board of Appeal re-opens proceedings before the Board of Appeal under Article 112a, paragraph 5, second sentence, a renewal fee
- (a)
- which would have fallen due under paragraph 1 in the period starting on the date when the decision of the Board of Appeal subject to the petition for review was taken, up to and including the date of the notification of the decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeal re-opening proceedings before the Board of Appeal, shall be due on that latter date. This fee and any renewal fee due within four months from that latter date may still be paid within four months of that latter date without an additional fee. Paragraph 2 shall apply.
- (b)
- which, on the day on which the decision of the Board of Appeal was taken, was already due but the period provided for in paragraph 2 has not yet expired, may still be paid within six months from the date of the notification of the decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeal re-opening proceedings before the Board of Appeal, provided that the additional fee pursuant to paragraph 2 is also paid within that period.
- (6)
- A renewal fee shall not be payable for a new European patent application filed under Article 61, paragraph 1(b), in respect of the year in which it was filed and any preceding year.
Chapter IV Priority
Rule 52 Declaration of priority
- (1)
- The declaration of priority referred to in Article 88, paragraph 1, shall indicate the date of the previous filing, the State party to the Paris Convention or Member of the World Trade Organization in or for which it was made and the file number. In the case referred to in Article 87, paragraph 5, the first sentence shall apply mutatis mutandis.
- (2)
- The declaration of priority shall preferably be made on filing the European patent application. It may still be made within sixteen months from the earliest priority date claimed.
- (3)
- The applicant may correct the declaration of priority within sixteen months from the earliest priority date claimed, or, where the correction would cause a change in the earliest priority date claimed, within sixteen months from the corrected earliest priority date, whichever sixteen-month period expires first, provided that such a correction may be submitted until the expiry of four months from the date of filing accorded to the European patent application.
- (4)
- However, a declaration of priority may not be made or corrected after a request under Article 93, paragraph 1(b), has been filed.
- (5)
- The particulars of the declaration of priority shall appear in the published European patent application and the European patent specification.
Rule 53 Priority documents
- (1)
- An applicant claiming priority shall file a copy of the previous application within sixteen months of the earliest priority date claimed. This copy and the date of filing of the previous application shall be certified as correct by the authority with which that application was filed.
- (2)
- The copy of the previous application shall be deemed to be duly filed if a copy of that application available to the European Patent Office is to be included in the file of the European patent application under the conditions determined by the President of the European Patent Office.
- (3)
- Where the previous application is not in an official language of the European Patent Office and the validity of the priority claim is relevant to the determination of the patentability of the invention concerned, the European Patent Office shall invite the applicant for or proprietor of the European patent to file a translation of that application into one of the official languages within a period to be specified. Alternatively, a declaration may be submitted that the European patent application is a complete translation of the previous application. Paragraph 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Rule 54 Issuing priority documents
On request, the European Patent Office shall issue to the applicant a certified copy of the European patent application (priority document), under the conditions determined by the President of the European Patent Office, including the form of the priority document and the circumstances under which an administrative fee shall be paid.
Chapter I Examination by the Receiving Section
Rule 55 Examination on filing
If the examination under Article 90, paragraph 1, reveals that the application fails to meet the requirements laid down in Rule 40, paragraph 1(a) or (c), paragraph 2 or paragraph 3, first sentence, the European Patent Office shall inform the applicant of any deficiencies and advise him that the application will not be dealt with as a European patent application unless such deficiencies are remedied within two months. If the applicant does this, he shall be informed of the date of filing accorded by the Office.
Rule 56 Missing parts of the description or missing drawings
- (1)
- If the examination under Article 90, paragraph 1, reveals that parts of the description, or drawings referred to in the description or in the claims, appear to be missing, the European Patent Office shall invite the applicant to file the missing parts within two months. The applicant may not invoke the omission of such a communication.
- (2)
- If missing parts of the description or missing drawings are filed later than the date of filing, but within two months of the date of filing or, if a communication is issued under paragraph 1, within two months of that communication, the application shall be re-dated to the date on which the missing parts of the description or missing drawings were filed. The European Patent Office shall inform the applicant accordingly.
- (3)
- If the missing parts of the description or missing drawings are filed within the period under paragraph 2, and the application claims priority of an earlier application, the date of filing shall, provided that the missing parts of the description or the missing drawings are completely contained in the earlier application, remain the date on which the requirements laid down in Rule 40, paragraph 1, were fulfilled, where the applicant so requests and files, within the period under paragraph 2:
- (a)
- a copy of the earlier application, unless such copy is available to the European Patent Office under Rule 53, paragraph 2;
- (b)
- where the earlier application is not in an official language of the European Patent Office, a translation thereof in one of these languages, unless such copy is available to the European Patent Office under Rule 53, paragraph 3; and
- (c)
- an indication as to where the missing parts of the description or the missing drawings are completely contained in the earlier application and, where applicable, in the translation thereof.
- (4)
- If the applicant:
- (a)
- fails to file the missing parts of the description or the missing drawings within the period under paragraph 1 or 2, or
- (b)
- withdraws under paragraph 6 any missing part of the description or missing drawing filed under paragraph 2, any references referred to in paragraph 1 shall be deemed to be deleted, and any filing of the missing parts of the description or missing drawings shall be deemed not to have been made. The European Patent Office shall inform the applicant accordingly.
- (5)
- If the applicant fails to comply with the requirements referred to in paragraph 3(a) to (c) within the period under paragraph 2, the application shall be re-dated to the date on which the missing parts of the description or missing drawings were filed. The European Patent Office shall inform the applicant accordingly.
- (6)
- Within one month of the notification referred to in paragraph 2 or 5, last sentence, the applicant may withdraw the missing parts of the description or the missing drawings filed, in which case the re-dating shall be deemed not to have been made. The European Patent Office shall inform the applicant accordingly.
Rule 57 Examination as to formal requirements
If the European patent application has been accorded a date of filing, the European Patent Office shall examine, in accordance with Article 90, paragraph 3, whether:
- (a)
- a translation of the application required under Article 14, paragraph 2, or under Rule 40, paragraph 3, second sentence, has been filed in due time;
- (b)
- the request for grant of a European patent satisfies the requirements of Rule 41;
- (c)
- the application contains one or more claims in accordance with Article 78, paragraph 1(c), or a reference to a previously filed application in accordance with Rule 40, paragraphs 1(c), 2 and 3, indicating that it replaces also the claims;
- (d)
- the application contains an abstract in accordance with Article 78, paragraph 1(e);
- (e)
- the filing fee and the search fee have been paid in accordance with Rule 17, paragraph 2, Rule 36, paragraph 3, or Rule 38;
- (f)
- the designation of the inventor has been made in accordance with Rule 19, paragraph 1;
- (g)
- where appropriate, the requirements laid down in Rules 52 and 53 concerning the claim to priority have been satisfied;
- (h)
- where appropriate, the requirements of Article 133, paragraph 2, have been satisfied;
- (i)
- the application meets the requirements laid down in Rule 46 and Rule 49, paragraphs 1 to 9 and 12.
- (j)
- the application meets the requirements laid down in Rule 30 or Rule 163, paragraph 3.
Rule 58 Correction of deficiencies in the application documents
If the European patent application does not comply with the requirements of Rule 57(a) to (d), (h) and (i), the European Patent Office shall inform the applicant accordingly and invite him to correct the deficiencies noted within two months. The description, claims and drawings may be amended only to an extent sufficient to remedy such deficiencies.
Rule 59 Deficiencies in claiming priority
If the file number of the previous application under Rule 52, paragraph 1, or the copy of that application under Rule 53, paragraph 1, have not been filed in due time, the European Patent Office shall inform the applicant accordingly and invite him to file them within a period to be specified.
Rule 60 Subsequent designation of the inventor
- (1)
- If the designation of the inventor has not been made in accordance with Rule 19, the European Patent Office shall inform the applicant that the European patent application will be refused unless the designation is made within sixteen months of the date of filing of the application or, if priority is claimed, of the date of priority, this period being deemed to have been observed if the information is communicated before completion of the technical preparations for the publication of the European patent application.
- (2)
- Where, in a divisional application or a new application under Article 61, paragraph 1(b), the designation of the inventor has not been made in accordance with Rule 19, the European Patent Office shall invite the applicant to make the designation within a period to be specified.
Chapter II European search report
Rule 61 Content of the European search report
- (1)
- The European search report shall mention those documents, available to the European Patent Office at the time of drawing up the report, which may be taken into consideration in deciding whether the invention to which the European patent application relates is new and involves an inventive step.
- (2)
- Each citation shall be referred to the claims to which it relates. Where appropriate, relevant parts of the documents cited shall be identified.
- (3)
- The European search report shall distinguish between cited documents published before the date of priority claimed, between such date of priority and the date of filing, and on or after the date of filing.
- (4)
- Any document which refers to an oral disclosure, a use or any other means of disclosure which took place before the date of filing of the European patent application shall be mentioned in the European search report, together with an indication of the date of publication, if any, of the document and the date of the non-written disclosure.
- (5)
- The European search report shall be drawn up in the language of the proceedings.
- (6)
- The European search report shall contain the classification of the subject-matter of the European patent application in accordance with the international classification.
Rule 62 Extended European search report
- (1)
- The European search report shall be accompanied by an opinion on whether the application and the invention to which it relates seem to meet the requirements of this Convention, unless a communication under Rule 71, paragraph 1 or 3, can be issued.
- (2)
- The opinion under paragraph 1 shall not be published together with the search report.
Rule 63 Incomplete search
If the European Patent Office considers that the European patent application does not comply with this Convention to such an extent that it is impossible to carry out a meaningful search into the state of the art on the basis of all or some of the subject-matter claimed, it shall either issue a reasoned declaration to that effect or, as far as is practicable, draw up a partial search report. The declaration or the partial report shall be considered, for the purposes of subsequent proceedings, as the European search report.
Rule 64 European search report where the invention lacks unity
- (1)
- If the European Patent Office considers that the European patent application does not comply with the requirement of unity of invention, it shall draw up a partial search report on those parts of the application which relate to the invention, or the group of inventions within the meaning of Article 82, first mentioned in the claims. It shall inform the applicant that for the European search report to cover the other inventions, a further search fee must be paid, in respect of each invention involved, within a period to be specified, which shall neither be shorter than two weeks nor exceed six weeks. The European search report shall be drawn up for the parts of the application relating to inventions in respect of which search fees have been paid.
- (2)
- Any fee paid under paragraph 1 shall be refunded if, during the examination of the European patent application, the applicant requests a refund and the Examining Division finds that the communication under paragraph 1 was not justified.
Rule 65 Transmittal of the European search report
Immediately after it has been drawn up, the European search report shall be transmitted to the applicant together with copies of any cited documents.
Rule 66 Definitive content of the abstract
Upon drawing up the European search report, the European Patent Office shall determine the definitive content of the abstract and transmit it to the applicant together with the search report.
Chapter III Publication of the European patent application
Rule 67 Technical preparations for publication
- (1)
- The President of the European Patent Office shall determine when the technical preparations for publication of the European patent application are deemed to have been completed.
- (2)
- The application shall not be published if it has been finally refused or withdrawn or is deemed to be withdrawn before the termination of the technical preparations for publication.
Rule 68 Form of the publication of European patent applications and European search reports
- (1)
- The publication of the European patent application shall contain the description, the claims and any drawings as filed, and the abstract, or, if these documents making up the application were not filed in an official language of the European Patent Office, a translation in the language of the proceedings, and, in an annex, the European search report, where it is available before the termination of the technical preparations for publication. If the search report or the abstract is not published at the same time as the application, it shall be published separately.
- (2)
- The President of the European Patent Office shall determine the form of the publication of the application and the data to be included. The same shall apply where the European search report and the abstract are published separately.
- (3)
- The designated Contracting States shall be indicated in the published application.
- (4)
- If the patent claims were not filed on the date of filing of the application, this shall be indicated when the application is published. If, before the termination of the technical preparations for publication of the application, the claims have been amended under Rule 137, paragraph 2, the new or amended claims shall be included in the publication in addition to the claims as filed.
Rule 69 Information about publication
- (1)
- The European Patent Office shall inform the applicant of the date on which the European Patent Bulletin mentions the publication of the European search report and shall draw his attention to Rule 70, paragraph 1, and Article 94, paragraph 2.
- (2)
- The applicant may not invoke the omission of the communication under paragraph 1. If a later date of publication is specified in the communication, that later date shall be the decisive date as regards the period for filing the request for examination, unless the error is obvious.
Rule 70 Request for examination
- (1)
- The applicant may request examination of the European patent application up to six months after the date on which the European Patent Bulletin mentions the publication of the European search report. The request may not be withdrawn.
- (2)
- If the request for examination has been filed before the European search report has been transmitted to the applicant, the European Patent Office shall invite the applicant to indicate, within a period to be specified, whether he wishes to proceed further with the application, and shall give him the opportunity to comment on the search report and to amend, where appropriate, the description, claims and drawings.
- (3)
- If the applicant fails to reply in due time to the invitation under paragraph 2, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
Chapter IV Examination by the Examining Division
Rule 71 Examination procedure
- (1)
- In any communication under Article 94, paragraph 3, the Examining Division shall, where appropriate, invite the applicant to correct any deficiencies noted and to amend the description, claims and drawings within a period to be specified.
- (2)
- Any communication under Article 94, paragraph 3, shall contain a reasoned statement covering, where appropriate, all the grounds against the grant of the European patent.
- (3)
- Before the Examining Division decides to grant the European patent, it shall inform the applicant of the text in which it intends to grant it, and shall invite him to pay the fees for grant and printing and to file a translation of the claims in the two official languages of the European Patent Office other than the language of the proceedings within a period of four months. If the applicant pays the fees and files the translation within this period, he shall be deemed to have approved the text intended for grant.
- (4)
- If the applicant, within the period laid down in paragraph 3, requests amendments under Rule 137, paragraph 3, or the correction of errors under Rule 139, he shall, where the claims are amended or corrected, file a translation of the claims as amended or corrected. If the applicant pays the fees and files the translation within this period, he shall be deemed to have approved the grant of the patent as amended or corrected.
- (5)
- If the Examining Division does not consent to an amendment or correction requested under paragraph 4, it shall, before taking a decision, give the applicant an opportunity to submit, within a period to be specified, his observations and any amendments considered necessary by the Examining Division, and, where the claims are amended, a translation of the claims as amended. If the applicant submits such amendments, he shall be deemed to have approved the grant of the patent as amended. If the European patent application is refused, withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn, the fees for grant and printing, and any claims fees paid under paragraph 6, shall be refunded.
- (6)
- If the European patent application in the text intended for grant comprises more than ten claims, the Examining Division shall invite the applicant to pay claims fees in respect of each additional claim within the period under paragraph 3, and, where applicable, paragraph 5, unless the said fees have already been paid under Rule 45 or Rule 162.
- (7)
- If the fees for grant and printing or the claims fees are not paid in due time, or if the translation is not filed in due time, the European patent application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
- (8)
- If the designation fees become due after the communication under paragraph 3, the mention of the grant of the European patent shall not be published until the designation fees have been paid. The applicant shall be informed accordingly.
- (9)
- If a renewal fee becomes due after the communication under paragraph 3 and before the next possible date for publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, the mention shall not be published until the renewal fee has been paid. The applicant shall be informed accordingly.
- (10)
- The communication under paragraph 3 shall indicate the designated Contracting States which require a translation under Article 65, paragraph 1.
- (11)
- The decision to grant the European patent shall state which text of the European patent application forms the basis for the decision.
Rule 72 Grant of the European patent to different applicants
Where different persons are recorded in the European Patent Register as applicants in respect of different Contracting States, the European Patent Office shall grant the European patent for each Contracting State accordingly.
Chapter V The European patent specification
Rule 73 Content and form of the specification
- (1)
- The specification of the European patent shall include the description, the claims and any drawings. It shall also indicate the period for opposing the European patent.
- (2)
- The President of the European Patent Office shall determine the form of the publication of the specification and the data to be included.
- (3)
- The designated Contracting States shall be indicated in the specification.
Rule 74 Certificate for a European patent
As soon as the specification of the European patent has been published, the European Patent Office shall issue to the proprietor of the patent a certificate for a European patent. The President of the European Patent Office shall prescribe the content, form and means of communication of the certificate and determine the circumstances in which an administrative fee is payable.
Chapter I Opposition procedure
Rule 75 Surrender or lapse of the patent
An opposition may be filed even if the European patent has been surrendered in all the designated Contracting States or has lapsed in all those States.
Rule 76 Form and content of the opposition
- (1)
- Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement.
- (2)
- The notice of opposition shall contain:
- (a)
- particulars of the opponent as provided in Rule 41, paragraph 2(c);
- (b)
- the number of the European patent against which opposition is filed, the name of the proprietor of the patent and the title of the invention;
- (c)
- a statement of the extent to which the European patent is opposed and of the grounds on which the opposition is based, as well as an indication of the facts and evidence presented in support of these grounds;
- (d)
- if the opponent has appointed a representative, particulars as provided in Rule 41, paragraph 2(d).
- (3)
- Part III of the Implementing Regulations shall apply mutatis mutandis to the notice of opposition.
Rule 77 Rejection of the opposition as inadmissible
- (1)
- If the Opposition Division notes that the notice of opposition does not comply with the provisions of Article 99, paragraph 1, or Rule 76, paragraph 2(c), or does not sufficiently identify the patent against which opposition has been filed, it shall reject the opposition as inadmissible, unless these deficiencies have been remedied before expiry of the opposition period.
- (2)
- If the Opposition Division notes that the notice of opposition does not comply with provisions other than those referred to in paragraph 1, it shall communicate this to the opponent and shall invite him to remedy the deficiencies noted within a period to be specified. If the deficiencies are not remedied in due time, the Opposition Division shall reject the opposition as inadmissible.
- (3)
- The decision to reject an opposition as inadmissible shall be communicated to the proprietor of the patent, together with a copy of the notice of opposition.
Rule 78 Procedure where the proprietor of the patent is not entitled
- (1)
- If a third party provides evidence, during opposition proceedings or during the opposition period, that he has instituted proceedings against the proprietor of the European patent, seeking a decision within the meaning of Article 61, paragraph 1, opposition proceedings shall be stayed unless the third party communicates to the European Patent Office in writing his consent to the continuation of such proceedings. Such consent shall be irrevocable. However, proceedings shall not be stayed until the Opposition Division has deemed the opposition admissible. Rule 14, paragraphs 2 to 4, shall apply mutatis mutandis.
- (2)
- Where a third party has, in accordance with Article 99, paragraph 4, replaced the previous proprietor for one or some of the designated Contracting States, the patent as maintained in opposition proceedings may, for these States, contain claims, a description and drawings different from those for the other designated States.
Rule 79 Preparation of the examination of the opposition
- (1)
- The Opposition Division shall communicate the notice of opposition to the proprietor of the patent and shall give him the opportunity to file his observations and to amend, where appropriate, the description, claims and drawings within a period to be specified.
- (2)
- If several notices of opposition have been filed, the Opposition Division shall communicate them to the other opponents at the same time as the communication under paragraph 1.
- (3)
- The Opposition Division shall communicate any observations and amendments filed by the proprietor of the patent to the other parties, and shall invite them, if it considers this expedient, to reply within a period to be specified.
- (4)
- In the case of an intervention under Article 105, the Opposition Division may dispense with the application of paragraphs 1 to 3.
Rule 80 Amendment of the European patent
Without prejudice to Rule 138, the description, claims and drawings may be amended, provided that the amendments are occasioned by a ground for opposition under Article 100, even if that ground has not been invoked by the opponent.
Rule 81 Examination of opposition
- (1)
- The Opposition Division shall examine those grounds for opposition which are invoked in the opponent's statement under Rule 76, paragraph 2(c). Grounds for opposition not invoked by the opponent may be examined by the Opposition Division of its own motion if they would prejudice the maintenance of the European patent.
- (2)
- Communications under Article 101, paragraph 1, second sentence, and all replies thereto shall be sent to all parties. If the Opposition Division considers this expedient, it shall invite the parties to reply within a period to be specified.
- (3)
- In any communication under Article 101, paragraph 1, second sentence, the proprietor of the European patent shall, where necessary, be given the opportunity to amend, where appropriate, the description, claims and drawings. Where necessary, the communication shall contain a reasoned statement covering the grounds against the maintenance of the European patent.
Rule 82 Maintenance of the European patent in amended form
- (1)
- Before the Opposition Division decides to maintain the European patent as amended, it shall inform the parties of the text in which it intends to maintain the patent, and shall invite them to file their observations within two months if they disapprove of that text.
- (2)
- If a party disapproves of the text communicated by the Opposition Division, examination of the opposition may be continued. Otherwise, the Opposition Division shall, on expiry of the period under paragraph 1, invite the proprietor of the patent to pay the prescribed fee and to file a translation of any amended claims in the official languages of the European Patent Office other than the language of the proceedings, within a period of three months. This invitation shall indicate the designated Contracting States which require a translation under Article 65, paragraph 1.
- (3)
- If the acts required under paragraph 2 are not performed in due time, they may still be performed within two months of a communication concerning the failure to observe the time limit, provided that a surcharge is paid within this period. Otherwise, the patent shall be revoked.
- (4)
- The decision to maintain the European patent as amended shall state which text of the patent forms the basis for the decision.
Rule 83 Request for documents
Documents referred to by a party to opposition proceedings shall be filed together with the notice of opposition or the written submissions. If such documents are neither enclosed nor filed in due time upon invitation by the European Patent Office, it may decide not to take into account any arguments based on them.
Rule 84 Continuation of the opposition proceedings by the European Patent Office of its own motion
- (1)
- If the European patent has been surrendered in all the designated Contracting States or has lapsed in all those States, the opposition proceedings may be continued at the request of the opponent filed within two months of a communication from the European Patent Office informing him of the surrender or lapse.
- (2)
- In the event of the death or legal incapacity of an opponent, the opposition proceedings may be continued by the European Patent Office of its own motion, even without the participation of the heirs or legal representatives. The same shall apply where the opposition is withdrawn.
Rule 85 Transfer of the European patent
Rule 22 shall apply to any transfer of the European patent made during the opposition period or during opposition proceedings.
Rule 86 Documents in opposition proceedings
Part III of the Implementing Regulations shall apply mutatis mutandis to documents filed in opposition proceedings.
Rule 87 Content and form of the new specification of the European patent
The new specification of the European patent shall include the description, claims and drawings as amended. Rule 73, paragraphs 2 and 3, and Rule 74 shall apply.
Rule 88 Costs
- (1)
- The apportionment of costs shall be dealt with in the decision on the opposition. Such apportionment shall only take into consideration the expenses necessary to assure proper protection of the rights involved. The costs shall include the remuneration of the representatives of the parties.
- (2)
- The Opposition Division shall, on request, fix the amount of costs to be paid under a final decision apportioning them. A bill of costs, with supporting evidence, shall be attached to the request. Costs may be fixed once their credibility is established.
- (3)
- A request for a decision by the Opposition Division may be filed within one month of the communication on the fixing of costs under paragraph 2. The request shall be filed in writing and state the grounds on which it is based. It shall not be deemed to be filed until the prescribed fee has been paid.
- (4)
- The Opposition Division shall decide on the request under paragraph 3 without oral proceedings.
Rule 89 Intervention of the assumed infringer
- (1)
- Notice of intervention shall be filed within three months of the date on which proceedings referred to in Article 105 are instituted.
- (2)
- Notice of intervention shall be filed in a written reasoned statement; Rules 76 and 77 shall apply mutatis mutandis. The notice of intervention shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid.
Chapter II Procedure for limitation or revocation
Rule 90 Subject of proceedings
The subject of limitation or revocation proceedings under Article 105a shall be the European patent as granted or as amended in opposition or limitation proceedings before the European Patent Office.
Rule 91 Responsibility for proceedings
Decisions on requests for limitation or revocation of the European patent under Article 105a shall be taken by the Examining Division. Article 18, paragraph 2, shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Rule 92 Requirements of the request
- (1)
- The request for limitation or revocation of a European patent shall be filed in writing. Part III of the Implementing Regulations shall apply mutatis mutandis to documents filed in limitation or revocation proceedings.
- (2)
- The request shall contain:
- (a)
- particulars of the proprietor of the European patent making the request (the requester) as provided in Rule 41, paragraph 2(c), and an indication of the Contracting States for which the requester is the proprietor of the patent;
- (b)
- the number of the patent whose limitation or revocation is requested, and a list of the Contracting States in which the patent has taken effect;
- (c)
- where appropriate, the names and addresses of the proprietors of the patent for those Contracting States in which the requester is not the proprietor of the patent, and evidence that the requester is entitled to act on their behalf in the proceedings;
- (d)
- where limitation of the patent is requested, the complete version of the amended claims and, as the case may be, of the amended description and drawings;
- (e)
- where the requester has appointed a representative, particulars as provided in Rule 41, paragraph 2(d).
