National Training Seminar on IP Valuation in the Philippines
November 1, 2024
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL), with support from Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global (FIT/Japan), organized a National Training Seminar on IP Valuation in Manila, the Philippines, on October 22-24, 2024.
This training seminar, conducted over three days, supports the deliverable of the ASEAN IPR Action Plan 2016-2025, as defined in point 17.2[1], and to provide complementary specialized resources regionally on agreed leading principles and IP valuation practices that will enable the creation of more transparent IP market relations and an environment of trust in IP transactions.
The first day was a hybrid event, with one hundred and five online and on-site participants made up of technology transfer professionals working in universities and research institutions, TISC staff, entrepreneurs and inventors. They were introduced to an overview of IP valuation. The subsequent two days were a deep dive into IP valuation topics for valuation professionals who already possess a basic understanding of the subject matter. This portion of the training seminar attracted forty-eight participants.
In his opening address, Mr. Rowel S. Barba, IPOPHL Director General, declared IPOPHL’s deep commitment to advancing IP valuation because “by fostering expertise in this specialized field, we can help innovators, researchers, and entrepreneurs maximize the commercial potential of their creations and fuel the growth of our knowledge-based economy.”
Ms. Ann Claire Cabochan, IPOPHL Deputy Director General, in her closing remarks emphasized that, “IP valuation is more than a technical process — it is the bridge that connects innovation with opportunity. It ensures that our inventors and creators' hard work and creativity are properly recognized and rewarded, allowing them to take their innovations to market with confidence”.
WIPO was represented by Mr. Michael Kos, IP for Innovators Department, who presented on the topics of Introduction to IP valuation on Day 1 and Introduction to IP and IP valuation on Day 2.

The following speakers shed light on the challenges and opportunities in IP valuation in the local context:
Mr. Chamlette D. Garcia, Assistant Director, Documentation, Information and Technology Transfer Bureau, IPOPHL - (Day 1)
Mr. Ralph Jarvis H. Alindogan, Director, Documentation, Information and Technology Transfer Bureau, IPOPHL - (Day 2)
- IP system in the country
Mr. Caezar Angelito E. Arceo, Chief, Invention Development Division, Technology Application and Promotion Institute, Department of Science and Technology (DOST-TAPI)
- IP valuation in the country - (Day 3)
Ms. Mary Jade T. Roxas-Divinagracia, Deals and Corporate Finance Managing Partner, PwC Philippines, Manila
- Input data and assumptions for valuation - (Day 2)
- Contribution of qualitative assessment to quantitative valuation - (Day 2)
Ms. Editha R Hechanova, Head of IP, HECHANOVA Group, Manila,
- Professionalism - (Day 3)
- Defining the engagement and considerations for specific applications/purposes - (Day 3)
- Valuation process - (Day 3)
Besides the local speakers, two international experts also shared their collective depth of knowledge in IP valuation:
Ms. Audrey Yap, Managing Director, Yusarn Audrey LLC, Singapore
- Qualitative analysis of IP - (Day 1)
- IP valuation report - (Day 1 & Day 3)
Mr. André Gorius, Chair of the LESI IP & Finance Task Force, Licensing Executives Society International
- Overview of valuation process - (Day 1)
- Performing the valuation - (Day 1)
- Quantitative analysis of IP - (Day 2)
- Deterministic valuation approaches - (Day 2)
- Probabilistic valuation approaches and advanced methods - (Day 2)
The exercises, group discussions and case study provided participants with a practical, hands-on experience, who provided positive feedback on this interactive and immersive approach.
The contents of the training seminar are based on the IP Valuation Toolkit which is available on the ASEAN IP Portal.