Rule 93 Precedence of opposition proceedings
- (1)
- The request for limitation or revocation shall be deemed not to have been filed if opposition proceedings in respect of the patent are pending at the time of filing the request.
- (2)
- If, at the time of filing an opposition to a European patent, limitation proceedings in respect of that patent are pending, the Examining Division shall terminate the limitation proceedings and order the reimbursement of the limitation fee. The reimbursement shall also be ordered in respect of the fee referred to in Rule 95, paragraph 3, first sentence, if the requester has already paid this fee.
Rule 94 Rejection of the request as inadmissible
If the Examining Division finds that the request for limitation or revocation fails to comply with the requirements of Rule 92, it shall invite the requester to correct the deficiencies noted, within a period to be specified. If the deficiencies are not corrected in due time, the Examining Division shall reject the request as inadmissible.
Rule 95 Decision on the request
- (1)
- If a request for revocation is admissible, the Examining Division shall revoke the patent and communicate this to the requester.
- (2)
- If a request for limitation is admissible, the Examining Division shall examine whether the amended claims constitute a limitation vis-à-vis the claims as granted or amended in opposition or limitation proceedings and comply with Article 84 and Article 123, paragraphs 2 and 3. If the request does not comply with these requirements, the Examining Division shall give the requester one opportunity to correct any deficiencies noted, and to amend the claims and, where appropriate, the description and drawings, within a period to be specified.
- (3)
- If a request for limitation is allowable under paragraph 2, the Examining Division shall communicate this to the requester and invite him to pay the prescribed fee and to file a translation of the amended claims in the official languages of the European Patent Office other than the language of the proceedings, within a period of three months; Rule 82, paragraph 3, first sentence, shall apply mutatis mutandis. If the requester performs these acts in due time, the Examining Division shall limit the patent.
- (4)
- If the requester does not respond in due time to the communication issued under paragraph 2, or if the request for limitation is not allowable, or if the requester fails to perform the acts required under paragraph 3 in due time, the Examining Division shall reject the request
Rule 96 Content and form of the amended European patent specification
The amended European patent specification shall include the description, claims and drawings as amended. Rule 73, paragraphs 2 and 3, and Rule 74 shall apply.
Chapter I Appeals procedure
Rule 99 Content of the notice of appeal and the statement of grounds
- (1)
- The notice of appeal shall contain:
- (a)
- the name and the address of the appellant as provided in Rule 41, paragraph 2(c);
- (b)
- an indication of the decision impugned; and
- (c)
- a request defining the subject of the appeal.
- (2)
- In the statement of grounds of appeal the appellant shall indicate the reasons for setting aside the decision impugned, or the extent to which it is to be amended, and the facts and evidence on which the appeal is based.
- (3)
- Part III of the Implementing Regulations shall apply mutatis mutandis to the notice of appeal, the statement of grounds and the documents filed in appeal proceedings.
Rule 100 Examination of appeals
- (1)
- Unless otherwise provided, the provisions relating to proceedings before the department which has taken the decision impugned shall apply to appeal proceedings.
- (2)
- In the examination of the appeal, the Board of Appeal shall invite the parties, as often as necessary, to file observations, within a period to be specified, on communications issued by itself or observations submitted by another party.
- (3)
- If the applicant fails to reply in due time to an invitation under paragraph 2, the European patent application shall be deemed to be withdrawn, unless the decision impugned was taken by the Legal Division.
Rule 101 Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible
- (1)
- If the appeal does not comply with Articles 106 to 108, Rule 97 or Rule 99, paragraph 1(b) or (c) or paragraph 2, the Board of Appeal shall reject it as inadmissible, unless any deficiency has been remedied before the relevant period under Article 108 has expired.
- (2)
- If the Board of Appeal notes that the appeal does not comply with Rule 99, paragraph 1(a), it shall communicate this to the appellant and shall invite him to remedy the deficiencies noted within a period to be specified. If the deficiencies are not remedied in due time, the Board of Appeal shall reject the appeal as inadmissible.
Rule 102 Form of decision of the Board of Appeal
The decision shall be authenticated by the Chairman of the Board of Appeal and by the competent employee of the registry of the Board of Appeal, either by their signature or by any other appropriate means. The decision shall contain:
- (a)
- a statement that it was delivered by the Board of Appeal;
- (b)
- the date when the decision was taken;
- (c)
- the names of the Chairman and of the other members of the Board of Appeal taking part;
- (d)
- the names of the parties and their representatives;
- (e)
- the requests of the parties;
- (f)
- a summary of the facts;
- (g)
- the reasons;
- (h)
- the order of the Board of Appeal, including, where appropriate, a decision on costs.
Rule 103 Reimbursement of appeal fees
- (1)
- The appeal fee shall be reimbursed
- (a)
- in the event of interlocutory revision or where the Board of Appeal deems an appeal to be allowable, if such reimbursement is equitable by reason of a substantial procedural violation, or
- (b)
- if the appeal is withdrawn before the filing of the statement of grounds of appeal and before the period for filing that statement has expired.
- (2)
- The department whose decision is impugned shall order the reimbursement if it revises its decision and considers reimbursement equitable by reason of a substantial procedural violation. In all other cases, matters of reimbursement shall be decided by the Board of Appeal.
Chapter II Petitions for review by the Enlarged Board of Appeal
Rule 104 Further fundamental procedural defects
A fundamental procedural defect under Article 112a, paragraph 2(d), may have occurred where the Board of Appeal,
- (a)
- contrary to Article 116, failed to arrange for the holding of oral proceedings requested by the petitioner, or
- (b)
- decided on the appeal without deciding on a request relevant to that decision.
Rule 105 Criminal acts
A petition for review may be based on Article 112a, paragraph 2(e), if a competent court or authority has finally established that the criminal act occurred; a conviction is not necessary.
Rule 106 Obligation to raise objections
A petition under Article 112a, paragraph 2(a) to (d), is only admissible where an objection in respect of the procedural defect was raised during the appeal proceedings and dismissed by the Board of Appeal, except where such objection could not be raised during the appeal proceedings.
Rule 107 Contents of the petition for review
- (1)
- The petition shall contain:
- (a)
- the name and the address of the petitioner as provided in Rule 41, paragraph 2(c);
- (b)
- an indication of the decision to be reviewed.
- (2)
- The petition shall indicate the reasons for setting aside the decision of the Board of Appeal, and the facts and evidence on which the petition is based.
- (3)
- Part III of the Implementing Regulations shall apply mutatis mutandis to the petition for review and the documents filed in the proceedings.
Rule 108 Examination of the petition
- (1)
- If the petition does not comply with Article 112a, paragraphs 1, 2 or 4, Rule 106 or Rule 107, paragraph 1(b) or 2, the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall reject it as inadmissible, unless any defect has been remedied before the relevant period under Article 112a, paragraph 4, expires.
- (2)
- If the Enlarged Board of Appeal notes that the petition does not comply with Rule 107, paragraph 1(a), it shall communicate this to the petitioner and shall invite him to remedy the deficiencies noted within a period to be specified. If the deficiencies are not remedied in due time, the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall reject the petition as inadmissible.
- (3)
- If the petition is allowable, the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall set aside the decision of the Board of Appeal and order the re-opening of the proceedings before the Board of Appeal responsible under Rule 12, paragraph 4. The Enlarged Board of Appeal may order that members of the Board of Appeal who participated in taking the decision set aside shall be replaced.
Rule 109 Procedure in dealing with petitions for review
- (1)
- In proceedings under Article 112a, the provisions relating to proceedings before the Boards of Appeal shall apply, unless otherwise provided. Rule 115, paragraph 1, second sentence, Rule 118, paragraph 2, first sentence, and Rule 132, paragraph 2, shall not apply. The Enlarged Board of Appeal may specify a period deviating from Rule 4, paragraph 1, first sentence.
- (2)
- The Enlarged Board of Appeal
- (a)
- consisting of two legally qualified members and one technically qualified member shall examine all petitions for review and shall reject those which are clearly inadmissible or unallowable; such decision shall require unanimity;
- (b)
- consisting of four legally qualified members and one technically qualified member shall decide on any petition not rejected under sub-paragraph (a).
- (3)
- The Enlarged Board of Appeal composed according to paragraph 2(a) shall decide without the involvement of other parties and on the basis of the petition.
Rule 110 Reimbursement of the fee for petitions for review
The Enlarged Board of Appeal shall order the reimbursement of the fee for a petition for review if the proceedings before the Boards of Appeal are reopened.
Chapter I Decisions and communications of the European Patent Office
Rule 111 Form of decisions
- (1)
- Where oral proceedings are held before the European Patent Office, the decision may be given orally. The decision shall subsequently be put in writing and notified to the parties.
- (2)
- Decisions of the European Patent Office which are open to appeal shall be reasoned and shall be accompanied by a communication pointing out the possibility of appeal and drawing the attention of the parties to Articles 106 to 108, the text of which shall be attached. The parties may not invoke the omission of the communication.
Rule 112 Noting of loss of rights
- (1)
- If the European Patent Office notes that a loss of rights has occurred, without any decision concerning the refusal of the European patent application or the grant, revocation or maintenance of the European patent, or the taking of evidence, it shall communicate this to the party concerned.
- (2)
- If the party concerned considers that the finding of the European Patent Office is inaccurate, it may, within two months of the communication under paragraph 1, apply for a decision on the matter. The European Patent Office shall take such decision only if it does not share the opinion of the party requesting it; otherwise, it shall inform that party.
Rule 113 Signature, name, seal
- (1)
- Any decisions, summonses, notices and communications from the European Patent Office shall be signed by, and state the name of, the employee responsible.
- (2)
- Where a document referred to in paragraph 1 is produced by the employee responsible using a computer, a seal may replace the signature. Where the document is produced automatically by a computer, the employee's name may also be dispensed with. The same shall apply to pre-printed notices and communications.
Chapter II Observations by third parties
Rule 114 Observations by third parties
- (1)
- Any observations by a third party shall be filed in writing in an official language of the European Patent Office and state the grounds on which they are based. Rule 3, paragraph 3, shall apply.
- (2)
- Any such observations shall be communicated to the applicant for or proprietor of the patent, who may comment on them.
Chapter III Oral proceedings and taking of evidence
Rule 115 Summons to oral proceedings
- (1)
- The parties shall be summoned to oral proceedings under Article 116, drawing their attention to paragraph 2 of this Rule. At least two months' notice of the summons shall be given, unless the parties agree to a shorter period.
- (2)
- If a party duly summoned to oral proceedings before the European Patent Office does not appear as summoned, the proceedings may continue without that party.
Rule 116 Preparation of oral proceedings
- (1)
- When issuing the summons, the European Patent Office shall draw attention to the points which in its opinion need to be discussed for the purposes of the decision to be taken. At the same time a final date for making written submissions in preparation for the oral proceedings shall be fixed. Rule 132 shall not apply. New facts and evidence presented after that date need not be considered, unless admitted on the grounds that the subject of the proceedings has changed.
- (2)
- If the applicant or patent proprietor has been notified of the grounds prejudicing the grant or maintenance of the patent, he may be invited to submit, by the date specified in paragraph 1, second sentence, documents which meet the requirements of the Convention. Paragraph 1, third and fourth sentences, shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Rule 117 Decision on taking of evidence
Where the European Patent Office considers it necessary to hear a party, witness or expert, or to carry out an inspection, it shall take a decision to this end, setting out the investigation which it intends to carry out, relevant facts to be proved and the date, time and place of the investigation. If the hearing of a witness or expert is requested by a party, the decision shall specify the period within which the requester must make known the name and address of any witness or expert concerned.
Rule 118 Summons to give evidence before the European Patent Office
- (1)
- A summons to give evidence before the European Patent Office shall be issued to the parties, witnesses or experts concerned.
- (2)
- At least two months' notice of a summons issued to a party, witness or expert to testify shall be given, unless they agree to a shorter period. The summons shall contain:
- (a)
- an extract from the decision under Rule 117, indicating the date, time and place of the investigation ordered and stating the facts in respect of which parties, witnesses or experts are to be heard;
- (b)
- the names of the parties and particulars of the rights which the witnesses or experts may invoke under Rule 122, paragraphs 2 to 4;
- (c)
- an indication that the party, witness or expert may request to be heard by a competent court of his country of residence under Rule 120, and an invitation to inform the European Patent Office, within a period to be specified, whether he is prepared to appear before it.
Rule 119 Examination of evidence before the European Patent Office
- (1)
- The Examining Division, Opposition Division or Board of Appeal may commission one of its members to examine the evidence adduced.
- (2)
- Before a party, witness or expert may be heard, he shall be informed that the European Patent Office may request the competent court in the country of residence of the person concerned to re-examine his testimony under oath or in an equally binding form.
- (3)
- The parties may attend an investigation and may put relevant questions to the testifying party, witness or expert.
Rule 120 Hearing by a competent national court
- (1)
- A party, witness or expert who is summoned before the European Patent Office may request the latter to allow him to be heard by a competent court in his country of residence. If this is requested, or if no reply is received within the period specified in the summons, the European Patent Office may, in accordance with Article 131, paragraph 2, request the competent court to hear the person concerned.
- (2)
- If a party, witness or expert has been heard by the European Patent Office, the latter may, if it considers it advisable for the testimony to be given under oath or in an equally binding form, issue a request under Article 131, paragraph 2, to the competent court in the country of residence of the person concerned to re-examine his testimony under such conditions.
- (3)
- When the European Patent Office requests a competent court to take evidence, it may request the court to take the evidence under oath or in an equally binding form and to permit a member of the department concerned to attend the hearing and question the party, witness or expert, either through the intermediary of the court or directly.
Rule 121 Commissioning of experts
- (1)
- The European Patent Office shall decide in what form the opinion of an expert whom it appoints shall be submitted.
- (2)
- The terms of reference of the expert shall include:
- (a)
- a precise description of his task;
- (b)
- the period specified for the submission of his opinion;
- (c)
- the names of the parties to the proceedings;
- (d)
- particulars of the rights which he may invoke under Rule 122, paragraphs 2 to 4.
- (3)
- A copy of any written opinion shall be submitted to the parties.
- (4)
- The parties may object to an expert. The department of the European Patent Office concerned shall decide on the objection.
Rule 122 Costs of taking of evidence
- (1)
- The taking of evidence by the European Patent Office may be made conditional upon deposit with it, by the party requesting the evidence to be taken, of an amount to be fixed by reference to an estimate of the costs.
- (2)
- Witnesses or experts who are summoned by and appear before the European Patent Office shall be entitled to appropriate reimbursement of expenses for travel and subsistence. An advance for these expenses may be granted to them. This shall also apply to persons who appear before the European Patent Office without being summoned by it and are heard as witnesses or experts.
- (3)
- Witnesses entitled to reimbursement under paragraph 2 shall also be entitled to appropriate compensation for loss of earnings, and experts to fees for their work. These payments shall be made to the witnesses and experts after they have fulfilled their duties or tasks.
- (4)
- The Administrative Council shall lay down the details implementing paragraphs 2 and
3. Any amounts due under these provisions shall be paid by the European Patent Office.
Rule 123 Conservation of evidence
- (1)
- On request, the European Patent Office may, without delay, take measures to conserve evidence of facts liable to affect a decision which it may be called upon to take with regard to a European patent application or a European patent, where there is reason to fear that it might subsequently become more difficult or even impossible to take evidence. The date on which the measures are to be taken shall be communicated to the applicant for or proprietor of the patent in sufficient time to allow him to attend. He may ask relevant questions.
- (2)
- The request shall contain:
- (a)
- particulars of the requester as provided in Rule 41, paragraph 2(c);
- (b)
- sufficient identification of the European patent application or European patent in question;
- (c)
- an indication of the facts in respect of which evidence is to be taken;
- (d)
- particulars of the means of giving or obtaining evidence;
- (e)
- a statement establishing a prima facie case for fearing that it might subsequently become more difficult or impossible to take evidence.
- (3)
- The request shall not be deemed to have been filed until the prescribed fee has been paid.
- (4)
- The decision on the request and any resulting taking of evidence shall be incumbent upon the department of the European Patent Office which would have to take the decision liable to be affected by the facts to be established. The provisions with regard to the taking of evidence in proceedings before the European Patent Office shall apply.
Rule 124 Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence
- (1)
- Minutes of oral proceedings and of the taking of evidence shall be drawn up, containing the essentials of the oral proceedings or of the taking of evidence, the relevant statements made by the parties, the testimony of the parties, witnesses or experts and the result of any inspection.
- (2)
- The minutes of the testimony of a witness, expert or party shall be read out, submitted to him, so that he may examine them or, where they are recorded by technical means, played back to him, unless he waives this right. It shall be noted in the minutes that this formality has been carried out and that the person who gave the testimony approved the minutes. If his approval is not given, his objections shall be noted. It is not necessary to play back the minutes or to obtain approval of them if the testimony has been recorded verbatim and directly using technical means.
- (3)
- The minutes shall be signed by the employee responsible for drawing them up and by the employee who conducted the oral proceedings or taking of evidence.
- (4)
- The parties shall be provided with a copy of the minutes.
Chapter IV Notifications
Rule 125 General provisions
- (1)
- In proceedings before the European Patent Office, any notification to be made shall take the form of the original document, a copy thereof certified by or bearing the seal of the European Patent Office, or a computer print-out bearing such seal. Copies of documents emanating from the parties themselves shall not require such certification.
- (2)
- Notification shall be made:
- (a)
- by post in accordance with Rule 126;
- (b)
- by technical means of communication in accordance with Rule 127;
- (c)
- by delivery on the premises of the European Patent Office in accordance with Rule 128; or
- (d)
- by public notice in accordance with Rule 129.
- (3)
- Notification through the central industrial property office of a Contracting State shall be made in accordance with the law applicable to that office in national proceedings.
- (4)
- Where a document has reached the addressee, if the European Patent Office is unable to prove that it has been duly notified, or if provisions relating to its notification have not been observed, the document shall be deemed to have been notified on the date established by the European Patent Office as the date of receipt.
Rule 126 Notification by post
- (1)
- Decisions incurring a period for appeal or a petition for review, summonses and other such documents as determined by the President of the European Patent Office shall be notified by registered letter with advice of delivery. All other notifications by post shall be by registered letter.
- (2)
- Where notification is effected by registered letter, whether or not with advice of delivery, such letter shall be deemed to be delivered to the addressee on the tenth day following its posting, unless it has failed to reach the addressee or has reached him at a later date; in the event of any dispute, it shall be incumbent on the European Patent Office to establish that the letter has reached its destination or to establish the date on which the letter was delivered to the addressee, as the case may be.
- (3)
- Notification by registered letter, whether or not with advice of delivery, shall be deemed to have been effected even if acceptance of the letter has been refused.
- (4)
- To the extent that notification by post is not covered by paragraphs 1 to 3, the law of the State in which the notification is made shall apply.
Rule 127 Notification by technical means of communication
Notification may be effected by such technical means of communication as are determined by the President of the European Patent Office and under the conditions laid down by him.
Rule 128 Notification by delivery by hand
Notification may be effected on the premises of the European Patent Office by delivery by hand of the document to the addressee, who shall on delivery acknowledge its receipt. Notification shall be deemed to have been effected even if the addressee refuses to accept the document or to acknowledge receipt thereof.
Rule 129 Public notification
- (1)
- If the address of the addressee cannot be established, or if notification in accordance with Rule 126, paragraph 1, has proved to be impossible even after a second attempt, notification shall be effected by public notice.
- (2)
- The President of the European Patent Office shall determine how the public notice is to be given and the beginning of the period of one month on expiry of which the document shall be deemed to have been notified.
Rule 130 Notification to representatives
- (1)
- If a representative has been appointed, notifications shall be addressed to him.
- (2)
- If several representatives have been appointed for a single party, notification to any one of them shall be sufficient.
- (3)
- If several parties have a common representative, notification to the common representative shall be sufficient.
Chapter V
Time limits
Rule 131 Calculation of periods
- (1)
- Periods shall be laid down in terms of full years, months, weeks or days.
- (2)
- Computation shall start on the day following the day on which the relevant event occurred, the event being either a procedural step or the expiry of another period. Where the procedural step is a notification, the relevant event shall be the receipt of the document notified, unless otherwise provided.
- (3)
- When a period is expressed as one year or a certain number of years, it shall expire in the relevant subsequent year in the month having the same name and on the day having the same number as the month and the day on which the said event occurred; if the relevant subsequent month has no day with the same number, the period shall expire on the last day of that month.
- (4)
- When a period is expressed as one month or a certain number of months, it shall expire in the relevant subsequent month on the day which has the same number as the day on which the said event occurred; if the relevant subsequent month has no day with the same number, the period shall expire on the last day of that month.
- (5)
- When a period is expressed as one week or a certain number of weeks, it shall expire in the relevant subsequent week on the day having the same name as the day on which the said event occurred.
Rule 132 Periods specified by the European Patent Office
- (1)
- Where the Convention or these Implementing Regulations refer to "a period to be specified", this period shall be specified by the European Patent Office.
- (2)
- Unless otherwise provided, a period specified by the European Patent Office shall be neither less than two months nor more than four months; in certain circumstances it may be up to six months. In special cases, the period may be extended upon request, presented before the expiry of such period.
Rule 133 Late receipt of documents
- (1)
- A document received late at the European Patent Office shall be deemed to have been received in due time if it was posted, or delivered to a recognised delivery service, in due time before expiry of the period in accordance with the conditions laid down by the President of the European Patent Office, unless the document was received later than three months after expiry of the period.
- (2)
- Paragraph 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis to any period where transactions are carried out with the competent authority in accordance with Article 75, paragraphs 1(b) or 2(b).
Rule 134 Extension of periods
- (1)
- If a period expires on a day on which one of the filing offices of the European Patent Office under Rule 35, paragraph 1, is not open for receipt of documents or on which, for reasons other than those referred to in paragraph 2, mail is not delivered there, the period shall extend to the first day thereafter on which all the filing offices are open for receipt of documents and on which mail is delivered. The first sentence shall apply mutatis mutandis if documents filed by one of the technical means of communication permitted by the President of the European Patent Office under Rule 2, paragraph 1, cannot be received.
- (2)
- If a period expires on a day on which there is a general dislocation in the delivery or transmission of mail in a Contracting State, the period shall extend to the first day following the end of the interval of dislocation for parties which are resident in the State concerned or have appointed representatives with a place of business in that State. Where the State concerned is the State in which the European Patent Office is located, this provision shall apply to all parties and their representatives. This paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the period referred to in Rule 37, paragraph 2.
- (3)
- Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis where acts are performed with the competent authority in accordance with Article 75, paragraphs 1(b) or 2(b).
- (4)
- The date of commencement and the end of any dislocation under paragraph 2 shall be published by the European Patent Office.
- (5)
- Without prejudice to paragraphs 1 to 4, a party concerned may produce evidence that on any of the ten days preceding the day of expiry of a period the delivery or transmission of mail was dislocated due to an exceptional occurrence such as a natural disaster, war, civil disorder, a general breakdown in any of the technical means of communication permitted by the President of the European Patent Office under Rule 2, paragraph 1, or other like reasons affecting the locality where the party or his representative resides or has his place of business. If the evidence produced satisfies the European Patent Office, a document received late shall be deemed to have been received in due time, provided that the mailing or the transmission was effected at the latest on the fifth day after the end of the dislocation.
Rule 135 Further processing
- (1)
- Further processing under Article 121, paragraph 1, shall be requested by payment of the prescribed fee within two months of the communication concerning either the failure to observe a time limit or a loss of rights. The omitted act shall be completed within the period for making the request.
- (2)
- Further processing shall be ruled out in respect of the periods referred to in Article 121, paragraph 4, and of the periods under Rule 6, paragraph 1, Rule 16, paragraph 1(a), Rule 31, paragraph 2, Rule 40, paragraph 3, Rule 51, paragraphs 2 to 5, Rule 52, paragraphs 2 and 3, Rules 55, 56, 58, 59, 64 and Rule 112, paragraph 2.
- (3)
- The department competent to decide on the omitted act shall decide on the request for further processing.
Rule 136 Re-establishment of rights
- (1)
- Any request for re-establishment of rights under Article 122, paragraph 1, shall be filed in writing within two months of the removal of the cause of non-compliance with the period, but at the latest within one year of expiry of the unobserved time limit. However, a request for re-establishment of rights in respect of any of the periods specified in Article 87, paragraph 1, and in Article 112a, paragraph 4, shall be filed within two months of expiry of that period. The request for re-establishment of rights shall not be deemed to have been filed until the prescribed fee has been paid.
- (2)
- The request shall state the grounds on which it is based and shall set out the facts on which it relies. The omitted act shall be completed within the relevant period for filing the request according to paragraph 1.
- (3)
- Re-establishment of rights shall be ruled out in respect of any period for which further processing under Article 121 is available and in respect of the period for requesting re-establishment of rights.
- (4)
- The department competent to decide on the omitted act shall decide on the request for re-establishment of rights.
Chapter VI Amendments and corrections
Rule 137 Amendment of the European patent application
- (1)
- Before receiving the European search report, the applicant may not amend the description, claims or drawings of a European patent application unless otherwise provided.
- (2)
- After receipt of the European search report, the applicant may, of his own volition, amend the description, claims and drawings.
- (3)
- After receipt of the first communication from the Examining Division, the applicant may, of his own volition, amend once the description, claims and drawings, provided that the amendment is filed at the same time as the reply to the communication. No further amendment may be made without the consent of the Examining Division.
- (4)
- Amended claims may not relate to unsearched subject-matter which does not combine with the originally claimed invention or group of inventions to form a single general inventive concept.
Rule 138 Different claims, description and drawings for different States
If the European Patent Office is informed of the existence of a prior right under Article 139, paragraph 2, the European patent application or European patent may, for such State or States, contain claims and, where appropriate, a description and drawings which are different from those for the other designated States.
Rule 139 Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office
Linguistic errors, errors of transcription and mistakes in any document filed with the European Patent Office may be corrected on request. However, if the request for such correction concerns the description, claims or drawings, the correction must be obvious in the sense that it is immediately evident that nothing else would have been intended than what is offered as the correction.
Rule 140 Correction of errors in decisions
In decisions of the European Patent Office, only linguistic errors, errors of transcription and obvious mistakes may be corrected.
Chapter VII Information on prior art
Rule 141 Information on prior art
The European Patent Office may invite the applicant to provide, within a period to be specified, information on prior art taken into consideration in the examination of national or regional patent applications and concerning an invention to which the European patent application relates.
Chapter VIII Interruption of proceedings
Rule 142 Interruption of proceedings
- (1)
- Proceedings before the European Patent Office shall be interrupted:
- (a)
- in the event of the death or legal incapacity of the applicant for or proprietor of a European patent or of the person authorised by national law to act on his behalf. To the extent that the above events do not affect the authorisation of a representative appointed under Article 134, proceedings shall be interrupted only on application by such representative;
- (b)
- in the event of the applicant for or proprietor of a patent, as a result of some action taken against his property, being prevented by legal reasons from continuing the proceedings;
- (c)
- in the event of the death or legal incapacity of the representative of an applicant for or proprietor of a patent, or of his being prevented for legal reasons resulting from action taken against his property from continuing the proceedings.
- (2)
- When, in the cases referred to in paragraph 1(a) or (b), the European Patent Office has been informed of the identity of the person authorised to continue the proceedings, it shall notify such person and, where applicable, any third party, that the proceedings will be resumed as from a specified date.
- (3)
- In the case referred to in paragraph 1(c), the proceedings shall be resumed when the European Patent Office has been informed of the appointment of a new representative of the applicant or when the Office has informed the other parties of the appointment of a new representative of the proprietor of the patent. If, three months after the beginning of the interruption of the proceedings, the European Patent Office has not been informed of the appointment of a new representative, it shall communicate to the applicant for or proprietor of the patent:
- (a)
- where Article 133, paragraph 2, is applicable, that the European patent application will be deemed to be withdrawn or the European patent will be revoked if the information is not submitted within two months of this communication; or
- (b)
- otherwise, that the proceedings will be resumed with the applicant for or proprietor of the patent as from the notification of this communication.
- (4)
- Any periods, other than those for requesting examination and paying renewal fees, in force at the date of interruption of the proceedings, shall begin again as from the day on which the proceedings are resumed. If such date is less than two months before the end of the period within which the request for examination must be filed, such a request may be filed within two months of such date.
Chapter IX Information to the public
Rule 143 Entries in the European Patent Register
- (1)
- The European Patent Register shall contain the following entries:
- (a)
- number of the European patent application;
- (b)
- date of filing of the application;
- (c)
- title of the invention;
- (d)
- classification symbols assigned to the application;
- (e)
- the Contracting States designated;
- (f)
- particulars of the applicant for or proprietor of the patent as provided in Rule 41, paragraph 2(c);
- (g)
- family name, given names and address of the inventor designated by the applicant for or proprietor of the patent, unless he has waived his right to be mentioned under Rule 20, paragraph 1;
- (h)
- particulars of the representative of the applicant for or proprietor of the patent as provided in Rule 41, paragraph 2(d); in the case of several representatives only the particulars of the representative first named, followed by the words "and others" and, in the case of an association referred to in Rule 152, paragraph 11, only the name and address of the association;
- (i)
- priority data (date, State and file number of the previous application);
- (j)
- in the event of a division of the application, the numbers of all the divisional applications;
- (k)
- in the case of a divisional application or a new application under Article 61, paragraph 1(b), the information referred to in sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (i) with regard to the earlier application;
- (l)
- date of publication of the application and, where appropriate, date of the separate publication of the European search report;
(m)date of filing of the request for examination;
- (n)
- date on which the application is refused, withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn;
- (o)
- date of publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent;
- (p)
- date of lapse of the European patent in a Contracting State during the opposition period and, where appropriate, pending a final decision on opposition;
- (q)
- date of filing opposition;
- (r)
- date and purport of the decision on opposition;
- (s)
- dates of stay and resumption of proceedings in the cases referred to in Rules 14 and 78;
- (t)
- dates of interruption and resumption of proceedings in the case referred to in Rule 142;
- (u)
- date of re-establishment of rights where an entry has been made under subparagraphs (n) or (r);
- (v)
- the filing of a request for conversion under Article 135, paragraph 3;
- (w)
- rights and transfer of such rights relating to an application or a European patent where these Implementing Regulations provide that they shall be recorded.
- (x)
- date and purport of the decision on the request for limitation or revocation of the European patent;
- (y)
- date and purport of the decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeal on the petition for review.
- (2)
- The President of the European Patent Office may decide that entries other than those referred to in paragraph 1 shall be made in the European Patent Register.
Rule 144 Parts of the file excluded from inspection
The parts of the file excluded from inspection under Article 128, paragraph 4, shall be:
- (a)
- the documents relating to the exclusion of or objections to members of the Boards of Appeal or of the Enlarged Board of Appeal;
- (b)
- draft decisions and notices, and all other documents, used for the preparation of decisions and notices, which are not communicated to the parties;
- (c)
- the designation of the inventor, if he has waived his right to be mentioned under Rule 20, paragraph 1;
- (d)
- any other document excluded from inspection by the President of the European Patent Office on the ground that such inspection would not serve the purpose of informing the public about the European patent application or the European patent.
Rule 145 Procedures for the inspection of files
- (1)
- Inspection of the files of European patent applications and patents shall either be of the original document, or of copies thereof, or of technical means of storage if the files are stored in this way.
- (2)
- The President of the European Patent Office shall determine all file-inspection arrangements, including the circumstances in which an administrative fee is payable.
Rule 146 Communication of information contained in the files
Subject to the restrictions laid down in Article 128, paragraphs 1 to 4, and in Rule 144, the European Patent Office may, upon request, communicate information concerning any file relating to a European patent application or European patent, subject to the payment of an administrative fee. However, the European Patent Office may refer to the option of file inspection where it deems this to be appropriate in view of the quantity of information to be supplied.
Rule 147 Constitution, maintenance and preservation of files
- (1)
- The European Patent Office shall constitute, maintain and preserve files relating to all European patent applications and patents.
- (2)
- The President of the European Patent Office shall determine the form in which these files shall be constituted, maintained and preserved.
- (3)
- Documents incorporated in an electronic file shall be considered to be originals.
- (4)
- Any files shall be preserved for at least five years from the end of the year in which:
- (a)
- the application is refused or withdrawn or is deemed to be withdrawn;
- (b)
- the patent is revoked by the European Patent Office; or
- (c)
- the patent or the corresponding protection under Article 63, paragraph 2, lapses in the last of the designated States.
- (5)
- Without prejudice to paragraph 4, files relating to applications which have given rise to divisional applications under Article 76 or new applications under Article 61, paragraph 1(b), shall be preserved for at least the same period as the files relating to any one of these last applications. The same shall apply to files relating to any resulting European patents.
Chapter X Legal and administrative co-operation
Rule 148 Communications between the European Patent Office and the authorities of the Contracting States
- (1)
- Communications between the European Patent Office and the central industrial property offices of the Contracting States which arise out of the application of this Convention shall be effected directly between these authorities. Communications between the European Patent Office and the courts or other authorities of the Contracting States may be effected through the intermediary of the said central industrial property offices.
- (2)
- Expenditure in respect of communications under paragraph 1 shall be borne by the authority making the communications, which shall be exempt from fees.
Rule 149 Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States
- (1)
- Inspection of the files of European patent applications or of European patents by courts or authorities of the Contracting States shall be of the original documents or of copies thereof; Rule 145 shall not apply.
- (2)
- Courts or Public Prosecutors' offices of the Contracting States may, in the course of their proceedings, communicate to third parties files or copies thereof transmitted to them by the European Patent Office. Such communications shall be effected in accordance with Article 128 and shall not be subject to any fee.
- (3)
- The European Patent Office shall, when transmitting the files, draw attention to the restrictions which may, under Article 128, paragraphs 1 and 4, apply to file inspection by third parties.
Rule 150 Procedure for letters rogatory
- (1)
- Each Contracting State shall designate a central authority to receive letters rogatory issued by the European Patent Office and to transmit them to the court or authority competent to execute them.
- (2)
- The European Patent Office shall draw up letters rogatory in the language of the competent court or authority or shall attach to such letters rogatory a translation into that language.
- (3)
- Subject to paragraphs 5 and 6, the competent court or authority shall apply national law as to the procedures to be followed in executing such requests and, in particular, as to the appropriate measures of compulsion.
- (4)
- If the court or authority to which the letters rogatory are transmitted is not competent to execute them, the letters rogatory shall be sent forthwith to the central authority referred to in paragraph 1. That authority shall transmit the letters rogatory either to the competent court or authority in that State, or to the European Patent Office where no court or authority is competent in that State.
- (5)
- The European Patent Office shall be informed of the time when, and the place where, the enquiry or other legal measure is to take place and shall inform the parties, witnesses and experts concerned.
- (6)
- If so requested by the European Patent Office, the competent court or authority shall permit the attendance of members of the department concerned and allow them to question any person giving evidence either directly or through the competent court or authority.
- (7)
- The execution of letters rogatory shall not give rise to any reimbursement of fees or costs of any nature. Nevertheless, the State in which letters rogatory are executed has the right to require the Organisation to reimburse any fees paid to experts or interpreters and the costs arising from the procedure under paragraph 6.
- (8)
- If the law applied by the competent court or authority obliges the parties to secure evidence and the competent court or authority is not able itself to execute the letters rogatory, that court or authority may, with the consent of the European Patent Office, appoint a suitable person to do so. When seeking such consent, the competent court or authority shall indicate the approximate costs which would result from this procedure. If the European Patent Office gives its consent, the Organisation shall reimburse any costs incurred; otherwise, the Organisation shall not be liable for such costs.
Chapter XI Representation
Rule 151 Appointment of a common representative
- (1)
- If there is more than one applicant and the request for grant of a European patent does not name a common representative, the applicant first named in the request shall be deemed to be the common representative. However, if one of the applicants is obliged to appoint a professional representative, this representative shall be deemed to be the common representative, unless the applicant first named has appointed a professional representative. The same shall apply to third parties acting in common in filing a notice of opposition or intervention and to joint proprietors of a European patent.
- (2)
- If the European patent application is transferred to more than one person, and such persons have not appointed a common representative, paragraph 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis. If such application is not possible, the European Patent Office shall invite such persons to appoint a common representative within a period to be specified. If this invitation is not complied with, the European Patent Office shall appoint the common representative.
Rule 152 Authorisations
- (1)
- The President of the European Patent Office shall determine the cases in which a signed authorisation shall be filed by representatives acting before the European Patent Office.
- (2)
- Where a representative fails to file such an authorisation, the European Patent Office shall invite him to do so within a period to be specified. The authorisation may cover one or more European patent applications or European patents and shall be filed in the corresponding number of copies.
- (3)
- Where the requirements of Article 133, paragraph 2, have not been satisfied, the same period shall be specified for the appointment of a representative and the filing of the authorisation.
- (4)
- A general authorisation may be filed enabling a representative to act in respect of all the patent transactions of a party. A single copy shall suffice.
- (5)
- The President of the European Patent Office may determine the form and content of:
- (a)
- an authorisation relating to the representation of persons under Article 133, paragraph 2;
- (b)
- a general authorisation.
- (6)
- If a required authorisation is not filed in due time, any procedural steps taken by the representative, other than the filing of a European patent application, shall be deemed not to have been taken, without prejudice to any other legal consequences provided for by this Convention.
- (7)
- Paragraphs 2 and 4 shall apply to the withdrawal of an authorisation.
- (8)
- A representative shall be deemed to be authorised until the termination of his authorisation has been communicated to the European Patent Office.
- (9)
- Unless it expressly provides otherwise, an authorisation shall not terminate vis-à-vis the European Patent Office upon the death of the person who gave it.
- (10)
- If a party appoints several representatives, they may act either jointly or singly, notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in the communication of their appointment or in the authorisation.
- (11)
- The authorisation of an association of representatives shall be deemed to be an authorisation of any representative who can provide evidence that he practises within that association.
Rule 153 Attorney evidentiary privilege
- (1)
- Where advice is sought from a professional representative in his capacity as such, all communications between the professional representative and his client or any other person, relating to that purpose and falling under Article 2 of the Regulation on discipline for professional representatives, are permanently privileged from disclosure in proceedings before the European Patent Office, unless such privilege is expressly waived by the client.
- (2)
- Such privilege from disclosure shall apply, in particular, to any communication or document relating to:
- (a)
- the assessment of the patentability of an invention;
- (b)
- the preparation or prosecution of a European patent application;
- (c)
- any opinion relating to the validity, scope of protection or infringement of a European patent or a European patent application.
Rule 154 Amendment of the list of professional representatives
- (1)
- The entry of a professional representative shall be deleted from the list of professional representatives if he so requests or if, despite repeated reminders, he fails to pay the annual subscription to the Institute before the end of September of the year for which the subscription is due.
- (2)
- Without prejudice to any disciplinary measures taken under Article 134a, paragraph 1(c), the entry of a professional representative may be deleted ex officio only:
- (a)
- in the event of his death or legal incapacity;
- (b)
- where he is no longer a national of one of the Contracting States, unless he was granted an exemption under Article 134, paragraph 7(a);
- (c)
- where he no longer has his place of business or employment within one of the Contracting States.
- (3)
- Any person entered on the list of professional representatives under Article 134, paragraphs (2) or (3), whose entry has been deleted shall, upon request, be re-entered on that list if the conditions for deletion no longer exist.
Rule 155 Filing and transmission of the request for conversion
- (1)
- The request for conversion referred to in Article 135, paragraph 1(a) or (b), shall be filed within three months of the withdrawal of the European patent application, or of the communication that the application is deemed to be withdrawn, or of the decision refusing the application or revoking the European patent. The effect of the European patent application under Article 66 shall lapse if the request is not filed in due time.
- (2)
- When transmitting the request for conversion to the central industrial property offices of the Contracting States specified in the request, the central industrial property office concerned or the European Patent Office shall attach to the request a copy of the file relating to the European patent application or European patent.
- (3)
- Article 135, paragraph 4, shall apply if the request for conversion referred to in Article 135, paragraphs 1(a) or (2), is not transmitted before the expiry of a period of twenty months from the date of filing or, if priority has been claimed, the date of priority.
Rule 156 Information to the public in the event of conversion
- (1)
- The documents accompanying the request for conversion under Rule 155, paragraph 2, shall be made available to the public by the central industrial property office under the same conditions and to the same extent as documents relating to national proceedings.
- (2)
- The printed specification of the national patent resulting from the conversion of a European patent application shall mention that application.
Rule 157 The European Patent Office as a receiving Office
- (1)
- The European Patent Office shall be competent to act as a receiving Office within the meaning of the PCT if the applicant is a resident or national of a Contracting State to this Convention and to the PCT. Without prejudice to paragraph 3, if the applicant chooses the European Patent Office as a receiving Office, the international application shall be filed directly with the European Patent Office. Article 75, paragraph 2, shall apply mutatis mutandis.
- (2)
- Where the European Patent Office acts as a receiving Office under the PCT, the international application shall be filed in English, French or German. The President of the European Patent Office may determine that the international application and any related item shall be filed in more than one copy.
- (3)
- If an international application is filed with an authority of a Contracting State for transmittal to the European Patent Office as the receiving Office, the Contracting State shall ensure that the application reaches the European Patent Office not later than two weeks before the end of the thirteenth month from filing or, if priority is claimed, from the date of priority.
- (4)
- The transmittal fee for the international application shall be paid within one month of filing the application.
Rule 158 The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority or International Preliminary Examining Authority
- (1)
- In the case of Article 17, paragraph 3(a) PCT, an additional international search fee shall be paid for each further invention for which an international search is to be carried out.
- (2)
- In the case of Article 34, paragraph 3(a) PCT, an additional fee for international preliminary examination shall be paid for each further invention for which the international preliminary examination is to be carried out.
- (3)
- Where an additional fee has been paid under protest, the European Patent Office shall examine the protest in accordance with Rule 40.2(c) to (e) or Rule 68.3(c) to (e) PCT, subject to payment of the prescribed protest fee. Further details concerning the procedure shall be determined by the President of the European Patent Office.
Rule 159 The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office – Requirements for entry into the European phase
- (1)
- In respect of an international application under Article 153, the applicant shall perform the following acts within thirty-one months from the date of filing of the application or, if priority has been claimed, from the priority date:
- (a)
- supply, where applicable, the translation of the international application required under Article 153, paragraph 4;
- (b)
- specify the application documents, as originally filed or as amended, on which the European grant procedure is to be based;
- (c)
- pay the filing fee provided for in Article 78, paragraph 2;
- (d)
- pay the designation fees if the period under Rule 39 has expired earlier;
- (e)
- pay the search fee, where a supplementary European search report has to be drawn up;
- (f)
- file the request for examination provided for in Article 94, if the period under Rule 70, paragraph 1, has expired earlier;
- (g)
- pay the renewal fee in respect of the third year provided for in Article 86, paragraph 1, if the fee has fallen due earlier under Rule 51, paragraph 1;
- (h)
- file, where applicable, the certificate of exhibition referred to in Article 55, paragraph 2, and Rule 25.
- (2)
- The Examining Division shall be competent to take decisions of the European Patent Office under Article 25, paragraph 2(a) PCT.
Rule 160 Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements
- (1)
- If either the translation of the international application or the request for examination is not filed in due time, or if the filing fee or the search fee is not paid in due time, or if no designation fee is paid in due time, the European patent application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
- (2)
- The designation of any Contracting State in respect of which the designation fee has not been paid in due time shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
- (3)
- If the European Patent Office notes that the application or the designation of a Contracting State is deemed to be withdrawn under paragraph 1 or 2, it shall communicate this to the applicant. Rule 112, paragraph 2, shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Rule 161 Amendment of the application
Without prejudice to Rule 137, paragraphs 2 to 4, the application may be amended once, within one month from a communication informing the applicant accordingly. The application as amended shall serve as the basis for any supplementary search which has to be performed under Article 153, paragraph 7.
Rule 162 Claims incurring fees
- (1)
- If the application documents on which the European grant procedure is to be based comprise more than ten claims, a claims fee shall be paid for the eleventh and each subsequent claim within the period under Rule 159, paragraph 1.
- (2)
- If the claims fees are not paid in due time, they may still be paid within one month from a communication concerning the failure to observe the time limit. If within this period amended claims are filed, the claims fees due shall be computed on the basis of such amended claims.
- (3)
- Any claims fees paid within the period under paragraph 1 and in excess of those due under paragraph 2, second sentence, shall be refunded.
- (4)
- Where a claims fee is not paid in due time, the claim concerned shall be deemed to be abandoned.
Rule 163 Examination of certain formal requirements by the European Patent Office
- (1)
- Where the designation of the inventor under Rule 19, paragraph 1, has not yet been made within the period under Rule 159, paragraph 1, the European Patent Office shall invite the applicant to make the designation within two months.
- (2)
- Where the priority of an earlier application is claimed and the file number of the previous application or the copy thereof provided for in Rule 52, paragraph 1, and Rule 53 have not yet been submitted within the period under Rule 159, paragraph 1, the European Patent Office shall invite the applicant to furnish that number or copy within two months. Rule 53, paragraphs 2 and 3, shall apply.
- (3)
- Where, at the expiry of the period under Rule 159, paragraph 1, a sequence listing complying with the standard provided for in the Administrative Instructions under the PCT is not available to the European Patent Office, the applicant shall be invited to file a sequence listing complying with the rules laid down by the President of the European Patent Office within two months. Rule 30, paragraphs 2 and 3, shall apply mutatis mutandis.
- (4)
- Where, at the expiry of the period under Rule 159, paragraph 1, the address, the nationality or the State in which his residence or principal place of business is located is missing in respect of any applicant, the European Patent Office shall invite the applicant to furnish these indications within two months.
- (5)
- Where, at the expiry of the period under Rule 159, paragraph 1, the requirements of Article 133, paragraph 2, have not been satisfied, the European Patent Office shall invite the applicant to appoint a professional representative within two months.
- (6)
- If the deficiencies noted under paragraphs 1, 4 or 5 are not corrected in due time, the European patent application shall be refused. If the deficiency noted under paragraph 2 is not corrected in due time, the right of priority shall be lost for the application.
Rule 164 Consideration of unity by the European Patent Office
- (1)
- Where the European Patent Office considers that the application documents which are to serve as the basis for the supplementary search do not meet the requirements of unity of invention, a supplementary search report shall be drawn up on those parts of the application which relate to the invention, or the group of inventions within the meaning of Article 82, first mentioned in the claims.
- (2)
- Where the examining division finds that the application documents on which the European grant procedure is to be based do not meet the requirements of unity of invention, or protection is sought for an invention not covered by the international search report or, as the case may be, by the supplementary search report, it shall invite the applicant to limit the application to one invention covered by the international search report or the supplementary search report.
Rule 165 The Euro-PCT application as conflicting application under Article 54, paragraph 3
A Euro-PCT application shall be considered as comprised in the state of the art under Article 54, paragraph 3, if in addition to the conditions laid down in Article 153, paragraph 3 or 4, the filing fee under Rule 159, paragraph 1(c) has been paid.
Protocol on the Interpretation of Article 69 EPC
of 5 October 1973
as revised by the Act revising the EPC of 29 November 2000
Article 1 General principles
Article 69 should not be interpreted as meaning that the extent of the protection conferred by a European patent is to be understood as that defined by the strict, literal meaning of the wording used in the claims, the description and drawings being employed only for the purpose of resolving an ambiguity found in the claims. Nor should it be taken to mean that the claims serve only as a guideline and that the actual protection conferred may extend to what, from a consideration of the description and drawings by a person skilled in the art, the patent proprietor has contemplated. On the contrary, it is to be interpreted as defining a position between these extremes which combines a fair protection for the patent proprietor with a reasonable degree of legal certainty for third parties.
Article 2 Equivalents
For the purpose of determining the extent of protection conferred by a European patent, due account shall be taken of any element which is equivalent to an element specified in the claims.
on the Centralisation of the European
Patent System and on its Introduction
(Protocol on Centralisation)
of 5 October 1973 as revised by the Act revising the EPC of 29 November 2000
Section I
(1)(a) Upon entry into force of the Convention, States parties thereto which are also members of the International Patent Institute set up by the Hague Agreement of 6 June 1947 shall take all necessary steps to ensure the transfer to the European Patent Office no later than the date referred to in Article 162, paragraph 1, of the Convention of all assets and liabilities and all staff members of the International Patent Institute. Such transfer shall be effected by an agreement between the International Patent Institute and the European Patent Organisation. The above States and the other States parties to the Convention shall take all necessary steps to ensure that that agreement shall be implemented no later than the date referred to in Article 162, paragraph 1, of the Convention. Upon implementation of the agreement, those Member States of the International Patent Institute which are also parties to the Convention further undertake to terminate their participation in the Hague Agreement.
- (b)
- The States parties to the Convention shall take all necessary steps to ensure that all the assets and liabilities and all the staff members of the International Patent Institute are taken into the European Patent Office in accordance with the agreement referred to in sub paragraph (a). After the implementation of that agreement the tasks incumbent upon the International Patent Institute at the date on which the Convention is opened for signature, and in particular those carried out vis-à-vis its Member States, whether or not they become parties to the Convention, and such tasks as it has undertaken at the time of the entry into force of the Convention to carry out vis-à-vis States which, at that date, are both members of the International Patent Institute and parties to the Convention, shall be assumed by the European Patent Office. In addition, the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation may allocate further duties in the field of searching to the European Patent Office.
- (c)
- The above obligations shall also apply mutatis mutandis to the sub-office set up under the Hague Agreement under the conditions set out in the agreement between the International Patent Institute and the Government of the Contracting State concerned. This Government hereby undertakes to make a new agreement with the European Patent Organisation in place of the one already made with the International Patent Institute to harmonise the clauses concerning the organisation, operation and financing of the sub-office with the provisions of this Protocol.
- (2)
- Subject to the provisions of Section III, the States parties to the Convention shall, on behalf of their central industrial property offices, renounce in favour of the European Patent Office any activities as International Searching Authorities under the Patent Cooperation Treaty as from the date referred to in Article 162, paragraph 1, of the Convention. (3)(a) A sub-office of the European Patent Office shall be set up in Berlin as from the date referred to in Article 162, paragraph 1, of the Convention. It shall operate under the direction of the branch at The Hague.
- (b)
- The Administrative Council shall determine the duties to be allocated to the sub-office in Berlin in the light of general considerations and of the requirements of the European Patent Office.
- (c)
- At least at the beginning of the period following the progressive expansion of the field of activity of the European Patent Office, the amount of work assigned to that sub-office shall be sufficient to enable the examining staff of the Berlin Annex of the German Patent Office, as it stands at the date on which the Convention is opened for signature, to be fully employed.
- (d)
- The Federal Republic of Germany shall bear any additional costs incurred by the European Patent Organisation in setting up and maintaining the sub-office in Berlin.
Section II
Subject to the provisions of Sections III and IV, the States parties to the Convention shall, on behalf of their central industrial property offices, renounce in favour of the European Patent Office any activities as International Preliminary Examining Authorities under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. This obligation shall apply only to the extent to which the European Patent Office may examine European patent applications in accordance with Article 162, paragraph 2, of the Convention and shall not apply until two years after the date on which the European Patent Office has begun examining activities in the areas of technology concerned, on the basis of a five-year plan which shall progressively extend the activities of the European Patent Office to all areas of technology and which may be amended only by decision of the Administrative Council. The procedures for implementing this obligation shall be determined by decision of the Administrative Council.
Section III
- (1)
- The central industrial property office of any State party to the Convention in which the official language is not one of the official languages of the European Patent Office, shall be authorised to act as an International Searching Authority and as an International Preliminary Examining Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. Such authorisation shall be subject to an undertaking by the State concerned to restrict such activities to international applications filed by nationals or residents of such State and by nationals or residents of States parties to the Convention which are adjacent to that State. The Administrative Council may decide to authorise the central industrial property office of any State party to the Convention to extend such activities to cover such international applications as may be filed by nationals or residents of any non-Contracting State having the same official language as the Contracting State in question and drawn up in that language.
- (2)
- For the purpose of harmonising search activities under the Patent Cooperation Treaty within the framework of the European system for the grant of patents, co-operation shall be established between the European Patent Office and any central industrial property office authorised under this Section. Such cooperation shall be based on a special agreement which may cover e.g. search procedures and methods, qualifications required for the recruitment and training of examiners, guidelines for the exchange of search and other services between the offices as well as other measures needed to establish the required control and supervision.
Section IV
(1)(a) For the purpose of facilitating the adaptation of the national patent offices of the States parties to the Convention to the European patent system, the Administrative Council may, if it considers it desirable, and subject to the conditions set out below, entrust the central industrial property offices of such of those States in which it is possible to conduct the proceedings in one of the official languages of the European Patent Office with tasks concerning the examination of European patent applications drawn up in that language which, pursuant to Article 18, paragraph 2, of the Convention, shall, as a general rule, be entrusted to a member of the Examining Division. Such tasks shall be carried out within the framework of the proceedings for grant laid down in the Convention; decisions on such applications shall be taken by the Examining Division composed in accordance with Article 18, paragraph 2.
- (b)
- Tasks entrusted under sub-paragraph (a) shall not be in respect of more than 40% of the total number of European patent applications filed; tasks entrusted to any one State shall not be in respect of more than one-third of the total number of European patent applications filed. These tasks shall be entrusted for a period of 15 years from the opening of the European Patent Office and shall be reduced progressively (in principle by 20% a year) to zero during the last 5 years of the period.
- (c)
- The Administrative Council shall decide, while taking into account the provisions of sub-paragraph (b), upon the nature, origin and number of the European patent applications in respect of which examining tasks may be entrusted to the central industrial property office of each of the Contracting States mentioned above.
- (d)
- The above implementing procedures shall be set out in a special agreement between the central industrial property office of the Contracting State concerned and the European Patent Organisation.
- (e)
- An office with which such a special agreement has been concluded may act as an International Preliminary Examining Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, until the expiry of the period of 15 years.
(2)(a) If the Administrative Council considers that it is compatible with the proper functioning of the European Patent Office, and in order to alleviate the difficulties which may arise for certain Contracting States from the application of Section I, paragraph 2, it may entrust searching in respect of European patent applications to the central industrial property offices of those States in which the official language is one of the official languages of the European Patent Office, provided that these offices possess the necessary qualifications for appointment as an International Searching Authority in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
- (b)
- In carrying out such work, undertaken under the responsibility of the European Patent Office, the central industrial property offices concerned shall adhere to the guidelines applicable to the drawing up of the European search report.
- (c)
- The provisions of paragraph 1(b), second sentence, and sub-paragraph (d) of this Section shall apply to this paragraph.
Section V
- (1)
- The sub-office referred to in Section I, paragraph 1(c), shall be authorised to carry out searches, among the documentation which is at its disposal and which is in the official language of the State in which the sub-office is located, in respect of European patent applications filed by nationals and residents of that State. This authorisation shall be on the understanding that the procedure for the grant of European patents will not be delayed and that additional costs will not be incurred for the European Patent Organisation.
- (2)
- The sub-office referred to in paragraph 1 shall be authorised to carry out, at the option of an applicant for a European patent and at his expense, a search on his patent application among the documentation referred to in paragraph 1. This authorisation shall be effective until the search provided for in Article 92 of the Convention has been extended, in accordance with Section VI, to cover such documentation and shall be on the understanding that the procedure for the grant of European patents will not be delayed.
- (3)
- The Administrative Council may also extend the authorisations provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2, under the conditions of those paragraphs, to the central industrial property office of a Contracting State which does not have as an official language one of the official languages of the European Patent Office.
Section VI
The search provided for in Article 92 of the Convention shall, in principle, be extended, in respect of all European patent applications, to published patents, published patent applications and other relevant documents of Contracting States not included in the search documentation of the European Patent Office on the date referred to in Article 162, paragraph 1, of the Convention. The extent, conditions and timing of any such extension shall be determined by the Administrative Council on the basis of a study concerning particularly the technical and financial aspects.
Section VII
The provisions of this Protocol shall prevail over any contradictory provisions of the Convention.
Section VIII
The decisions of the Administrative Council provided for in this Protocol shall require a three-quarters majority (Article 35, paragraph 2, of the Convention). The provisions governing the weighting of votes (Article 36 of the Convention) shall apply.
Protocol on Jurisdiction and the
Recognition of Decisions in respect of
the Right to the Grant of a European
(Protocol on Recognition)
of 5 October 1973
Section I Jurisdiction
Article 1
- (1)
- The courts of the Contracting States shall, in accordance with Articles 2 to 6, have jurisdiction to decide claims, against the applicant, to the right to the grant of a European patent in respect of one or more of the Contracting States designated in the European patent application.
- (2)
- For the purposes of this Protocol, the term "courts" shall include authorities which, under the national law of a Contracting State, have jurisdiction to decide the claims referred to in paragraph 1. Any Contracting State shall notify the European Patent Office of the identity of any authority on which such a jurisdiction is conferred, and the European Patent Office shall inform the other Contracting States accordingly.
- (3)
- For the purposes of this Protocol, the term "Contracting State" refers to a Contracting State which has not excluded application of this Protocol pursuant to Article 167 of the Convention.
Article 2
Subject to Articles 4 and 5, if an applicant for a European patent has his residence or principal place of business within one of the Contracting States, proceedings shall be brought against him in the courts of that Contracting State.
Article 3
Subject to Articles 4 and 5, if an applicant for a European patent has his residence or principal place of business outside the Contracting States, and if the party claiming the right to the grant of the European patent has his residence or principal place of business within one of the Contracting States, the courts of the latter State shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
Article 4
Subject to Article 5, if the subject-matter of a European patent application is the invention of an employee, the courts of the Contracting State, if any, whose law determines the right to the European patent pursuant to Article 60, paragraph 1, second sentence, of the Convention, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over proceedings between the employee and the employer.
Article 5
- (1)
- If the parties to a dispute concerning the right to the grant of a European patent have concluded an agreement, either in writing or verbally with written confirmation, to the effect that a court or the courts of a particular Contracting State shall decide on such a dispute, the court or courts of that State shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
- (2)
- However, if the parties are an employee and his employer, paragraph 1 shall only apply in so far as the national law governing the contract of employment allows the agreement in question.
Article 6
In cases where neither Articles 2 to 4 nor Article 5, paragraph 1, apply, the courts of the Federal Republic of Germany shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
Article 7
The courts of Contracting States before which claims referred to in Article 1 are brought shall of their own motion decide whether or not they have jurisdiction pursuant to Articles 2 to 6.
Article 8
- (1)
- In the event of proceedings based on the same claim and between the same parties being brought before courts of different Contracting States, the court to which a later application is made shall of its own motion decline jurisdiction in favour of the court to which an earlier application was made.
- (2)
- In the event of the jurisdiction of the court to which an earlier application is made being challenged, the court to which a later application is made shall stay the proceedings until the other court takes a final decision.
Section II Recognition
Article 9
- (1)
- Subject to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph 2, final decisions given in any Contracting State on the right to the grant of a European patent in respect of one or more of the Contracting States designated in the European patent application shall be recognised without requiring a special procedure in the other Contracting States.
- (2)
- The jurisdiction of the court whose decision is to be recognised and the validity of such decision may not be reviewed.
Article 10
Article 9, paragraph 1, shall not be applicable where:
- (a)
- an applicant for a European patent who has not contested a claim proves that the document initiating the proceedings was not notified to him regularly and sufficiently early for him to defend himself; or
- (b)
- an applicant proves that the decision is incompatible with another decision given in a Contracting State in proceedings between the same parties which were started before those in which the decision to be recognised was given.
Article 11
- (1)
- In relations between any Contracting States the provisions of this Protocol shall prevail over any conflicting provisions of other agreements on jurisdiction or the recognition of judgments.
- (2)
- This Protocol shall not affect the implementation of any agreement between a Contracting State and a State which is not bound by the Protocol.
Protocol on Privileges and Immunities
of the European Patent Organisation
(Protocol on Privileges and Immunities)
of 5 October 1973
Article 1
- (1)
- The premises of the Organisation shall be inviolable.
- (2)
- The authorities of the States in which the Organisation has its premises shall not enter those premises, except with the consent of the President of the European Patent Office. Such consent shall be assumed in case of fire or other disaster requiring prompt protective action.
- (3)
- Service of process at the premises of the Organisation and of any other procedural instruments relating to a cause of action against the Organisation shall not constitute breach of inviolability.
Article 2
The archives of the Organisation and any documents belonging to or held by it shall be inviolable.
Article 3
- (1)
- Within the scope of its official activities the Organisation shall have immunity from jurisdiction and execution, except
- (a)
- to the extent that the Organisation shall have expressly waived such immunity in a particular case;
- (b)
- in the case of a civil action brought by a third party for damage resulting from an accident caused by a motor vehicle belonging to, or operated on behalf of, the Organisation, or in respect of a motor traffic offence involving such a vehicle;
- (c)
- in respect of the enforcement of an arbitration award made under Article 23.
- (2)
- The property and assets of the Organisation, wherever situated, shall be immune from any form of requisition, confiscation, expropriation and sequestration.
- (3)
- The property and assets of the Organisation shall also be immune from any form of administrative or provisional judicial constraint, except in so far as may be temporarily necessary in connection with the prevention of, and investigation into, accidents involving motor vehicles belonging to or operated on behalf of the Organisation.
- (4)
- The official activities of the Organisation shall, for the purposes of this Protocol, be such as are strictly necessary for its administrative and technical operation, as set out in the Convention.
Article 4
- (1)
- Within the scope of its official activities the Organisation and its property and income shall be exempt from all direct taxes.
- (2)
- Where substantial purchases for the exercise of its official activities, and in the price of which taxes or duties are included, are made by the Organisation, appropriate measures shall, whenever possible, be taken by the Contracting States to remit or reimburse to the Organisation the amount of such taxes or duties.
- (3)
- No exemption shall be accorded in respect of duties and taxes which are no more than charges for public utility services.
Article 5
Goods imported or exported by the Organisation for the exercise of its official activities shall be exempt from duties and charges on import or export other than fees or taxes representing services rendered, and from all prohibitions and restrictions on import or export.
Article 6
No exemption shall be granted under Articles 4 and 5 in respect of goods purchased or imported for the personal benefit of the employees of the European Patent Office.
Article 7
- (1)
- Goods belonging to the Organisation which have been acquired or imported under Article 4 or Article 5 shall not be sold or given away except in accordance with conditions laid down by the Contracting States which have granted the exemptions.
- (2)
- The transfer of goods and provision of services between the various buildings of the Organisation shall be exempt from charges or restrictions of any kind; where appropriate, the Contracting States shall take all the necessary measures to remit or reimburse the amount of such charges or to lift such restrictions.
Article 8
The transmission of publications and other information material by or to the Organisation shall not be restricted in any way.
Article 9
The Contracting States shall accord the Organisation the currency exemptions which are necessary for the exercise of its official activities.
Article 10
- (1)
- With regard to its official communications and the transfer of all its documents, the Organisation shall in each Contracting State enjoy the most favourable treatment accorded by that State to any other international organisation.
- (2)
- No censorship shall be applied to official communications of the Organisation by whatever means of communication.
Article 11
The Contracting States shall take all appropriate measures to facilitate the entry, stay and departure of the employees of the European Patent Office.
Article 12
- (1)
- Representatives of Contracting States, alternate Representatives and their advisers or experts, if any, shall enjoy, while attending meetings of the Administrative Council and of any body established by it, and in the course of their journeys to and from the place of meeting, the following privileges and immunities:
- (a)
- immunity from arrest or detention and from seizure of their personal luggage, except when found committing, attempting to commit, or just having committed an offence;
- (b)
- immunity from jurisdiction, even after the termination of their mission, in respect of acts, including words written and spoken, done by them in the exercise of their functions; this immunity shall not apply, however, in the case of a motor traffic offence committed by one of the persons referred to above, nor in the case of damage caused by a motor vehicle belonging to or driven by such a person;
- (c)
- inviolability for all their official papers and documents;
- (d)
- the right to use codes and to receive documents or correspondence by special courier or sealed bag;
- (e)
- exemption for themselves and their spouses from all measures restricting entry and from aliens' registration formalities;
- (f)
- the same facilities in the matter of currency and exchange control as are accorded to the representatives of foreign Governments on temporary official missions.
- (2)
- Privileges and immunities are accorded to the persons referred to in paragraph 1, not for their personal advantage but in order to ensure complete independence in the exercise of their functions in connection with the Organisation. Consequently, a Contracting State has the duty to waive the immunity in all cases where, in the opinion of that State, such immunity would impede the course of justice and where it can be waived without prejudicing the purposes for which it was accorded.
Article 13
- (1)
- Subject to the provisions of Article 6, the President of the European Patent Office shall enjoy the privileges and immunities accorded to diplomatic agents under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961.
- (2)
- However, immunity from jurisdiction shall not apply in the case of a motor traffic offence committed by the President of the European Patent Office or damage caused by a motor vehicle belonging to or driven by him.
Article 14
The employees of the European Patent Office:
- (a)
- shall, even after their service has terminated, have immunity from jurisdiction in respect of acts, including words written and spoken, done in the exercise of their functions; this immunity shall not apply, however, in the case of a motor traffic offence committed by an employee of the European Patent Office, nor in the case of damage caused by a motor vehicle belonging to or driven by an employee;
- (b)
- shall be exempt from all obligations in respect of military service;
- (c)
- shall enjoy inviolability for all their official papers and documents;
- (d)
- shall enjoy the same facilities as regards exemption from all measures restricting immigration and governing aliens' registration as are normally accorded to staff members of international organisations, as shall members of their families forming part of their household;
- (e)
- shall enjoy the same privileges in respect of exchange regulations as are normally accorded to the staff members of international organisations;
- (f)
- shall enjoy the same facilities as to repatriation as diplomatic agents in time of international crises, as shall the members of their families forming part of their household;
- (g)
- shall have the right to import duty-free their furniture and personal effects at the time of first taking up their post in the State concerned and the right on the termination of their functions in that State to export free of duty their furniture and personal effects, subject to the conditions considered necessary by the Government of the State in whose territory the right is exercised and with the exception of property acquired in that State which is subject to an export prohibition therein.
Article 15
Experts performing functions on behalf of, or carrying out missions for, the Organisation shall enjoy the following privileges and immunities, to the extent that they are necessary for the carrying out of their functions, including during journeys made in carrying out their functions and in the course of such missions:
- (a)
- immunity from jurisdiction in respect of acts done by them in the exercise of their functions, including words written or spoken, except in the case of a motor traffic offence committed by an expert or in the case of damage caused by a motor vehicle belonging to or driven by him; experts shall continue to enjoy this immunity after they have ceased to be employed by the Organisation;
- (b)
- inviolability for all their official papers and documents;
- (c)
- the exchange facilities necessary for the transfer of their remuneration.
Article 16
- (1)
- The persons referred to in Articles 13 and 14 shall be subject to a tax for the benefit of the Organisation on salaries and emoluments paid by the Organisation, subject to the conditions and rules laid down by the Administrative Council within a period of one year from the date of the entry into force of the Convention. From the date on which this tax is applied, such salaries and emoluments shall be exempt from national income tax. The Contracting States may, however, take into account the salaries and emoluments thus exempt when assessing the amount of tax to be applied to income from other sources.
- (2)
- Paragraph 1 shall not apply to pensions and annuities paid by the Organisation to the former employees of the European Patent Office.
Article 17
The Administrative Council shall decide the categories of employees to whom the provisions of Article 14, in whole or in part, and Article 16 shall apply and the categories of experts to whom the provisions of Article 15 shall apply. The names, titles and addresses of the employees and experts included in such categories shall be communicated from time to time to the Contracting States.
Article 18
In the event of the Organisation establishing its own social security scheme, the Organisation and the employees of the European Patent Office shall be exempt from all compulsory contributions to national social security schemes, subject to the agreements made with the Contracting States in accordance with the provisions of Article 25.
Article 19
- (1)
- The privileges and immunities provided for in this Protocol are not designed to give to employees of the European Patent Office or experts performing functions for or on behalf of the Organisation personal advantage. They are provided solely to ensure, in all circumstances, the unimpeded functioning of the Organisation and the complete independence of the persons to whom they are accorded.
- (2)
- The President of the European Patent Office has the duty to waive immunity where he considers that such immunity prevents the normal course of justice and that it is possible to dispense with such immunity without prejudicing the interests of the Organisation. The Administrative Council may waive immunity of the President for the same reasons.
Article 20
- (1)
- The Organisation shall co-operate at all times with the competent authorities of the Contracting States in order to facilitate the proper administration of justice, to ensure the observance of police regulations and regulations concerning public health, labour inspection or other similar national legislation, and to prevent any abuse of the privileges, immunities and facilities provided for in this Protocol.
- (2)
- The procedure of co-operation mentioned in paragraph 1 may be laid down in the complementary agreements referred to in Article 25.
Article 21
Each Contracting State retains the right to take all precautions necessary in the interests of its security.
Article 22
No Contracting State is obliged to extend the privileges and immunities referred to in Article 12, Article 13, Article 14, sub-paragraphs (b), (e) and (g), and Article 15, subparagraph (c), to:
- (a)
- its own nationals;
- (b)
- any person who at the time of taking up his functions with the Organisation has his permanent residence in that State and is not an employee of any other inter-governmental organisation whose staff is incorporated into the Organisation.
Article 23
- (1)
- Any Contracting State may submit to an international arbitration tribunal any dispute concerning the Organisation or an employee of the European Patent Office or an expert performing functions for or on its behalf, in so far as the Organisation or the employees and experts have claimed a privilege or an immunity under this Protocol in circumstances where that immunity has not been waived.
- (2)
- If a Contracting State intends to submit a dispute to arbitration, it shall notify the Chairman of the Administrative Council, who shall forthwith inform each Contracting State of such notification.
- (3)
- The procedure laid down in paragraph 1 of this Article shall not apply to disputes between the Organisation and the employees or experts in respect of the Service Regulations or conditions of employment or, with regard to the employees, the Pension Scheme Regulations.
- (4)
- No appeal shall lie against the award of the arbitration tribunal, which shall be final; it shall be binding on the parties. In case of dispute concerning the import or scope of the award, it shall be incumbent upon the arbitration tribunal to interpret it on request by either party.
Article 24
- (1)
- The arbitration tribunal referred to in Article 23 shall consist of three members, one arbitrator nominated by the State or States party to the arbitration, one arbitrator nominated by the Administrative Council and a third arbitrator, who shall be the chairman, nominated by the said two arbitrators.
- (2)
- The arbitrators shall be nominated from a panel comprising no more than six arbitrators appointed by each Contracting State and six arbitrators appointed by the Administrative Council. This panel shall be established as soon as possible after the Protocol enters into force and shall be revised each time this proves necessary.
- (3)
- If, within three months from the date of the notification referred to in Article 23, paragraph 2, either party fails to make the nomination referred to in paragraph 1 above, the choice of the arbitrator shall, on request of the other party, be made by the President of the International Court of Justice from the persons included in the said panel. This shall also apply, when so requested by either party, if within one month from the date of appointment of the second arbitrator, the first two arbitrators are unable to agree on the nomination of the third arbitrator. However, if, in these two cases, the President of the International Court of Justice is prevented from making the choice, or if he is a national of one of the States parties to the dispute, the Vice-President of the International Court of Justice shall make the aforementioned appointments, provided that he himself is not a national of one of the States parties to the dispute; if such is the case, the member of the International Court of Justice who is not a national of one of the States parties to the dispute and who has been chosen by the President or Vice-President shall make the appointments. A national of the State applying for arbitration may not be chosen to fill the post of the arbitrator whose appointment devolves on the Administrative Council nor may a person included in the panel and appointed by the Administrative Council be chosen to fill the post of an arbitrator whose appointment devolves on the State which is the claimant. Nor may a person of either of these categories be chosen as chairman of the Tribunal.
- (4)
- The arbitration tribunal shall draw up its own rules of procedure.
Article 25
The Organisation may, on a decision of the Administrative Council, conclude with one or more Contracting States complementary agreements to give effect to the provisions of this Protocol as regards such State or States, and other arrangements to ensure the efficient functioning of the Organisation and the safeguarding of its interests.
Protocol on the Staff Complement of
the European Patent Office at
The Hague
(Protocol on Staff Complement)
of 29 November 2000
The European Patent Organisation shall ensure that the proportion of European Patent Office posts assigned to the duty station at The Hague as defined under the 2000 establishment plan and table of posts remains substantially unchanged. Any change in the number of posts assigned to the duty station at The Hague resulting in a deviation of more than ten per cent of that proportion, which proves necessary for the proper functioning of the European Patent Office, shall be subject to a decision by the Administrative Council of the Organisation on a proposal from the President of the European Patent Office after consultation with the Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Државе уговорнице,
У жељи да ојачају сарадњу између европских држава у области заштите проналазака,
У жељи да се таква заштита може добити у тим државама на основу јединственог поступка признавања патената и установљењем одређених јединствених правила о тако признатим патентима,
У жељи да, у том циљу, закључе конвенцију којом се установљава Европска организација за патенте и ствара посебан споразум у смислу члана 19. Конвенције за заштиту индустријске својине, потписане у Паризу 20. марта 1883. године и ревидиране последњи пут 14. јула 1967. године, и Уговора о регионалном патенту у смислу члана 45. став 1. Уговора о сарадњи у области патената од 19. јуна 1970. године,
Споразумно су донеле следеће одредбе:
Први део
Глава I ОПШТЕ ОДРЕДБЕ Члан 1. Европско право признавања патената
Овом Конвенцијом установљено је заједничко право држава уговорница у области признавања патената за проналаске.
Члан 2. Европски патент
- (1)
- Патенти признати на основу ове Конвенције зову се европски патенти.
- (2)
- Европски патент има у свакој од држава уговорница за коју је признат иста дејства и подлеже истим прописима као национални патент признат у тој држави, осим ако овом Конвенцијом није одређено другачије.
Члан 3. Територијално дејство
Признање европског патента може бити тражено за једну, за више или за све државе уговорнице.
Члан 4.
Европска организација за патенте
- (1)
- Овом конвенцијом установљава се Европска организација за патенте, (у даљем тексту: Организација). Она је управно и финансијски самостална.
- (2)
- Органи Организације су: (а) Европски завод за патенте, (б) Управни савет.
- (3)
- Задатак Организације је да признаје европске патенте. Овај задатак извршава Европски завод за патенте под контролом Управног савета.
Члан 4а
Конференција министара држава уговорница
Конференција министара држава уговорница одговорна за питања патената састајаће се најмање сваке пете године да дискутује о питањима која се тичу Организације и европског патентног система.
Глава II
Члан 5.
Правни положај
- (1)
- Организација је правно лице.
- (2)
- У свакој од држава уговорница Организација има својство правног лица са највећим могућим овлашћењима која се, на основу националних прописа те државе, признају правним лицима; она може нарочито стицати или отуђивати непокретна и покретна добра, и бити странка у судском поступку.
- (3)
- Председник Европског завода за патенте представља организацију.
Члан 6.
- (1)
- Седиште Организације је у Минхену.
- (2)
- Седиште Европског завода за патенте је у Минхену. Он има свој огранак у Хагу.
Члан 7.
Агенције Европског завода за патенте
У државама уговорницама или при међувладиним организацијама надлежним за питања индустријске својине Управни савет може, када за то постоји потреба, одлуком оснивати агенције Европског завода за патенте, у циљу давања обавештења или установљења сарадње, уз услов да добије сагласност те државе уговорнице или организације.
Члан 8.
Привилегије и имунитети
Протокол о привилегијама и имунитетима, приложен уз ову конвенцију, одређује услове под којима Организација, чланови Управног савета, службеници Европског завода за патенте и сва остала лица наведена у том Протоколу, а која обављају послове Организације, уживају, на територији држава уговорница, привилегије и имунитете који су неопходни за обављање њихових задатака.
Члан 9.
- (1)
- Уговорна одговорност Организације одређује се законом који се примењује на уговор у питању.
- (2)
- Вануговорна одговорност Организације у погледу штете коју нанесе она, или коју нанесу службеници Европског завода за патенте приликом обављања својих задатака, одређује се сагласно одредбама закона који је на снази у Савезној Републици Немачкој. Ако је штету проузроковао огранак у Хагу или нека агенција или службеници огранка или агенције, примењује се закон државе уговорнице на чијем подручју се налази огранак или агенција.
- (3)
- Лична одговорност службеника Европског завода за патенте према организацији одређује се одредбама које уређују њихов положај или радни однос.
- (4)
- Судови надлежни за решавање спорова наведених у ставовима 1. и 2. су:
(а) за спорове наведене у ставу 1. судови у Савезној Републици Немачкој, осим ако је у уговору закљученом између странака одређен суд у некој другој држави;
(б) за спорове наведене у ставу 2. зависно од случаја, или судови Савезне Републике Немачке, или државе у којој се налази огранак или агенција.
Глава III
Члан 10.
- (1)
- Председник руководи Европским заводом за патенте и одговара за рад Завода пред Управним саветом.
- (2)
- У том циљу, председник има нарочито следећа овлашћења и обавезе:
(а) предузима све неопходне мере да обезбеди рад Европског завода за патенте а нарочито, доноси интерна административна упутства и саопштења за јавност;
(б) осим ако ова конвенција не предвиђа другачије, одређује које радње треба извести код Европског завода за патенте у Минхену или његовог огранка у Хагу како је одговарајуће;
(ц) може да поднесе Управном савету предлог за измену ове Конвенције или општих одредби за њену примену, или за одлуке чије је доношење у надлежности Управног савета;
(д) предлаже буџет и стара се о његовом извршењу, што важи и за све његове измене и допуне;
(е) сваке године подноси Управном савету извештај о раду;
(ф) руководни је орган за све запослене;
(г) на основу члана 11. именује службенике и одлучује о њиховом напредовању;
(х) дисциплински је орган за службенике о којима је реч у члану 11. и може предложити Управном савету изрицање дисциплинских мера против службеника на које се односи члан 11. ставови 2. и 3;
и) може преносити своја овлашћења.
(3) Председнику у раду помажу потпредседници. У случају одсутности или спречености председника, један од потпредседника обавља његову дужност на начин који одређује Управни савет.
Члан 11.
Именовање руководећег кадра
- (1)
- Управни савет именује својом одлуком председника Европског завода за патенте.
- (2)
- Управни савет именује својом одлуком, након консултација са председником Европског завода за патенте, потпредседнике.
- (3)
- Чланове и председнике жалбених већа и Великог жалбеног већа именује Управни савет, на предлог председника Европског завода за патенте. Управни савет може да их поново именује након претходне консултације са председником Европског завода за патенте.
- (4)
- Управни савет може изрицати дисциплинске мере према службеницима о којима је реч у ставовима 1. до 3. овог члана.
- (5)
- Управни савет, после консултација са председником Европског завода за патенте, може такође именовати као чланове Великог жалбеног већа правно квалификоване чланове националних судова или квази-судских органа држава уговорница, који могу наставити са својим судским активностима на националном нивоу. Они ће бити именовани за период од три године и могу бити реизабрани.
Члан 12.
Службене обавезе
Запослени Европског завода за патенте не могу, чак и по престанку радног односа, да објављују и користе информације које, по својој природи, представљају службену тајну.
Члан 13.
Спорови између Организације и запослених Европског завода за патенте
- (1)
- Запослени или бивши запослени Европског завода за патенте, или њихови правни следбеници, могу поднети тужбу Управном суду Међународне организације рада у споровима са Европским заводом за патенте, сагласно Статуту тог суда, ау границама и под условима одређеним у општем акту о статусу запослених, правилнику о пензијама или радним прописима који се односе на остале запослене.
- (2)
- Жалба може бити поднета само ако је лице које има правни интерес употребило сва правна средства која му стоје на располагању на основу општег акта о статусу запослених, правилника о пензијама или радног прописа који се односи на запослене.
Члан 14.
Језици Европског завода за патенте, европских пријава патената и других докумената
- (1)
- Службени језици Европског завода за патенте су немачки, енглески и француски.
- (2)
- Европска пријава патента мора бити поднета на једном од службених језика или, ако је поднета на неком другом језику, мора бити преведена на један од службених језика, у складу са Правилником о спровођењу. За све време док траје поступак пред Европским заводом за патенте, овај превод може бити усаглашаван са текстом пријаве каква је поднета. Ако се захтевани превод не поднесе у прописаном року, пријава ће се сматрати повученом.
- (3)
- Службени језик Европског завода за патенте на коме је поднета европска пријава патента, или на који је та пријава преведена, мора бити коришћен у свим поступцима пред Европским заводом за патенте осим ако је Правилником о спровођењу другачије одређено.
- (4)
- Физичка или правна лица која имају боравиште или главно седиште фирме у некој држави уговорници где се као службени језик не користи енглески, француски или немачки и држављани те државе који имају боравиште у иностранству могу на службеном језику државе уговорнице у питању, подносити документа која су обавезна да доставе у одређеном року. Они морају, ипак, доставити њихов превод на службени језик Европског завода за патенте у складу са Правилником о спровођењу. Ако неки документ, који не припада документима који чине европску пријаву патента, није поднет на прописаном језику или ако захтевани превод није поднет у року, сматра се да такав документ није поднет.
- (5)
- Европске пријаве патената објављују се на језику поступка.
- (6)
- Списи европског патента објављују се на језику поступка и они садрже превод патентних захтева на друга два службена језика Европског завода за патенте.
- (7)
- На три службена језика Европског завода за патенте објављује се следеће:
(а) "Европски билтен за патенте",
(б) "Службени лист Европског завода за патенте ".
(8) Уписи у Европски регистар патената врше се на три службена језика Европског завода за патенте. У случају сумње, меродаван је упис на језику на којем је вођен поступак.
Члан 15.
Органи који воде поступак
За спровођење поступака предвиђених овом конвенцијом у Европском заводу за патенте се мора успоставити следеће :
(а) служба за пријем, (б) одсеци за решерш,
(ц) одсеци за испитивање,
(д) одсеци за опозицију,
(е) правни одсек,
(ф) жалбена већа,
(г) Велико жалбено веће.
Члан 16.
Служба за пријем
Служба за пријем је надлежна за испитивање европских пријава патената приликом њиховог подношења и у погледу њихове формалне уредности.
Члан 17.
Одсеци за решерш
Одсеци за решерш су надлежни за израду европског решершног извештаја.
Члан 18.
Одсеци за испитивање
- (1)
- Одсеци за испитивање су надлежни за испитивање европских пријава патената.
- (2)
- Одсек за испитивање се састоји од три испитивача који су квалификована техничка лица. Међутим, пре доношења коначне одлуке о европској пријави патента, испитивање пријаве је, по општем правилу, поверено једном од испитивача у одсеку за испитивање. Тај исти одсек за испитивање надлежан је и за вођење усменог поступка. Ако сматра да то природа предмета захтева, одсек за испитивање се допуњује једним испитивачем који је правник. У случају поделе гласова, глас председника Одсека за испитивање је одлучујући.
Члан 19.
Одсеци за опозицију
- (1)
- Одсеци за опозицију су надлежни за испитивање опозиције против европских патената.
- (2)
- Одсек за опозицију се састоји од три испитивача који су квалификована техничка лица, од којих најмање два нису учествовала у поступку признања патента против кога је изјављена опозиција. Испитивач који је учествовао у поступку признања европског патента не мора бити председник. Пре доношења одлуке по опозицији, одсек за опозицију може поверити једном од својих чланова разматрање опозиције. Исти одсек за опозицију је надлежан за вођење усменог поступка. Ако сматра да то природа одлуке захтева, одсек за опозицију допуњује се једним испитивачем који је правник, и који није учествовао у поступку признања патента. У случају поделе гласова, глас председника одсека за приговоре је одлучујући.
Члан 20. Правни одсек
- (1)
- Правни одсек је надлежан за доношење свих одлука које се односе, с једне стране, на уписе у Европски регистар патената и, с друге стране, на уписе у листу професионалних заступника и брисања са те листе.
- (2)
- Одлуке правног одсека доноси његов члан који је правник.
Члан 21.
Жалбена већа
- (1)
- Жалбена већа су надлежна за доношење одлука о жалбама изјављеним против одлука службе за пријем пријава, одсека за испитивање, одсека за опозицију и правног одсека.
- (2)
- Ако је жалба изјављена против одлука службе за пријем пријава или правног одсека, жалбено веће се састоји од три члана који су правници.
- (3)
- Ако је жалба изјављена против одлуке одсека за испитивање, жалбено веће се састоји од:
(а) два члана која су технички квалификована лица и једног члана који је правник, ако се одлука односи на одбијање европске пријаве патента или на признање, ограничење или оглашавање ништавим европског патента, и ако је одлуку донео одсек за испитивање који сачињавају мање од четири члана;
(б) три члана који су технички квалификована лица и два члана који су правници, ако је одлуку донео одсек за испитивање који сачињавају четири члана или ако жалбено веће сматра да то природа жалбе захтева;
(ц) три члана који су правници, у осталим случајевима.
(4) Ако је жалба поднета против одлуке одсека за опозицију, жалбено веће се састоји од:
(а) два члана који су технички квалификована лица и једног члана који је правник, ако је одлуку донео одсек за опозицију који сачињавају три члана;
(б) три члана који су технички квалификована лица и два члана који су правници, ако је одлуку донео одсек за опозицију који сачињавају четири члана или ако жалбено веће сматра да то природа жалбе захтева.
Члан 22.
Велико жалбено веће
(1) Велико жалбено веће надлежно је за:
(а) доношење одлука о правним питањима која му достављају жалбена већа на основу члана 112;
(б) давање мишљења о правним питањима која му доставља председник Европског завода за патенте на основу члана 112.
(ц) одлучивање о молбама за ревизију одлука жалбених већа на основу члана 112а.
(2) У поступку на основу става 1 (а) и (б) Велико жалбено веће се састоји од пет чланова који су правници и два члана који су технички квалификована лица. У поступку на основу става 1(ц), велико жалбено веће се састоји од три или пет чланова као што је предвиђено у Правилнику о спровођењу. У свим поступцима, председник је један од чланова који је правник.
Члан 23.
Независност чланова већа
- (1)
- Чланови Великог жалбеног већа и жалбених већа именовани су за период од пет година и не могу бити смењени у том периоду, осим због озбиљних разлога и ако Управни савет, на предлог Великог жалбеног већа, донесе такву одлуку. Без обзира на прву реченицу, мандат чланова већа завршава се ако они дају отказ или се повуку у складу са Правилником о запослењу за стално запослене у Европском заводу за патенте.
- (2)
- Чланови већа не могу бити чланови службе за пријем пријава, одсека за испитивање, одсека за опозицију, нити правног одсека.
- (3)
- Приликом доношења одлука, чланови већа нису везани било каквим упутством и дужни су да примењују само одредбе ове конвенције.
- (4)
- Правилници о поступцима које воде жалбена већа и Велико жалбено веће, доносе се сагласно Правилнику о спровођењу. Они претходно морају бити одобрени од стране Управног савета.
Члан 24.
Изузеће и приговор
- (1)
- Чланови жалбеног већа и Великог жалбеног већа не могу учествовати у решавању предмета ако у вези са њим имају лични интерес, ако су у поступку у предмету већ учествовали као заступници једне од странака или ако су учествовали у доношењу одлуке која је предмет жалбе.
- (2)
- Ако из било ког разлога наведеног у ставу 1. или из било ког другог разлога, члан жалбеног већа или Великог жалбеног већа сматра да не може учествовати у решавању предмета, он ће о томе обавестити веће.
- (3)
- Чланови жалбеног већа или Великог жалбеног већа могу бити изузети на захтев било које странке из било ког разлога наведеног у ставу 1. или због сумње у њихову пристрасност. Захтев за изузеће неће бити прихваћен ако је иста странка већ извршила процесне радње и поред тога што је знала за разлог изузећа. Захтев за изузеће не може се заснивати на националности чланова.
- (4)
- Жалбена већа и Велико жалбено веће доносе одлуке, у случајевима наведеним у ставовима 2. и 3. без учешћа дотичног члана. Приликом овог одлучивања заменик учествује у раду већа уместо изузетог члана.
Члан 25.
Техничко мишљење
На тражење надлежног националног суда који води расправу по тужби због повреде права или по захтеву за оглашавање ништавим, Европски завод за патенте је обавезан да достави, уз плаћање одговарајуће таксе, техничко мишљење у вези са предметним европским патентом. Одсек за испитивање је надлежан за давање ових мишљења.
Глава IV
Члан 26.
- (1)
- Управни савет чине представници држава уговорница и њихови заменици. Свака држава уговорница има право да именује једног представника и једног заменика у Управном савету.
- (2)
- Члановима Управног савета могу, у складу са одредбама пословника о раду Управног савета, помагати саветници или експерти.
Члан 27.
- (1)
- Управни савет бира међу представницима држава уговорница и њиховим заменицима једног председника и једног заменика председника. Заменик председника замењује председника по службеној дужности ако је овај спречен да извршава своје дужности.
- (2)
- Мандат председника и заменика председника траје три године. Они могу бити поново изабрани.
Члан 28.
- (1)
- Кад број држава уговорница достигне најмање осам, Управни савет може основати Биро који сачињавају пет његових чланова.
- (2)
- Председник и заменик председника Управног савета су чланови бироа по положају; три преостала члана бира Управни савет.
- (3)
- Мандат чланова које је изабрао Управни савет траје три године. Они не могу бити поново изабрани.
- (4)
- Биро се стара о извршењу задатака које му је Управни савет одредио сагласно пословнику.
Члан 29.
- (1)
- Председник сазива седнице Управног савета.
- (2)
- Председник Европског завода за патенте има право учешћа у раду Управног савета.
- (3)
- Управни савет се редовно састаје једанпут годишње; поред тога, он се састаје на иницијативу свог председника или на тражење једне трећине држава уговорница.
- (4)
- Управни савет разматра питања по утврђеном дневном реду и према свом пословнику.
- (5)
- Свако питање које једна држава уговорница жели да стави на дневни ред сагласно одредбама пословника, уноси се у предлог дневног реда.
Члан 30. Учешће посматрача
- (1)
- Светска организација за интелектуалну својину има свог представника на седницама Управног савета, у складу са споразумом између Организације и Светске организације за интелектуалну својину.
- (2)
- Друга међувладина организација којој је поверено вођење међународног поступка у области патената, са којом је Организација закључила споразум, има своје представнике на седницама Управног савета, сагласно споразуму.
- (3)
- Свака друга међувладина организација или међународна невладина организација која спроводи послове од интереса за Организацију може добити позив од Управног савета да присуствује његовим седницама за све време док се расправља о питањима од заједничког интереса.
Члан 31.
Језици Управног савета
- (1)
- Језици који су у службеној употреби у раду у Управном савету су немачки, енглески и француски.
- (2)
- Документи који се подносе Управном савету и записници са састанака су на три језика одређена у ставу 1.
Члан 32.
Особље, просторије и опрема
Европски завод за патенте ставља на располагање Управном савету и било ком комитету који он установи особље, просторије и опрему који су неопходни за извршење њихових задатака.
Члан 33.
Надлежност Управног савета у одређеним случајевима
- (1)
- Управни савет је надлежан да врши измене : (а) рокова предвиђених овом конвенцијом ; (б) Глава II до VIII и Главе X ове Конвенције да их усклади са неким међународним уговором који се односи на патенте или са законодавством Европске заједнице које се односи на патенте ; (ц) Правилника о спровођењу.
- (2)
- Управни савет је надлежан, сагласно овој конвенцији, да усваја или мења: (а) правилник о финансијском пословању; (б) опште акте о радном односу стално запослених и других запослених Европског завода за патенте, о платним разредима запослених, као и врсти и правилима за давање посебних погодности; (ц) правилник о пензијама и повећањима постојећих пензија сагласно порасту плата; (д) правилник о таксама; (е) пословник о раду.
- (3)
- И поред одредби члана 18. став 2. Управни савет је овлашћен да одлучи, ако искуство то оправда, да у одређеним случајевима одсеци за испитивање имају само по једног испитивача који је технички квалификовано лице. Ова одлука може бити повучена.
- (4)
- Управни савет је надлежан да овласти председника Европског завода за патенте да преговара и да, уз његову сагласност, закључи у име Европске организације за патенте, споразуме са државама или међувладиним организацијама, као и центрима за документацију који су основани на основу споразума закљученим са тим организацијама.
- (5)
- Управни савет не може да донесе одлуку на основу става 1(б):
- -
- у вези међународног уговора, пре његовог ступања на снагу;
- -
- у вези законодавства Европске заједнице, пре његовог ступања на снагу, или, када неки пропис предвиђа период за своју примену, пре истека тог периода.
Члан 34.
Право гласа
- (1)
- Само државе уговорнице имају право гласа у Управном савету.
- (2)
- Свака држава уговорница има један глас, изузев када се примењује одредба члана 36.
Члан 35.
- (1)
- Управни савет доноси своје одлуке, поред одлука о којима је реч у ставовима 2 и 3, простом већином гласова држава уговорница које су присутне и које гласају.
- (2)
- Захтева се трочетвртинска већина гласова држава уговорница које су присутне и које гласају за усвајање одлука које доноси Управни савет у оквиру своје надлежности на основу члана 7, члана 11. став 1, члана 33. ставови 1(а) и (ц) и 2. до 4, члана 39. став 1, члана 40. ставови 2. и 4, чланова 46, 134а, члана 149а став 2, члана 152, члана 153. став 7, чланова 166. и 172.
- (3)
- Једногласност дражава уговорница у гласању се захтева за одлуке које је Управни савет овлашћен да доноси на основу члана 33. став 1(б). Управни савет доноси такве одлуке само ако су заступљене све државе уговорнице. Одлука донета на основу члана 33. став 1(б), неће произвести правно дејство ако нека држава уговорница изјави, у року од 12 месеци од датума одлуке, да не жели да буде обавезана том одлуком.
- (4)
- Уздржавање од гласања се не сматра гласом.
Члан 36.
Бројање гласова
- (1)
- За усвајање и за измене правилника о таксама, као и за усвајање буџета Организације и измене и допуне у буџету, ако се тиме повећавају финансијске обавезе држава уговорница, свака држава уговорница, може захтевати да одмах након првог гласања у коме свака држава уговорница има један глас, без обзира на резултат тог гласања, отпочне друго гласање код кога се гласови рачунају сагласно одредбама става 2. Одлука се доноси на том другом гласању.
- (2)
- Број гласова који има свака држава уговорница приликом новог гласања рачуна
се на следећи начин: (а) број који одговара постотку који се добија за сваку државу уговорницу по кључу поделе посебних финансијских доприноса из члана 40. ставови 3. и 4. множи се бројем држава уговорница и дели са пет;
(б) број гласова који је тако добијен заокружује се на цео наредни број; (ц) овом броју гласова додаје се пет гласова; (д) ипак, ниједна држава уговорница не може имати више од тридесет гласова.
Глава V
Члан 37.
Покривање расхода
Буџет Организације финансира се из: (а) властитих прихода Организације; (б) уплата држава уговорница из таксе за одржавање у важности европских
патената, наплаћених у тим земљама; (ц) посебних финансијских доприноса држава уговорница, уколико је то потребно, и (д) у одговарајућем случају, прихода на основу члана 146. (е) када је погодно, и само за материјална добра, позајмицама од треће стране где је
положено обезбеђење у виду земљишта или некретнина; (ф) када је погодно, трећа страна финансира специфичне пројекте.
Члан 38.
Властити приходи Организације
Властити приходи Организације састоје се од:
(а) свих прихода од такси и из других извора и такође резерве Организације;
(б) ресурси Пензионог резервног фонда, који ће бити тертирани као посебна класа прихода Организације намењена да подржи пензиони план организације обезбеђујући адекватне резерве.
Члан 39.
Уплате држава уговорница од наплаћених такси за одржавање у важности европских патената
- (1)
- Свака држава уговорница, од сваке таксе коју је наплатила за одржавање у важности европског патента у тој држави, дозначује Организацији износ који одговара делу те таксе, који одређује Управни савет; тај део не може прећи 75% и јединствен је за све државе уговорнице. Ако је тај износ нижи од јединственог минимума који је одредио Управни савет, држава уговорница дозначује Организацији тај минимум.
- (2)
- Свака држава уговорница саопштава Организацији све елементе које Управни савет сматра потребним за одређивање износа ових уплата.
- (3)
- Управни савет одређује датум када треба извршити уплату.
- (4)
- Ако уплата није извршена у потпуности одређеног дана, држава уговорница дугује од тог дана камату на неуплаћени износ.
Члан 40.
Висина такси и уплата. Посебни финансијски доприноси
- (1)
- Износ такси и део таксе, који су наведени у члану 38. односно у члану 39. морају бити тако одређени да приходи на основу њих омогућавају да се обезбеди равнотежа у буџету Организације.
- (2)
- Ипак, када Организација није у могућности да оствари равнотежу у буџету под условима предвиђеним у ставу 1. државе уговорнице дозначују Организацији посебне финансијске доприносе чији износ утврђује Управни савет за односну буџетску годину.
- (3)
- Посебни финансијски доприноси утврђују се за сваку државу уговорницу према броју пријава патената поднетих у претпоследњој години која претходи години у којој је ступила на снагу ова конвенција, и то према следећем кључу:
а) за половину, сразмерно броју пријава патената поднетих у односној држави уговорници;
б) за половину, сразмерно броју пријава патената поднетих од стране физичких и правних лица која имају свој домицил или пословно седиште на територији те државе, у оној држави међу осталим државама уговорницама, која је на другом месту по висини броја пријава које су поменута лица поднела у другим државама уговорницама.
Ипак, износи којима се задужују државе у којима је број поднетих пријава патената преко 25.000 узимају се као целина и поново се деле сразмерно укупном броју пријава патената поднетих у тим истим државама.
- (4)
- Када износ доприноса једне државе уговорнице не може бити одређен под условима наведеним у ставу 3. Управни савет одређује тај износ у сагласности са државом у питању.
- (5)
- Одредбе члана 39. ставови 3. и 4. примењују се mutatis mutandis на посебне финансијске доприносе.
- (6)
- Посебни финансијски доприноси враћају се увећани за износ камате чија је стопа јединствена за све државе уговорнице. Повраћај се врши када су у буџету обезбеђена средства за ту сврху; тако обезбеђени износ се распоређује на државе уговорнице према кључу наведеном у ставовима 3. и 4. овог члана.
- (7)
- Посебни финансијски доприноси дозначени у току одређене буџетске године морају у целини бити враћени пре враћања, у целини или у ратама, посебног доприноса уплаћеног у току неке касније буџетске године.
Члан 41.
- (1)
- На тражење председника Европског завода за патенте, државе уговорнице дају Организацији новчане аконтације, за њихове уплате и доприносе, а у границама износа који одређује Управни савет. Износ таквих аконтација се одређује имајући у виду износе које државе уговорнице дугују за односну буџетску годину.
- (2)
- Одредбе члана 39. ставови 3. и 4. примењују се mutatis mutandis на аконтације.
Члан 42.
- (1)
- Буџет Организације мора бити салдиран. Биће планиран у складу са опште прихваћеним рачуноводственим принципима, наведеним у Правилнику о финансијском пословању. У случају потребе, могу се вршити измене и допуне буџета.
- (2)
- Буџет мора бити сачињен као рачуноводствена целина, сагласно правилнику о финансијском пословању.
Члан 43.
Овлашћења за расходе
- (1)
- Расходи приказани у буџету на располагању су у току трајања буџетске године, осим ако правилник о финансијском пословању не предвиђа другачије.
- (2)
- У скаду са правилником о финансијском пословању, средства која нису искоришћена до краја буџетске године, изузев оних која се односе на персоналне расходе, могу бити пренета само на наредну годину.
- (3)
- Средства се посебно приказују по поглављима у којима се групишу расходи према њиховој природи или њиховој намени и рашчлањују се, у случају потребе, сагласно правилнику о финансијском пословању.
Члан 44.
Средства за непредвидиве расходе
- (1)
- Износи за непредвидиве расходе могу бити унети у буџет Организације.
- (2)
- Организација може користити та средства ако добије претходно сагласност Управног савета.
Члан 45.
Буџетска година
Буџетска година започиње 1. јануара и завршава се 31. децембра.
Члан 46.
Предлог буџета и његово усвајање
- (1)
- Председник Европског завода за патенте подноси Управном савету предлог буџета најкасније до датума одређеног у правилнику о финансијском пословању.
- (2)
- Управни савет усваја буџет и све његове измене и допуне.
Члан 47.
Привремени буџет
- (1)
- Ако, на почетку буџетске године, Управни савет још није усвојио буџет, расходи ће се чинити на месечној основи, по поглављу или другој подели, сагласно правилнику о финансијском пословању, у границама дванаестине износа који је одређен у буџету за претходну годину, с тим да председник Европског завода за патенте не може располагати износима већим од дванаестине у односу на износе предвиђене у предлогу буџета.
- (2)
- Управни савет може, ако поштује друге услове из става 1. одобрити да расходи буду већи од дванаестине.
- (3)
- Исплате о којима је реч у члану 37 (б) биће привремено вршене под условима одређеним у члану 39. за буџетску годину која је претходила години на коју се односи предлог буџета.
- (4)
- Државе уговорнице уплаћују сваког месеца, привремено и сагласно кључу наведеном у члану 40. ставови 3. и 4. све посебне финансијске доприносе ради обезбеђења примене ставова 1. и 2. Члан 39. став 4. примењује се mutatis mutandis на ове доприносе.
Члан 48.
Извршење буџета
- (1)
- Председник Европског завода за патенте извршава, уз личну одговорност и у границама одобрених износа, буџет као и његове измене и допуне.
- (2)
- Председник Европског завода за патенте може, у оквиру буџета, у складу са правилником о финансијском пословању, давати налоге за исплате унутар поглавља или јединица поделе.
Члан 49.
- (1)
- Рачуне укупних прихода и расхода у буџету, као и биланс Организације испитују ревизори који су независни у свом раду и које именује Управни савет за период од 5 година, с тим да тај период може бити продужен или обновљен.
- (2)
- Ревизија се врши на документима и може бити на лицу места, ако за то постоји потреба. Ревизија има за циљ да утврди да ли су сави примљени приходи и сви и намирени расходи законити и регуларни, и да ли је обезбеђено добро финансијско пословање. Ревизори састављају извештај који садржи потписано мишљење ревизора након утврђивања завршног рачуна за сваку буџетску годину.
- (3)
- Председник Европског завода за патенте подноси сваке године Управном савету за протеклу буџетску годину извештај о финансијском пословању у оквиру буџета, као и биланс прихода и расхода Организације коме је приложен извештај ревизора.
- (4)
- Управни савет одобрава годишњи биланс, као и извештаје ревизора, и раздужује председника Европског завода за патенте у погледу извршења буџета.
Члан 50.
Правилник о финансијском пословању
Правилник о финансијском пословању предвиђа нарочито:
(а) поступке утврђивања и извршења буџета, као и полагање и ревизију рачуна;
(б) начине и поступак по којима уплате и доприноси предвиђени у члану 37. као и аконтације предвиђене у члану 41. треба да буду стављени на располагање Организацији од стране држава уговорница;
(ц) правила која се тичу одговорности у погледу овлашћења и службеника у рачуноводству и поступке њиховог надзора ;
(д) каматне стопе предвиђене у члановима 39, 40. и 47;
(е) начине обрачуна доприноса који се плаћају на основу члана 146; (ф) састав и задатке буџетског и финансијског одбора који формира Управни савет;
(г) опште прихваћене рачуноводствене принципе на којима се заснива буџет и годишњи финансијски извештај.
Члан 51.
Правилник о таксама
- (1)
- Европски завод за патенте може да пропише таксе за сваки службени задатак или поступак који се спроводи на основу ове Конвенције.
- (2)
- Рокови за плаћање такси поред оних прописаних овом Конвенцијом предвиђају се у Правилнику о спровођењу.
- (3)
- Када Правилник о спровођењу утврђује да се мора платити нека такса, он такође предвиђа правне последице неплаћања такве таксе у законском року.
- (4)
- Правилник о таксама утврђује, нарочито, износе такси и начин њихове наплате.
Други део
Глава I
Члан 52.
Патентибилни проналасци
- (1)
- Европски патенти признају се за проналаске из било које области технике, под условом да су они нови, да имају инвентиван ниво и да су погодни за индустријску примену.
- (2)
- Не сматрају се проналасцима у смислу става 1. нарочито: (а) открића, научне теорије и математичке методе; (б) естетске креације; (ц) планови, правила и поступци за обављање интелектуалних делатности, за играње игара или обављање послова, као и програми за рачунаре; (д) приказивање информација.
- (3)
- Став 2. искључује патентибилност предмета или активности овде наведених једино ако се европска пријава патента или европски патент односи на неки од тих предмета, посматран као такав.
Члан 53.
Изузеци од патентибилности
Европски патенти не признају се за:
(а) проналаске чија би комерцијална употреба била противна јавном поретку или моралу, с тим што се таква употреба проналаска не може сматрати противном јавном поретку или моралу једино због чињенице да је забрањена у свим или у неким државама уговорницама, законским или подзаконским актом;
(б) биљне сорте и животињске расе, као ни за битно биолошке поступке за добијање биљки или животиња, с тим што се ова одредба не односи на микробиолошке поступке или на производе добијене тим поступцима.
(ц) поступци лечења људског или животињског тела, хируршки, терапеутски или дијагностички поступци за лечење људског или животињског тела; ова одредба не примењује се на производе, посебно супстанце или композиције које се користе у било ком од ових поступака.
Члан 54.
- (1)
- Проналазак је нов ако није обухваћен стањем технике.
- (2)
- Стање технике чини све оно што је пре датума подношења европске пријаве патента учињено доступним јавности путем писаног или усменог описа, употребом или на било који други начин.
- (3)
- Такође, стање технике обухвата садржину европских пријава патената, онаквих какве су поднете, које имају ранији датум подношења у односу на датум наведен у ставу 2. и које су објављене тог датума или касније.
- (4)
- Ставови 2. и 3. не искључују патентибилност било које супстанце или композиције, садржане у стању технике, за коришћење у неком поступку поменутом у члану 53 (ц), под условом да њена употреба у било ком таквом поступку није садржана у стању технике.
- (5)
- Ставови 2. и 3. такође не искључују патентибилност било које супстанце или композиције наведене у ставу 4. за било коју посебну употребу у поступку наведеном у члану 53 (ц), под условом да таква употреба није садржана у стању технике.
Члан 55.
Откривање проналаска без штетних последица
(1) Приликом примене члана 54. не узима се у обзир откривање проналаска ако је до њега дошло највише шест месеци пре подношења европске пријаве патента и ако је оно непосредна или посредна последица:
(а) очигледне злоупотребе у односу на подносиоца пријаве или његовог правног претходника, или
(б) чињенице да је подносилац пријаве или његов правни претходник изложио проналазак на званичним или званично признатим изложбама у смислу Конвенције о међународним изложбама, потписане у Паризу 22. новембра 1928. године и ревидиране последњи пут 30. новембра 1972. године.
(2) У случају предвиђеном у ставу 1. тачка (б), став 1. примењује се само ако подносилац пријаве наведе приликом подношења европске пријаве патента, да је проналазак био изложен и достави доказ о томе у року и под условима предвиђеним у Правилнику о спровођењу.
Члан 56.
Инвентивни ниво
Сматра се да проналазак има инвентивни ниво ако за стручњака из одговарајуће области не произлази на очигледан начин из стања технике. Ако стање технике обухвата документе наведене у члану 54. став 3. они се не узимају у обзир код оцене постојања инвентивног нивоа.
Члан 57. Индустријска применљивост
Сматра се да је проналазак индустријски применљив ако се предмет проналаска може произвести или употребити у било којој грани индустрије, укључујући и пољопривреду.
Глава II
Члан 58.
Право на подношење европске пријаве патента
Свако физичко и правно лице, и свако лице које се сматра правним лицем на основу закона који се на њега примењује, може поднети европску пријаву патента.
Члан 59.
Више пријавилаца
Европску пријаву патента могу такође, поднети заједнички подносиоци пријаве или два или више подносиоца који назначују различите државе уговорнице.
Члан 60.
Право на европски патент
- (1)
- Право на европски патент припада проналазачу или његовом правном следбенику. Ако је проналазач у радном односу, право на европски патент одређено је правом државе на чијој територији лице у радном односу претежно обавља своју делатност; ако држава на чијој територији лице у радном односу претежно обавља делатност не може бити одређена, примењује се право државе на чијој територији се налази предузеће послодавца, у којем је запослени у радном односу.
- (2)
- Ако два или више лица створе проналазак независно једно од другог, право на европски патент припада лицу које је поднело пријаву патента, чији је датум подношења најранији, под условом да је ова прва пријава објављена.
- (3)
- У поступку пред Европским заводом за патенте подносилац пријаве је овлашћен да врши све радње у вези са стицањем права на европски патент.
Члан 61.
Европска пријава патента поднета од лица које нема права на подошење
(1) Ако је коначном одлуком признато право на стицање европског патента лицу које није подносилац пријаве, то лице може у складу са Правилником о спровођењу:
(а) наставити, уместо подносиоца пријаве, поступак по европској пријави патента, поступајући по тој пријави као по својој,
(б) поднети нову европску пријаву патента за исти проналазак, или
(ц) тражити одбијање европске пријаве патента.
(2) Члан 76. став 1, примењује се mutatis mutandis на нову европску пријаву патента поднету на основу става 1 (б).
Члан 62.
Право проналазача да буде наведен
Проналазач има право, у односу на подносиоца европске пријаве патента или носиоца европског патента, да буде наведен као такав код Европског завода за патенте.
Глава III
Члан 63.
Трајање европског патента
- (1)
- Трајање европског патента износи 20 година рачунајући од датума подношења пријаве.
- (2)
- Претходни став не ограничава право државе уговорнице да продужи трајање европског патента или да призна одговарајућу заштиту која следи директно по истеку трајања патента, под истим условима какви се примењују и на националне патенте:
(а) да би се узело у обзир ратно стање или слични ванредни услови који утичу на ту државу;
(б) уколико је предмет европске пријаве патента производ или поступак за добијање производа или примена производа који пре него што се може изнети на тржиште те државе треба да прође поступак добијања административне дозволе у складу са законом.
- (3)
- Став 2. се примењује mutatis mutandis на европске патенте који су заједнички одобрени за групу држава уговорница у складу са чланом 142.
- (4)
- Држава уговорница која омогућава продужење трајања патента или одговарајућу заштиту на основу става 2(б) може, у складу са уговором закљученим са овом Организацијом поверити Европском заводу за патенте задатке у вези са применом одговарајућих одредби.
Члан 64.
Права из европског патента
- (1)
- Уз резерву одредбе из става 2. европски патент даје свом носиоцу, од дана објаве обавештења о признању права у Европском патентном билтену, у свакој држави уговорници за коју је признат, иста права која би му дао национални патент издат у тој држави.
- (2)
- Ако је предмет европског патента поступак, права из тог патента обухватају производе непосредно добијене тим поступком.
- (3)
- Свака повреда европског патента оцењује се сагласно одредбама националног законодавства.
Члан 65.
Превод европског патента
- (1)
- Свака држава уговорница може, ако европски патент какав је признат, измењен или ограничен од стране Европског завода за патенте, није састављен на једном од његових службених језика, да пропише да носилац тог патента мора поднети централном заводу за индустријску својину превод патента, какав је признат, измењен или ограничен, на једном од његових службених језика или, када је та држава прописала употребу једног посебног службеног језика, на том језику. Превод мора бити достављен у року од 3 месеца од датума објављивања обавештења о признању, одржавању у важности у измењеној форми, или ограничењу европског патента у Европском патентном билтену, осим ако односна држава не одреди дужи рок.
- (2)
- Свака држава уговорница која је усвојила одредбе сагласне ставу 1. може прописати да носилац патента плати, у року који та држава одреди, све или део трошкова објављивања превода.
- (3)
- Ако одредбе усвојене на основу става 1. и 2. нису поштоване, свака држава уговорница може прописати да је европски патент, још од почетка, без дејства у тој држави.
Члан 66.
Дејство пријаве европског патента као националне пријаве
Европска пријава патента којој је утврђен датум подношења има, у назначеним државама уговорницама, дејство уредне националне пријаве, с тим што се, у одговарајућем случају, води рачуна о праву првенства које је затражено у европској пријави патента.
Члан 67.
Права из пријаве европског патента након њене објаве
- (1)
- Европска пријава патента, онаква каква је објављена, привремено обезбеђује подносиоцу пријаве у државама уговорницама које су назначене у пријави патента заштиту предвиђену чланом 64. почев од дана објаве.
- (2)
- Свака држава уговорница може предвидети да европска пријава патента не обезбеђује заштиту предвиђену чланом 64. Ипак, заштита која се добија објавом европске пријаве патента не може бити мања од заштите коју национални прописи односне државе дају на основу обавезне објаве неиспитаних националних пријава патената. У сваком случају, свака држава уговорница је дужна бар да предвиди да, након објаве европске пријаве патента, подносилац пријаве може да захтева разумну накнаду, одређену према околностима, од сваког лица које је искоришћавало, у тој држави уговорници, проналазак који је предмет европске пријаве патента, и то под условима који повлаче, према националном праву, одговорност за повреду националног патента.
- (3)
- Свака држава уговорница чији службени језик није језик поступка може прописатии да је привремена заштита из ставова 1. и 2. обезбеђена тек од датума превода патентних захтева на један од службених језика те земље, који је подносилац пријаве изабрао, или, ако та држава прописује употребу одређеног службеног језика, на том језику:
(а) постао доступан јавности, под условима предвиђеним њеним националним прописима, или
(б) био достављен лицу које у поменутој држави искоришћава проналазак који је предмет европске пријаве патента.
(4) Сматра се да права из европске пријаве патента предвиђена у ставовима 1. и 2. не постоје и да никада нису настала уколико је европска пријава патента повучена или се сматра повученом или је одбијена. Исто важи у погледу права европске пријаве патента у држави уговорници за коју је назначење повучено или се сматра повученим.
Члан 68.
Последице оглашавања ништавим или ограничења европског патента
Сматра се да европска пријава патента или европски патент признат на основу ње нису имали од почетка дејства предвиђена члановима 64. и 67. ако је, и у мери у којој је патент оглашен ништавим или ограничен у поступку вођеном по опозицији, за оглашавање ништавим или ограничење права.
Члан 69.
Обим заштите
- (1)
- Обим заштите који се стиче европским патентом или на основу европске пријаве патента одређен је патентним захтевима, с тим што се, опис и нацрти користе за тумачење патентних захтева.
- (2)
- За период до признања европског патента, обим заштите на основу европске пријаве патента одређен је патентним захтевима, који су садржани у објави. Ипак, европски патент, онакав какав је признат или измењен у току поступка по опозицији, ограничења или оглашавања ништавим одређује ретроактивно обим заштите из објављене пријаве, ако се тиме заштита не проширује.
Члан 70.
Веродостојни текст европске пријаве патента или европског патента
- (1)
- Текст европске пријаве патента или европског патента написан на језику поступка је веродостојни текст за све поступке код Европског завода за патенте и у свим државама уговорницама.
- (2)
- Ако је, међутим, европска пријава патента поднета на језику који није службени језик Европског завода за патенте, тај текст ће се сматрати оригиналном пријавом у смислу ове конвенције.
- (3)
- Свака држава уговорница може предвидети да се превод на неки од службених језика те државе, како је прописано овом Конвенцијом, сматра у тој држави као веродостојан, изузев у поступку оглашавања ништавим, у случају када европска пријава патента или европски патент на језику превода дају ужи степен заштите него што је то случај на језику поступка.
- (4)
- Свака држава уговорница која донесе одредбу засновану на ставу 3:
(а) дужна је да омогући подносиоцу пријаве или носиоцу европског патента да поднесе измењени превод европске пријаве патента или европског патента. Тај измењени превод нема правно дејство све док нису испуњени услови одређени од стране државе уговорнице на основу примене члана 65. став 2. или члана 67. став 3; (б) може предвидети да лице које је у тој држави савесно почело коришћење проналаска или је извршило неопходне и озбиљне припреме у том циљу, а под условом да то икоришћење не представља повреду права из пријаве или патента, судећи према тексту првобитног превода, може, након што је измењени превод почео да производи дејство, настави бесплатно искоришћавање тог проналаска у свом предузећу или за потребе тог предузећа.
Глава IV
Члан 71.
Пренос и конституисање права
Европска пријава патента може бити предмет преноса права или основ за конституисање права за једну или више назначених држава уговорница.
Члан 72.
Пренос права
Пренос европске пријаве патента може бити извршен само у писменој форми и уз потписе оба уговарача.
Члан 73.
Уговорна лиценца
Европска пријава патента може бити у целини или делимично предмет лиценце за територију свих или неких назначених држава уговорница.
Члан 74.
Право које се примењује
Осим ако овом конвенцијом није одређено другачије, на европску пријаву патента као предмет својине, у свакој назначеној држави уговорници и са дејством у тој држави, примењују се прописи који се, у тој држави, односе на пријаве националних патената.
Трећи део
Глава I
Члан 75.
Подношење европске пријаве патента
(1) Европска пријава патента може бити поднета: (а) код Европског завода за патенте или;
(б) ако прописи државе уговорнице то дозвољавају, и на основу члана 76. став 1. код централног завода за индустријску својину или другог надлежног органа те државе. Свака тако поднета пријава има исто дејство као да је поднета истог датума код Европског патентног завода.
(2) Став 1. не може бити сметња за примену законских и подзаконских прописа који у једној држави уговорници:
(а) одређују који проналасци не могу, због свог предмета, бити саопштени у иностранству без претходног овлашћења надлежних органа државе у питању, или
(б) одређују да свака пријава патента мора бити прво поднета код националног органа, или да мора бити претходно дата сагласност за непосредно подношење пријаве код другог органа.
Члан 76.
Издвојене европске пријаве патента
- (1)
- Издвојена европска пријава патента подноси се непосредно код Европског завода за патенте у складу са Правилником о спровођењу. Она може имати за предмет само оно што је садржано у првобитној пријави, онаквој каква је поднета; ако је испуњен тај захтев, сматра се да је издвојена пријава поднета оног датума када је поднета првобитна пријава, и ужива право првенства.
- (2)
- Све државе уговорнице назначене у првобитној пријави у време подношења издвојене европске пријаве патента сматраће се назначеним и у издвојеној пријави.
Члан 77.
Достављање европске пријаве патента
- (1)
- Централни завод за индустријску својину државе уговорнице дужан је да достави Европском заводу за патенте, европске пријаве патента које су поднете код ње или код другог надлежног органа те државе, у складу са Правилником о спровођењу.
- (2)
- Европска пријава патента чији се предмет сматра тајном, не доставља се Европском заводу за патенте.
- (3)
- Европска пријава патента која није достављена Европском заводу за патенте у року, сматра се повученом.
Члан 78.
Услови које мора да испуњава европска пријава патента
- (1)
- Европска пријава патента мора садржати: (а) захтев за признање европског патента; (б) опис проналаска; (ц) један или више патентних захтева; (д) нацрте на које се позивају опис или патентни захтеви; (е) апстракт; И да задовољи услове наведене у Правилнику о спровођењу.
- (2)
- За европску пријаву патента плаћа се такса за подношење пријаве и такса за решерш. Ако такса за подношење и такса за решерш нису плаћене у прописаном року, пријава се сматра повученом.
Члан 79.
Назначење држава уговорница
- (1)
- Све државе, уговорне стране ове Конвенције у време подношења европске пријаве патента сматраће се назначеним у захтеву за признање европског патента.
- (2)
- Назначење државе уговорнице подлеже плаћању таксе за назначење.
- (3)
- Назначење једне државе уговорнице може бити повучено у било ком тренутку пре признања европског патента.
Члан 80.
Датум подношења пријаве
Датум подношења европске пријаве патента је датум када је подносилац пријаве испунио захтеве наведене у Правилнику о спровођењу.
Члан 81.
Навођење проналазача
У европској пријави патента мора бити наведен проналазач. Ако подносилац пријаве није проналазач или није једини проналазач, у навођењу мора бити садржана изјава о основу стицања права подносиоца пријаве на европски патент.
Члан 82.
Јединство проналаска
Европска пријава патента може се односити на само један проналазак или на више проналазака који су тако међусобно повезани да остварују једну општу проналазачку замисао.
Члан 83.
Опис проналаска
Проналазак у европској пријави патента мора бити описан јасно и потпуно, тако да га стручњак из одговарајуће области може применити.
Члан 84.
Патентни захтеви
Патентни захтеви одређују предмет чија се заштита тражи. Они морају бити јасни, сажети и подржани описом.
Члан 85.
Апстракт служи искључиво за потребе техничког информисања; он не може послужити у било коју другу сврху, нарочито не за одређивање обима тражене заштите, нити код примене члана 54. став 3.
Члан 86.
Годишње таксе за европску пријаву патента
- (1)
- Годишње таксе за европску пријаву патента плаћају се, сагласно одредбама Правилника за спровођење, Европском заводу за патенте. Ове таксе се плаћају за трећу годину, која се рачуна од дана подношења пријаве, као и за сваку наредну годину. Ако годишње таксе нису плаћене у прописаном року, пријава се сматра повученом.
- (2)
- Обавеза плаћања годишње таксе престаје плаћањем те таксе за годину у којој је објављено обавештење о признању европског патента у Европском патентном билтену.
Глава II
Члан 87.
Право првенства
(1) Свако лице које је прописно поднело у једној, или за једну од држава
(а) чланица Париске конвенције за заштиту индустријске својине или
(б) чланица Светске трговинске организације,
уредну пријаву патента, корисног модела или сведочанство о корисности или његов правни следбеник, ужива, код подношења европске пријаве патента за исти проналазак, право првенства у року од дванаест месеци, рачунајући од датума подношења прве пријаве.
- (2)
- Свакој пријави која се сматра уредном националном пријавом на основу националних прописа једне државе у којој је поднета, или на основу двостраних или вишестраних споразума, укључујући ту и ову Конвенцију, признаје се право првенства.
- (3)
- Сматра се уредном националном пријавом свака пријава на основу које се може утврдити датум када је поднета, без обзира какав је каснији исход те пријаве.
- (4)
- Каснија пријава која има исти предмет заштите као и првоподнета пријава у истој држави сматраће се првом пријавом за одређивање права првенства под условом да је на дан њеног подношења прва пријава повучена, да се од ње одустало или је одбијена, а да није била доступна јавности и није била основ неког права и ако раније није послужила као основ за признање права првенства. На основу прве пријаве, у том случају, не може се више захтевати право првенства.
- (5)
- Ако је прва пријава поднета код органа надлежног за индустријску својину у држави која није чланица Париске конвенције за заштиту индустријске својине или Уговора о оснивању Светске трговинске организације, одредбе ставова 1. до 4. примењују се само ако тај орган, према јавном саопштењу издатом од стране председника Европског завода за патенте признаје да се на основу прве пријаве поднете код Европског завода за патенте успоставља право првенства на основу услова и са правним дејством једнаким оним из Париске конвенције.
Члан 88. Захтев за признање права првенства
- (1)
- Подносилац пријаве који жели да користи право првенства раније пријаве дужан је да поднесе изјаву о првенству, и све друге документе који се захтевају, у складу са Правилником о спровођењу.
- (2)
- Вишеструка првенства могу бити затражена за једну европску пријаву патента, чак и ако потичу из различитих држава. У одговарајућем случају, вишеструка права првенства могу бити затражена за исти патентни захтев. Ако су затражена вишеструка првенства, рокови који почињу тећи од датума првенства рачунају се од најранијег датума првенства.
- (3)
- Када се захтева једно или више права првенства за европску пријаву патента, право првенства обухвата само оне карактеристике европске пријаве патента, који су садржани у пријави или у пријавама чије се првенство захтева.
- (4)
- Ако се извесне карактеристике проналаска за које се захтева право првенство не налазе у патентним захтевима изнетим у ранијој пријави, за признање права првенства је довољно да саставни делови раније пријаве описују прецизно те карактеристике.
Члан 89.
Дејство права првенства
На основу дејства права првенства, датум првенства сматра се као датум подношења европске пријаве патента у вези са применом члана 54. ставови 2. и 3. и члана 60. став 2.
Четврти део
Члан 90.
Испитивање пријаве приликом њеног подношења и формално испитивање
- (1)
- Европски завод за патенте испитује, у складу са Правилником о спровођењу, да ли пријава испуњава услове да јој се призна датум подношења.
- (2)
- Ако се пријави не може признати датум подношења ни после испитивања у смислу става 1. по њој се неће поступати као са европском пријавом патента.
- (3)
- Ако је европској пријави патента признат датум подношења, Европски завод за патенте испитује, у складу са Правилником за спровођење, да ли су испуњени захтеви из чланова 14, 78. и 81. и где је то примењиво члана 88. став 1. и члана 133. став 2, као и сви други услови наведени у Правилнику о спровођењу.
- (4)
- Када Европски завод за патенте, у току вођења поступка испитивања у смислу ставова 1. или 3. утврди недостатке који се могу исправити, он ће пружити подносиоцу пријаве могућност да их исправи.
- (5)
- Ако недостатак примећен у току испитивања у смислу става 3. није исправљен, европска пријава патента се одбија, осим ако ова Конвенција не предвиђа другачију правну последицу. Када се недостатак односи на право првенства, то право биће изгубљено за ову пријаву.
Члан 91. (брисан)
Члан 92.
Израда европског решершног извештаја
Европски завод за патенте, у складу са Правилником o спровођењу, израђује и објављује европски решершни извештај за европску пријаву патента на основу патентних захтева и имајући у виду садржај описа и цртежа.
Члан 93.
Објава европске пријаве патента
(1) Европски завод за патенте објављује европску пријаву патента што је пре могуће
(а) након истека рока од осамнаест месеци, рачунајући од датума подношења или, ако је затражено право првенства, рачунајући од датума тог првенства, или
(б) на захтев подносиоца пријаве, пре истека тог рока.
(2) Европска пријава патента објављује се истовремено када се издаје и спис европског патента, уколико одлука о признању патента ступи на снагу пре истека рока наведеног у ставу 1(а).
Члан 94.
Поступак испитивања европске пријаве патента
- (1)
- Европски завод за патенте, у складу са Правилником о спровођењу, испитује, по захтеву, да ли европска пријава патента и проналазак који је њен предмет испуњавају услове предвиђене овом Конвенцијом. Сматра се да је захтев поднет тек када је плаћена такса за испитивање.
- (2)
- Ако захтев за испитивање није поднет у року, европска пријава патента сматра се повученом.
- (3)
- Ако се у току испитивања открије да пријава, или проналазак на који се пријава односи не испуњавају захтеве из ове Конвенције, одсек за испитивање позива подносиоца пријаве, колико год је то неопходно, да поднесе своје примедбе и да, на основу члана 123. став 1. измени пријаву.
- (4)
- Ако подносилац пријаве пропусти да у року одговори на сва саопштења из одсека за испитивање, сматра се да је пријава повучена.
Члан 95. (брисан)
Члан 96. (брисан)
Члан 97.
Признање патента или одбијање пријаве
- (1)
- Ако одсек за испитивање сматра да европска пријава патента и проналазак, који је њен предмет испуњавају захтеве из ове Конвенције, доноси одлуку о признању европског патента, под условом да су испуњени захтеви наведени у Правилнику о спровођењу.
- (2)
- Ако одсек за испитивање сматра да европска пријава патента и проналазак који је њен предмет не испуњавају услове прописане овом Конвенцијом, он доноси одлуку о одбијању пријаве осим ако ова Конвенција не предвиђа другачије правне последице.
- (3)
- Одлука о признању европског патента ступа на снагу на дан објављивања обавештења о признању у Европском патентном гласнику.
Члан 98.
Објављивање списа европског патента
Европски завод за патенте објављује спис европског патента што је пре могуће после објављивања обавештења о признању европског патента у Европском патентном гласнику.
Пети део
Члан 99.
- (1)
- У року од 9 месеци, рачунајући од датума објаве обавештења о признању европског патента у Европском патентном гласнику, свако лице може изјавити опозицију код Европског завода за патенте због признања тог патента у складу са Правилником о спровођењу. Сматра се да је опозиција поднета само ако је плаћена такса за опозицију.
- (2)
- Опозиција због признања европског патента односи се на тај патент у свим државама уговорницама у којима он производи своја дејства.
- (3)
- Трећа лица која су изјавила опозицију су, са носиоцем патента, странке у поступку по опозицији.
- (4)
- Ако једно лице достави доказ да је, у једној држави уговорници, уписано у регистар патената на основу коначне одлуке, уместо ранијег носиоца, оно, на основу свог захтева, заузима место ранијег носиоца за наведену државу. Без обзира на одредбе члана 118. ранији носилац патента и лице које истиче своје право не сматрају се заједничким носиоцима, осим ако то они траже.
Члан 100.
Разлози за опозицију
Опозиција се може заснивати само на следећим разлозима:
(а) предмет европског патента није патентибилан у смислу чланова 52. до 57;
(б) у европском патенту проналазак није описан потпуно и јасно да би га стручњак из одговарајуће области могао извести;
(ц) предмет европског патента је проширен у односу на предмет пријаве, онакве каква је поднета, или ако патент, признат на основу издвојене пријаве или нове пријаве поднете на основу члана 61. проширује предмет раније пријаве, онакве каква је поднета.
Члан 101.
Испитивање опозиције – оглашавање ништавим или одржавање у важности европског патента
- (1)
- Ако је опозиција допуштена, одсек за опозицију испитује у складу са Правилником о спровођењу да ли бар један основ за опозицију на основу члана 100. наноси штету одржавању у важности европског патента. Током овог испитивања, одсек за опозицију позива стране, колико год је то неопходно, да доставе своје примедбе на поднеске друге стране или на оне које је издао сам одсек за опозицију.
- (2)
- Ако одсек за опозицију утврди да бар један основ за опозицију наноси штету одржавању у важности европског патента, он ће огласити ништавим патент. У супротном, он ће одбацити захтев за опозицију.
- (3)
- Ако одсек за опозицију сматра да, имајући у виду измене које је извршио носилац европског патента у току поступка по опозицији, патент и проналазак који је његов предмет
(а) испуњавају услове из ове Конвенције, он доноси одлуку о одржавању патента, са изменама, у важности, под условом да су испуњени захтеви наведени у Правилнику о спровођењу;
(б) не испуњавају услове из ове Конвенције, он ће патент огласити ништавим.
Члан 102. (брисан)
Члан 103.
Објављивање новог списа европског патента
Ако је европски патент одржаван у важности као измењен на основу члана 101. став 3(а), Европски завод за патенте објављује нови спис европског патента што је пре могуће после објављивања обавештења о одлуци по опозицији у Европском патентном гласнику.
Члан 104.
- (1)
- Свака странка у поступку по опозицији сноси своје трошкове, осим ако одсек за опозицију из разлога правичности, одреди у складу са Правилником о спровођењу другачије учешће у трошковима.
- (2)
- Поступак за одређивање трошкова наведен је у Правилнику о спровођењу.
- (3)
- Свака коначна одлука Европског завода за патенте којом се одређују износи трошкова, у циљу њеног извршења у земљама уговорницама, сматра се истом као и правоснажна одлука грађанског суда државе у којој треба да буде извршена. Контрола ове одлуке може се односити само на њену аутентичност.
Члан 105.
Мешање претпостављеног неовлашћеног корисника
(1) Свако треће лице може, у складу са Правилником о спровођењу, да се умеша у поступак по опозицији по истеку рока за подношење опозиције, ако то треће лице докаже
а) да је против њега покренут поступак за повреду права тог истог патента, или б) ако треће лице, после захтева носиоца патента да се престане са наводним кршењем права, покрене поступак да се донесе пресуда да он не вређа тај патент.
(2) Допустиво мешање третира се као опозиција.
Члан 105а
Захтев за ограничење или оглашавање ништавим
- (1)
- На захтев носиоца, европски патент може се огласити ништавим или ограничити изменом захтева. Захтев ће се поднети у Европском заводу за патенте у складу са Правилником о спровођењу Конвенције. Он се неће сматрати поднетим док се не плати такса за ограничење или оглашавање ништавим.
- (2)
- Захтев се не може поднети док траје поступак по опозицији за тај европски патент.
Члан 105б
Ограничење или оглашавање ништавим европског патента
- (1)
- Европски завод за патенте мора да испита да ли су испуњени услови за ограничење или оглашавање ништавим европског патента наведени у Правилнику о спровођењу Конвенције.
- (2)
- Ако Европски завод за патенте сматра да захтев за ограничење или оглашавање ништавим европског патента испуњава ове услове, он ће одлучити да ограничи или огласи ништавим европски патент у складу са Правилником о спровођењу Конвенције. У супротном, захтев ће бити одбачен.
- (3)
- Одлука да се ограничи или огласи ништавим европски патент примењиваће се на тај европски патент у свим државама уговорницама у којима је био признат. Она ће ступити на снагу на датум када се упис одлуке објави у Европском патентном гласнику.
Члан 105ц
Објављивање измењеног списа европског патента
Ако је европски патент ограничен на основу члана 105б став 2. Европски завод за патенте ће објавити измењен спис европског патента што је пре могуће после објављивања обавештења о ограничењу у Европском патентном гласнику.
Шести део
Члан 106.
Одлуке против којих се може изјавити жалба
- (1)
- Жалба се може изјавити против одлука службе за пријем пријава, одсека за испитивање, одсека за опозицију и правног одсека. Жалба има одложно дејство.
- (2)
- Одлука којом се не окончава поступак у односу на једну од странака може бити предмет жалбе само са коначном одлуком, осим ако та одлука допушта посебну жалбу.
- (3)
- Право да се изјави жалба против одлука које се тичу учешћа у трошковима или одређивања трошкова у поступку по опозицији може бити ограничено Правилником о спровођењу.
Члан 107.
Лица која могу изјавити жалбу и бити странке у поступку
Право на жалбу има свака странка у поступку у коме је донета одлука којом није удовољено њеним захтевима. Остале странке у том поступку учествују и у поступку по жалби.
Члан 108.
Рок и форма
Жалба мора бити изјављена у складу са Правилником о спровођењу, у Европском заводу за патенте у року од два месеца од дана достављања одлуке. Сматра се да је жалба изјављена тек када је плаћена такса за жалбу. Поднесак у коме су изнети разлози за жалбу мора бити у складу са Правилником о спровођењу, поднетом у року од четири месеца од дана достављања одлуке.
Члан 109.
Прејудициона ревизија
- (1)
- Ако инстанца чија је одлука предмет жалбе сматра да је жалба благовремена и основана, она је дужна да је усвоји. Ова одредба се не примењује ако је жалбени поступак покренула странка која има супротан интерес у односу на другу странку.
- (2)
- Ако жалба није усвојена у року од три месеца од пријема поднеска у коме су изложени разлози, жалба мора бити одмах достављена жалбеном већу без мишљења о њеној основаности.
Члан 110.
Жалбени поступак
(1) Ако је жалба благовремена и дозвољена, жалбено веће испитује њену основаност. Разматрање жалбе се одвија у складу са Правилником о спровођењу.
Члан 111.
Одлука по жалби
- (1)
- Након разматрања жалбе, жалбено веће доноси одлуку о жалби. Оно може деловати у надлежности инстанце која је донела одлуку која је предмет жалбе, или вратити предмет тој инстанци на даљи поступак.
- (2)
- Ако жалбено веће врати предмет ради даљег поступка инстанци која је донела одлуку која је предмет жалбе, та инстанца је везана разлозима и диспозитивом жалбеног већа, ако је чињенично стање исто. Ако је одлуку донела служба за пријем пријава, одсек за испитивање је такође везан разлозима и диспозитивом одлуке жалбеног већа.
Члан 112. Одлуке или мишљења Великог жалбеног већа
(1) У циљу обезбеђења јединствене примене права или ако се појави правно питање од основног значаја:
(а) жалбено веће се обраћа, било по службеној дужности било на захтев једне од странака у поступку, Великом жалбеном већу ако сматра да је неопходно донети одлуку у вези са тим. У случају одбијања захтева, жалбено веће је дужно образложити одбијање у својој коначној одлуци;
(б) председник Европског завода за патенте може изнети пред Велико жалбено веће неко правно питање, ако два жалбена већа о том питању донесу различите одлуке.
- (2)
- У случајевима наведеним у ставу 1. тачка (а) странке у жалбеном поступку су странке у поступку пред Великим жалбеним већем.
- (3)
- Одлука Великог жалбеног већа о којој је реч у ставу 1. тачка (а) обавезује жалбено веће у погледу жалбе коју разматра.
Члан 112а
Молба за ревизију од стране Великог жалбеног већа
- (1)
- Било која страна у жалбеном поступку на чију штету је донета одлука Жалбеног већа може да поднесе молбу за ревизију одлуке од стране Великог жалбеног већа.
- (2)
- Молба може бити поднета само по следећем основу:
(а) члан Жалбеног већа је учествовао у одлуци кршећи члан 24. став 1. или упркос томе што је био искључен на основу одлуке из члана 24. став 4;
(б) жалбено веће укључило је лице које није именовано као члан Жалбеног већа;
(ц) догодила се фундаментална повреда члана 113;
(д) догодила се било која друга фундаментална процедурална неправилност дефинисана у Правилнику о спровођењу у току жалбеног поступка; или
(е) незаконито дело предвиђено на основу услова наведених у Правилнику о спровођењу које је могло имати утицаја на одлуку.
- (3)
- Молба за ревизију неће имати дејство обуставе.
- (4)
- Молба за ревизију мора бити поднета у образложеној изјави, у складу са Правилником о спровођењу. Ако је заснована на ставу (2)(а) до (д), молба мора бити поднета у року од два месеца од обавештења о одлуци Жалбеног већа. Ако је заснована на ставу 2(е), молба мора бити поднета у року од два месеца од датума када је установљено незаконито дело и у сваком случају не касније од пет година од обавештавања о одлуци Жалбеног већа. Молба се неће сматрати поднетом док се не плати прописана такса.
- (5)
- Велико жалбено веће мора испитати молбу за ревизију у складу са Правилником о спровођењу. Ако се молба може прихватити, Велико жалбено веће ће поништити одлуку и поново отворити поступак пред Жалбеним већем у складу са Правилником о спровођењу.
- (6)
- Свако лице које је, у назначеној држави уговорници, у доброј намери користило проналазак или учинило успешне и озбиљне припреме да користи проналазак који је предмет објављене европске пријаве патента или европског патента у периоду између одлуке Жалбеног већа и објаве у Европском патентном гласнику уписа
одлуке Великог жалбеног већа о молби, може без плаћања да настави такво коришћење у свом послу или за његове потребе.
Седми део
Глава I
Члан 113.
Право на саслушање и заснивање одлука
- (1)
- Одлуке Европског завода за патенте могу се заснивати само на разлозима или доказима о којима су се странке могле изјаснити.
- (2)
- Европски завод за патенте испитује и доноси одлуке о европској пријави патента или европском патенту само на основу текста који је предложио или прихватио подносилац пријаве или носилац патента.
Члан 114.
Испитивање службеним путем
- (1)
- У току поступка Европски завод за патенте испитује чињенице службеним путем; ово испитивање није ограничено само на чињенице и доказе и аргументе на које је указано, нити на захтеве које су поднеле странке.
- (2)
- Европски завод за патенте не мора узети у обзир чињенице или доказе које странке нису истакле благовремено.
Члан 115.
Примедбе трећих лица
(1) У поступку пред Европским заводом за патенте, после објаве европске пријаве патента, свако треће лице може, у складу са Правилником о спровођењу, да изнесе своје примедбе у погледу патентибилности проналаска на који се односи пријава или патент. То лице не може бити страна у поступку.
Члан 116.
Усмени поступак
- (1)
- Усмени поступак се води по службеној дужности, ако то Европски завод за патенте сматра корисним, или на захтев странке у поступку. Европски завод за патенте може одбити захтев за даље вођење усменог поступка пред истом инстанцом, ако су странке и чињенично стање исти.
- (2)
- Усмени поступак по захтеву подносиоца пријаве биће вођен код службе за пријем пријава само ако она то сматра корисним, или ако намерава да одбије европску пријаву патента.
- (3)
- Усмени поступак пред службом за пријем пријава, одсецима за испитивање и правним одсеком није јаван.
- (4)
- Усмени поступак, укључујући и изрицање одлуке, јесте јаван у поступку код жалбених већа и Великог жалбеног већа након објављивања европске пријаве патента, као и код одсека за опозицију, осим ако инстанца која води поступак одлучи другачије у случајевима када би због јавности могле настати, посебно за једну странку у поступку, тешке и неоправдане последице.
Члан 117.
Прибављање и изношење доказа
(1) У поступку пред Европским заводом за патенте средства за изношење и прибављање доказа укључују следеће:
(а) саслушање странака;
(б) прикупљање података;
(ц) достављање докумената;
(д) саслушање сведока;
(е) вештачење;
(ф) увиђај на лицу места;
(г) писмене изјаве дате под заклетвом.
(2) Поступак за изношење доказа наведен је у Правилнику о спровођењу.
Члан 118.
Јединство европске пријаве патента или европског патента
Ако подносиоци пријаве или носиоци европског патента нису исти за разне назначене државе уговорнице, сматрају се заједничким подносиоцима пријаве или заједничким носиоцима у поступку код Европског завода за патенте. Јединство пријаве или патента у току тог поступка тиме није нарушено; посебно, текст пријаве или патента мора бити истоветан за све назначене државе, осим ако овом конвенцијом није друго одређено.
Члан 119.
Одлуке, позиве, обавештења и саопштења шаље Европски завод за патенте по службеној дужности у складу са Правилником о спровођењу. Достава може бити извршена, када то захтевају изузетне околности и посредством централног завода за индустријску својину држава уговорница.
Члан 120.
Правилник о спровођењу одређује:
(а) рокове које треба поштовати у поступку пред Европским заводом за патенте и који нису одређени у овој Конвенцији;
(б) начин рачунања рокова и услове под којима се рок може продужити;
(ц) минимално и максимално трајање рокова које одређује Европски завод за патенте.
Члан 121. Настављање поступка по европској пријави патента
- (1)
- Ако подносилац пријаве не испоштује рок пред Европским заводом за патенте, он може захтевати настављање поступка по европској пријави патента.
- (2)
- Европски завод за патенте уважиће захтев, ако су испуњени услови наведени у Правилнику о спровођењу. У супротном, он ће одбити захтев.
- (3)
- Ако се захтев уважи, сматра се да нема правних последица због непоштовања рока.
- (4)
- Настављање поступка је искључено у погледу рокова из члана 87. став 1, члана
108. и члана 112а став 4. као и у погледу рокова за настављање поступка или повраћај у пређашње стање. Правилник о спровођењу може искључити настављање поступка за друге рокове.
Члан 122.
Повраћај у пређашње стање
- (1)
- Подносилац пријаве или носилац европског патента који, и поред тога што је у одговарајућим околностима показао сву потребну пажњу, није био у стању да поступи у року код Европског завода за патенте, има, ако поднесе захтев, право на повраћај у пређашње стање уколико је због непоштовања рока дошло до одбијања европске пријаве патента или неког захтева, или је донета одлука којом се пријава сматра повученом, или се оглашава ништавим европски патент, или је дошло до губитка било којег другог права или правног средства.
- (2)
- Европски завод за патенте прихвата захтев, ако су испуњени услови из става 1. и други захтеви наведени у Правилнику о спровођењу. У супротном, он одбацује захтев.
- (3)
- Ако се захтев уважи, сматра се да нема правних последица због непоштовања рока.
- (4)
- Повраћај у пређашње стање је искључен ако се не поштују рокови за повраћај у пређашње стање. Правилник о спровођењу може искључити повраћај у пређашње стање код других рокова.
- (5)
- Свако савесно лице које је у једној држави уговорници, у току периода између губитка права о коме је реч у ставу 1. и објаве обавештења о поновном установљењу овог права у Европском патентном гласнику, почело да искоришћава или извршило стварне и озбиљне припреме за искоришћавање проналаска који је предмет објављене европске пријаве патента или европског патента, може бесплатно наставити са тим коришћењем у свом предузећу или за потребе свог предузећа.
- (6)
- Овим чланом не ограничава се право државе уговорнице да дозволи повраћај у пређашње стање у односу на рокове предвиђене овом конвенцијом који морају бити поштовани у односу на органе те државе.
Члан 123.
- (1)
- Европска пријава патента или европски патент могу бити измењени у току поступка пред Европским заводом за патенте, у складу са Правилником о спровођењу. У сваком случају подносилац пријаве може, по својој вољи, најмање једном изменити пријаву.
- (2)
- Европска пријава патента или европски патент не могу бити измењени тако да се прошири предмет заштите из пријаве, онакве каква је поднета.
- (3)
- Европски патент не може бити мењан тако да се проширује заштита коју он пружа.
Члан 124.
Подаци о стању технике
- (1)
- Европски завод за патенте може, у складу са Правилником о спровођењу, позвати подносиоца пријаве да пружи информације о стању технике узетом у обзир у националном или регионалном проступку за заштиту патента а у вези проналаска који је предмет европске пријаве патента.
- (2)
- Ако, у остављеном року, подносилац пријаве не поступи по том позиву, сматра се да је европска пријава патента повучена.
Члан 125.
Позивање на општа начела
У случају да одређено питање поступка није регулисано у овој Конвенцији, Европски завод за патенте руководиће се начелима процесног права, опште прихваћеним у земљама уговорницама.
Члан 126.
Глава II
Члан 127.
Европски регистар патената
Европски завод за патенте води Европски регистар патената, у који се уносе подаци чији је упис предвиђен у Правилнику о спровођењу. Ниједан упис у Европски регистар патената не може бити извршен пре објаве европске пријаве патента. Европски регистар патената је доступан јавности.
Члан 128.
Разгледање предмета
- (1)
- Списи који се односе на још необјављене европске пријаве патената, не могу бити разгледани без сагласности подносиоца пријаве.
- (2)
- Свако лице које докаже да се, поступајући против њега, подносилац европске пријаве патента позвао на права из своје пријаве, може имати увид у спис пре објаве пријаве и без сагласности подносиоца.
- (3)
- Кад је објављена издвојена пријава или нова европска пријава патента поднета на основу одредби члана 61. став 1. свако лице може, без сагласности подносиоца, разгледати спис првобитне пријаве пре њеног објављивања.
- (4)
- Након објаве европске пријаве патента, списи те пријаве и патента који је признат на основу ње могу, на захтев, бити разгледани, с тим што се морају имати у виду ограничења предвиђена у Правилнику о спровођењу.
- (5)
- Европски завод за патенте може, чак пре објаве европске пријаве патента, саопштити трећим лицима, или објавити податке наведене у Правилнику о спровођењу.
Члан 129.
Периодичне публикације
Европски патентни завод објављује периодично:
(а) "Европски патентни гласник" који садржи податке чије објављивање прописује ова Конвенција, Правилник о спровођењу или председник Европског завода за патенте;
(б) "Службени лист Европског завода за патенте" који садржи саопштења и информације од општег значаја које даје председник Европског завода за патенте, као и све друге информације од значаја за ову конвенцију и њену примену.
Члан 130.
Размена информација
- (1)
- Осим када је овом Конвенцијом или националним законима предвиђено другачије, Европски завод за патенте и централни заводи за индустријску својину свих држава уговорница достављају једне другима, на захтев, све корисне информације о европским или националним пријавама патената и патентима и свим поступцима у вези са њима.
- (2)
- Став 1. примењује се на размену информација на основу уговора о размени информација закључених између Европског завода за патенте, са једне стране и, са друге стране:
(а) централних завода за индустријску својину држава које нису потписнице ове конвенције;
(б) сваке међувладине организације надлежне за признање патената;
(ц) сваке друге организације.
(3) Достављање информација које се врши сагласно ставу 1. и ставу 2. тачке (а) и (б) нису подложне ограничењима предвиђеним у члану 128. Управни савет може одлучити да достављања извршена сагласно ставу 2. тачка (ц) не подлежу таквим ограничењима под условом да се заинтересована организација обавезује да ће те информације сматрати поверљивим до датума објаве европске пријаве патента.
Члан 131.
Управна и судска сарадња
- (1)
- Осим ако није другачије одређено овом конвенцијом или националним законима, Европски завод за патенте и судски или други надлежни органи држава уговорница пружају, на тражење, једни другима помоћ, достављањем информација или пружањем увида у списе. Када Европски завод за патенте пружи судовима, државном јавном правобраниоцу или централним заводима за индустријску својину списе на увид, не примењују се рестрикције предвиђене у члану 128.
- (2)
- На захтев Европског завода за патенте, судови или други надлежни органи држава уговорница, у границама своје надлежности, воде у име Завода доказни поступак или предузимају друге правне мере.
Члан 132. Размена публикација
- (1)
- Европски завод за патенте и централни заводи за индустријску својину држава уговорница размењују, на захтев, за њихове властите потребе и бесплатно, по један или више примерака њихових одговарајућих публикација.
- (2)
- Европски завод за патенте може закључити споразуме о размени или слању публикација.
Глава III
Члан 133.
Општа начела о заступању
- (1)
- Осим у случајевима предвиђеним у ставу 2. нико није обавезан да буде заступан од стране професионалног заступника у поступцима предвиђеним овом Конвенцијом.
- (2)
- Физичка или правна лица која немају ни домицил ни седиште у некој од држава уговорница морају имати професионалног заступника и преко њега вршити све радње у току поступка предвиђених овом Конвенцијом, осим код подношења европске пријаве патента; други изузеци могу бити допуштени Правилником о спровођењу.
- (3)
- Физичка или правна лица која имају домицил или седиште у некој држави уговорници могу, у току свих поступака предвиђених овом Конвенцијом, поступати преко лица које је код њих запослено; то лице мора имати овлашћење сагласно одредбама Правилника о спровођењу, али не мора бити професионални заступник. Правилник о спровођењу може предвидети да ли и под којим условима запослено лице код правног лица, може такође да поступа за друга правна лица која имају седиште у некој од држава уговорница и имају привредне везе са њим.
- (4)
- Посебне одредбе о заједничком заступању странака које поступају заједнички могу бити садржане у Правилнику о спровођењу.
Члан 134.
Професионални заступници
- (1)
- Заступање физичких или правних лица у поступцима предвиђеним овом конвенцијом могу вршити само професионални заступници уписани у листу коју за ту сврху води Европски завод за патенте.
- (2)
- Свако физичко лице које:
(а) има држављанство једне од држава уговорница;
(б) има пословно седиште или место запослења у некој држави уговорници;
(ц) положи стручни европски испит.
може бити уписано у листу професионалних заступника.
(3) Током периода од годину дана од датума када ступи на снагу приступање неке државе овој Конвенцији, упис на ту листу може захтевати било које физичко лице које
(а) је држављанин неке државе уговорнице
(б) има пословно седиште или запослење у тој држави која је приступила овој Конвенцији и
(ц) има право да заступа физичка или правна лица у патентним питањима пред централним заводом за индустријску својину у тој држави. Право на то није условљено захтевом постојања специјалистичких професионалних квалификација, ако је то лице редовно радило на таквим пословима у тој држави најмање пет година.
- (4)
- Упис се врши на захтев коме су приложени докази да су испуњени сви услови из става 2. или 3.
- (5)
- Лица која су уписана на листу професионалних заступника овлашћена су да поступају у сваком поступку предвиђеном овом конвенцијом.
- (6)
- Свако лице које је уписано у листу професионалних заступника, овлашћено је, како би могло да поступа као професионални заступник, да има своје службено седиште у некој држави уговорници у којој се воде поступци установљени овом конвенцијом, водећи рачуна о протоколу о централизацији у прилогу ове конвенције. Органи те државе могу повући такво овлашћење само у посебним случајевима и на основу националних прописа који уређују јавни поредак и јавну безбедност. Председник Европског завода за патенте мора бити консултован пре него што буде предузета таква мера.
- (7)
- Председник Европског завода за патенте може да предвиди изузеће од:
(а) захтева из члана 2(а) или 3(а) у посебним околностима;
(б) захтева из члана 3 (ц), друга реченица, ако подносилац пријаве поднесе доказ да је стекао тражену квалификацију на други начин.
(8) Заступање у поступцима предвиђеним овом конвенцијом може, на исти начин као и професионални заступник, вршити сваки адвокат који је овлашћен да обавља адвокатску праксу на територији једне од држава уговорница, и који у њој има своје службено седиште, уколико има право да у тој земљи поступа као пуномоћник у пословима везаним за патенате. Став 6. се примењује mutatis mutandis.
Члан 134а
Институт професионалних заступника пред Европским заводом за патенте
(1) Управни савет биће надлежан за усвајање и измену одреби које регулишу :
(а) Институт професионалних заступника (143) пред Европским заводом за патенте, у даљем тексу Институт ;
(б) квалификације и обуку која се захтева од неке особе за приступање Европском квалификационом испиту и организацију таквог испита ;
(ц) дисциплинарна овлашћења која спроводи Институт или Европски завод за патенте у погледу професионалних заступника ;
(д) обавезу професионалног заступника у вези чувања тајне која се тиче привилегије откривања проналаска у поступку пред Европским заводом за патенте и у погледу саопштења између професионалног заступника и његовог клијента или било ког другог лица ;
(2) Свако лице уписано на листу професионалних заступника поменуту у члану 134. став 1. сматраће се чланом Института.
Осми део
Глава I
Члан 135.
Захтев за претварање
(1) Централни завод за индустријску својину назначене државе уговорнице може покренути поступак за признање националног патента само ако је подносилац пријаве или носилац европског патента поднео захтев, и то у следећим случајевима:
(а) ако се сматра да је европска пријава патента повучена на основу члана 77. став 3;
(б) у другим случајевима предвиђеним националним прописима када је, на основу ове конвенције, европска пријава патента одбијена или повучена или се сматра повученом, или је европски патент оглашен ништавим.
- (2)
- У случају наведеном у ставу 1(а), захтев за претварање мора бити поднет код централног завода за индустријску својину код кога је била поднета европска пријава патента. Тај завод мора, на основу одредби које регулишу националну безбедност, да пошаље захтев директно централним заводима за индустријску својину држава уговорница које су ту наведене.
- (3)
- У случајевима поменутим у ставу 1(б) захтев за претварање се подноси Европском заводу за патенте у складу са Правилником о спровођењу. Не сматра се поднетим док се не плати такса за претварање. Европски завод за патенте преноси захтев централним заводима за индустријску својину наведеним државама уговорницама.
- (4)
- Дејство европске пријаве патента наведено у члану 66. истиче ако се захтев за претварање не поднесе благовремено.
Члан 136.
Члан 137.
Формални услови за претварање
- (1)
- Европска пријава патента која је достављена сагласно одредбама члана 135. став 2. или 3. не може бити испитивана у погледу формалних услова које предвиђа национални закон, а не предвиђа ова конвенција, као нити у погледу додатних услова.
- (2)
- Централна служба за индустријску својину којој је достављена европска пријава патента може захтевати да, у року, који не може бити мањи од два месеца, подносилац пријаве:
(а) плати националну таксу за пријаву; и
(б) поднесе, на једном од службених језика државе у питању, превод оригиналног текста европске пријаве патента, као и, у одговарајућем случају, превод текста измењеног у току поступка код Европског завода за патенте, који треба да послужи као основ за национални поступак.
Глава II
Члан 138.
Оглашавање ништавим европских патената
(1) На основу члана 139. европски патент може бити оглашен ништавим у некој држави уговорници само на основу следећег:
(а) предмет европског патента није патентибилан у смислу чланова 52. до 57;
(б) европски патент не открива проналазак на довољно јасан и потпун начин да би га стручњак из одговарајуће области могао извести;
(ц) предмет европског патента превазилази садржину пријаве, онакве каква је поднета, или, у случају да је патент признат на основу издвојене пријаве или нове пријаве поднете на основу члана 61. предмет патента превазилази садржину раније пријаве онакве каква је поднета;
(д) обим заштите која је пружена европским патентом је проширен или;
(е) носилац европског патента није имао право на патент у смислу члана 60. став 1.
- (2)
- Ако се разлози ништавости односе на један део европског патента, патент се ограничава одговарајућом изменом захтева и делимично се оглашава ништавим.
- (3)
- У поступку пред одговарајућим судом или органом који се тиче важења европског патента, носилац патента има право да ограничи патент изменом захтева. Овако ограничен патент чини основ за поступак.
Члан 139.
Ранија права и права која су настала истог дана
- (1)
- У свакој назначеној држави уговорници европска пријава патента или европски патент има, у односу на пријаву националног патента или на национални патент, исто дејство у смислу ранијег права, као и пријава националног патента или национални патент.
- (2)
- Са пријавом националног патента или националним патентом једне државе уговорнице поступа се, у погледу ранијих права у односу на европски патент у коме је назначена та држава уговорница, као да је тај европски патент национални патент.
- (3)
- Свака држава уговорница може прописати да ли и под којим условима може бити истовремено пружена заштита проналаску описаном у европској пријави патента или европском патенту и у националној пријави патента или националном патенту са истим датумом подношења или, ако је захтевано првенство, истим датумом првенства.
Глава III
Члан 140.
Национални корисни модели и сведочанства о корисности
Чланови 66, 124, 135. до 137. и 139. се примењују на корисне моделе и сведочанства о корисности, као и на одговарајуће пријаве корисног модела и сведочанства о корисности регистрована или депонована у земљама уговорницама чији прописи предвиђају такве облике заштите.
Члан 141.
Годишње таксе за европски патент
- (1)
- Годишње таксе за европски патент се могу наплатити само за године које следе након године поменуте у члану 86. став 2.
- (2)
- Ако обавеза плаћања годишње таксе за европски патент доспева у року од два месеца, рачунајући од дана када је објављено обавештење о признању патента у Европском патентном гласнику, сматра се да је та такса уредно плаћена под условом да је плаћена у наведеном року. Не наплаћује се никаква додатна такса предвиђена националним прописима.
Девети део
Члан 142.
Јединствени патент
- (1)
- Група земаља уговорница, која предвиди у посебном споразуму да европски патенти признати за те земље имају јединствени карактер на њиховим територијама, може предвидети да европски патенти могу бити признати само заједно за све те земље.
- (2)
- Одредбе овог дела примењују се када једна група земаља уговорница искористи могућност наведену у ставу 1.
Члан 143.
Посебне инстанце Европског завода за патенте
- (1)
- Група држава уговорница може поверити додатне задатке Европском заводу за патенте.
- (2)
- У Европском заводу за патенте, ради извршења тих додатних задатака, могу бити основане посебне заједничке инстанце држава које припадају тој групи. Председник Европског завода за патенте руководи тим посебним инстанцама; одредбе члана 10. ставови 2. и 3. примењују се mutatis mutandis.
Члан 144.
Заступање пред посебним инстанцама
Група држава уговорница може предвидети посебна правила у вези са заступањем странака пред инстанцама наведеним у члану 143. став 2.
Члан 145.
Комитет у ужем саставу Управног савета
(1) Група земаља уговорница може основати Комитет у ужем саставу Управног савета у циљу контролисања рада посебних инстанци основаних сагласно члану
143. став 2; Европски завод за патенте ставља на располагање том Комитету персонал, просторије, опрему који су потребни за извршење његових задатака.
Председник Европског завода за патенте одговара за рад посебних инстанци Комитету у ужем саставу Управног савета.
(2) Група држава уговорница одређује састав, надлежности и активности Комитета у ужем саставу.
Члан 146.
Покриће трошкова за посебне задатке
Ако једна група земаља уговорница одреди Европском заводу за патенте додатне задатке у смислу члана 143. она преузима на свој терет трошкове за извршење тих задатака, које обавља Организација. Ако су посебне инстанце основане у Европском заводу за патенте ради извршења ових додатних задатака, група држава чланица сноси трошкове персонала, просторија и опреме који се односе на те инстанце. Члан
39. ставови 3. и 4, члан 41. и члан 47. примењују се у mutatis mutandis.
Члан 147.
Уплата на име такси за одржавање важности јединственог патента
Ако је група земаља уговорница утврдила јединствени износ годишњих такси, постотак наведен у члану 39. став 1. обрачунава се према јединственој тарифи; минимални износ наведен у члану 39. став 1. је такође минимални износ у односу на јединствени патент. Члан 39. ставови 3. и 4. примењују се mutatis mutandis.
Члан 148.
О европској пријави патента као предмету својине
- (1)
- Члан 74. примењује се када група држава чланица није донела другачије одредбе.
- (2)
- Група држава уговорница може прописати да европска пријава патента, у којој су те државе уговорнице назначене, може бити пренета, бити предмет залоге или принудног извршења само за све те државе уговорнице и сагласно одредбама посебног споразума.
Члан 149.
Заједничко назначење
- (1)
- Група држава уговорница може прописати да државе те групе могу бити само заједно назначене, и да назначење једне или више држава те групе важи као назначење свих тих држава.
- (2)
- Када је Европски завод за патенте, у смислу члана 153. став 1. назначени завод, став 1. овог члана примењује се ако подносилац пријаве изјави у међународној пријави да жели да добије европски патент у једној или више држава те групе. Ова одредба се такође примењује када подносилац пријаве назначи у међународној пријави једну државу уговорницу која припада тој групи, ако прописи те државе предвиђају да назначење те државе има дејства европске пријаве патента.
Члан 149а
Други споразуми међу државама уговорницама
(1) Ништа у овој Конвенцији неће бити тумачено тако да ограничава права неких или свих држава уговорница да закључују посебне споразуме по било којим питањима која се тичу европских пријава патената или европских патената који су на основу ове Конвенције предмет националног законодавства и њиме регулисани, као што је, посебно
(а) споразум којим се оснива Европски патентни суд заједнички свим државама уговорницама;
(б) споразум којим се оснива ентитет заједнички свим земљама уговорницама са циљем да даје, на захтев националних судова или квази судских органа, мишљења о питањима европског или хармонизованог националног патентног права;
(ц) споразум на основу којег се државе уговорнице одричу у потпуности или делимично превода европских патената на основу члана 65;
(д) споразум на основу кога државе уговорнице предвиђају да преводи европских патената који се захтевају на основу члана 65. могу да буду поднети и објављени код Европског завода за патенте.
(2) Управни савет биће надлежан да одлучи да :
(а) чланови Жалбеног већа или Великог жалбеног већа могу да буду чланови Европског патентног суда или неког заједничког ентитета и да учествују у поступку пред тим судом или ентитетом у складу са таквим споразумом;
(б) Европски завод за патенте предвидеће заједнички ентитет са помоћним особљем, просторијама и опремом као што је неопходно за извршавање дужности, а трошкове које тај ентитет прави сносиће у потпуности или делимично Организација.
Десети део
Члан 150.
Примена Уговора о сарадњи у области патената
- (1)
- Уговор о сарадњи у области патената од 19. јуна 1970. године, у даљем тексту: PCT, примењује се сагласно одредбама овог дела.
- (2)
- Међународне пријаве поднете сагласно PCT могу бити предмет поступка код Европског завода за патенте. У тим поступцима примењују се одредбе PCT и Правилника о спровођењу и, као допунске, одредбе ове Конвенције. У случају несагласности, одредбе PCT и његовог Правилника о спровођењу имају јачу правну снагу.
Члан 151.
Европски завод за патенте као завод прималац
(1) Европски завод за патенте биће завод прималац у смислу PCT, у складу са Правилником о спровођењу. Примењује се члан 75. став 2.
Члан 152.
Европски завод за патенте као орган за међународни решерш или орган за међународно прелиминарно испитивање
Европски завод за патенте делује као орган за међународни решерш и орган за међународно прелиминарно испитивање у смислу PCT, у складу са уговором између Организације и Међународног бироа Светске организације за интелектуалну својину, за подносиоце пријава који имају боравиште или држављанство државе стране ове Конвенције. Овај уговор може да предвиди да Европски завод за патенте такође делује за друге пријавиоце.
Члан 153.
Европски завод за патенте као назначени завод или изабрани завод
(1) Европски завод за патенте је
(а) назначени завод за сваку државу страну ове конвенције у којој је PCT на снази, која је назначена у међународној пријави, и за коју подносилац пријаве жели да добије европски патент, и
(б) изабрани завод, ако је подносилац пријаве изабрао неку државу назначену у смислу подстава (а).
- (2)
- Међународна пријава за коју је Европски завод за патенте назначени или изабрани завод и којој је додељен међународни датум подношења пријаве, једнака је редовној европској пријави (Euro-PCT пријави).
- (3)
- Међународно објављивање Euro-PCT пријаве на неком службеном језику Европског завода за патенте објављује се на месту објаве европске пријаве патента и наводи се у Европском патентном гласнику.
- (4)
- Ако је Euro-PCT пријава објављена на неком другом језику, превод на један од службених језика подноси се у Европском заводу за патенте, који ће га објавити. На основу члана 67. став 3. привремена заштита на основу члана 67. ставови 1. и 2. производи дејство од датума тог објављивања.
- (5)
- Euro-PCT пријава се третира као европска пријава патента и сматра се да улази у стање технике, на основу члана 54. став 3. ако су испуњени услови наведени у ставовима 3. или 4. Правилника о спровођењу.
- (6)
- Међународни решершни извештај сачињен за Euro-PCT пријаву или декларација која га замењује, и њихово међународно објављивање, врши се на месту предвиђеном за европски решершни извештај као и навођење објављивања у Европском патентном гласнику.
- (7)
- Допунски европски решершни извештај биће сачињен за сваку Euro-PCT пријаву на основу става 5. Управни савет може одлучити да се укине тај допунски решершни извештај или да се смањи такса за решерш.
Члан 154. (брисан)
Члан 155. (брисан)
Члан 156. (брисан)
Члан 157. (брисан)
Члан 158. (брисан)
Једанаести део
Члан 159.
Члан 160.
Члан 161.
Члан 162.
Члан 163.
Дванаести део
Члан 164.
Правилник о спровођењу и протоколи
- (1)
- Правилник о спровођењу, Протокол о признању, Протокол о повластицама и имунитетима, Протокол о централизацији, Протокол којим се тумачи члан 69. и Протокол о запосленима су саставни део ове Конвенције.
- (2)
- У случају неслагања између текста ове Конвенције и текста Правилника о спровођењу, меродавне су одредбе Конвенције.
Члан 165.
Потпис -Ратификација
- (1)
- Ова конвенција је до 5. априла 1974. године отворена за потписивање државама које су учествовале на Међувладиној конференцији за установљење европског система признања патената, или које су биле обавештене о одржавању те конференције и којима је било понуђено да на њој учествују.
- (2)
- Ова конвенција подлеже ратификацији; инструменти за ратификацију подносе се влади Савезне Републике Немачке.
Члан 166.
(1) Ова конвенција је отворена за приступање:
(а) државама наведеним у члану 165. став 1;
(б) свакој другој европској држави којој Управни савет упути позив.
- (2)
- Свака држава која је била чланица ове Конвенције и која је престала да буде на основу примене члана 172. став 4. може поново постати чланица Конвенције тако што ће јој приступити.
- (3)
- Инструменти за приступање подносе се влади Савезне Републике Немачке.
Члан 167.
Члан 168.
Територијално подручје примене
- (1)
- Свака држава уговорница може изјавити у свом инструменту за ратификацију или приступање, или касније у било ком тренутку, у саопштењу упућеном влади Савезне Републике Немачке, да се Конвенција примењује на једној или више територија за које је она преузела обавезе у спољним пословима. Европски патенти признати за ту државу имају такође дејство на територијама за које та изјава има дејство.
- (2)
- Ако је изјава из става 1. дата у инструменту за ратификацију или приступање, она има дејство почев од дана ратификације или приступања; ако је изјава дата у саопштењу након подношења инструмента за ратификацију или приступање, то саопштење има дејство шест месеци након датума његовог пријема код владе Савезне Републике Немачке.
- (3)
- Свака држава уговорница може у сваком тренутку изјавити да престаје примена Конвенције у односу на неке или на све територије за које је дала изјаву на основу става 1. Та изјава има дејство након истека рока од једне године, рачунајући од дана када је влада Савезне Републике Немачке примила саопштење.
Члан 169.
Ступање на снагу
- (1)
- Ова Конвенција ступа на снагу три месеца након подношења последњег инструмента за ратификацију или приступање шест држава на чијој је територији укупан број поднетих пријава патената у 1970. години износио најмање 180 хиљада за све те државе.
- (2)
- Свака ратификација или приступање после ступања на снагу ове Конвенције има дејство првог дана трећег месеца након подношења инструмента за ратификацију или приступање.
Члан 170.
Приступна котизација
- (1)
- Свака држава која ратификује ову Конвенцију или јој приступи након њеног ступања на снагу, уплаћује Организацији приступну котизацију која се не враћа.
- (2)
- Приступна котизација је 5% од износа који за ту државу произлази на дан када је ратификација или приступање наведене државе ступило на снагу, на основу важећег кључа за расподелу посебних финансијских доприноса, предвиђеног у члану 40. ставови 3. и 4. примењеног на укупан износ посебних финансијских доприноса који дугују друге државе уговорнице по основу ранијих буџетских година.
- (3)
- У случају када нису били тражени посебни финансијски доприноси за буџетску годину која претходи години у којој пада датум наведен у ставу 2. начин расподеле, на који се позива наведени став, је онај који би био примењен у држави у питању за
последњу буџетску годину на основу које је извршено позивање на посебне финансијске доприносе.
Члан 171.
Трајање конвенције
Ова Конвенција је закључена на неограничено време.
Члан 172.
- (1)
- Ова Конвенција може бити ревидирана на конференцији држава уговорница.
- (2)
- Управни савет припрема и сазива конференцију. Конференција доноси пуноважне одлуке само ако су присутне најмање три четвртине уговорних држава чланица. Усвајање ревидираног текста захтева три четвртинску већину држава уговорница које су присутне на Конференцији и које гласају. Уздржавање се не сматра гласом.
- (3)
- Ревидирани текст Конвенције ступа на снагу након ратификације или приступања једног броја држава, који је одредила конференција и на дан који је она одредила.
- (4)
- Државе које на дан ступања на снагу ревидиране Конвенције нис